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11:35 PM ET, April 18, 2020


 Top Items: 
Ginia Bellafante / New York Times:
A Beloved Bar Owner Was Skeptical About the Virus.  Then He Took a Cruise.  —  Joe Joyce oversaw JJ Bubbles, a welcoming tavern in a conservative corner of Brooklyn, for 43 years until he died of Covid-19.  —  Decades before he would embark on a cruise to the Mediterranean …
Donald G. McNeil Jr / New York Times:
The Coronavirus in America: The Year Ahead  —  There will be no quick return to our previous lives, according to nearly two dozen experts.  But there is hope for managing the scourge now and in the long term.  —  The coronavirus is spreading from America's biggest cities to its suburbs …
Washington Post:
Trump campaign concludes there is more to be gained by attacking Biden than trying to promote president's pandemic response  —  President Trump's campaign is preparing to launch a broad effort aimed at linking Joe Biden to China, after concluding that it would be more politically effective …
Igor Bobic / HuffPost:
Biden Campaign Slams Trump On China And Coronavirus In New Battleground Ad
Discussion: Florida Politics and CNN
Mario Parker / Bloomberg:   Trump Suggests China May Be ‘Knowingly Responsible’ for Virus
Oliver Darcy / CNN:
Conservative news mogul Matt Drudge fires back at Trump, says his web traffic is at record levels  —  New York (CNN)In a rare statement, Matt Drudge, the prominent conservative news mogul, refuted President Trump's Saturday claim that traffic to his website has plummeted as its coverage has grown more critical of him.
Discussion: The Daily Caller and Raw Story
Washington Post:
U.S. sent millions of face masks to China early this year, ignoring pandemic warning signs  —  U.S. manufacturers shipped millions of dollars of face masks and other protective medical equipment to China in January and February with encouragement from the federal government …
Discussion: Raw Story and New York Post
Marc Andreessen / Andreessen Horowitz:
IT'S TIME TO BUILD  —  Every Western institution was unprepared for the coronavirus pandemic, despite many prior warnings.  This monumental failure of institutional effectiveness will reverberate for the rest of the decade, but it's not too early to ask why, and what we need to do about it.
Will Steakin / ABC News:
Charlie Kirk calls on Students for Trump members to launch ‘peaceful rebellion against governors’ over stay-at-home orders  —  Students for Trump is calling on its young members to join the protest efforts.  —  As protests against stay-at-home orders due to novel coronavirus break out around the country …
Discussion: Raw Story
Keith Collins / New York Times:
Coronavirus Testing Needs to Triple Before the U.S. Can Reopen, Experts Say  —  Average Daily Coronavirus Tests in the U.S.  —  Level needed to safely  —  reopen  —  152 tests  —  tests per 100,000 people  —  Current level  —  45 tests  —  tests per 100,000 people  —  Level to reopen
Discussion: Forbes, Vox and VICE
Ted Nesi / WPRI-TV:
RI is only state doing enough tests to safely reopen, Harvard experts suggest  —  PROVIDENCE, R.I. (WPRI) — Rhode Island is the only state conducting enough coronavirus tests right now to safely reopen the economy, according to new guidance from researchers at Harvard University.
Lucas Kwan Peterson / Los Angeles Times:
Column: The PPP is letting our small restaurants and businesses die  —  Restaurants are among the hardest-hit businesses during the coronavirus shutdown.  The National Restaurant Assn. estimates that 3 million restaurant employees lost their jobs in March, a month in which restaurants lost about $45 billion in revenue.
Discussion: WPRI-TV, WRIC-TV and KRQE-TV
Mariam Khan / ABC News:
Pelosi signals bipartisan deal ‘very close’ for relief on small business fund  —  The PPP ran out of funding late last week.  —  House Speaker Nancy Pelosi signaled on Saturday that Congress is “very close” to striking a bipartisan deal on an interim emergency relief package to replenish …
Discussion: The Hill and Breitbart
Jeremy Diamond / CNN:
Trump lashes out at governors over testing shortfalls  —  (CNN)President Donald Trump on Saturday repeatedly blamed governors for not making full use of coronavirus testing capacity in their states, even as several Democrat and Republican governors said they are facing shortages of critical supplies to conduct tests.
Discussion: ABC17NEWS
New York Times:
A Key G.O.P. Strategy: Blame China.  But Trump Goes Off Message.  —  Republicans increasingly believe that elevating China's culpability for spreading the coronavirus may be the best way to improve their difficult election chances.  The president is muddying the message.
Discussion: Raw Story and Los Angeles Times
David J. Lynch / Stamford Advocate:
Record government and corporate debt risks ‘tipping point’ after pandemic passes  —  The United States is embarking on a rapid-fire experiment in borrowing without precedent, as the government and corporations take on trillions of dollars of debt to offset the economic damage from the coronavirus pandemic.
Lachlan Cartwright / The Daily Beast:
Michael Cohen Is Writing a Secret Tell-All to ‘Spill the Beans’ on Trump  —  The former Trump fixer is being released early from prison and is pissed and willing to dish on the president.  —  BEAST INSIDE  —  Michael Cohen has been spending his time behind bars writing an explosive tell …
Discussion: Raw Story
David Willman / Washington Post:
Contamination at CDC lab delayed rollout of coronavirus tests  —  The failure by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention to quickly produce a test kit for detecting the novel coronavirus was triggered by a glaring scientific breakdown at the CDC's central laboratory complex in Atlanta …
Jon Levine / New York Post:
‘Republican AOC’ Laura Loomer gains steam in congressional run  —  A Florida hurricane may be about to hit Washington, DC.  —  Laura Loomer, a 26-year-old conservative provocateur running for Congress in the Sunshine State, is gaining strength with activists and donors buzzing about the possibility …
Andy Shain / Post and Courier:
SC to reopen public beach accesses, retail stores that closed under coronavirus crackdown  —  COVID-19: What you need to know now  —  South Carolina will reopen public beach accesses and retail stores next week that were closed under orders to slow the spread of coronavirus, The Post and Courier has learned.
Discussion: The Hill and The Daily Caller
Dominic Patten / Deadline:
‘One World’ Concert Review: Rolling Stones & Beyoncé Hit High Notes At Multi-Network Show For COVID-19 Frontline Workers  —  With greetings in a multitude of languages, a suited and booted Jimmy Kimmel, Stephen Colbert and Jimmy Fallon kicked off the multi-network One World …
Molly Jong-Fast / Vogue:
Embracing Life in a Time of Death  —  Some people have recently described the air in New York City as heavy.  I don't think that's exactly right.  The air has a weird crackliness to it.  There's something about living in a place that has experienced so much death in such a short period of time that changes the physics of a place.
Discussion: New York Post
Kurt Bardella / NBC News:
Trump's ‘liberate’ tweets were reckless and arrogant.  Now imagine if Obama had sent them.  —  Republicans in Congress spent the past decade sensationalizing and politicizing the actions of President Barack Obama.  But don't take my word for it.  —  “LIBERATE VIRGINIA, and save your great 2nd Amendment.
Hunter Walker / Yahoo News:
The coronavirus is leading to dangerous shortages of key medications  —  WASHINGTON — Even as the spread of the coronavirus in the United States has increased shortages of critical medicines, the federal government has failed so far to provide members of Congress with crucial information …
Discussion: Yahoo Finance
Melissa Healy / Los Angeles Times:
Do testicles make men more vulnerable to the coronavirus?  —  Men contending with coronavirus infection may have a pair of vulnerabilities that could increase their risk of longer, more severe illness: their testicles.  —  A pilot study that tracked the clearance of the virus from patients in Mumbai …
Nikki Wentling / Stars & Stripes:
Medal of Honor recipient Bennie Adkins, known for Vietnam heroics, dies of coronavirus  —  Stars and Stripes is making stories on the coronavirus pandemic available free of charge.  See other free reports here.  Sign up for our daily coronavirus newsletter here.  Please support our journalism with a subscription.
Holman W. Jenkins, Jr / Wall Street Journal:
No Timeout for FBI Scandals  —  More teeth remain to be pulled, and the biggest may concern James Comey and Hillary's emails.  —  Among the details the FBI didn't relay, as required, to a secret court when spying on Carter Page was a long previous warning that its chief source, Christopher Steele …
Spencer Soper / Yahoo Finance:
Amazon Is Poised to Emerge From the Pandemic Stronger Than Ever  —  Earlier this week, a French court, responding to union complaints that Inc. wasn't doing enough to protect warehouse workers during the pandemic, ordered the company to stop selling nonessential items there.
Sam Levin / The Guardian:
Sick, elderly, pregnant: the California renters being evicted even during the pandemic  —  Despite new tenant protections, landlords are pushing out residents who can't pay rent, making some homeless amid Covid-19  —  When Covid-19 halted California's economy, state officials promised to prevent evictions and defend tenants' rights.
New York Times:
How Millions of Women Became the Most Essential Workers in America  —  One in three jobs held by women has been designated as essential.  —  Every day, Constance Warren stands behind the cold cuts counter at a grocery store in New Orleans, watching the regular customers come and go.
Patrick McGreevy / Los Angeles Times:
Newsom tells protesters of stay-at-home order he will be swayed by science, not politics  —  Gov. Gavin Newsom had some advice Saturday for people upset over the shut-down order, some of whom have started holding public protests, including one Friday in Huntington Beach.
Discussion: The Hill and KTLA
Memo to America's Governors:  —  After insisting that he had absolute power to decide when to reopen the American economy, President Donald Trump has turned over to all of you what he initially called “the biggest decision I've ever had to make.”  —  Trump is often guilty of hyperbole, but he's right in this case.
Michael Rosenwald / Washington Post:
The nation's first unemployment check — $15 — and the love story that led to it  —  She was the daughter of the first Jewish Supreme Court justice.  He was the son of a prominent Christian theologian.  Together, they changed America.  —  They first laid eyes on each other in torts class.
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 More Items: 
Jennifer Rutledge / Conservative Action Project:
Letter to Attorney General Barr
Discussion: Politico and The Hill
Riley Beggin / Vox:
Nearly two-thirds of Americans think Trump acted too slowly to fight coronavirus
Alexandra Petri / Washington Post:
Give me liberty and give me death!
Discussion: Balloon Juice
Anthony L. Fisher / Business Insider:
Hamas' decision to lock up a Gaza peace activist during a pandemic is proof that it wants endless war with Israel
Zeke Miller / Associated Press:
Pence delivering Air Force Academy commencement address
Discussion: Fox News
Michael Fumento / Issues & Insights:
After Repeated Failures, It's Time To Permanently Dump Epidemic Models
Discussion: Instapundit
Janelle Griffith / NBC News:
Lone passenger on U.S. flight gets VIP treatment: ‘Welcome aboard, Bob’
 Earlier Items: 
Los Angeles Times:
The scarlet C: Coronavirus survivors face the stigma and discrimination
Cory Stieg / CNBC:
Could you get PTSD from your pandemic experience?  The long-term mental health effects of coronavirus
Max Greenwood / The Hill:
Senate battle hinges on four races
Isaac Chotiner / New Yorker:
Gordon Brown's Case for Global Coöperation During the Coronavirus Pandemic
Osita Nwanevu / New Republic:
Donald Trump's Coronavirus Death Cult Takes to the Streets
Discussion: LifeSiteNews
Harry Enten / CNN:
Why Florida may have a big role in 2020
Paula Froelich / New York Post:
Elon Musk is tech Covidiot No. 1 during coronavirus pandemic
Discussion: CNN
Joey Garrison / USA Today:
Judge calls alleged investigator misconduct in Lori Loughlin case ‘serious and disturbing’
Discussion: Vanity Fair