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8:55 PM ET, August 7, 2019


 Top Items: 
Margaret Sullivan / Washington Post:
Tucker Carlson's claim that white supremacy is a hoax is easy to prove wrong.  Just watch his show.  —  In his ongoing and remarkably successful quest to be the worst of the Fox News nighttime hosts, Tucker Carlson hit a new low on his Tuesday show.  —  White supremacy, he claimed …
Mehdi Hasan / The Intercept:
These 7 Prominent Conservatives Have Nothing in Common With White Supremacists, Nothing at All  —  Photo: AAron Ontiveroz/MediaNews Group/The Denver Post via Getty Images  —  In the wake of the El Paso massacre, the prominent conservative commentator Ben Shapiro — aka the “cool kid's philosopher” …
Elizabeth Chuck / NBC News:
A ‘hero’ grandfather, a teen, an Army vet: These are the victims of the El Paso massacre  —  A gunman opened fire at a Walmart Saturday, killing 22.  —  The trip to Walmart was supposed to be fun: an excuse for David Johnson and his wife, Kathy, to take their 9-year-old granddaughter …
Discussion: NPR,, Task & Purpose and KTLA
Josh Israel / ThinkProgress:
Susan Collins has a predictably pathetic response to El Paso and Dayton shootings
Discussion: Common Dreams
R. Derek Black / USA Today:
I grew up a white nationalist. We never blamed ourselves for mass shootings like El Paso.
Aída Chávez / The Intercept:
Democrats Are Resurfacing a Gun Control Bill That Contains an Anti-Immigrant Amendment
Discussion: WDEF-TV and CNSNews
Timothy Archuleta / El Paso Times:
Mr. President, the hatred of the El Paso shooting didn't come from our city
Safid Deen / Sun-Sentinel:
Dolphins' Kenny Stills calls out team owner Steve Ross for hosting Trump luncheon … Miami Dolphins owner Steve Ross was publicly criticized by the most outspoken NFL player on his team Wednesday for his plan to host a pricey fundraiser supporting President Donald Trump's 2020 re-election at his New York residence later this week.
Fran Tirado / Election:
The Owner of Equinox Is Hosting a Huge Fundraiser for Trump  —  Time to think about ethical consumption, fitness gays!  —  Heads up, gym bunnies.  Yet another brand we consume in our vast, daily practice of capitalism has been implicated into the problematic views of billionaires.
Lisette Voytko / Forbes:   Backlash Hits Billionaire Stephen Ross—Equinox, SoulCycle, Dolphins Owner—Over Trump Fundraiser
Michelle Ye Hee Lee / Washington Post:
Billionaire owner of SoulCycle, Miami Dolphins faces backlash over Trump fundraiser
Marianne Dodson / The Daily Beast:
Billionaire Owner of Equinox, SoulCycle to Host Trump Fundraiser in Hamptons
Discussion: Townhall and Washington Post
Associated Press:
ICE raids food plants on day of Trump visit to grieving city  —  MORTON, Miss. (AP) — U.S. immigration officials raided several Mississippi food processing plants on Wednesday, part of a large-scale operation carried out by President Donald Trump's administration that targeted both corporations and their largely Latino employees.
Associated Press:
The Latest: Mississippi immigration raids net 680 arrests  —  MORTON, Miss. (AP) — The Latest on immigration raids at Mississippi food processing plants (all times local):  —  U.S. immigration officials say raids at seven food processing plants in Mississippi resulted in 680 arrests.
Discussion: Slate, Axios and Boing Boing
Camilo Montoya-Galvez / CBS News:   ICE rounds up hundreds of undocumented workers in immigration sweeps in Mississippi
McConnell's campaign suspended from Twitter for posting critic's profanity-laced video  —  Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell's campaign has been thrown in Twitter jail.  —  After sharing a video of a profanity-laced protest outside of the Kentucky Republican's home in Louisville …
Chuck Ross / The Daily Caller:
Twitter Locked McConnell Campaign's Account For Posting Video Of Protesters Outside Senator's Home  — Twitter forced at least three accounts, including that of Mitch McConnell's campaign, to remove video of protesters calling for violence outside the senator's home.
Discussion: The Gateway Pundit and
Michael Edison Hayden / Southern Poverty Law Center:
U.S. State Department Official Involved in White Nationalist Movement, Hatewatch Determines  —  A U.S. State Department official oversaw the Washington, D.C.-area chapter of a white nationalist organization, hosted white nationalists at his home and published white nationalist propaganda online, Hatewatch has determined.
Orion Rummler / Axios:
Trump attacks Ohio politicians, Biden, Fox News after visiting shooting victims  —  In a series of tweets after visiting victims of the mass shooting in Dayton, Ohio, President Trump accused Sen. Sherrod Brown (D-Ohio) and Dayton Mayor Nan Whaley of lying in a press conference …
Daniel Dale / CNN:
Fact check: Trump falsely accuses Sherrod Brown, Dayton mayor of misrepresenting his hospital visit  —  Washington (CNN)President Donald Trump, his press secretary and his director of social media accused Ohio Sen. Sherrod Brown and Dayton Mayor Nan Whaley, both of whom are Democrats …
Discussion: Politico, Townhall, NPR and Boing Boing
Nahal Toosi / Politico:
Iraqi man dies after Trump administration deports him  —  A 41-year-old Detroit man deported to Iraq in June died Tuesday, according to the American Civil Liberties Union and two people close the man's family.  —  The man, Jimmy Aldaoud, spent most of his life in the U.S. …
Discussion: Facebook
Daniel Lippman / Politico:
White House drafting executive order to tackle Silicon Valley's alleged anti-conservative bias  —  The White House is circulating drafts of a proposed executive order that would address allegations of anti-conservative bias by social media companies, according to a White House official …
Brooke Singman / Fox News:
Joaquin Castro outed one of his own donors in bid to shame Trump supporters  —  EXCLUSIVE: Trump donors whose names and employers were posted in a highly controversial tweet by Democratic Rep. Joaquin Castro blasted the Texas congressman on Wednesday for what they described as a “ridiculous” …
Erick Erickson / The Resurgent:
This Is Highly Irresponsible. Why Are Some in the Media Defending It?
Discussion: Daily Wire and BizPac Review
Tom Vanden Brook / USA Today:
USA TODAY headquarters evacuated; police confirm report of man with a weapon  —  WASHINGTON — USA TODAY's headquarters in McLean, Virginia was being evacuated Wednesday amid a heavy police presence after police reported a man with a weapon at the suburban Washington building.
Nate Cohn / New York Times:
Don't Assume Trump's Approval Rating Can't Climb Higher.  It Already Has.  —  Millions of Americans who did not like the president in 2016 now say they do.  —  Donald J. Trump doesn't always seem like a candidate focused on expanding his base of support.  He may have done so anyway.
Discussion: Spectator USA
Jennifer Rubin / Washington Post:
Cory Booker delivers an impassioned — and impressive — speech in Charleston  —  On Wednesday morning, Sen. Cory Booker (D-N.J.) went to the Emanuel African Methodist Episcopal Church in Charleston, S.C., where, four years ago, white supremacist Dylann Roof fatally shot nine people at a Bible study class.
Discussion: EURweb
New York Times:
2020 Democrats Say Trump Is Fostering Hatred, Not Fighting It
Discussion: USA Today
New York Times:
Pondering Impeachment, House Sues Don McGahn, Ex-White House Counsel, for Testimony  —  The Judiciary Committee hopes a federal judge will strike down the White House's “absolute immunity” claims, clearing the way for testimony from key witnesses to the special counsel.
Discussion: Slate
Karen DeYoung / Washington Post:
Kimberly Breier resigns as assistant secretary of state for Western Hemisphere  —  Kimberly Breier, the assistant secretary of state for the Western Hemisphere since October, has resigned, leaving a key vacancy at the top of the diplomatic office in charge of the Trump administration's efforts …
Maggie Haberman / New York Times:
A Divisive Voice Once Again Has Trump's Ear  —  WASHINGTON — As President Trump doubles down on a re-election approach of stoking fear of immigrants, he is once again elevating a voice of validation — and many say racism — that he discovered during his last presidential campaign.
Khadeeja Safdar / Wall Street Journal:
Leslie Wexner Says Jeffrey Epstein ‘Misappropriated Vast Sums of Money From Me’  —  Billionaire behind Victoria's Secret, in letter to foundation, says disgraced financier misappropriated at least $46 million  —  Leslie Wexner, the billionaire behind Victoria's Secret …
Farm Discontent Spills Over as Ag Secretary Is Confronted in Minnesota  — Agriculture secretary hears criticism of Trump's trade war  — Farmers say they fear long-term damage that aid won't repair  —  Farmers' discontent over President Donald Trump's escalating trade war …
Daniel Marans / HuffPost:
Elizabeth Warren Proposes A Public Option For The Internet  —  The White House contender wants to make sure every U.S. home has a fiber broadband connection at an affordable cost.  —  Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.) announced a plan Wednesday to create a public option for the internet, aiming to ensure universal broadband access.
John Solomon / The Hill:
George Soros's secret 2016 access to State exposes ‘big money’ hypocrisy of Democrats  —  Liberal mega-donor George Soros made some big bets during the last U.S. presidential election.  One was that Hillary Clinton would win the presidency.  Another was that he could reshape Ukraine's government …
Washington Post:
Trump's openness to extensive background checks for gun buys draws warning from NRA  —  President Trump has repeatedly told lawmakers and aides in private conversations that he is open to endorsing extensive background checks in the wake of two mass shootings, prompting a warning …
Discussion: The Trace, VICE and Talking Points Memo
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 More Items: 
Robby Soave / Reason:
Democratic Socialists of America Voted To Establish an Anti-Fascist Working Group.  It Was Controversial.
Laura Nahmias / New York Daily News:
Rules for thee but not for me: the de Blasio principle
CBS News:
Cyntoia Brown, alleged sex-trafficking victim who killed man as teen, walks free after 15 years
Mohammed Hanif / New York Times:
India Annexes Kashmir and Brings Us Back to Partition
Harry Jaffe / Washington Post:
The Trump Appointee Who's Putting White Supremacists in Jail
Discussion: The Atlantic
Donald Trump / Newsweek:
Veterans: We call on gun dealers and responsible owners to prevent the next shooting | Opinion
Rishika Dugyala / Politico:
Steve Bullock: Trump reelection ‘more likely with each passing minute’
Discussion: FiveThirtyEight and Political Wire
 Earlier Items: 
Theodoric Meyer / Politico:
U.S. Soccer hires lobbyists to argue women's national team isn't underpaid
Discussion: Deadspin
Colleen Flaherty / Inside Higher Ed:
N-Word at the New School  —  Another professor is under fire …
Discussion: The College Fix
Aimee Picchi / CBS News:
Cheesecake Factory and others warn of new risk: “Active shooter situations”
Helen Lewis / The Atlantic:
To Learn About the Far Right, Start With the ‘Manosphere’
Discussion: Daily Kos
Jonathan M. Katz / The Long Version:
How the New York Times made ‘The Charlottesville Lie’ hoax possible
Heather Havrilesky / The Cut:
My In-Laws Are Careless About My Deadly Food Allergy!