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6:30 PM ET, February 24, 2020


 Top Items: 
Brian Schwartz / CNBC:
Mike Bloomberg prepares media onslaught against Democratic front-runner Bernie Sanders  — Mike Bloomberg's presidential campaign plans to unleash its cash-flush media operation against Bernie Sanders in the wake of the Vermont senator's resounding victory in the Nevada caucuses.
Max Boot / Washington Post:
Vote for Bernie, elect Trump  —  Watching Bernie Sanders roll through the Democratic primaries — he won the Nevada caucuses on Saturday by more than 25 points over his nearest rival — gives me the same sinking feeling, the same combination of dread and despair, that I felt watching Donald Trump roll through …
Discussion: CBS News, Rolling Stone and Raw Story
Chris Cillizza / CNN:   The 1 thing that might slow down Bernie Sanders is a very, very long shot
Paul Waldman / Washington Post:
Democrats, stop freaking out about Bernie Sanders
Public Policy Polling:
South Carolina Looks Like A Two Person Race  —  PPP's newest poll of Democratic primary voters in South Carolina finds it looking like a two person race, with only Joe Biden and Bernie Sanders reaching double digits in their support.  Biden gets 36% to 21% for Sanders, with Elizabeth Warren at 8% …
Eli Yokley / Morning Consult:
Sanders Rises as Primary Voters Grow More Confident About His Chances Against Trump  —  32% say Sanders is their first choice to take on Trump in November  —  Getty Images / Morning Consult illustration by Samantha Elbouez  — Democratic primary voters increasingly believe Sanders …
Natasha Korecki / Politico:
Biden ad: Sanders undermined Obama's reelection  —  Joe Biden's campaign is airing a new digital ad in South Carolina accusing Bernie Sanders of trying to undermine Barack Obama's 2012 reelection by threatening to primary him.  —  “When it comes to building on Barack Obama's legacy …
Discussion: The Hill, The Week and Washington Post
Mark Murray / NBC News:
NBC News poll: Biden holds narrow lead over Sanders in South Carolina  —  Biden performs best among black and moderate voters, while Sanders holds lead with progressives and those under 45  —  WASHINGTON — Former Vice President Joe Biden and Sen. Bernie Sanders, I-Vt. …
Discussion: The Hill
Melissa Quinn / CBS News:
Tim Scott says Sanders is the Democrat who poses biggest threat to Trump
Discussion: IJR and TheBlaze
Washington Post:
Richard Grenell's paid consulting included work for U.S. nonprofit funded mostly by Hungary  —  Two years before President Trump nominated him to become ambassador to Germany, Richard Grenell wrote an op-ed about Nigeria's highly charged 2015 presidential race, a move that drew notice from Nigerian media.
Discussion: Raw Story
Eli Clifton / Responsible Statecraft:
Trump's new acting Director of National Intelligence conducted undisclosed work for Hungary's far-right government  —  An investigation by Responsible Statecraft has found that President Trump's newly installed acting Director of National Intelligence, Richard Grenell, knowingly provided …
Discussion: Raw Story
Burgess Everett / Politico:
Susan Collins breaks with Trump over Grenell
Discussion: The Hill
Jane Harman / New York Times:
I Helped Create the Nation's Top Spy Job. It's About to Be Destroyed.
Discussion: Raw Story
New York Times:
Harvey Weinstein Is Found Guilty on Two Counts: Live Updates  —  Mr. Weinstein is guilty of criminal sexual act in the first degree and rape in the third degree.  —  RIGHT NOW Harvey Weinstein is guilty of criminal sexual act in the first degree and rape in the third degree.  —  Here's what you need to know:
Business Insider:
Harvey Weinstein will be in Rikers Island jail until his sentencing next month after a jury found …
Discussion: Reason and INSIDER
Jonathan Chait / New York Magazine:
If Democrats Aren't Terrified of Bernie, They're Not Paying Attention  —  Watching the Brexit debacle from afar, it seemed impossible to understand how the Labour Party could know full well it needed to win a national election in order to prevent an irreversible setback, yet harness itself to Jeremy Corbyn …
Discussion: Lawyers, Guns & Money
Dave Jamieson / HuffPost:
The Young Turks' Progressive Founder Urged His Staff Not To Unionize  —  In a tense meeting with employees, Cenk Uygur argued that a union doesn't belong at a small news network struggling to make profits.  —  Top leadership at the progressive news network The Young Turks held an all-staff meeting …
Jim VandeHei / Axios:
The evidence doesn't back Democrats' panic that Bernie can't win - Axios  —  Virtually every national and swing state poll shows Sanders tied with or beating Trump.
Discussion: Bern Notice and National Review
Philip Bump / Washington Post:
Who would win a Trump-Sanders election?
Discussion: NBC News, CNN and The Week
Ben Conarck / Miami Herald:
A Miami man who flew to China worried he might have coronavirus.  He may owe thousands  —  After returning to Miami last month from a work trip in China, Osmel Martinez Azcue found himself in a frightening position: he was developing flu-like symptoms, just as coronavirus was ravaging the country he had visited.
Ronald J. Hansen / Arizona Republic:
Arizona congressional candidate suspends campaign after heroin overdose  —  (Photo: via Chris Taylor Republican For Arizona CD1 website)  —  Chris Taylor, a Safford city councilman who is running for Congress, overdosed on heroin last week and since has suspended his campaign.
Tyler Olson / Fox News:
In Supreme Court dissent, Thomas cites Thomas in arguing to overturn decision authored by Thomas  —  Even by Supreme Court standards, this development takes a minute to wrap your head around.  —  In a dissent to the high court's decision Monday not to hear a tax case, Supreme Court Justice …
Nihar Kabinittal / Associated Press:   Thomas criticizes a previous high court opinion - his own
Rory Sullivan / The Independent:
Ginni Thomas: Supreme Court justice's wife leading right-wing effort to purge officials ‘disloyal’ to Trump
Marc Caputo / Politico:
Florida Dems in uproar after Sanders' Cuba comments  —  MIAMI — Bernie Sanders says he's the Democrat best-equipped to defeat Donald Trump in November.  —  But Florida Democrats insist he's the worst-equipped after Sanders's refusal Sunday night to thoroughly condemn the Cuban Revolution.
Patricia Mazzei / New York Times:   Sanders's Comments on Fidel Castro Provoke Anger in Florida
Bloomberg called Warren ‘scary’ and vowed to ‘defend the banks’ in closed-door 2016 event  —  Warren drags Bloomberg: He's an arrogant billionaire  —  (CNN)Former New York City Mayor Mike Bloomberg said at a private event in 2016 that his presidential campaign platform would have been to …
Heidi Przybyla / NBC News:
Cardiology director says there's one heart measure Sanders could disclose but isn't  —  Exclusive: By releasing one simple indicator of his heart health, Sanders could address lingering questions, the president of the American College of Cardiology says.  —  WASHINGTON — Democratic …
Discussion: Political Wire
Amy for America:
From: Justin Buoen, Campaign Manager  —  Heading into South Carolina and Super Tuesday, our campaign will continue to exceed expectations as our momentum builds and show why Amy Klobuchar is the best candidate to unite the Democratic Party.  Today we are announcing a $4.2 million ad buy …
Discussion: The Hill
Josh Lederman / NBC News:
Vandalism hits Bloomberg campaign offices across the U.S.
Discussion: The Hill and The Daily Caller
DOW PLUNGES 1,000 POINTS  —  Matrix's Katz: You want to buy into the dips and the coronavirus uncertainty  —  Stocks fell sharply on Monday, with Dow Jones Industrial Average losses reaching 1,000 points at midday.  The number of coronavirus cases outside China surged …
Paul Wood / Spectator USA:
Andy Khawaja: ‘The whistleblower’  —  This article is in The Spectator's March 2020 US edition.  Subscribe here.  —  It's after 2 a.m. in Club 38, a nightspot in an old railway shed in Beirut.  The DJ is in the cab of a rusty train.  Lights sweep across a dense crowd below.
Discussion: Raw Story
Chris Sommerfeldt / New York Daily News:
In 2019 speech, Bloomberg mocked Brooklyn father and son who died from heroin as ‘not a good family’  —  Mike Bloomberg poked fun last year at a father and son who died from heroin overdoses at the same Brooklyn party, calling them “not a good family” to laughs from a crowd of business executives, the Daily News has learned.
Discussion: The Gateway Pundit and The Hill
Annie Karni / New York Times:
Trump's Doctor Thought He Had a Ticket to Congress.  It Hasn't Been So Easy.  —  Ronny Jackson is one of 15 candidates in a crowded Republican primary.  And the White House hasn't gone out of its way to help.  —  WICHITA FALLS, Texas — Dressed in cowboy boots and jeans …
Martin Pengelly / The Guardian:
HR McMaster to publish book that may pose headaches for Trump  —  Donald Trump is trying to stop the publication of a book by his third national security adviser, John Bolton, but he will soon have to contend with a volume published by his second.  —  Lt Gen HR McMaster will publish Battlegrounds …
NBC News:
House struggles to get Hyde records on supposed Yovanovitch surveillance  —  Exclusive: Congressional candidate's emails to the Foreign Affairs Committee accuse Democrats of ‘trying to set me up’  —  WASHINGTON — A House committee investigating potential surveillance of former Ambassador …
Discussion: The Hill and Raw Story
Jonathan Cohn / HuffPost:
Bernie Sanders Rolls Out $1.5 Trillion Plan For Free, Universal Child Care  —  It's the latest early childhood plan from a 2020 Democratic candidate — and it could be the biggest.  —  Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) on Monday rolled out a plan under which the federal government would make child care …
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 More Items: 
Katie Notopoulos / BuzzFeed News:
The Guy Behind “Homeless Hotspots” Now Works For The Bloomberg Campaign
Natasha Bertrand / Politico:
Assange fight draws in Trump's new intel chief
The FBI Is Investigating Massive Embezzlement of Border Patrol Union Funds
Anita Snow / Associated Press:
Crackdown on immigrants who use public benefits takes effect
Wall Street Journal:
Facebook Investigated Suspicious Pro-Sanders Content
Sister Toldjah / Redstate:
Howls of Laughter Erupt After NYT Columnist Paul Krugman Suggests Sanders Is ‘Not a Wannabe Authoritarian’
Discussion: National Review and Twitchy
 Earlier Items: 
Josie Ensor / Telegraph:
Syria, where the world collectively lost its humanity
Patrick O'Donnell / Plain Dealer:
Ohio graduates won't have to be “proficient” in math or English, under state superintendent's plan
Discussion: Joanne Jacobs
Jennifer Kabbany / The College Fix:
VIDEO: Heather Mac Donald defends due process, debunks 1-in-5 rape stat as hostile crowd shrieks in protest
David Leonhardt / New York Times:
Bernie Sanders Is Making a Big Mistake

From Techmeme:

The Information:
Source: Altman told investors that OpenAI could become a for-profit business not controlled by its nonprofit board; Microsoft execs favor a for-profit option

Andrew Williams / Wired:
Apple may not be bringing Apple Intelligence to iPhone 15, which has 6GB of RAM vs. iPhone 15 Pro's 8GB, due to RAM requirements for on-device AI processing

Caroline O'Donovan / Washington Post:
Leaked documents reveal life-threatening issues at Amazon's primary-care service One Medical, raising concerns about Amazon's frugal approach to health care

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