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4:50 PM ET, October 17, 2018


 Top Items: 
New York Times:
Audio Contains Gruesome Details of Khashoggi Killing, Turkish Official Says  —  ISTANBUL — His killers were waiting when Jamal Khashoggi walked into the Saudi consulate in Istanbul two weeks ago.  They severed his fingers during an interrogation and later beheaded and dismembered him …
Washington Post:
Pompeo hears Turkey's accusations against Saudi Arabia in Khashoggi case  —  ANKARA, Turkey — Secretary of State Mike Pompeo received a firsthand briefing Wednesday on Turkey's claims that Jamal Khashoggi was killed by Saudi agents, but he did not listen to an audio recording that Turkey …
Dexter Filkins / New Yorker:
In the Wake of Khashoggi's Disappearance, Saudi Arabia's Crown Prince Is Pushed to the Brink  —  It seems nearly certain now that Jamal Khashoggi, the Saudi journalist, died a slow and agonizing death, the kind that none of us could dare imagine for ourselves.
Ben Hubbard / New York Times:
Saudi Arabia Delivers $100 Million Pledged to U.S. as Pompeo Lands in Riyadh  —  BEIRUT, Lebanon — This summer, Saudi Arabia promised the Trump administration $100 million for American efforts to stabilize areas in Syria liberated from the Islamic State.  —  That money landed in American accounts …
David Ignatius / Washington Post:
MBS's rampaging anger will not silence questions about Jamal Khashoggi
Yeni Safak:
Recordings reveal Khashoggi tortured then dismembered while still alive
Discussion: TalkLeft and Splinter
Alex Pappas / Fox News:
GOP senators urge consequences for Saudi Arabia, as Trump warns against rush to judgment
Kayla Webley Adler / Marie Claire:
“It Shouldn't Be a Crime In This World to Speak Your Mind”
Discussion: Bloomberg, ThinkProgress and HuffPost
Mueller Ready to Deliver Key Findings in His Trump Probe, Sources Say  — Rosenstein is pressing Mueller to wrap it up, official says  — Next steps expected to occur after November midterm elections  —  Special Counsel Robert Mueller is expected to issue findings on core aspects …
Victoria McGrane /
Elizabeth Warren defends decision to release DNA test  —  Senator Elizabeth Warren defended the timing of her decision to release the results of a DNA test just ahead of the midterm elections, telling the Globe Tuesday that she went public as soon as possible to begin deflecting the constant taunting …
Peter Hamby / Vanity Fair:
“You Can't Out-Trump Trump”: Elizabeth Warren Shows Democrats How to Lose in 2020  —  Warren's maneuver stands as a warning sign for other presidential contenders.  Getting into the mud pit with Trump—who doesn't care about political decorum, rules, sexism, racism, name-calling, facts …
Tammy Bruce / Washington Times:   Elizabeth Warren and her little DNA story
David Morgan / Reuters:
McConnell says Senate Republicans might revisit Obamacare repeal  —  WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Republicans could try again to repeal Obamacare if they win enough seats in U.S. elections next month, Senate Republican Leader Mitch McConnell said on Wednesday, calling a failed 2017 push to repeal the healthcare law a “disappointment.”
Eric Levitz / New York Magazine:
Please Stop Helping Mitch McConnell Lie About the Deficit  —  The Republican Party has spent much of this year warning voters that Democrats want to get the government's hands on their Medicare.  The party's House candidates have savaged Nancy Pelosi for passing (fictional) cuts to Medicare benefits …
Washington Post:   Senior Treasury employee charged with leaking documents related to Russia probe
Daniel B. Shapiro / Haaretz:
Opinion Why the Khashoggi Murder Is a Disaster for Israel  —  The grisly hit-job on Khashoggi has implications far beyond its exposure of the Saudi Crown Prince as brutal and reckless.  In Jerusalem and D.C., they're mourning their whole strategic concept for the Mideast - not least, for countering Iran
Khashoggi disappearance prompts Kushner retreat from Saudi frontlines
Discussion: Splinter
The Independent:   ‘The greatest embarrassment’: Inside the kingdom, Saudis rattled by handling of Jamal Khashoggi case
Nate Silver / FiveThirtyEight:
Forecasting the races for governor  —  Our forecast for every race for governor  —  What share of the national population Democrats and Republicans are expected to govern, based on the most likely winner in each of the 36 gubernatorial elections taking place in 2018 and who controls the 14 seats not up for election.
Bill McMorris / Washington Free Beacon:
Two GOP Candidates Assaulted in Minnesota  —  Attacks come as state Democrats suspend staffer for beheading post  —  The Minnesota Democratic Party has suspended a spokesman for calling for violence against Republicans even as two GOP candidates have been assaulted in suspected politically motivated attacks.
Pete Kotz / City Pages:
‘Anarchists,’ middle-class avengers are attacking Minnesota GOP candidates
Erica Orden / CNN:
Michael Cohen meets with prosecutors investigating Trump's family business, charity  —  (CNN)Michael Cohen and his attorney met Wednesday with a group of state and federal law enforcement officials investigating various aspects of President Donald Trump's family business and charitable organization …
Associated Press:
Read the transcript of AP's interview with President Trump  —  A transcript of an Oval Office interview Tuesday with President Donald Trump by AP White House reporters Catherine Lucey, Zeke Miller and Jonathan Lemire:  —  President Trump: How is the business of the news?  We're keeping you busy?
Heather Vogell / ProPublica:
Pump and Trump  —  Donald Trump claims he only licensed his name for real estate projects developed by others.  But an investigation of a dozen Trump deals shows deep family involvement in projects that often involved deceptive practices.  —  SINCE DONALD TRUMP'S FORTUNES came surging …
Wes Siler / Outside Online:
Ryan Zinke Has Fired the DOI Inspector General … At last count, Interior Secretary Ryan Zinke was the subject of 14 separate government investigations.  (A new record!)  But that number could soon be zero.  That's because Zinke just fired the Department of the Interior's acting inspector general.
Shayna Jacobs / New York Daily News:
FBI looking at Manhattan district attorney's office over potential undue influence in handling of cases: sources  —  FBI agents are probing the Manhattan district attorney's office over its handling of high-profile cases that were dropped once lawyers for the well-connected subjects made donations, the Daily News has learned.
Darren Samuelsohn / Politico:
Judge orders Manafort to court in prison clothing  —  A federal judge on Wednesday rejected Paul Manafort's request to wear a professional suit during a hearing later this week about his sentence, noting the former Trump campaign chairman is now a convicted felon who has lost the right …
Discussion: Washington Monthly
Nicole Lafond / Talking Points Memo:
Judge Denies Manafort Request To Wear Suit To All Future Court Hearings
Discussion: Vox, Political Wire and Joe.My.God.
Ben Brasch / Atlanta Journal-Constitution:
Cobb voters energized by governor's race wait 3 hours for early voting  —  Democracy was built to be a slow, deliberative process.  But that sentiment probably doesn't mean much to Cobb County residents getting into a three-hour line to vote.  —  Janine Eveler, head of elections in Cobb …
Discussion: Raw Story, Daily Kos and politics.myajc
Anna Schecter / NBC News:
White nationalist leader is plotting to ‘take over the GOP’  —  Identity Evropa is pushing its members to stealthily infiltrate Republican politics to move the party towards its agenda of banning non-white immigration.  —  Patrick Casey blended in easily with the buttoned-up crowd …
Discussion: Breitbart, LifeZette and
Washington Post:
Record number of families crossing U.S. border, as Trump threatens new crackdown  —  The number of migrant parents entering the United States with children has surged to record levels in the three months since President Trump ended family separations at the border, dealing the administration …
New York Times:
To Avoid Conflicts, Rick Scott Created a Trust Blind in Name Only  —  TALLAHASSEE, Fla. — Rick Scott had been governor of Florida for barely three months when questions first mounted about conflicts of interest.  Fabulously wealthy but a newcomer to politics, Mr. Scott mandated random drug testing …
Washington Post:
Witness to the killing  —  In many homicides, police believe they know the killer's identity but can't get a witness to cooperate  —  As his wife began taking the groceries into their apartment, Kenneth Moore stayed planted in the driver's seat of his car, turned up the music and lit a blunt.
Dominic Patten / Deadline:
‘The Conners’ Debut Ratings Steady With ‘Roseanne’ Finale; Falls From Opener  —  Nearly six months after Roseanne ended its initial revival run and the volatile Roseanne Barr crashed the now cancelled show, The Conners premiered last night in a hope to turn tragedy into triumph or at least a solid success.
George Eaton / New Statesman:
Francis Fukuyama interview: “Socialism ought to come back”  —  The End of History author on what Karl Marx got right, the rivals to liberal democracy and why he fears a US-China war.  —  History is having its revenge on Francis Fukuyama.  In 1992, at the height of post-Cold War liberal exuberance …
Kelly Conaboy / The Cut:
Halloween Candy, Ranked  —  I don't mean to frighten you, but I recently came across a terrible Halloween candy.  It was hanging in the Halloween candy aisle of a local Walgreens and it was called Sour Patch Kids Candy Corn.  Until the moment I put a piece into my mouth …
Raphael Satter / Associated Press:
Newly published files confirm plan to move Assange to Russia  —  LONDON (AP) — Julian Assange: Hacker.  Journalist.  Diplomat?  —  Newly released Ecuadorean government documents have laid bare an unorthodox attempt to extricate the WikiLeaks founder from his embassy hideaway in London …
Twin Cities:
In unsealed divorce filings, Rep. Keith Ellison says ex-wife abused him  —  Keith Ellison's divorce records unsealed Wednesday contain no allegations the Minnesota congressman physically abused his ex-wife, but he said in a 2015 filing that Kim Ellison repeatedly hit him throughout their 25-year marriage.
Discussion: Political Wire and MinnPost
Kevin Roose / New York Times:
In Virginia House Race, Anonymous Attack Ads Pop Up on Facebook  —  A competitive race in Virginia's 10th Congressional District has an alarming new element: anonymous attack ads on Facebook.  —  The ads, which appeared on a Facebook page called “Wacky Wexton Not,” were purchased by a critic …
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 More Items: 
Khorri Atkinson / Axios:
This robot co-taught a course at West Point
Jim Tankersley / New York Times:
No, Trump's Tax Cut Isn't Paying for Itself (at Least Not Yet)
Discussion: Vox
Suzanne Vranica / Wall Street Journal:
Advertisers Allege Facebook Failed to Disclose Key Metric Error for More Than a Year
(NY-19) Values
April Reese / Popular Science:
The most important science policy issue in every state
Sam Levin / The Guardian:
Salesforce CEO: tech billionaires ‘hoard their money’ and won't help homeless
 Earlier Items: 
Sarah Holder / CityLab:
Why Are So Many People In San Jose Fighting Housing for Teachers?
Discussion: Joanne Jacobs
McClatchy Washington Bureau:
Why taking back the Senate won't get much easier for Dems after 2018
Kristen Jordan Shamus / Detroit Free Press:
Michigan pharmacist refuses medicine to woman having miscarriage
Discussion: Raw Story
Washington Post:
Growing number of Republicans sounding a lot like Democrats ahead of elections
Discussion: New Republic
Nick Corasaniti / New York Times:
Nancy Scola / Politico:
Massive Twitter data release sheds light on Russia's Trump strategy

From Mediagazer:

Jason Parham / Wired:
Q&A with HuffPost editor Phil Lewis on aggregating news on X, being a “newsfluencer”, Black media and Black newsrooms, the future of news, and more

Catherine Perloff / Adweek:
The Trade Desk threatens to demonetize Yahoo video ad inventory, saying Yahoo had misrepresented inventory as “in-stream”; Yahoo says it's working on changes

Raksha Kumar / Reuters Institute:
How news outlets Newslaundry, The News Minute, The Wire, The Caravan, and Scroll, joined forces to report on India's elections with the help of audience funding

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