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3:30 PM ET, June 13, 2020


 Top Items: 
Shaddi Abusaid / Atlanta Journal-Constitution:
Man shot, killed by Atlanta police in Wendy's drive-thru  —  A 27-year-old man was shot and killed by Atlanta police Friday evening during a struggle in a Wendy's drive-thru line that was captured on cellphone video, the GBI said.  —  At a protest held outside the restaurant on Saturday morning …
ATLANTA PD FATALLY SHOOT BLACK MAN IN THE BACK  —  THE FATAL INCIDENT  —  A 27-year-old African-American man was shot in the back and killed by Atlanta police Friday night, after someone complained he was sleeping in his car at a Wendy's drive-thru.  —  TMZ obtained video of what went …
Discussion: The Daily Dot
ABC News:   Man dead after being shot by Atlanta police, GBI investigating
William A. Jacobson / Le·gal In·sur·rec· tion:
Jonathan Turley rips Cornell Law faculty letter against me: “It is the antipathy of the intellectual foundations for higher education”  —  “There is an enforced orthodoxy that is captured in the Cornell letter.  These letters are successful in creating a chilling effect on academics who are intimidated by these threats.”
Discussion: Instapundit
A New Silent Majority Is Coming
Discussion: American Thinker
JONATHAN TURLEY:   Cornell Professors Declare “Informed Commentary” Criticizing The Protests As Racism
New York Times:
Graduating West Point Cadets Isolate for Two Weeks Ahead of Trump Speech  —  The address comes as the coronavirus spreads — and during a breakdown in relations between the president and the nation's top military leaders.  —  WASHINGTON — The graduating cadets at the United States Military Academy …
Discussion: NBC News, Politico, Breitbart and Gothamist
Grace Segers / CBS News:   Trump praises cadets in commencement address at West Point
Annie Karni / New York Times:
Latest Crop of West Point Graduates Includes First Observant Sikh Cadet
Discussion: Axios
Harry Enten / CNN:
Joe Biden is winning female voters by a historic margin  —  CNN poll: Trump sees big drop in approval rating  —  (CNN)Former Vice President Joe Biden leads President Donald Trump in the polls for a lot of different reasons.  One large one is his support from female voters.
Mary Jordan / Washington Post:
How Melania Trump blocked Ivanka Trump from encroaching on her domain  —  Melania Trump did not even like to be called by her new title at first.  —  “She said, ‘Stop calling me first lady,’ ” recalled one of the people who worked with Melania after the election.
Discussion: TheGrio, IJR, New York Times and Fox News
Yashar Ali / HuffPost:
'To Say That She's An Abusive Figure Is An Understatement': At ABC News, Toxicity Thrives  —  Sources say Barbara Fedida, a powerful ABC News executive, has an extensive history of insensitive comments.  She's now been placed on administrative leave while the network investigates.
New York Times:
Biden's Vice-Presidential Search: Who's on the List and Where It Stands  —  The search committee is conducting interviews and seeking private documents, and prospects like Val Demings and Keisha Lance Bottoms are getting a closer look as political currents influence the search.
Discussion: The Hill
Jonathan Easley / The Hill:
Tight polls put GOP on edge in Texas  —  AUSTIN — Texas Republicans are on edge as polls show President Trump and presumptive Democratic nominee Joe Biden running neck and neck in the Lone Star State with less than five months to go before Election Day.  —  Most GOP operatives …
Ken Dilanian / NBC News:
From ‘beautiful letters’ to ‘a dark nightmare’: How Trump's North Korea gamble went bust  —  WASHINGTON — North Korea officially declared an end Friday to its diplomatic dalliance with the U.S. But experts say it's been clear for some time that President Donald Trump's bold but risky effort …
Discussion: KCNA Watch
Emily Wagster Pettus / Associated Press:
Mississippi faces reckoning on Confederate emblem in flag  —  JACKSON, Miss. (AP) — The young activists who launched a protest movement after George Floyd's death are bringing fresh energy to a long-simmering debate about the Confederate battle emblem that white supremacists embedded within …
Hannah Leone / Chicago Tribune:
Joyce Kenner leads Whitney Young, but after George Floyd's killing she faces calls to resign: 'If I don't understand about black people and oppression, nobody else does.'  —  After Martin Luther King Jr. was assassinated in 1968, an 11-year-old Joyce Kenner witnessed people take to the streets …
Matt Taibbi / Reporting:
The American Press Is Destroying Itself  —  A flurry of newsroom revolts has transformed the American press  —  Sometimes it seems life can't get any worse in this country.  Already in terror of a pandemic, Americans have lately been bombarded with images of grotesque state-sponsored violence …
New York Times:
Oakdale, Minn.  —  Before this moment of America's reckoning with race, the warm spring air was already charged.  —  A killer virus had ripped through black communities.  Bullets, too.  —  Ahmaud Arbery.  Breonna Taylor.  And then the death of a black man after an encounter with a white police officer …
Vincent Barone / New York Post:
Three indicted for allegedly throwing Molotov cocktails at NYPD vehicles, face life in prison  —  An upstate woman and two Brooklyn lawyers were indicted Friday on federal explosives and arson charges for allegedly tossing Molotov cocktails at NYPD vehicles during George Floyd protests in New York City.
Oli Coleman / Page Six:
Howard Stern under fire for past use of blackface, skit with N-word  —  Howard Stern has become the latest in a long list of celebrities and power players to be forced to confront their use of blackface.  —  On Thursday a video appeared online showing Stern in minstrel-style makeup, liberally using the N-word.
Becket Adams / Washington Examiner:
NBC anchor asks Tim Scott to say whether he's a ‘token’  —  Sen. Tim Scott of South Carolina is the only black Republican senator.  —  He is also the only member of Congress's upper chamber who is subjected regularly to the racist allegation that he is a “token.”
Frank Bajak / Associated Press:
Activists cite tabulation flaw in mail-in ballots in Georgia  —  Faulty software or poorly calibrated vote-tabulation scanners used to count mailed-in ballots in this week's chaotic Georgia primary may have prevented thousands of votes from being counted, election officials and voting integrity activists say.
Congressman Matt Gaetz:
BREAKING: Gaetz Introducing Bill Requiring US Soccer to Stand for Anthem or Face Financial Repercussions  —  Congressman Gaetz revealed on his podcast “Hot Takes with Matt Gaetz” today that he is drafting legislation compelling US Soccer to reverse the decision they made repealing Policy 604-1 …
Discussion: Fox News
Tina Nguyen / Politico:
QAnon marches toward the halls of Congress  —  For the last three years, the amorphous QAnon conspiracy movement has seeped into the fringes of President Donald Trump's internet world, with supporters even popping up at the president's rallies.  —  But QAnon adherents are now filtering into electoral politics.
Discussion: Washington Post
Washington Post:
Protesters return to D.C.'s Black Lives Matter Plaza for 16th day of demonstrations  —  The protests were smaller and quieter Saturday but showed no sign of letting up as demonstrations against police brutality and racial injustice continued for the 16th straight day in the District and in communities throughout the Washington region.
Discussion: The Hill
Joel Oliphint / Columbus Alive:
‘We were terrified and confused’: The curious case of the colorful school bus  —  Joel Oliphint Associate Editor, Columbus Alive @joeloliphint  —  A group of hippie circus performers on a converted bus named Buttercup were briefly detained by a SWAT team at a Downtown protest.
Discussion: Talking Points Memo
Thomas Beaumont / Associated Press:
Protests in Trump country test his hold in rural white areas  —  In the lake country 200 miles (320 kilometers) northwest of Detroit, hundreds danced, prayed and demanded racial justice in Cadillac, a Michigan town that was long home to a neo-Nazi group.  —  It was not an isolated scene.
Matt Wilstein / The Daily Beast:
Trump Goes After George Floyd Protesters and Lincoln's ‘Questionable’ Legacy in Bizarre Fox News Interview  —  The president of the United States demonstrated how little the past two weeks have changed him during a new interview with Fox host Harris Faulkner.
Discussion: Raw Story and Vanity Fair
Danielle Douglas-Gabriel / Washington Post:
Through a network of monasteries and churches, Otilia Levi helped Jews hide from Nazis during WWII  —  Otilia Levi's life was defined by her courage.  —  Born Otilia Vainer in Galatz, Romania, in 1923, she was the daughter of a Jewish merchant.  The family of four fled the country in 1941 …
Chris McCrory / WWL-TV:
NOPD strips sergeant of power, investigating social media posts about protesters  —  His alleged social media comments were posted as the U.S. wrestles with institutional racism in law enforcement forces across the country.  —  NEW ORLEANS — An NOPD Sergeant was decommissioned and suspended Friday …
Discussion: Raw Story
Julia Jacobs / New York Times:
Harry Potter Fans Reimagine Their World Without Its Creator  —  A slice of fandom divides itself from J.K. Rowling.  —  When J.K. Rowling was accused of transphobia about two years ago for “liking” a tweet that referred to transgender women as “men in dresses,” much of the Harry Potter fandom tried …
Erin Ailworth / Wall Street Journal:
Texas Prosecutor Says Officer Who Arrested George Floyd Likely Lied in 2004 Case  —  Minor drug offenses like Mr. Floyd's aren't cases ‘that we would accept for charges under my administration,’ Harris County district attorney says  —  Houston's top prosecutor has concluded …
Discussion: Raw Story
Peter Keating / Politico:
How JFK Paved the Way for Donald Trump  —  “Any Democratic aspirant,” John F. Kennedy said when he announced his presidential candidacy 60 years ago, “should be willing to submit to the voters his views, record and competence in a series of primary contests.”
CBS News:
New York City Council proposes cutting $1 billion from NYPD budget  —  The New York City Council has proposed cutting $1 billion from the NYPD's spending in the fiscal 2021 budget, CBS New York reports.  —  In a statement released Friday night, the council said cutting $1 billion …
Discussion: CBS New York and Press
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 More Items: 
Gwynedd Stuart / Los Angeles Magazine:
Mayor Garcetti Walks Back His Endorsement of Beleaguered DA Jackie Lacey
Anna Diakun / Just Security:
Redactions in CDC Communications Policies Leave Key Questions Unanswered
Wall Street Journal:
Over 1,300 Chinese Medical Suppliers to U.S.—Including Mask Providers—Use Bogus Registration Data
Eric Schmitt / New York Times:
Pentagon Denies Spying on Americans Protesting Police Killings
Calls to remove ‘racist’ Gandhi statue in Leicester
Discussion: New York Post and The Federalist
Aya Elamroussi / Associated Press:
Jaywalking arrest of 2 black teens in Oklahoma under review
The Guardian:
Clemson to strip name of John C Calhoun from honors college
 Earlier Items: 
Tal Axelrod / The Hill:
Trump says he'll leave White House peacefully if Biden wins
USA Today:
‘Tucker Carlson Tonight’ loses Disney, T-Mobile ads after host's Black Lives Matter comments
Peter Szekely / Reuters:
Kentucky to remove statue of Confederate leader Jefferson Davis from Capitol
Anthony Leonardi / Washington Examiner:
Mark Meadows says federal employee who leaked social media executive order ‘no longer works for the federal government’
Jonathan Chait / New York Magazine:
Michael Flynn Writes Column Confirming He Is Definitely Insane
Jennifer Steinhauer / New York Times:
Trump's Actions Rattle the Military World: 'I Can't Support the Man'
Discussion: Daily Kos