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6:45 PM ET, September 24, 2019


 Top Items: 
Michael Isikoff / Yahoo News:
Senate Intel panel opens bipartisan inquiry on Ukraine whistleblower  —  Even as the House is ramping up its investigation into the Trump administration's dealings with Ukraine, the Senate Intelligence Committee has opened its own inquiry and is seeking a quick interview with the whistleblower …
Washington Post:
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi announces formal impeachment inquiry of Trump, says his actions were a ‘betrayal of national security’  —  House Speaker Nancy Pelosi on Tuesday announced a formal impeachment inquiry into President Trump, a dramatic turnaround by the Democratic leader that sets …
Nicholas Fandos / New York Times:
Nancy Pelosi Announces Formal Impeachment Inquiry of Trump  —  Faced with new allegations against President Trump and administration stonewalling, Democrats have ended months of caution.  —  WASHINGTON — Speaker Nancy Pelosi announced on Tuesday that the House would begin a formal impeachment inquiry …
Quin Hillyer / Washington Examiner:
Here's why Trump's Ukraine misdeeds are a big (impeachable) deal  —  Based simply on what President Trump has admitted to, combined with one piece of as-yet-uncontradicted reporting, Trump has committed impeachable offenses in his dealings with Ukraine.  —  To understand why …
Peter Nicholas / The Atlantic:
Trump Is Discovering New Powers  —  Knowing he was new to all this, White House aides took pains early in President Donald Trump's term to chaperone him when he got on the phone with world leaders.  Former National Security Adviser H. R. McMaster, the economic adviser Gary Cohn …
Quin Hillyer / Washington Examiner:
Compare it to historical cases and it's clear this Trump-Ukraine story is impeachment material  —  President Trump appears to have made totally inappropriate requests of Ukraine's president — namely, that he investigate or prosecute Joe Biden and his son Hunter for violations of foreign law, real or imagined.
John Solomon / The Hill:
Let's get real: Democrats were first to enlist Ukraine in US elections  —  Earlier this month, during a bipartisan meeting in Kiev, Sen. Chris Murphy (D-Conn.) delivered a pointed message to Ukraine's new president, Volodymyr Zelensky.  —  While choosing his words carefully, Murphy made clear …
John Yoo / New York Times:
Beware of Impeaching Trump.  It Could Hurt the Presidency.  —  We must avoid doing long-term harm to the president's ability to conduct foreign policy and protect our nation.  —  Mr. Yoo is a law professor at the University of California, Berkeley.  —  House Speaker Nancy Pelosi …
Washington Post:
Trump ordered hold on military aid days before calling Ukrainian president, officials say  —  President Trump told his acting chief of staff, Mick Mulvaney, to hold back almost $400 million in military aid for Ukraine at least a week before a phone call in which Trump is said to have pressured …
Greg Sargent / Washington Post:
Here's a timeline of Trump's latest scandal.  It's damning.  —  The floodgates are opening: Even as more Democrats are moving decisively toward supporting impeachment proceedings, we're now learning that President Trump himself ordered a freeze on aid to Ukraine, just before telling …
John Harwood / CNBC:
House impeachment vote has suddenly become a real threat for Trump
John Parkinson / ABC News:
Trump impeachment probe live updates: Pelosi to announce formal inquiry
Jonathan Chait / New York Magazine:   Trump: I'd Like to Withdraw My Guilty Plea and Change to ‘Not Guilty’
Anna Nemtsova / The Daily Beast:
Ukraine Likely to Reopen Probe of Hunter Biden Firm: Sources
Discussion: National Review and The Week
Steven Nelson / Washington Examiner:   Ukraine whistleblower's lawyers work for group that offers to pay officials who leak against Trump   Hillary Clinton Says Donald Trump Is Moving Closer to Impeachment with Biden/Ukraine Scandal: ‘We Are in a Crisis’
Margaret Sullivan / Washington Post:
Trump's Ukraine-scandal strategy — counterpunch, confuse and con — depends on the media
Washington Post:
Trump says he has authorized release of transcript of call with the Ukrainian president
JUST IN: Beyer Now Supports Articles of Impeachment
Discussion: Mother Jones, PolitiFact and Bloomberg
Darren Sands / BuzzFeed News:
“I'm Being Vindicated”: Al Green Was The First Member Of Congress To Back Impeachment
Russell Berman / The Atlantic:
Nancy Pelosi Has Had Enough
Brian Beutler / Crooked Media:   The Lessons of Impeachment and the End of Trump's Impunity
Jennifer Rubin / Washington Post:
Any impeachment inquiry should avoid the Mueller investigation traps
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi expected to announce impeachment inquiry
Discussion: Politico, Washington Post and CNN
Just Security:
Timeline: Trump, Giuliani, Biden, and Ukrainegate
Discussion: Washington Post, NPR and The Resurgent
Monmouth University Polling Institute:
Dem Primary in Flux  —  Many see no need to choose between electability and issue alignment  —  West Long Branch, NJ - Massachusetts Sen. Elizabeth Warren has joined former Vice President Joe Biden at the front of the pack in New Hampshire, according to the latest Monmouth University Poll.
Jack Crowe / National Review:
Michigan City Clerk Charged with Altering Ballots in 2018 Midterms  —  Sherikia Hawkins was charged Monday with six felony counts for allegedly altering absentee ballots during the November 2018 election in her capacity as city clerk for the Detroit suburb of Southfield, Mich.
Discussion: Townhall
Ryan Parker / Hollywood Reporter:
Aurora Shooting Victims Voice Fears Over ‘Joker’ in Letter to Warner Bros.  —  Todd Phillips' dark take on the Batman villain will not play at the theater where a massacre took place during a 2012 screening of ‘The Dark Knight Rises’ as family members of those killed ask the studio to donate to gun-victim charities.
Owen Bowcott / The Guardian:
Boris Johnson's suspension of parliament unlawful, supreme court rules  —  Judges rule unanimously that PM's decision to prorogue parliament can be examined by judges  —  Play Video  —  The supreme court has ruled that Boris Johnson's advice to the Queen that parliament should be prorogued …
Annabelle Dickson / Politico:
Jeremy Corbyn says election is only way to settle Brexit crisis
Emilio Casalicchio / Politico:
Donald Trump defends Boris Johnson against ‘nasty’ reporter
Ross Douthat / New York Times:
Does Donald Trump Want to Be Impeached?  —  Four reasons the president might welcome articles of impeachment.  —  When it comes to determining when it makes sense to impeach a president, congressional Democrats are working with 200 words in the Constitution, three significant historical precedents …
New York Times:
WeWork C.E.O., Adam Neumann, Stepping Down Under Pressure  —  WeWork's co-founder, Adam Neumann, is stepping down as chief executive of the embattled shared office space business, three people briefed on the decision said on Tuesday, a stunning fall for the entrepreneur who oversaw the meteoric rise …
Alex Isenstadt / Politico:
Kentucky GOP governor makes last-minute campaign shakeup  —  Kentucky Gov. Matt Bevin has shaken up his reelection campaign weeks ahead of the November vote, a potentially ominous sign for the Republican incumbent.  —  Michael Antonopoulos, a GOP strategist who has worked for an array …
Discussion: Political Wire
Spencer S. Hsu / Washington Post:
U.S. invokes state secrets privilege to block American journalist's challenge to alleged spot on drone ‘kill list’  —  A U.S. judge Tuesday dismissed an American journalist's lawsuit challenging his alleged placement on a “kill list” by U.S. authorities in Syria, after the Trump administration invoked the …
Gideon Resnick / The Daily Beast:
Warren Is Spending Campaign Cash to Unseat Susan Collins  —  In an email sent to her campaign supporters, Warren's campaign manager said that they plan to devote staffers to helping win back the Senate.  —  Sen. Elizabeth Warren's (D-MA) presidential campaign is putting resources into Maine …
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 More Items: 
Michael Cooper / New York Times:
Plácido Domingo Leaves Met Opera Amid Sexual Harassment Inquiry
Discussion: NPR
Isaac Chotiner / New Yorker:
The Times Columnist Roger Cohen on the Future of India
Washington Post:
Tony Podesta, Vin Weber say they were told Justice Department dropped probe into whether …
Discussion: Politico
Yahoo News:
‘A shift to Schiff’: With growing calls for Trump impeachment, Democratic leadership plots a new course
Charles P. Pierce / Esquire:
John Lewis Says He Has Been Moved By the Spirit of History.  There Is a Powerful Momentum Building Here.
 Earlier Items: 
Dan Mangan / CNBC:
Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross falls asleep at United Nations during Trump's speech
James Flynn / Quillette:
My Book Defending Free Speech Has Been Banned
Discussion: Samizdata and Breitbart
Mike Murphy / Washington Post:
I'm a Republican. Let's force the question of impeachment with the GOP.
Discussion: Raw Story and Balloon Juice
Thomas Kaplan / New York Times:
Bernie Sanders Proposes a Wealth Tax: 'I Don't Think That Billionaires Should Exist'
Elena Schneider / Politico:
Buttigieg's bus tour is no Straight Talk Express
Discussion: Splinter
Representative Haley Stevens:
Stevens Statement on Reports of Abuse of Power by President Trump

From Mediagazer:

Thomas Buckley / Bloomberg:
Pixar's Inside Out 2 grosses $155M in the US and Canada, 2024's biggest opening weekend, and $295M globally, the biggest in history for an animated film

Adam Ganucheau / New York Times:
The defamation suit from former Mississippi Governor Phil Bryant against Mississippi Today could become a political playbook to dismantle US press freedoms

Jack Herrera / Columbia Journalism Review:
A profile of Lorena López, the founder and editor of La Prensa de Iowa, an improbably successful Spanish-language paper serving rural farm towns in western Iowa

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