Top Items:

Still Standing, Jared Kushner and Ivanka Trump Step Back in the Spotlight — They have waited out, and in some cases ground down, their critics, and are ready to make a more visible push for their priorities. — WASHINGTON — They disappointed climate change activists who thought …

Maria Butina is just the tip of the Russia iceberg — By day, he ran a travel agency. Off hours, Jacob Golos worked for the Soviet Union. Unlike some of his fictional successors, he did not pretend to be a native. But from the time of its founding in 1927 until his death in 1943 …

Devin Nunes, Washington's Public Enemy No. 1 — What did the FBI do in the 2016 campaign? The head of the House inquiry on what he has found—and questions still unanswered. — Tulare, Calif. — It's 105 degrees as I stand with Rep. Devin Nunes on his family's dairy farm.

The baseless, shameful campaign to discredit Rod Rosenstein — John S. Martin served as U.S. district judge for the Southern District of New York from 1990 to 2003 and as U.S. attorney for that district from 1980 to 1983. — Deputy Attorney General Rod J. Rosenstein has become the latest bogeyman …

Russian Hackers Appear to Shift Focus to U.S. Power Grid — WASHINGTON — State-sponsored Russian hackers appear far more interested this year in demonstrating that they can disrupt the American electric utility grid than the midterm elections, according to United States intelligence officials and technology company executives.
No More Mister Nice Blog, NPR, The Moderate Voice, RT,, Hot Air, Political Wire, Engadget and Shareblue Media

Trump chairs election security meeting but gives no new orders to repel Russian interference — President Trump chaired a meeting Friday of his most senior national security advisers to discuss the administration's effort to safeguard November's elections from Russian interference …
ThinkProgress, The Root, Political Wire and NBC News

Cardinal Theodore McCarrick, facing sexual abuse reports, resigns from the College of Cardinals — Cardinal Theodore McCarrick, the former archbishop of Washington and longtime globe-trotting diplomat of the Catholic Church, resigned his position as a cardinal, the Vatican announced Saturday.
Reuters, Vox, The American Conservative, and Axios

Amsterdam ‘lawless jungle’ at night, ombudsman warns — Tourist hotspot Amsterdam transforms into a “lawless jungle” after dark with the police powerless to intervene against crime and violence, the city ombudsman has warned — Tourist hotspot Amsterdam turns into a “lawless jungle” …

Trump policy shop filters facts to fit his message — 'It's just another example of how we're moving to a post-fact era,' a former official says. — President Donald Trump's appointees in the health department have deleted positive references to Obamacare, altered a report that undermined …

Les Moonves and CBS Face Allegations of Sexual Misconduct — Six women accuse the C.E.O. of harassment and intimidation, and dozens more describe abuse at his company. — For more than twenty years, Leslie Moonves has been one of the most powerful media executives in America.
USA Today, Mother Jones, Politico, Hot Air, The Daily Beast, Outside the Beltway, Sputnik International, Instapundit, Variety, Observer, Bloomberg, Engadget, Vox, The Ringer, BloombergQuint, Mediaite, Mashable, IndieWire, AOL, TVNewser, KTLA, Showbiz411,, Breitbart, The Verge, NPR and The Gateway Pundit, more at Mediagazer »

The Case for a Trump-Russia Conspiracy Just Got a Little Stronger — CNN's bombshell scoop Thursday night shined a bright light yet again on the June 9, 2016 meeting at Trump Tower in Manhattan and raised the specter that President Donald Trump and his surrogates may have been lying …

Accused Russian agent met with suspected Kremlin spy — Mariia Butina's attorney insists the get-together was nothing more than one dinner with a prominent Russian official. — Accused Russian sleeper agent Mariia Butina met in January with the head of a Russian government-affiliated cultural center …
Raw Story

Trump's ex-lawyer: Giuliani hurt Trump's case by flip-flopping on Cohen — Washington (CNN)President Donald Trump's lawyer, Rudy Giuliani, substantially weakened his case against Michael Cohen by going back and forth as to whether Cohen could tell federal prosecutors the truth, said Jay Goldberg …
The Resurgent, Raw Story, POLITICUSUSA, The Week, Joe.My.God., Political Wire and Fox News, more at Mediagazer »

Our socialist president — For three months in 1917, Leon Trotsky lived in the Bronx, just south of the congressional district where Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez recently defeated a 10-term incumbent in a Democratic primary. Because she calls herself a democratic socialist, the word “socialism” …
Raw Story and Cafe Hayek

Capitalist Elizabeth Warren has the right antidote to socialism and Trumpism — Warren's choice to own her capitalism is good news for the Democratic Party, and for capitalism. — Sen. Elizabeth Warren's recent remark that she is a “capitalist to my bones” is being treated as some kind of news …

City official: 5 dead in Robstown shooting — ROBSTOWN — Five people are dead after two shootings along the same stretch of road. — About 7 p.m. Friday, Robstown police were called to the Retama Manor nursing home in the 600 block of East Avenue J, City Secretary Herman Rodriguez said.
The Daily Caller, Breitbart and KRIS 6 News

Federal judge to appoint independent monitor for detained migrant children — Los Angeles (CNN)A federal judge said Friday she will appoint an independent monitor to keep tabs on the conditions migrant children are kept in after they are detained along parts of the southern border.
Talking Points Memo and ImmigrationProf Blog

As Affordable Housing Crisis Grows, HUD Sits on the Sidelines — WASHINGTON — The country is in the grips of an escalating housing affordability crisis. Millions of low-income Americans are paying 70 percent or more of their incomes for shelter, while rents continue to rise and construction …

British ‘fake news’ committee says democracy is facing a crisis — LONDON — The “very future of democracy” is being threatened by “fake news,” a British parliamentary committee is warning, and the government response should include making tech companies legally liable and subject to algorithm audits.

War Between Kimberly Guilfoyle and Fox News Explodes Over Dueling ‘D*ck Pics’ Claims … The bitter, long-brewing war between Fox News and former Fox host Kimberly Guilfoyle has taken a very public detour into territory strangely familiar for the conservative media behemoth: hotly disputed dick-pic allegations.
Raw Story, Chicks On The Right, Daily Wire and Vox, more at Mediagazer »

Donkey herds are dwindling as hungry Venezuelans slaughter them for food — A few years ago, there were so many donkeys, or burros, in the Venezuelan state of Falcón that they were a problem — herds everywhere, causing highway crashes and blocking airport runways.
Scared Monkeys and Campus Reform

‘A different level of intensity’: Collins and Murkowski find pressure over Supreme Court lacks emotional pleas on health care — Last year's Republican effort to repeal Obamacare might seem quite similar to this summer's battle over the nomination of Judge Brett M. Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court.
Ari Honarvar / The Nation:
A 6-Year-Old Girl Was Sexually Abused in an Immigrant-Detention Center — Separated from her mother by Trump's zero-tolerance policy, the child was forced to sign a statement confirming that she understood it was her responsibility to stay away from her abuser.
Splinter, Vox and ProPublica

Sanctions on Russia's Rusal could be lifted, Mnuchin says — Pompeo hearing gets heated over what Trump told Putin — (CNN)The Trump administration is looking into lifting sanctions against a major Russian aluminum company founded by one of Vladimir Putin's closest allies.

Schumer plays long game, avoids hardball with centrist Democrats over Supreme Court pick — The top Democrat in the Senate has vowed to fight President Trump's Supreme Court nominee with everything he's got. Just don't expect him to crack down on his red-state Democrats who go rogue and back Judge Brett M. Kavanaugh.
Washington Monthly

Illiberal Values — Coming of age in the Seventies as a Midwesterner, a Mormon, and a resident of a town of about five hundred people, I didn't get to meet a lot of outspoken liberals, but those I did meet made strong impressions on me. I was too young to understand the intricacies of their politics …

Guantánamo prison commander: We've gotten no word of incoming prisoners — GUANTANAMO BAY NAVY BASE, CUBA — The commander in charge of Guantánamo prison operations said Friday that he has received no orders to prepare for new war on terror detainees, leaving uncertain …
Erin Powell / KUSA-TV:
Trump's portrait isn't on display in the Colorado Capitol, but Putin's briefly was — President Donald Trump's portrait will be added to the state capitol once enough money is raised to make it happen. So far, no one has donated. — DENVER — There's a blank space on the Colorado Capitol's wall of presidential portraits.
Bustle, The Daily Caller, Mediaite and HuffPost