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7:30 PM ET, April 28, 2020


 Top Items: 
Ben White / Politico:
Trump faces the risk of a coronavirus cliff  —  Republicans are trying to pull off a high-wire act over the next three months: Reopen the economy enough to get most jobless Americans back to work and off the public dole, while resisting another giant stimulus package.
Jonathan Swan / Axios:
McConnell tells GOP senators to “keep the White House in the box” on infrastructure  —  Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell panned the idea of using a coronavirus stimulus bill to fund major infrastructure investment in a conference call today with Republican senators.
Discussion: Fox News, National Review and Raw Story
Bloomberg:   Trump Ties Virus Aid for States to Action on ‘Sanctuary’ Cities
Trump to Order Meat Plants to Stay Open in Move Slammed by Union  — President will invoke Defense Production Act after closures  — At least 6,500 workers sickened or in isolation, union says  —  President Donald Trump plans to order slaughterhouses to remain open …
Charles Sykes / The Bulwark:
What Biden Has To Say  —  Joe Biden, Tara Reade, and double-standards.  —  I have no idea if Tara Reade's allegations against Joe Biden are true.  And, like Cathy Young, I think there are reasons to be skeptical.  (You can read her deep dive into the facts here.)
Discussion: Arc Digital and National Review
Dan Diamond / Politico:
Pence flouts hospital policy, goes maskless in Mayo Clinic visit
Discussion: Fox News, NBC News, The Hill and Vanity Fair
Vice President Mike Pence tours Mayo Clinic without coronavirus mask even though he was told to wear one
Discussion: Vox, Slate and The Guardian
Daniel Desrochers / Lexington Herald-Leader:
Beshear called it a prank, but Tupac Shakur really does need his unemployment check  —  Kentucky Gov. Andy Beshear went full Dad-mode during his Monday night news conference, calling out the “bad apples” who filed for unemployment under fake names during the coronavirus pandemic.
Lucas Aulbach / Courier-Journal:   Gov. Andy Beshear apologizes to Tupac Shakur over Kentucky coronavirus unemployment claim
Wall Street Journal:
‘A Bargain With the Devil’—Bill Comes Due for Overextended Airbnb Hosts  —  Entrepreneurs built mini-empires of short-term rental properties, borrowing against revenue that's now vanishing under coronavirus lockdowns  —  For years, Cheryl Dopp considered the ding on her phone …
Gabriel Sherman / Vanity Fair:
Inside Donald Trump and Jared Kushner's Two Months of Magical Thinking  —  On the afternoon of Thursday, March 19, Donald Trump sat in the Oval Office obsessing over the beaches in Florida.  CNN footage of shirtless spring breakers packed onto the sand while the coronavirus pandemic raged …
Discussion: Raw Story and The Mahablog
Shane Goldmacher / New York Times:
Former Aides to Bernie Sanders Form a Super PAC to Support Joe Biden  —  Mr. Sanders's 2016 campaign manager and another architect of the 2016 bid are joining together in an effort to rally progressive support for the former vice president ahead of the November election.
Discussion: IJR
Alexi McCammond / Axios:
Hillary Clinton endorses Joe Biden
Discussion: Washington Post, Breitbart and IJR
Johnny Edwards / Atlanta Journal-Constitution:
Georgia men drink disinfectants in attempts to stop coronavirus  —  Two people in Georgia drank liquid cleaning products over the weekend in misguided attempts to ward off COVID-19, according to the Georgia Poison Center.  Both men had histories of psychiatric problems and are expected to recover.
Discussion: The Hill, Twitchy, PJ Media Home and Reason
Greg Bluestein / Atlanta Journal-Constitution:   Poll: Georgians back shelter-in-place, oppose rollback of restrictions
David K. Li / NBC News:
Alaska school removes ‘The Great Gatsby,’ other famous books from curriculum for ‘controversial’ content  —  Bookstores are now fielding requests for works removed from Mat-Su Borough School District classrooms.  —  An Alaska school board removed five famous — but allegedly “controversial” …
Washington Post:
The U.S. plans to give $500 billion to large companies.  It won't require them to preserve jobs or limit executive pay.  —  The Fed's coronavirus aid program lacks restrictions Congress placed on companies seeking financial help under other programs.  —  A Federal Reserve program expected …
Discussion: Raw Story and VICE
Chloe Taylor / CNBC:
Belgians urged to eat fries twice a week as coronavirus creates massive potato surplus  — Belgians are being called upon to eat fries at least twice a week as more than 750,000 tons of potatoes are at risk of being thrown away.  — Romain Cools, secretary general of Belgian potato …
Bob Nightengale / USA Today:
MLB discussing plan to start season in late June, playing in home stadiums with realigned league  —  Maybe it's a dream scenario.  —  Maybe it's premature to get excited.  —  Then again, maybe it just might work.  —  Major League Baseball officials have become cautiously optimistic …
Discussion: The Week
Alanna Durkin Richer / Associated Press:
Nearly 70 dead in ‘horrific’ outbreak at veterans home  —  Nearly 70 residents sickened with the coronavirus have died at a Massachusetts home for aging veterans, as state and federal officials try to figure out what went wrong in the deadliest known outbreak at a long-term care facility in the U.S.
Margaret Sullivan / Washington Post:
Trump has played the media like a puppet.  We're getting better — but history will not judge us kindly.  —  Traditional journalism is under siege, NBC News chief Andy Lack wrote this week: President Trump continues to “put the bully in bully pulpit,” and the coronavirus crisis has taken a toll.
Discussion: National Review and NBC News
New York Times:
Trump's Response to Virus Reflects a Long Disregard for Science  —  The president's Covid-19 response has extended the administration's longstanding practice of undermining scientific expertise for political purposes.  —  WASHINGTON — At a March visit with doctors and researchers at the Centers …
Josh Rogin / Washington Post:
Senators demand answers from Pompeo on Wuhan lab cables  —  The State Department was warned two years ago of safety concerns at a Wuhan lab doing dangerous research on bat coronaviruses.  Now, two Democratic senators want to know if those warnings were ignored — and why, despite these warnings …
Yascha Mounk / The Atlantic:
No Testing, No Treatment, No Herd Immunity, No Easy Way Out  —  We need to start preparing for a darker reality.  —  Contributing writer at The Atlantic  —  The past few months have been bleak.  Every day has brought word of new casualties from the coronavirus.  The world economy entered free fall.
Discussion: Washington Post and Raw Story
Thomas Burr / Salt Lake Tribune:
Utah Attorney General suspends state contract with Banjo in light of founder's KKK past  —  • The Utah Attorney General's Office will suspend use of a massive surveillance system after a news report showed that the founder of the company behind the effort was once an active participant …
Oppo dumps and behind-the-scenes lobbying: Biden's VP search heats up  —  Joe Biden's advisers and allies have become torn over whether it is more important to choose an African American or a progressive running mate.  —  While the two aren't necessarily mutually exclusive …
Trip Gabriel / New York Times:
Ohio's G.O.P. Governor Splits From Trump, and Rises in Popularity  —  Mike DeWine, a low-key career politician, has followed health experts' guidance as Ohio confronts the coronavirus.  His constituents are overwhelmingly appreciative.  —  For 40 years, Mike DeWine rose steadily if blandly …
Patriots' Rookie Justin Rohrwasser To Remove ‘3 Percenter’ Tat, 'It's Shameful'  —  “I want to get it removed from my body.  It's shameful that I had it on there ignorantly.”  —  That's Patriots rookie Justin Rohrwasser fighting back tears and apologizing for the “3 Percenter” …
Discussion: Big League Politics
POLITICO's reporting on President Trump and the Bank of China  —  POLITICO published an article Friday morning on President Donald Trump's business dealings with China.  ("Trump owes tens of millions to the Bank of China - and the loan is due soon.")  Since then, new reporting and information …
The Daily Beast:
New Model Shows How Deadly Lifting Georgia's Lockdown May Be  —  COST OF LIVING  —  Georgia, Florida, and Mississippi are veering toward a terrifyingly premature end to their COVID-19 lockdowns, according to a new pandemic analysis.  —  Gov. Brian Kemp's aggressive scheme to lift Georgia …
Discussion: Raw Story and IJR
KK Ottesen / Washington Post:
Jeff Flake on Trumpism: 'I don't know anyone who thinks that this is the future of the party'  —  Jeff Flake, 57, served Arizona in the U.S. Senate from 2013 to 2019, and for six terms in the House of Representatives before that.  He is a contributor at CBS News and lectures around the world.
Discussion: The Hill, IJR, Breitbart, CNN, Raw Story and Twitchy
Rebecca Klar / The Hill:
CDC recommends social distancing for pets after some test positive for coronavirus  —  The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) is recommending people follow the same social distancing guidelines with their pets as they would human family members after a small number of animals …
Michael Laris / Washington Post:
Scientists know ways to help stop viruses from spreading on airplanes.  They're too late for this pandemic.  —  On March 14, 1977, a woman with the flu climbed aboard a 737 and headed for Kodiak, Alaska, with 53 other passengers and crew.  After an engine failed, most of them sat on the runway …
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 More Items: 
Sen. Richard Burr Is Not Just a Friend to the Health Care Industry. He's Also a Stockholder.
Myah Ward / Politico:
Trump suggests federal bailout for states could hinge on sanctuary city policies
Discussion: Vox and No More Mister Nice Blog
Andrew Desiderio / Politico:
Trump's allies sound alarm over his attacks on independent watchdogs
Discussion: Raw Story
Robert Draper / New York Times:
Can the Trump Campaign Rewrite the Story of the Trump Presidency?
Barbara Starr / CNN:
Troops who suffered traumatic brain injuries dismissed by Trump expected to receive Purple Hearts
Discussion: Task & Purpose
Betsy Woodruff Swan / Politico:
Cruz bill aims to block Pentagon help to studios that censor films for China
 Earlier Items:
What It's Like to Live Through a Cancellation
Alec MacGillis / ProPublica:
One Thing the Pandemic Hasn't Stopped: Aggressive Medical-Debt Collection
Discussion: Washington Post
Karen Attiah / Washington Post:
The ‘Karen’ memes and jokes aren't sexist or racist. Let a Karen explain.
Anna Royal / McSweeney's:
Emails from My Children's School Before 8:00 AM During the COVID-19 Crisis
Financial Times:
Virtual rate cut forces Nintendo gamers into riskier assets | Free to read
Veronica Stracqualursi / CNN:
Arizona GOP chair encourages anti-stay-at-home protesters to dress like health care workers
Discussion: The Root
Sam Stein / The Daily Beast:
Fox-Loving Parents Are Driving Coronavirus-Paranoid Kids Insane
Discussion: Raw Story

From Mediagazer:

Jason Parham / Wired:
Q&A with HuffPost editor Phil Lewis on aggregating news on X, being a “newsfluencer”, Black media and Black newsrooms, the future of news, and more

Catherine Perloff / Adweek:
The Trade Desk threatens to demonetize Yahoo video ad inventory, saying Yahoo had misrepresented inventory as “in-stream”; Yahoo says it's working on changes

Raksha Kumar / Reuters Institute:
How news outlets Newslaundry, The News Minute, The Wire, The Caravan, and Scroll, joined forces to report on India's elections with the help of audience funding

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