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5:50 PM ET, November 25, 2020


 Top Items: 
Trump pardons former national security adviser Flynn  —  Outgoing President Donald Trump pardoned his former national security adviser Michael Flynn on Wednesday for lying to FBI agents investigating Russian interference in the 2016 election.  —  “It is my Great Honor to announce …
Rosalind Helderman / Washington Post:
Trump pardons former national security adviser Michael Flynn, who pleaded guilty to lying to the FBI
Dareh Gregorian / NBC News:
Trump pardons Michael Flynn, who twice pleaded guilty to lying to the FBI
Brad Raffensperger / USA Today:
Georgia secretary of state: My family voted for Trump.  He threw us under the bus anyway.  —  I have fought to uphold the integrity of elections in Georgia.  It doesn't matter if the attacks come from the guy I voted for or not.  —  The past few weeks have been difficult for the voters of the Peach State.
New York Times:
Stock Trades by Senator Perdue Said to Have Prompted Justice Dept. Inquiry  —  Investigators focused on a sale of at least $1 million of stock in Cardlytics, a financial firm whose board the senator once sat on.  They closed the case this summer without charges.
Associated Press:
With US in COVID-19 panic, Sen. Perdue saw stock opportunity  —  WASHINGTON (AP) — As the ravages of the novel coronavirus forced millions of people out of work, shuttered businesses and shrank the value of retirement accounts, the Dow Jones Industrial Average plunged to a three-year low.
Discussion: The Intellectualist and Mediaite
Alana Satlin / NBC News:
Trump calls into Pennsylvania hearing, rambles about voter fraud on speakerphone … President Donald Trump on Wednesday phoned into a Pennsylvania state Senate hearing where his legal team was appearing as part of their shriveling legal battle against the election results.
Trump lawyer details far-fetched strategy to reverse Pennsylvania win for Biden  — A lawyer for President Donald Trump's campaign revealed that the campaign could be relying on pulling off a complicated — and possibly unprecedented — legal and legislative trick shot to undo President …
Discussion: Raw Story and HotAir
Tyler Olson / Fox News:
Trump cancels trip to Pennsylvania GOP meeting on election irregularities, source says
Jeremy Diamond / CNN:
Trump phones into Pennsylvania GOP lawmakers' baseless voter fraud event after canceling trip
Erik Larson / Bloomberg:
Trump Campaign Wants Giuliani to Argue Pennsylvania Appeal
Kim Wehle / The Bulwark:
Trump's Embarrassingly Bad Legal Case in Pennsylvania  —  No wonder his campaign kept swapping out its lawyers.  —  On Saturday, a federal district court judge issued a blistering dismissal of Donald J. Trump for President, Inc. v. Kathy Boockvar.  The opinion is a lesson in elementary lawyering …
Erik Larson / Bloomberg:
Pennsylvania Judge Halts Further Vote Certification Steps  —  A Pennsylvania judge issued an order preventing the state from taking additional steps to certify its election results until she holds a hearing on Friday morning.  —  The ruling on Wednesday by Commonwealth Court Judge Patricia McCullough …
After warnings to avoid travel, Denver Mayor Hancock flies to visit family for Thanksgiving  —  Denver Mayor Michael Hancock has told people to avoid travel in order to slow the spread of the novel coronavirus, which is at record levels in the city.  —  DENVER — Denver Mayor Michael Hancock boarded …
Tim Alberta / Politico:
The Inside Story of Michigan's Fake Voter Fraud Scandal  —  After five years spent bullying the Republican Party into submission, President Donald Trump finally met his match in Aaron Van Langevelde.  —  Who?  —  That's right.  In the end, it wasn't a senator or a judge or a general who stood up to the leader of the free world.
Dave Boucher / Detroit Free Press:
State Senate committee to hold election hearing as Trump campaign touts ‘review’
Discussion: Progress Pond
Washington Post:
NRA reports alleged misspending by current and former executives to IRS  —  After years of denying allegations of lax financial oversight, the National Rifle Association has made a stunning declaration in a new tax filing: Current and former executives used the nonprofit group's money for personal benefit and enrichment.
Alyssa Fowers / Washington Post:
A growing number of Americans are going hungry  —  Graphics reporter focusing on data visualization and analysis  —  It was 5 a.m., not a hint of sun in the Houston sky, as Randy Young and his mom pulled into the line for a free Thanksgiving meal.  They were three hours early.
Discussion: Forbes, The Week and HotAir
Paul Bedard / Washington Examiner:
Huge court win lets Trump present ballot evidence, could overturn Nevada result  —  In its first court victory, a Nevada judge has agreed to let the Trump campaign present its evidence that fraud and illegalities plagued the state's election, enough to reverse Joe Biden's win and set an example for other state challenges.
Henry Fountain / New York Times:
Permit Denied for Alaskan Mine Project  —  The Army Corps of Engineers denied a permit for the proposed Pebble Mine project, saying it was “contrary to the public interest.”  —  The Army Corps of Engineers on Wednesday denied a permit for the proposed Pebble Mine in Alaska, likely dealing a death blow to the long-disputed project.
Barak Ravid / Axios:
Scoop: Israeli military prepares for possibility Trump will strike Iran  —  The Israel Defense Forces have in recent weeks been instructed to prepare for the possibility that the U.S. will conduct a military strike against Iran before President Trump leaves office, senior Israeli officials tell me.
New York Times:
C.I.A. Officer Is Killed in Somalia  —  The officer's combat death came as President Trump considers pulling back on American operations in the region.  —  WASHINGTON — A veteran C.I.A. officer was killed in combat in Somalia in recent days, according to current and former U.S. officials …
Discussion: CNN and Foreign Affairs
Armin Rosen / Tablet Magazine:
Who Really Runs The Drudge Report?  —  The Drudge Report has become a conformist shadow of its formerly bratty, oppositional self.  Why?
New York Times:
Congress Pays $850,000 to Muslim Aides Targeted in Inquiry Stoked by Trump  —  The House resolved wrongful termination claims by five Pakistani-American technology workers whose case was twisted into a right-wing conspiracy theory pushed by President Trump.  —  The House of Representatives …
Discussion: (We) Are The News
Amanda Mull / The Atlantic:
The Logic of Pandemic Restrictions Is Falling Apart  —  Two weeks ago, I staged a reluctant intervention via Instagram direct message.  The subject was a longtime friend, Josh, who had been sharing photos of himself and his fiancé occasionally dining indoors at restaurants since New York City …
Adam Kredo / Washington Free Beacon:
Biden Eyes Israel Critic as White House Press Sec  —  Incoming president Joe Biden is reportedly close to selecting a vocal Israel critic to serve as his White House press secretary.  —  Karine Jean-Pierre, a longtime campaign adviser and incoming vice president Kamala Harris's chief of staff …
Discussion: Sara A. Carter
USA Today:
Trump's concession speech, as if he'd actually give one  —  Here is a parody of Trump's concession speech if he decides he's had enough presidenting.  —  Sexual objects and gentlemen, Diamond, Silk, and distinguished guesses:  —  I want to thank myself for being here.
Meghan Markle / New York Times:
The Losses We Share  —  Perhaps the path to healing begins with three simple words: Are you OK?  —  The writer is a mother, feminist and advocate.  —  It was a July morning that began as ordinarily as any other day: Make breakfast.  Feed the dogs.  Take vitamins.  Find that missing sock.
Matthew Kassel / Jewish Insider:
Jonathan Swan on migrating to the Biden beat … Jonathan Swan, the star national political correspondent at Axios, has built a reputation as one of the most enterprising and deeply sourced reporters covering the White House.  But for a brief period over the summer, his exasperated visage …
Jaclyn Diaz / NPR:
North Korean Former Gymnast Fled To South Korea By Jumping Fence  —  A North Korean man seeking to escape his homeland took a nearly 10-foot leap of faith earlier this month.  The jump, which occurred under — or more accurately over — the noses of soldiers, brought him to safety in South Korea …
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 More Items: 
Dan Avery / NBC News:
Starbucks barista says she was fired for refusing to wear Pride shirt
Discussion: The Daily Caller and LGBTQ Nation
New York Times:
The New York Times is available to high school students and teachers across the United States — free.
Discussion: The Hill
Gonzalo Schwarz / Washington Examiner:
The Biden administration should prioritize growth over redistribution
Discussion: Real Clear Politics
Bonnie Kristian / The Week:
Our parents warned us the internet would break our brains. It broke theirs instead.
Jack Dura / Bismarck Tribune:
North Dakota Supreme Court denies governor's legislative appointment
Geoff Pender / Mississippi Today:
Rep. Steven Palazzo ethics investigation: Is the congressman's campaign account a slush fund?
Discussion: Politico
Jade Jackson /
Arkansas man receives racist letter about his Black Santa decorations
Discussion: The Root and Raw Story
 Earlier Items: 
Daveen Rae Kurutz / Beaver County Times & …:
GOP Chair Christiana asks DA to review mail-in ballot envelopes, requests from nursing homes
Hayes Brown / MSNBC:
Trump crams one last racist policy into his final days as president
Discussion: Raw Story and Just Security
New York Times:
The 25 Greatest Actors of the 21st Century (So Far)
Lauren Leatherby / New York Times:
A U.S. Record: Two Million New Virus Cases in Two Weeks
Discussion: Washington Examiner and Forbes
Matthew Yglesias / Slow Boring:
National Democrats' misguided re-embrace of gun control
Discussion: Althouse

From Mediagazer:

Sheila Dang / Reuters:
Survey: 52% of US and 63% of UK respondents say they would be uneasy with news produced mostly using AI; 59% worry about false news content online, up 3% YoY

Thomas Buckley / Bloomberg:
Pixar's Inside Out 2 grosses $155M in the US and Canada, 2024's biggest opening weekend, and $295M globally, the biggest in history for an animated film

Jack Herrera / Columbia Journalism Review:
A profile of Lorena López, the founder and editor of La Prensa de Iowa, an improbably successful Spanish-language paper serving rural farm towns in western Iowa

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