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3:20 PM ET, October 13, 2018


 Top Items: 
New York Times:
Kushner Likely Paid No Federal Income Taxes for Years, Documents Show  —  Confidential documents reviewed by The Times indicate that Jared Kushner, President Trump's son-in-law and adviser, probably paid little or no income tax from 2009 to 2016.  —  Over the past decade …
New York Times:
How Jared Kushner Avoided Paying Taxes  —  President Trump's son-in-law and senior adviser appears to have paid almost no federal income taxes for several years running.  —  Jared Kushner has a net worth of almost $324 million, and his company has been profitable.
CBS News:
Trump vows “severe punishment” if Saudi Arabia is behind missing journalist  —  President Trump tells 60 Minutes Saudi Arabia has denied playing a part in the disappearance of Jamal Khashoggi, but says the case is being investigated.  See the full interview Sunday, Oct. 14 at 7:30 p.m. ET and 7 p.m. PT on CBS.
Associated Press:
Newspaper says Turkey has audio of Saudi writer's slaying  —  ISTANBUL (AP) — Turkish officials have an audio recording of the alleged killing of journalist Jamal Khashoggi from the Apple Watch he wore when he walked into the Saudi Consulate in Istanbul over a week ago, a pro-government Turkish newspaper reported Saturday.
New York Times:
‘Davos in the Desert,’ a Saudi Prince's Glittering Showcase, Is Stained by a Grisly Accusation  —  WASHINGTON — The participants nicknamed it “Davos in the Desert,” which captures the lofty ambitions of the annual investor conference scheduled to convene in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, this month.
David Ignatius / Washington Post:
Jamal Khashoggi's long road to the doors of the Saudi Consulate
Tamer El-Ghobashy / Washington Post:
Khashoggi mystery fixes spotlight on Saudi official described as crown prince's strategist, enforcer
Discussion: The New Arab
Ben Rhodes / The Atlantic:   A Fatal Abandonment of American Leadership
Brad Reed / Raw Story:   Trump Jr. promotes tweet smearing missing Saudi journalist Jamal Khashoggi as a secret terrorist ally
Ben Sasse / Wall Street Journal:
Politics Can't Solve Our Political Problems  —  Our tribalism has a deeper source in the disintegration of communities and an epidemic of loneliness.  The only real answers start at home.  —  The Supreme Court confirmation process for Brett Kavanaugh didn't fully break the nation …
Discussion: Washington Monthly
Jake Offenhartz / Gothamist:
Videos Allegedly Show Proud Boys Beating Protesters After Gavin McInnes Event At Manhattan GOP Club  —  A mob of pro-Trump right wing extremists appear to have beaten a small group of protesters in the streets of Manhattan on Friday night, following an appearance at the Metropolitan Republican Club by Proud Boys founder Gavin McInnes.
Discussion: ThinkProgress and Mediaite
Bari Weiss / New York Times:
What Do You Do When You Are Anonymously Accused of Rape?  —  The writer Stephen Elliott is suing Moira Donegan, the creator of the Media Men list.  —  Ms. Weiss is a writer and editor in the Opinion section.  —  What do you do if you are accused of sexual misconduct and believe yourself to be innocent?
Brent D. Griffiths / Politico:
Trump praises Robert E. Lee during Ohio rally  —  President Donald Trump praised Confederate General Robert E. Lee at a rally in Ohio Friday night during a soliloquy in which he also praised a number of Ohioans, including Union General Ulysses S. Grant.  —  “So Robert E. Lee was a great general …
Veronica Rocha / CNN:
Trump tells story of Lincoln's “phobia,” says Grant is “finally being recognized as a great general”
Alex Isenstadt / Politico:
'We've never seen anything like this': GOP overwhelmed by Democratic cash  —  The gush of spending in House races has triggered recriminations on the right as the party tries to salvage its majority.  —  A deluge of Democratic spending in the final days of the battle for the House …
Los Angeles Times:
Top GOP funding group snubs incumbents Rohrabacher and Walters 3 weeks before midterm election
Discussion: Political Wire and Politico
New York Times:
Now for Rent: Email Addresses and Phone Numbers for Millions of Trump Supporters  —  WASHINGTON — Early in his presidential campaign, Donald J. Trump dismissed political data as an “overrated” tool.  But after he won the Republican nomination, his team began building a database that offers …
Jonathan Swan / Axios:
Scoop: Pat Cipollone filling out paperwork to be White House Counsel  —  Washington litigator Pat Cipollone is expected to be President Trump's pick to replace Don McGahn as White House Counsel, according to four sources familiar with the sensitive internal conversations.
David Royer / WREG-TV:
Man run over by lawn mower while trying to kill son with chainsaw  —  BRISTOL, Tenn. - A man who police say was run over with a lawn mower while trying to kill his son with a chain saw has had to have his leg amputated.  —  The Bristol Herald Courier reports that a warrant …
Susan Ferrechio / Washington Examiner:
How McConnell finally came around on Trump: ‘I look at the results’  —  Just two years ago, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell was looking for a way to defeat Donald Trump in the Republican presidential primary, and told colleagues they would “drop him like a hot rock” if the flamboyant real estate mogul won the nomination.
Discussion: Political Wire
NBC News:   Behind the Senate deal to confirm scores of conservative judges
White House considers two female ambassadors to replace Haley at U.N.  —  Aides have said the president is inclined to select a woman for the post and that they are looking to place somebody already in the administration.  —  The White House is adding two high-profile women …
Meridith McGraw / ABC News:
Trump to host freed detainee Pastor Brunson at the White House  —  American pastor Mark Brunson is expected to visit the White House Saturday after being released from almost two years of detention in Turkey.  —  Brunson landed at Joint Base Andrews around noon with his wife, Norine.
New York Times:   ‘Donald Trump in Full’: The President's Very Talkative, Very Televised Week
Trip Gabriel / New York Times:
As Suburban Women Turn to Democrats, Many Suburban Men Stand With Trump  —  DUBLIN, Ohio — Robert Peters and George Fidelibus walked off the 18th green at the Golf Club of Dublin, then carried pints of beer to the patio overlooking the course, which was framed by $500,000 homes.
Discussion: The Gateway Pundit
Fox News:
New details emerge on anti-Trump dossier as House GOP seeks Fusion GPS boss testimony  —  House Republicans still want Glenn Simpson, the co-founder of the firm behind the anti-Trump dossier, to comply with their subpoena to appear on Capitol Hill despite his plans to invoke Fifth Amendment protections …
David Dayen / The Intercept:
Seed, Pesticide and Banking Monopolies — Not Immigrants — Are Destroying Farm Country.  An Iowa Insurgent Hopes That Message Can Dethrone Steve King  —  SPENCER, Iowa — “The step's broken, so watch yourself on the way up,” says J.D. Scholten, as he hops into the Winnebago that's been his mode …
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 More Items: 
Glenn Thrush / New York Times:
With Market Hot, Landlords Slam the Door on Section 8 Tenants
Structuring your business if there's no Brexit deal
Discussion: Politico
Bill Gertz / Washington Free Beacon:
Bolton Warns Chinese Military to Halt Dangerous Naval Encounters
Josh Rogin / Washington Post:
Giselle Donnelly can finally be herself
Brian Kahn / Earther:
Trump Signs Actually Good Bill To Clean Up Ocean Garbage
Adam B. Schiff / Washington Post:
How a Democratic House would check this erratic president
 Earlier Items: 
Elliot Dinkin / CNBC:
40% of the American middle class face poverty in retirement, study concludes
Bret Stephens / New York Times:
Democrats Are Blowing It, Again
Discussion: Young Conservatives
Amanda Woods / New York Post:
Teacher who smiled for mugshot pleads guilty to sex with student
Christian Vasquez / Politico:
West Virginia's voting experiment stirs security fears
Discussion: Political Wire
Michael Tackett / New York Times:
Joe Biden Doesn't Hold Back on Trump: He's ‘Trashing American Values’
Discussion: Axios, Political Wire and HuffPost
Denver Post:
Endorsement: Mike Coffman's morality must be rewarded in this age of Trump
Star Tribune:
Wardlow says he'd fire Democrats in Minnesota AG's office
Discussion: Daily Kos

From Techmeme:

The Information:
Source: Altman told investors that OpenAI could become a for-profit business not controlled by its nonprofit board; Microsoft execs favor a for-profit option

Andrew Williams / Wired:
Apple may not be bringing Apple Intelligence to iPhone 15, which has 6GB of RAM vs. iPhone 15 Pro's 8GB, due to RAM requirements for on-device AI processing

Caroline O'Donovan / Washington Post:
Leaked documents reveal life-threatening issues at Amazon's primary-care service One Medical, raising concerns about Amazon's frugal approach to health care

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