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4:20 PM ET, September 11, 2019


 Top Items: 
New York Times:
White House Pressed Agency to Repudiate Weather Forecasters Who Contradicted Trump  —  WASHINGTON — The White House was directly involved in pressing a federal scientific agency to repudiate the weather forecasters who contradicted President Trump's claim that Hurricane Dorian would probably strike Alabama …
Washington Post:
President Trump ordered staff to correct statement that contradicted his inaccurate Alabama hurricane claim  —  Lawmakers, Commerce Department launch investigations into NOAA's decision to back President Trump over forecasters  —  President Trump told his staff that the National Oceanic …
Caitlin Oprysko / Politico:
Trump denies asking Mulvaney to pressure federal agency on hurricane claims
House Committee on Science, Space and Technology:   Committee Launches Investigation into Commerce Department's Involvement in NOAA Actions Regarding Hurricane Dorian
Domenico Montanaro / NPR:
Poll: Democrats Most Like Warren, But Voters Overall Are Lukewarm On Democrats, Trump  —  Toggle more options  —  Elizabeth Warren is on the rise among Democratic voters, but she and other Democrats are less popular with the overall electorate, raising concerns about a bruising primary …
Ryan Lizza / Politico:
Biden camp thinks the media just doesn't get it  —  The first thing you notice at a Joe Biden event is the age: Many of the reporters covering him are really young.  Biden is not.  The press corps, or so the Biden campaign sees it, is culturally liberal and highly attuned to modern issues around race and gender and social justice.
CNN Poll: Biden leads as Warren and Sanders battle for second on eve of debate
Discussion: KTLA
Boston Herald:
Bernie Sanders jumps to the lead in NH: Franklin Pierce-Herald poll shows
Discussion: Political Wire
Reid J. Epstein / New York Times:   Amy Klobuchar Is Tired of Debate Questions About Other Candidates
Josh Kraushaar / National Journal:
How to Lose the Revolution
Discussion: NBC News and ABC News
Eliza Relman / Business Insider:
Meet Charlie Kupperman, Trump's acting national security adviser who advised a group that promotes anti-Muslim conspiracy theories  — After President Donald Trump announced that he had fired his national security adviser, John Bolton, the White House named Charles Kupperman …
Bolton's chaotic White House departure  —  The last time National Security Adviser John Bolton spoke with President Donald Trump was Monday afternoon around 2 p.m. in the Oval Office — offering to resign — about 22 hours before the president's Tuesday tweet suggesting that he had fired Bolton …
Vivian Salama / Wall Street Journal:
Trump Sends Regards to Departed ‘Mr. Tough Guy’ Bolton
Steve Holland / Reuters:   Three Bolton aides submit their resignations at White House
Jeff Poor / Breitbart:
FNC's Tucker Carlson: Potential Bolton Replacement Brian Hook 'an Unapologetic Neocon …
Discussion: Axios and Politico
Joseph Cirincione / LobeLog:
The Catastrophic Tenure of John Bolton
James Hohmann / Washington Post:
The Daily 202: Ben Sasse scores Trump endorsement after biting his tongue and keeping his head down
Discussion: Townhall and Hot Air
Caitlin Oprysko / Politico:
Top Bolton aide out at White House
Discussion: Axios and The Daily Beast
Raleigh News & Observer:
House overrides budget veto in surprise vote with almost half of lawmakers absent  —  In a surprise move Wednesday morning, the N.C. House of Representatives voted to override Gov. Roy Cooper's veto of the state budget with just over half of the 120 members present to vote.
Raleigh News & Observer:   NC Republicans' shameless theft of democracy
NC House Republicans override Gov. Cooper's budget veto while he's at 9/11 memorial event
Discussion: Mother Jones
The Myths of the “Genius” Behind Trump's Reelection Campaign  —  Brad Parscale has said he's taking a relative pittance to run the president's reelection operation.  But as with much of what Parscale has claimed about his work and life, that's not the full story.  This is.
Peter Elkind / Texas Monthly:   From Obscure Web Developer to Trump Campaign Manager: The Inside Story of Brad Parscale's Unlikely Rise
Cheryl Hall / Dallas Morning News:
T. Boone Pickens, larger-than-life energy tycoon and OSU diehard, dies at 91  —  Pickens had an energy career that went from laborer to tycoon — and the Oklahoma State benefactor was among the few business elites granted “dual citizenship” on both sides of the Red River.
Kamini Ramdeen /
President Trump sparks anger with ‘never forget’ 9/11 tweet  —  President Donald Trump drew ire on Twitter Wednesday morning with the way he marked the 18th anniversary of the Sept. 11, 2001, terror attacks.  —  Trump shared a photograph of himself and first lady Melania Trump …
James Barron / New York Times:
Remembering Those Lost 18 Years Ago on 9/11
Sister Toldjah / RedState:
“Airplanes Took Aim”: NY Times Shamefully Goes the Ilhan Omar Route in Describing How 9/11 Happened
Discussion: Instapundit and Townhall
Jonathan Allen / NBC News:
Alarm bells should be ringing at Trump HQ after N.C. House scare  —  Analysis: It's always better to win than lose — but Republicans holding onto a GOP seat by a hair is reason for the president to worry heading into 2020.  —  Does a tight win for NC Republican Dan Bishop spell 2020 trouble for Trump?
Sean Collins / Vox:
Trump is trying to discredit recent polls because he's losing in nearly all of them
Charlie Warzel / New York Times:
The Last Apple Keynote (Hopefully)  —  The company's product launch pageant has become a parody.  Time to call it quits.  —  Mr. Warzel is an Opinion writer at large.  —  Roughly six minutes into Apple's annual keynote presentation on Tuesday, I watched with grim fascination …
Daniel Byman / Foreign Policy:
It's Hard to Commemorate 9/11 If You Don't Understand It.  —  Today's university freshmen were born after the Twin Towers fell.  In the Trump era, lack of historical perspective makes young people susceptible to alarmism and more likely to misread threats.  —  Sept. 11, 2019 marks …
Discussion: New York Times
Matthew Jacobs / HuffPost:
The Steady Cultural Demise Of ‘American Beauty’  —  How the Best Picture winner, which turns 20 this year, went from esteemed suburban satire to widespread punchline.  —  When “American Beauty” nabbed the Oscar for Best Picture in March 2000, its win seemed forward-thinking.
Monique O. Madan / Miami Herald:
12-year-old Bahamian girl separated from parents, ends up in Miami home for migrant kids  —  A 12-year-old Bahamian girl was separated from family at a South Florida airport after fleeing the destruction of Hurricane Dorian and was sent by U.S. Customs officials to a Miami Gardens shelter for abused or abandoned children.
Marianne LeVine / Politico:
Republicans and Democrats hammer Trump's judicial nominee  —  Republicans and Democrats on Wednesday castigated President Donald Trump's nominee to the powerful Second Circuit Court of Appeals for dodging their questions as well as his prior controversial writings.
Discussion: Raw Story
Ronn Blitzer / Fox News:   Trump court pick whose family fled persecution blasts racism accusation as ‘hurtful’ during confirmation hearing
Thomas B. Edsall / New York Times:
No One Should Take Black Voters for Granted  —  Recent research shows that a crucial bloc of Democrats is at once more moderate and more radical than its counterparts.  —  Mr. Edsall contributes a weekly column from Washington, D.C. on politics, demographics and inequality.
Discussion: Power Line and Politico
Washington Post:
Dangerous new hot zones are spreading around the world  —  LA CORONILLA, Uruguay — The day the yellow clams turned black is seared in Ramón Agüero's memory.  —  It was the summer of 1994.  A few days earlier, he had collected a generous haul, 20 buckets of the thin-shelled …
Discussion: The Week
Zamira Rahim / The Independent:
India builds detention camps for up to 1.9m people ‘stripped of citizenship’ in Assam  —  Ten centres ‘planned’ across northeastern state after national register published  —  The Indian government is building mass detention camps after almost two million people were told they could be effectively stripped of citizenship.
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 More Items: 
Michael Calderone / Politico:
Democrats decry double standard in fact checking
Discussion: Breitbart
James Arkin / Politico:
Republicans support Trump's wall even after he grabs military funds from their states
Garrett M. Graff / Wired:
Pagers, Pay Phones, and Dialup: How We Communicated on 9/11
Martyn McLaughlin / Scotsman:
US military fuel deal with Prestwick ‘kicked into long grass’ over Trump investigation
Discussion: Law & Crime
 Earlier Items: 
Alex Pareene / New Republic:
ThinkProgress Was Always Doomed
Aaron Blake / Washington Post:
Democrats' leftward shift on third-trimester abortion
Discussion: Washington Examiner and RedState
Kyle Mantyla / Right Wing Watch:
Trump Faith Adviser Paula White Dedicates White House as ‘Holy Ground’ Sanctified by ‘The Superior Blood of Jesus’
Discussion: Friendly Atheist and Raw Story
Hayley Halpin /
51% of people in Northern Ireland support Irish unification, new poll finds

From Mediagazer:

Sheila Dang / Reuters:
Survey: 52% of US and 63% of UK respondents say they would be uneasy with news produced mostly using AI; 59% worry about false news content online, up 3% YoY

Thomas Buckley / Bloomberg:
Pixar's Inside Out 2 grosses $155M in the US and Canada, 2024's biggest opening weekend, and $295M globally, the biggest in history for an animated film

Ben Smith / Semafor:
Sources: the Washington Post is in talks with legendary admaker David Droga to commission a new marketing campaign to redefine its image

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