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12:20 PM ET, November 26, 2020


 Top Items: 
Adam Liptak / New York Times:
Splitting 5 to 4, Supreme Court Backs Religious Challenge to Cuomo's Virus Shutdown Order  —  Justice Amy Coney Barrett played a decisive role in the decision, which took the opposite approach of earlier court rulings related to coronavirus restrictions in California and Nevada.
Robert Barnes / Washington Post:
Supreme Court relieves religious organizations from some covid-related restrictions  —  The Supreme Court's new conservative majority late Wednesday night sided with religious organizations in New York that said they were illegally targeted by pandemic-related restrictions imposed …
Josh Gerstein / Politico:
Major shift at Supreme Court on Covid-19 orders  —  The Supreme Court signaled a major shift in its approach to coronavirus-related restrictions late Wednesday, voting 5-4 to bar New York state from reimposing limits on religious gatherings.  —  The emergency rulings, issued just before midnight …
Discussion: New York Post, Power Line and USA Today
Jessica Gresko / Associated Press:
High court blocks NY coronavirus limits on houses of worship
Discussion: Mercury News
Trump's conspiracies have MAGA world talking Georgia boycott  —  President Donald Trump's demonization of mail-in voting may have cost him votes in the recent election.  Now, his demonization of Georgia's entire electoral system is hurting his party's chances at keeping the Senate.
Discussion: New York Times and Raw Story
Washington Post:
Trump's baseless election fraud claims in Georgia turn Senate runoffs into a ‘high-wire act’ for Republicans
Joe and Jill Biden: Our most important Thanksgiving tradition  —  The Biden family poses for a picture on Saturday, November 7, 2020.  From left: Melissa Cohen, Hunter Biden, Beau Biden, Naomi Biden, President-elect Joe Biden, Dr. Jill Biden, Maisy Biden, Finnegan Biden, Hunter Biden, Natalie Biden, Ashley Biden, and Dr. Howard Krein.
Wall Street Journal:
A Pardon for General Flynn  —  Finally an end to a disgraceful case of politicized prosecution.  —  By The Editorial Board  —  President Trump's decision Wednesday to pardon former national security adviser Michael Flynn is an overdue act of justice that ends four years of political harassment …
Discussion: The Guardian and Power Line
Tom Porter / Business Insider:
Trump retweeted GOP ally Matt Gaetz calling for a pardoning spree including the president and his whole administration  — President Donald Trump on Wednesday retweeted a post in which Rep. Matt Gaetz called for the president to issue himself a pardon.  — “President Trump should pardon Flynn …
Donald J. Trump / The White House:
Proclamation on Thanksgiving Day, 2020  —  On Thanksgiving Day, we thank God for the abundant blessings in our lives.  As we gather with family and friends to celebrate this season of generosity, hope, and gratitude, we commemorate America's founding traditions of faith, family, and friendship …
Washington Post:
As Americans prepare to gather for Thanksgiving, the world watches with dread and disbelief  —  Foreign observers are watching with trepidation — and at times disbelief — as coronavirus cases surge across the United States, and scores of Americans are choosing to follow through with plans …
Discussion: Sydney Morning Herald
Tim Miller / The Bulwark:
There's No War on Thanksgiving  —  Republican turkeys pretend pandemic restrictions are a culture-war issue, while Trump floats in a gravy of resentment.  —  This should be a time of national solidarity.  Our nurses and emergency-room doctors should be celebrated like conquering heroes.
Discussion: Raw Story, NPR and TheBlaze
After warnings to avoid travel, Denver Mayor Hancock flies to visit family for Thanksgiving
Pope Francis / New York Times:
A Crisis Reveals What Is in Our Hearts  —  To come out of this pandemic better than we went in, we must let ourselves be touched by others' pain.  —  Pope Francis is the head of the Catholic Church and the bishop of Rome.  —  In this past year of change, my mind and heart have overflowed with people.
Jerry DeMarco / Hackensack Daily Voice:
Hackensack Board Member Who Opposed LGBTQ Curriculum Resigns After Embarrassing Zoom Incident  —  A Hackensack School Board member who made national headlines by opposing a LGBTC curriculum has resigned after an embarrassing incident during a Zoom meeting.  —  Frances Cogelja didn't realize she'd left …
Discussion: New York Post
Robert Burnson / Bloomberg:
Pro-Trump Group Donor Sues Over Failure to Expose Election Fraud  — North Carolina money manager wants $2.5 million donation back  — Fred Eshelman says group made ‘empty promises,’ platitudes  —  A pro-Trump group that promised to challenge the Nov. 3 election results and expose fraud …
Discussion: Law & Crime and POLITICUSUSA
Washington Post:
Biden tries to spread calm, as some Democrats worry about his willingness to fight  —  WILMINGTON, Del. — Republicans had been gearing up for the first partisan brawl of the new administration — a battle over whether to confirm the woman widely believed to be on Joe Biden's shortlist for secretary of state.
Discussion: The Guardian
New York Times:
After Admitting Mistake, AstraZeneca Faces Difficult Questions About Its Vaccine  —  Some trial participants only got a partial dose of AstraZeneca's vaccine.  Experts said the company's spotty disclosures have eroded confidence.  —  The announcement this week that a cheap …
Discussion: Chicago Tribune and New York Post
Joe Concha / The Hill:
And the 2020 winner is ... dangerous distrust  —  For the most advanced country in the world, U.S. elections have become amateur hour.  And the result?  Overwhelming mistrust in the way votes are received and counted.  —  How overwhelming?  —  “The share of Republicans …
Erin Burnett Out Front / CNN:
Avlon: Trump shows fundamental disrespect of fact and reality  —  CNN's John Avlon breaks down President Trump's unwillingness to accept the results of the 2020 election.Source: CNN  —  FOLLOW CNN POLITICS
Brian Stelter / CNN:
Fox News staffers thought Newsmax was a joke.  But they're not laughing anymore  —  New York (CNN Business)Fox News is taking action to stave off newfound competition from Newsmax TV.  —  Producers on some Fox programs have been told to monitor Newsmax's guest bookings and throw some sand …
Ben Hubbard / New York Times:
Saudi Activist Who Fought For Women's Right to Drive Is Sent to Terrorism Court  —  Loujain al-Hathloul, one of Saudi Arabia's most prominent prisoners, has been accused of harming the kingdom's security.  Rights groups consider the prosecution a sham.  —  BEIRUT, Lebanon …
Allison Kaplan Sommer / Haaretz:
Amid Controversy, Biden Team Stands by Appointment of Palestinian-American Senior Aide  —  Reema Dodin faced immediate criticism from some conservative groups but is backed by veteran politicians and Jewish Democrats  —  The appointment of Reema Dodin, a Palestinian-American Senate staffer …
Sen. Rick Scott: We Need National Voter ID Requirements Now  —  WASHINGTON, D.C. - Today, Senator Rick Scott released the following statement calling for national Voter ID requirements, which he is urging his colleagues in Congress to pass alongside his Verifiable, Orderly, & Timely Election Results (VOTER) Act.
Discussion: Florida Politics
Brent Budowsky / The Hill:
Biden soars as leader of the free world  —  While the Trump presidency ends with an ignominious conclusion, with Donald Trump desperately trying to cling to power, President-elect Joe Biden is, for all intents and purposes, the effective leader of the free world.
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 More Items: 
Jennifer Jacobs / Bloomberg:
Top Trump Aide O'Brien Shadowed in Asia by U.S. Election Tumult
Discussion: Business Insider
Karl Bode / VICE:
OAN Is So Dangerous Because It Looks Like a Real News Channel
Washington Post:
Biden wants to re-thaw relations with Cuba. He'll have to navigate Florida politics.
Discussion: Bloomberg
Defense News:
Lawmakers, former officials surge support for Flournoy to be Biden's defense secretary
Ron Kampeas / Jewish Telegraphic Agency:
James Wolfensohn, former World Bank president and Jewish philanthropist, dies at 86
Washington Post:
GOP effort to invalidate more than 2.5 million votes in Pennsylvania dealt another setback
Joseph Choi / The Hill:
Kentucky coffee shop loses license over defying coronavirus order
Discussion: Townhall
 Earlier Items: 
Trump agency head who often skips mask tests positive for coronavirus
Discussion: The Hill
Rowan Scarborough / Washington Times:
Mattis failed to disclose his role with global consultant tied to China in bombshell column
Discussion: Associated Press
Foreign Policy:
Pentagon Purges Leading Advisors From Defense Policy Board
Biden leans toward Tom Donilon as CIA chief
Discussion: Reason

From Mediagazer:

Sheila Dang / Reuters:
Survey: 52% of US and 63% of UK respondents say they would be uneasy with news produced mostly using AI; 59% worry about false news content online, up 3% YoY

Thomas Buckley / Bloomberg:
Pixar's Inside Out 2 grosses $155M in the US and Canada, 2024's biggest opening weekend, and $295M globally, the biggest in history for an animated film

Jack Herrera / Columbia Journalism Review:
A profile of Lorena López, the founder and editor of La Prensa de Iowa, an improbably successful Spanish-language paper serving rural farm towns in western Iowa

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