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12:25 PM ET, May 22, 2024


 Top Items: 
Collin Binkley / Associated Press:
Biden administration canceling student loans for another 160,000 borrowers  —  The Biden administration is canceling student loans for another 160,000 borrowers through a combination of existing programs.  The Education Department announced the latest round of cancellation on Wednesday …
The White House:
Statement from President Joe Biden on $7.7 Billion in Student Debt Cancellation for 160,000 Borrowers  —  Today, my Administration is canceling student debt for 160,000 more people, bringing the total number of Americans who have benefitted from our debt relief actions to 4.75 million.
Akayla Gardner / Bloomberg:
Biden Widens Student Loan Relief to More Than 10% of Borrowers
Hannah Knowles / Washington Post:
Trump email falsely says Biden was ‘locked & loaded’ to ‘take me out’ in Mar-a-Lago search  —  A former president falsely accusing his successor and rival of posing a threat to his life is without precedent in modern U.S. history.  —  Donald Trump on Tuesday falsely claimed …
Fox News:
Trump highlights Biden admin authorizing ‘deadly use of force’ in Mar-a-Lago raid
Kyle Cheney / Politico:
Lawyers found classified docs in Trump's bedroom 4 months after Mar-a-Lago search
Dan Ladden-Hall / The Daily Beast:
Israel Rages as Ireland, Spain, and Norway Move to Recognize Palestinian State  —  ‘REWARD HAMAS’  —  The historic move will be punished with “severe consequences,” Israel's foreign minister said.  —  Ireland, Spain, and Norway on Wednesday said they will officially recognize a Palestinian state …
Annie Karni / New York Times:
Schumer Plans Vote on Contraception Access, Teeing Up a Campaign Issue  —  Democrats are planning to spotlight Republicans' opposition to legislation protecting birth control access nationwide, as part of an election-year push.  —  Senator Chuck Schumer, Democrat of New York and the majority leader …
Marc A. Caputo / The Bulwark:
Meet Trump's ‘Human Printer’  —  WHENEVER DONALD TRUMP BRANDISHES a stack of papers or reads a printout of a social media post, he's relying on the work of Natalie Harp.  —  Harp, 32, occupies a unique role in the history of presidential campaigns: aide who travels with a portable printer …
Kyle Clark / KUSA-TV:
Colorado GOP calls for all children to be pulled from public schools  —  The party's latest move to the hard right is a directive to parents to remove kids from the public education system.  —  COLORADO, USA — The Colorado Republican Party is issuing a call to its members to pull their children …
Discussion: Raw Story and Diane Ravitch's blog
Rachel Olding / The Daily Beast:
An Expert's Guide to Surviving Extreme Plane Turbulence  —  HOLD ON TIGHT  —  News that a 73-year-old man died when wild turbulence hit a Singapore Airlines flight on Tuesday is the stuff of most fliers' nightmares.  —  News that a 73-year-old man died and seven others were critically injured …
Arwa Mahdawi / The Guardian:
Ivanka Trump looks like the comeback kid - and we should all be afraid  —  The closer Ivanka Trump is to her father, the closer Donald Trump is to the White House.  And lately, the former first daughter seems to be testing the political waters  —  Forget polls or statistical modelling …
Discussion: Raw Story
Andy Kroll / ProPublica:
Scenes From a MAGA Meltdown: Inside the “America First” Movement's War Over Democracy  —  Across the country, the Republican Party's rank-and-file have turned on the GOP establishment.  In Michigan, this schism broke the party — and maybe democracy itself.
NBC News:
Republican National Committee headquarters under lockdown after being sent vials of blood  —  A hazardous materials team from the Capitol Police responded to the situation.  —  The Republican National Committee headquarters in Washington, D.C., was under lockdown Wednesday morning …
Lisa Needham / Public Notice:
Alito's “defense” of flying the J6 flag is transparent BS  —  Going full insurrectionist is not normal. … Everyone is waiting to see what the United States Supreme Court will do with Donald Trump's outlandish claim he should be given absolute immunity from prosecution for his attempts to overturn the 2020 election.
Michael R. Blood / Associated Press:
Trump-Backed California Lawmaker Vince Fong Wins Special Election To Finish McCarthy's Term  —  A Trump-backed Republican California legislator won a special election to complete the remainder of the term of deposed former U.S. House Speaker Kevin McCarthy.  —  LOADING
Gregory Korte / Bloomberg:
Half of Swing-State Voters Fear Violence Around US Election  —  President Joe Biden trails Republican Donald Trump by 4 percentage points across seven battleground states in a monthly tracking poll. … LEARN MORE  —  Half of swing-state voters say they're worried about violence surrounding …
The Guardian:
Rishi Sunak will call general election for July in surprise move - sources  —  PM says he wants to hold summer poll after claiming inflation is back under control and economy is improving  —  Rishi Sunak will on Wednesday afternoon call a surprise early election for July …
Praveena Somasundaram / Washington Post:
Giuliani says he will stop accusing Georgia workers of election tampering
Discussion: Election Law Blog
Kate Brumback / Associated Press:
Fani Willis and judge presiding over Georgia Trump election case defeat challengers  —  Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis, the Georgia prosecutor who brought a sprawling racketeering case against former President Donald Trump and others, has won the Democratic primary in her bid for reelection.
Holly Bailey / Washington Post:
Fani Willis, top prosecutor in Georgia Trump case, wins primary
Wall Street Journal:
What Does It Take to Flip the 2024 Battleground States?  —  Adjust the WSJ Swing-States Dial to see how subtle shifts in turnout and candidate choice could sway the outcome of the 2024 election  —  The American electorate is always shifting, altering the scenarios that determine who the next president will be.
Discussion: Outside the Beltway
Lauren Aratani / The Guardian:
Majority of Americans wrongly believe US is in recession - and most blame Biden  —  Exclusive Harris poll for the Guardian shows 55% believe economy is shrinking, in troubling sign for president's re-election bid  —  Nearly three in five Americans wrongly believe the US is in an economic recession …
Discussion: New Jersey Online
Sophia Cai / Axios:
Scoop: Inside the DNC strategy for Trump VPs … - It also plans to run paid ads and dedicate staff across the communications, digital and research departments to the effort.  — The vice presidential debate in July or August, the official says, will be another key opportunity for the DNC to define Trump's vice presidential pick.
The campaign to gut Washington's power over corporate America  —  A yearslong legal crusade to hobble Wall Street's top cop could have repercussions across the government.  —  A decade-long conservative crusade against financial regulators will come to a head soon with a crucial Supreme Court ruling …
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 More Items: 
Zack Beauchamp / Vox:
Inside India's secret campaign to threaten and harass Americans
Michael Scherer / Washington Post:
House Republican group backed by Speaker Johnson to spend $141 million on ads
Alex Thompson / Axios:
Scoop: GOP chair weighs Psaki subpoena in Afghanistan probe
Discussion: Washington Examiner and Mediaite
 Earlier Items: 
Fani Willis blasts ‘clown’ Jim Jordan and MAGA followers for trying to interfere in Trump case
The Big Picture:
The Right Has A Terrifying Second Trump Term Plan Called Project 2025
Talking Points Memo:
Low Energy, Part 2
Discussion: Politico
Erin Doherty / Axios:
Trump backtracks on “looking at” restrictions on contraceptives