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10:30 AM ET, October 13, 2022


 Top Items: 
Washington Post:
Trump worker told FBI about moving Mar-a-Lago boxes on ex-president's orders  —  Key witness and security-camera footage offer evidence of Trump's actions after government subpoena, people familiar say  —  A Trump employee has told federal agents about moving boxes of documents at Mar-a-Lago …
Rolling Stone:
Trump Threatened to Out Confidential Sources From Russia Investigation  —  The former president is still itching to compromise the intelligence sources he blames for the investigation into Russia's role in the 2016 campaign  —  DONALD TRUMP IN the final days of his presidency repeatedly threatened …
Discussion: Raw Story
Jacob Solis / The Nevada Independent:
Fourteen members of Laxalt family endorse Democratic rival, Cortez Masto, in Senate race  —  Fourteen members of Republican Senate candidate and former Attorney General Adam Laxalt's family announced Wednesday that they would collectively endorse his Democratic opponent …
POLITICO Playbook: Where the Jan. 6 investigation heads next
Natasha Korecki / NBC News:
Nevada stands alone as only battleground without a Senate debate before midterms
Discussion: Washington Examiner
‘Clear and present danger’: Jan. 6 committee to describe lingering Trump threat
Sources: Commanders boss Snyder claims ‘dirt’ on NFL owners, Goodell  —  DAN SNYDER DOES this thing when he feels cornered, say those who know him well.  He paces in a hotel suite, or on his superyacht, or at River View, his $48 million Virginia estate.  Cradling a drink in one hand …
Discussion: OutKick and ProFootballTalk
David Bauder / Associated Press:
NBC reporter's interview with Fetterman draws criticism  —  An NBC News correspondent who interviewed Pennsylvania Senate candidate John Fetterman said Wednesday that her reporting should not be seen as commentary on his fitness for office after he suffered a stroke.
‘Stop the steal’ supporters train thousands of U.S. poll observers  —  Inside the El Paso County clerk's office in Colorado, where officials had gathered in July to recount votes in a Republican nominating contest for this year's midterms, dozens of angry election watchers pounded on the windows …
Heidi Przybyla / Politico:
Michigan county hires ‘Stop the Steal’ ringleader to recruit poll workers
Discussion: The Daily Beast and Raw Story
Kelly Meyerhofer / Journal Sentinel:
18 months after terms expired, GOP appointees to Wisconsin's technical college board continue to serve and deny Evers' picks  —  Mary Williams isn't budging.  —  The former GOP state representative from northern Wisconsin who was appointed by former Republican Gov. Scott Walker …
John Ganz / Unpopular Front:
Musk and West, Inc.  —  The Decline of the American Bourgeoisie  —  Elon Musk's newfound sympathy with Putin's war aims and his alleged contact with the Russian dictator; Kanye West's antisemitic outburst; Musk's warm welcome of West back to Twitter.—All of these things are of a piece.
Camille Mumford / Emerson Polling:
Ohio 2022: Ryan and Vance in Dead Heat for Ohio Senate Seat; Gov. DeWine Maintains Double-Digit Lead Over Whaley  —  Home Polls Ohio 2022: Ryan and Vance in Dead Heat for Ohio Senate Seat; Gov. DeWine Maintains Double-Digit Lead Over Whaley  —  The latest Emerson College Polling/The Hill survey …
Elizabeth Williamson / New York Times:
Live Updates: Alex Jones Ordered to Pay Sandy Hook Victims' Families Nearly $1 Billion  —  A jury in Connecticut awarded damages to the families of eight victims killed in the 2012 shooting and an F.B.I. agent who responded to the scene.  Jones had already been found liable for defamation …
Joanna Slater / Washington Post:
Alex Jones ordered to pay nearly $1 billion to Sandy Hook families
Dana Goldstein / New York Times:
Why You Can't Find Child Care: 100,000 Workers Are Missing  —  Where did they go?  To better-paying jobs stocking shelves, cleaning offices or doing anything that pays more than $15 an hour.  —  Carolina Reyes was surprised when she heard that an assistant teacher at her child-care center …
Siraj Hashmi / Newsweek:
Muslim Parents Defy Intersectionality, Join Christian Parents Against Sexualizing Kids  —  , CO-HOST OF THE HABIBI POWER HOUR PODCAST  —  Hundreds of protesters swarmed a Dearborn Public Schools board meeting on Monday in fierce opposition to books used in class and school libraries that include explicit content of the LGBTQ variety.
Divya Kumar / Tampa Bay Times:
UF's presidential search was not done as Florida law intended, lawmaker says  —  Sen. Jeff Brandes, the law's co-sponsor, said the university's naming of a single finalist isn't what he had in mind.  —  The University of Florida's search for a new president violates the intent of a new state law …
Fatima Hussein / Associated Press:
Social Security recipients expected to get big benefit boost  —  Millions of Social Security recipients will learn soon just how high a boost they'll get in their benefits next year.  The increase to be announced Thursday, expected to be the largest in 40 years, is fueled by record high inflation …
Jennifer Agiesta / CNN:
CNN Poll: Voters tilt toward Republicans over Democrats in competitive districts  —  Americans are closely divided over which party's candidate they would support in their congressional districts, with preferences in competitive districts tilting toward Republicans, according to a new CNN Poll conducted by SSRS.
Discussion: The Hill and Blue Virginia
Shane Goldmacher / New York Times:
The top Senate G.O.P. super PAC raised $111 million in the third quarter.  —  The financial windfall is being used to pummel Democratic candidates.  In Senate battleground states, the group's ads have been hard to avoid.  —  The leading super PAC for Senate Republicans, the Senate Leadership Fund …
Tresa Baldas / Detroit Free Press:
Judge concerned that juror is flirting with defendant in Whitmer kidnap trial  —  A juror in the third Gretchen Whitmer kidnap trial is under scrutiny over concerns she is flirting with one of the defendants, smiling at him from the jury box and looking at him frequently …
Jeff Cox / CNBC:
Inflation increased 0.4% in September, more than expected despite rate hikes  — Consumer prices rose 0.4% in September and were up 8.2% from a year ago, according to BLS data released Thursday.  — Excluding food and energy, the core consumer price index accelerated 0.6% and 6.6% respectively.
Ellie Quinlan Houghtaling / The Daily Beast:
Trump Must Face Grilling in E. Jean Carroll Defamation Suit, Judge Rules  —  FACE THE MUSIC  —  A U.S. District Court judge has ruled that Donald Trump will have to sit for a deposition next week, despite attempts by Trump's attorneys to delay the testimony.
New York Times:
Western Nations Rush Defensive Systems to Ukraine to Counter Russian Missiles  —  Even with Soviet-era defensive weapons, the Ukrainians have been more than holding their own, but this week's barrage prompted calls to better equip them.  —  KYIV, Ukraine — In just two days this week …
Christian Datoc / Washington Examiner:
Biden says late son Beau ‘lost his life in Iraq’ during monument ceremony  —  President Joe Biden invoked the memory of his late son Beau Biden Wednesday while declaring the Camp Hale Continental Divide a national monument but said the former Delaware attorney general and military reservist “lost his life in Iraq.”
Wall Street Journal:
Rare Beijing Protest Channels Covid Frustrations Before Communist Party Meeting  —  A banner unfurled from a highway overpass called for leader Xi Jinping to be deposed  —  BEIJING—Police rushed to a highway bridge in Beijing after a column of dark smoke appeared above protest banners …
Discussion: NPR, CNN,, Bloomberg and Reuters
Luis Ferré-Sadurní / New York Times:
Hochul Leads Zeldin by 10 Points in Marist Poll, as G.O.P. Sees Hope  —  Gov. Kathy Hochul, a Democrat, enjoys a healthy lead in New York, but Republican leaders are showing signs of cautious optimism that the race might be competitive.  —  Gov. Kathy Hochul leads Representative Lee Zeldin …
Discussion: Bloomberg and New York Post
Mark Niesse / Atlanta Journal-Constitution:
Thousands of Georgia voters' eligibility challenged before election  —  Republicans use Georgia election law to try to cancel registrations  —  While working for the U.S. Navy in California, Gamaliel Turner learned that his right to vote in Georgia had been challenged by the chairman of his home county's Republican Party.
Kareem Fahim / Washington Post:
Saudi Arabia sharply rejects U.S. criticism of oil production cut  —  Saudi Arabia responded Thursday to a barrage of criticism from the United States over a decision by the Saudi-led oil producing cartel and its allies to cut production, saying the decision was based solely on …
Jessica Cody / American Thinker:
Is This the Beginning of the End for George Soros?  —  It's no secret that billionaire philanthropist and financier George Soros has had a hand in the rise of many major political players.  From his heavy investment in the sheriffs in Arizona to his funding of grassroots activists in Ferguson …
Discussion: Fox News, Breitbart and TheBlaze
David Rutz / Fox News:
Lincoln Project's Steve Schmidt blasts co-founders as unethical, suggests disgraced group should disband  —  Schmidt says Showtime documentary on Lincoln Project shows ‘some of the most despicable and unethical behavior’  —  Greenwald responds to Lincoln Project co-founder's ‘fabricated’ quote
Los Angeles Times:
Nury Martinez resigns from L.A. City Council in wake of audio leak scandal  —  Nury Martinez resigned her seat on the Los Angeles City Council on Wednesday, days after the release of an explosive leaked audio of a racist, crude conversation.  —  “It is with a broken heart that I resign …
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 More Items: 
Financial Times:
Crisis-hit Sri Lanka snaps up cheap Russian oil
Discussion: Bloomberg
Henry Olsen / Washington Post:
Who has the edge in the midterms? Spending data suggest it's the GOP.
Special Report: U.S. firm supplied networking tech to maker of Russian missiles
Pamela Falk / CBS News:
U.N. members vote overwhelmingly to condemn Russia's annexation in Ukraine
Lawrence Krauss / Wall Street Journal:
Now Even Science Grants Must Bow to ‘Equity and Inclusion’
Discussion: Cafe Hayek
Bill Gertz / Washington Times:
Billionaire with links to cash payments to Hunter Biden involved in Chinese covert ops against U.S.
 Earlier Items: 
Margaret Sullivan / Washington Post:
If Trump Runs Again, Do Not Cover Him the Same Way: A Journalist's Manifesto
The campaign elixir that wasn't  —  Welcome to POLITICO's West Wing Playbook …
Discussion: Washington Post
Jacob Gallagher / Wall Street Journal:
A Pair of 1880s Jeans Just Sold for $76,000. Their Pocket Reveals a Complicated Piece of Levi's History.
Kenneth P. Vogel / New York Times:
Leonard Leo Pushed the Courts Right. Now He's Aiming at American Society.
Discussion: Digby's Hullabaloo
Mark Gurman / Bloomberg:
Apple to Withhold Its Latest Employee Perks From Unionized Store