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3:00 PM ET, May 22, 2006


 Top Items: 
Jackson Diehl / Washington Post:
Reclaiming the Democratic Agenda  —  Though you'd never know it from surfing the Internet, there exists in the Democratic Party a substantial body of politicians and policymakers who believe the U.S. mission in Iraq must be sustained until it succeeds; who want to intensify American attempts …
John McCain / Opinion Journal:
'Let Us Argue'  —  The speech the Angry Left tried to suppress. … Thank you, Bob [Kerrey, president of the New School].  Thank you, faculty, families and friends, and thank you New School Class of 2006 for your welcome and for your kind invitation to give this year's commencement address.
Opinion Journal:
Days of Rage  —  John McCain and Joe Lieberman feel the wrath of the antiwar left.
Allan Lengel / Washington Post:
FBI Says Jefferson Was Filmed Taking Cash  —  Rep. William J. Jefferson (D-La.), the target of a 14-month public corruption probe, was videotaped accepting $100,000 in $100 bills from a Northern Virginia investor who was wearing an FBI wire, according to a search warrant affidavit released yesterday.
Philip Shenon / New York Times:
F.B.I. Contends Lawmaker Hid Bribe in Freezer  —  WASHINGTON, May 21 — The F.B.I. accused Representative William J. Jefferson, Democrat of Louisiana, on Sunday of taking hundreds of thousands of dollars in bribes from a Kentucky businessman and stashing $90,000 from the scheme in his home freezer in Washington.
Michael Smith / The Raw Story:
Bush, Blair to announce 'phased withdrawal' from Iraq  —  Michael Smith, a reporter for the London Sunday Times, broke the Downing Street Minutes in 2004.  —  LONDON — Tony Blair and George Bush will announce that they are to begin withdrawing troops from Iraq at a summit in Washington as early as this week, RAW STORY has learned.
Associated Press:
7 Police Officers Among 17 Killed in Iraq
Discussion: Blue Crab Boulevard
Philippe Naughton / Times of London:
British troops to start leaving Iraq 'in months'
Discussion: The Left Coaster
Wired News:
Whistle-Blower's Evidence, Uncut  —  Former AT&T technician Mark Klein is the key witness in the Electronic Frontier Foundation's class-action lawsuit against the telecommunications company, which alleges that AT&T cooperated in an illegal National Security Agency domestic surveillance program.
Evan Hansen / Wired News:
Why We Published the AT&T Docs  —  A file detailing aspects of AT&T's alleged participation in the National Security Agency's warrantless domestic wiretap operation is sitting in a San Francisco courthouse.  But the public cannot see it because, at AT&T's insistence, it remains under seal in court records.
Howard Kurtz / Washington Post:
Rove Lawyer Has a Pet Peeve  —  Robert Luskin, Karl Rove's lawyer, says he spent most of the day on May 12 taking his cat to the veterinarian and having a technician fix his computer at home.  —  He was stunned, therefore, when journalists started calling to ask about an online report …
Gareth Smyth / Financial Times:
Iran denies 'mischievous' allegations on Jews  —  Iranian officials and politicians have strongly condemned a Canadian newspaper report alleging that Iran had passed a law requiring Jews to wear yellow badges on their clothes.  —  The story also claimed Christians and Zoroastrians …
Discussion: Public Eye and Andrew Sullivan
Uncle Jimbo / BLACKFIVE:
ANTI-WAR POSEUR FRONTED OUT AT HOT AIR  —  The mighty Allah at Hot Air asked if this anti-war video was fake, and the answer is OH YEAH!  —  This spindly little weasel wouldn't have made it through 10 seconds of RIP, let alone Ranger school or life in a Ranger Batt.
Allahpundit / Hot Air:
Anti-war video bogus?
New Yorker:
LISTENING IN  —  A few days before the start of the confirmation hearings for General Michael Hayden, who has been nominated by President Bush to be the head of the C.I.A., I spoke to an official of the National Security Agency who recently retired.  The official joined the N.S …
NY Daily News:
Justice prays for a Prez in 'real trouble'  —  Just how bad are things for President Bush?  —  Pretty bad, I'd say, if even Clarence Thomas is worried about him.  —  The other night at a Washington book party for the President's sister, Doro Bush Koch, the Supreme Court justice arrived with his wife …
Discussion: The Carpetbagger Report and Gawker
Joe Kaufman / Front Page Magazine:
CAIR Islamic Jihad  —  Last week, I attended the funeral for Daniel Wultz, the young boy from Weston, Florida, who was the unfortunate victim of a suicide bombing that took place in Tel Aviv, Israel, one month ago.  I stood there, amongst hundreds of people, to pay my respects to the friends and family of this beautiful boy.
Paul Kirby /
Graduates get an apology  —  NEW PALTZ - New York Times publisher Arthur Sulzberger Jr. told about 900 SUNY New Paltz graduates Sunday that he was sorry.  —  It wasn't an apology for anything Sulzberger, who first joined the Times in 1978 as a Washington correspondent, specifically did.
Noor Khan / Associated Press:
Coalition: Attacks Kill Up to 80 Taliban  —  KANDAHAR, Afghanistan - A U.S.-led nighttime airstrike against a Taliban stronghold in southern Afghanistan killed up to 80 suspected rebels, military officials said Monday.  The local governor and a doctor said 17 civilians also were killed.
Robert Novak / Real Clear Politics:
A Hard Bill to Love  —  WASHINGTON — A less permissive tone on immigration was signaled in the Senate last Tuesday when a proposal to cut guest worker visas down to 200,000 from 350,000 was supported by a surprisingly one-sided vote of 80 to 17.  The mood change was not influenced by a leader …
Discussion: Hugh Hewitt, QandO and Dinocrat
Brandie M. Jefferson / Associated Press:
Protests, Applause Greet Rice at BC  —  A few students turned their backs but more stood to applaud as Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice received an honorary degree and addressed graduates at Boston College on Monday.  —  After weeks of turmoil and anti-war protests over Rice's invitation …
Discussion: Wizbang
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 More Items: 
Niles Lathem / New York Post:
Discussion: Vital Perspective and Hot Air
Glenn Greenwald / Unclaimed Territory:
Imprisoning journalists
Jean Rohe / The Huffington Post:
Response to McCain's Aide Mark Salter
Michael R. Gordon / New York Times:
U.S. Is Proposing European Shield for Iran Missiles
Charles Hurt / Washington Times:
Senate bill protects employers of illegal aliens from penalties
John Heilemann / New York Magazine:
The Comeback Kid  —  As Democrats worry about their 2008 chances …
Discussion: Observer and TAPPED
Joe Drape / New York Times:
A Desperate Rush to Save a Derby-Winning Colt
Discussion: Feministe and Balloon Juice
Oliver Stone to make Venezuela coup film: Chavez
 Earlier Items: 
Herb Keinon / Jerusalem Post:
Israel to boycott racism conference
Michael Barone / Real Clear Politics:
Heard the Good News?
Discussion: QandO and Dr. Sanity
New York Times:
Chief Justice Says His Goal Is More Consensus on Court
Ralph Vartabedian / Los Angeles Times:
Corps' Levee Work Is Faulted
Steven R. Weisman / New York Times:
Pressed by U.S., European Banks Limit Iran Deals
Raymond Hernandez / New York Times:
Schumer Plans Book Showing Both Parties Are Out of Step
Discussion: QandO and The Democratic Daily
Elisabeth Bumiller / New York Times:
Fox, What Fox? New Press Secretary Changes Channels
Discussion: The Plank and Think Progress

From Mediagazer:

Mark Stenberg / Adweek:
Subscription platform Zuora is acquiring AI company Sub(x) to use AI to enhance paywall offerings for the news industry; Sub(x)'s 10 employees will join Zuora

David Gilbert / Wired:
ISIS created two YouTube channels falsely branded as CNN and Al Jazeera channels in March; their videos stayed on YouTube for a month and a half before removal

Tony Plohetski / Austin American-Statesman:
Gannett's Austin American-Statesman names Courtney Sebesta executive editor; she began her career at the Statesman 22 years ago as an editorial assistant

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