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3:10 PM ET, March 26, 2020


 Top Items: 
Jeff Cox / CNBC:
Jobless claims soar past 3 million to record as coronavirus sends Americans to the unemployment line  —  US unemployment surges to record-breaking 3.28 million amid coronavirus pandemic  —  Americans displaced by the coronavirus crisis filed unemployment claims in record numbers …
Washington Post:
A record 3.3 million Americans filed for unemployment benefits as the coronavirus slams economy  —  The U.S. unemployment rate has likely risen to 5.5 percent already — a level not seen since 2015.  —  A record 3.3 million Americans applied for unemployment benefits last week …
Coronavirus: US unemployment hits highest for almost 40 years  —  The number of people without jobs in the US has surged to a record high as the economy goes into lockdown due to the coronavirus pandemic.  —  Nearly 3.3 million people registered to claim unemployment benefits for the week ended 21 March …
Daniel Henninger / Wall Street Journal:
Trump's Leadership  —  Rallying the United States through the coronavirus crisis is this president's path to greatness.  —  The costs of how the U.S. has conducted its politics the past three years are now obvious.  Beset by a crisis akin to wartime, the country's leadership is engulfed in political rancor.
Discussion: alicublog
Internal Emails Show How Chaos at the CDC Slowed the Early Response to Coronavirus  —  ProPublica is a nonprofit newsroom that investigates abuses of power.  Sign up to receive our biggest stories as soon as they're published.  —  On Feb. 13, the U.S. Centers for Disease Control …
New York Times:
Job Vacancies and Inexperience Mar Federal Response to Coronavirus  —  Unfilled jobs and high turnover mean the government is ill equipped for a public health crisis, said many former and current federal officials and disaster experts.  —  WASHINGTON — Of the 75 senior positions at the Department …
David Adam / New Scientist:
UK has enough intensive care units for coronavirus, expert predicts  —  The UK should now be able to cope with the spread of the covid-19 virus, according to one of the epidemiologists advising the government.  —  Neil Ferguson at Imperial College London gave evidence today …
Yuichiro Kakutani / Washington Free Beacon:
‘Economist’ Runs Chinese Coronavirus Propaganda Disguised as News  —  The Economist is running Chinese propaganda from an outlet that is violating U.S. law to spread the message that Chinese president Xi Jinping has done a masterful job handling the coronavirus pandemic.
Chuck Ross / The Daily Caller:
Chinese Propaganda Has Infected Daily Mail's Coronavirus Coverage
Discussion: American Greatness
Rob Gillies / Associated Press:
Canada tells US not to put troops at border during pandemic  —  Canada has told the U.S. it is is strongly opposed to a Trump administration proposal to put troops at the U.S.-Canada border amid the pandemic and said if it goes ahead it would damage relations between the two longtime allies
Pelosi eyes next relief package as Republicans downplay need  —  The House has yet to clear the massive coronavirus relief package passed by the Senate late Wednesday, but Speaker Nancy Pelosi is already looking ahead to “Phase 4” — even as Republicans play down the need for more assistance.
Discussion: Breitbart
Ronn Blitzer / Fox News:
Pelosi hints at what Dems could include in next coronavirus bill
Discussion: The Hill and Breitbart
Kyle Mantyla / Right Wing Watch:
Rick Wiles Says God Is Spreading the Coronavirus in Synagogues as Punishment for Opposing Jesus  —  Virulent anti-Semite, bigot, and conspiracy theorist Rick Wiles used his “TruNews” program last night to warn Israel that it was seeing outbreaks of the COVID-19 coronavirus in connection …
Discussion: The Times of Israel and Haaretz
Ryan Parker / Hollywood Reporter:
Actor Arrested by FBI for Touting Coronavirus Cure  —  The suspect claimed Earvin “Magic” Johnson was a member of his company's board of directors.  —  FBI agents on Wednesday arrested a small-time SoCal actor for allegedly claiming he had invented a pill that would prevent and cure coronavirus.
Discussion: Raw Story
Pew Research Center:
Worries About Coronavirus Surge, as Most Americans Expect a Recession - or Worse  —  Trump's job approval at highest point in three years  —  Americans are increasingly alarmed by the rapid spread of the new coronavirus, with sharply growing majorities saying the outbreak poses a major threat …
Discussion: ABC News
New York Post:
Worker at NYC hospital where nurses wear trash bags as protection dies from coronavirus  —  The shortage of safety gear at one Manhattan hospital is so dire that desperate nurses have resorted to wearing trash bags — and some blame the situation for the coronavirus death of a beloved colleague.
Ben Tobin / Courier-Journal:
U.S. Rep. Thomas Massie plans to vote ‘no,’ threatens to hold up coronavirus stimulus bill  —  LOUISVILLE, Ky. — A Congressman from Kentucky plans to vote “no” on the $2 trillion coronavirus relief package, which the Senate passed 96-0 Wednesday evening.  —  U.S. Rep. Thomas Massie …
Discussion: National Review, Raw Story and NBC News
New York Times:
100 Deaths From Coronavirus in N.Y. in One Day: Live Updates  —  The number of people hospitalized for the virus jumped 40 percent since yesterday.  —  RIGHT NOW 385 people in New York have died from the virus, as patients are staying on ventilators longer, the governor said.  —  Here's what you need to know:
Discussion: National Review and The Guardian
N.Y. Death Toll Hits 385; Ventilator-Shortage Risk Is Rising
Discussion: Raw Story
Texas Monthly:
Inside the Story of How H-E-B Planned for the Pandemic  —  The grocer started communicating with Chinese counterparts in January and was running tabletop simulations a few weeks later.  (But nothing prepared it for the rush on toilet paper.)  —  The coronavirus pandemic has transformed the country in just a handful of weeks.
Jenny Jarvie / Los Angeles Times:
He survived COVID-19.  He's broke.  But he thinks America is overreacting  —  Joey Camp was the first person in Georgia to be quarantined at a special site after being diagnosed with COVID-19.  —  3 AM  —  For three days, he was hooked up to an oxygen tube.
Dion Rabouin / Axios:
When $2.2 trillion is not enough  —  Perhaps the most important thing about the $2.2 trillion stimulus bill the Senate passed late Wednesday night is that it is not a stimulus bill at all.  — It is not intended to stimulate growth and spending to offset a potential downturn …
Aaron Blake / Washington Post:
Deborah Birx's important reminder about coronavirus worst-case scenarios  —  The novel coronavirus is spreading rapidly in certain areas of the country, killing hundreds, stretching hospitals to the brink in some cases and forcing the closure of large portions of our economy.
Gabriel Debenedetti / New York Magazine:
Joe Biden Is Spending His Time in the Coronavirus Bunker Thinking a Lot About His VP  —  On Sunday afternoon, nearly two weeks into his self-imposed isolation at home in Delaware, Joe Biden joined a private conference call for 72 donors from the Atlanta area.
Discussion: CNN and Washington Monthly
Anita Kumar / Politico:
Democrats delayed stimulus bill to insert tighter ban on Trump family profiting  —  The strengthened language was accidentally omitted due to a clerical oversight, according to people familiar with the situation.  —  From left to right, Ivanka Trump, Jared Kushner and Lara Trump.
NBC News:
As U.S. struggles to stem coronavirus, China asserts itself as global leader  —  “Beijing's push for global leadership is able to get so much tailwind by virtue of the relative absence of any U.S. leadership,” one foreign affairs expert said.  —  With Italy in dire need of medical equipment, an economic superpower stepped in to help.
Michael Tomasky / The Daily Beast:
This Is a Man-Made Disaster, and That Man Is Donald Trump  —  We have literally gone from the most-prepared country in the world last fall to the country with the highest rate of spread of the virus in the world today  —  Thursday morning brought the news that U.S. jobless claims for last week were 3.3 million.
New York Times:
New Orleans Faces a Virus Nightmare, and Mardi Gras May Be Why  —  Louisiana may be experiencing the world's fastest growth in new cases.  Medical experts said Mardi Gras might have accelerated the crisis.  —  NEW ORLEANS — Yanti Turang, an emergency room nurse at a New Orleans hospital …
Discussion: VICE
Aiden Pink / The Forward:
Rashida Tlaib has a serious primary opponent - who's a Louis Farrakhan fan  —  Rep. Rashida Tlaib, the first Palestinian-American woman elected to Congress, has drawn the ire of many Jews during her first term for making statements that some saw as anti-Semitic.
Discussion: Daily Kos and The Root
Allyson Chiu / Washington Post:
Fauci's coronavirus reality check: 'You don't make the timeline.  The virus makes the timeline.'  —  As the number of novel coronavirus cases continues increasing nationwide, Anthony S. Fauci, director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, has a message for Americans wondering …
New York Times:
‘People Are Dying’: 72 Hours Inside a N.Y.C. Hospital Battling Coronavirus  —  An emergency room doctor in Elmhurst, Queens, gives a rare look inside a hospital at the center of the coronavirus pandemic.  “We don't have the tools that we need.”  —  [Machine beeping] “The frustrating thing …
Discussion: The Crack-Up
Edward Luce / Financial Times:
The wrong kind of American exceptionalism  —  Donald Trump's ambivalence on coronavirus threatens both the US and its global power  —  Within 48 hours, America's coronavirus infections will surpass China's total.  The US will probably replace Italy as the centre of the pandemic.
Adam Andrzejewski / Forbes:
Is There Wasteful Spending In The Coronavirus Stimulus Bill?  —  Last night, the U.S. Senate unanimously passed a $2 trillion “Phase III” emergency aid package to help America recover from the coronavirus lockdown.  Previous phases provided funds for testing and paid family leave.
Nick R. Martin / The Informant:
Heartland terror  —  Hi, and welcome to The Informant, a publication covering hate and extremism in America, written and edited by me, Nick R. Martin.  —  This is a breaking news article that will likely be updated.  Please subscribe to support independent journalism about these important topics.
NBC News:
Coronavirus checks, direct deposits are coming.  Here's everything you need to know.  —  Who qualifies?  How much is being sent?  When?  How will I get the money?  Questions and answers.  —  WASHINGTON — As the coronavirus crisis ravages the U.S. economy, millions of Americans …
Discussion: MSNBC
Ben Weingarten / The Federalist:
5 Major Paradigm Shifts The Wuhan Flu Crisis Has Revealed Americans Need  —  Our first priority amid coronavirus must be neutralizing immediate threats to health and safety, but the disruption also provides a chance to engage in national reflection.  —  Crises have a way of revealing critical, unspoken truths.
Tamara Keith / NPR:
Trump's New Chief Of Staff Not Yet Fully On The Job Amid Coronavirus Crisis  —  Toggle more options  —  The coronavirus crisis was gaining steam when President Trump announced via tweet on a Friday night that he was replacing his acting chief of staff Mick Mulvaney with North Carolina congressman and frequent confidante Mark Meadows.
Discussion: Raw Story
BuzzFeed News:
Doctors And Nurses Say More People Are Dying Of COVID-19 In The US Than We Know  —  “The numbers are grossly under-reported.  I know for a fact that we've had three deaths in one county where only one is listed on the website,” one California ER doctor told BuzzFeed News.
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 More Items: 
Jonathan Lis / Haaretz:
Gantz Voted in as Knesset Speaker, Paving Way for ‘Emergency’ Unity Government With Netanyahu
Associated Press:
Fears for civil rights mount amid fight against COVID-19
Libby Cathey / ABC News:
Coronavirus government response updates: Mnuchin says jobless claims report ‘not relevant’ in the short-term
Discussion: Raw Story and American Greatness
Wall Street Journal:
U.S. to Take Stakes in Airlines in Exchange for Grants, Mnuchin Says
Discussion: Politico and View from the Wing
Polly Mosendz / Bloomberg:
NYC's 911 Overwhelmed With Record Number of Emergency Medical Calls
The Jeffrey Lord:
Media Matters Attacked Fox as Virus “Fearmongers”, Now Accuses Network of “Downplaying” Virus
Marina Koren / The Atlantic:
The Pandemic Has Grounded Humankind
 Earlier Items: 
The presidential race isn't on hold — it's playing out right before us
Tyler Cowen / Bloomberg:
Universities Shouldn't Spend Their Endowments on Coronavirus Relief
Discussion: Marginal REVOLUTION and Townhall
New York Times:
A Cruel Motive for a Costly Delay
Discussion: Reuters
Windsor Mann / The Week:
What Trump's coronavirus briefings are really about
Nick Judin /
Governor Orders Limited Gatherings, Declares Most Businesses ‘Essential,’ Supersedes Local Safety Efforts
Discussion: Lawyers, Guns & Money

From Mediagazer:

Jason Parham / Wired:
Q&A with HuffPost editor Phil Lewis on aggregating news on X, being a “newsfluencer”, Black media and Black newsrooms, the future of news, and more

Catherine Perloff / Adweek:
The Trade Desk threatens to demonetize Yahoo video ad inventory, saying Yahoo had misrepresented inventory as “in-stream”; Yahoo says it's working on changes

Raksha Kumar / Reuters Institute:
How news outlets Newslaundry, The News Minute, The Wire, The Caravan, and Scroll, joined forces to report on India's elections with the help of audience funding

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