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11:35 AM ET, May 30, 2006


 Top Items: 
Terence Hunt / Associated Press:
Source: Paulson replaces Snow at Treasury  —  WASHINGTON - Treasury Secretary John Snow has resigned and will be replaced by Goldman Sachs Chairman Henry M. Paulson Jr., a senior administration official said Tuesday, in another chapter of a White House shake-up to revive President Bush's troubled presidency.
Paulson to be tapped as Treasury chief  —  Goldman Sachs chairman and CEO to be President Bush's pick to succeed John Snow as Treasury Secretary.  —  NEW YORK ( - Goldman Sachs Chairman and CEO Henry Paulson is set to be named the new U.S. Treasury Secretary, according to an administration source.
Terence Hunt / Associated Press:   Bush Taps Paulson for Treasury Secretary
Washington Post:
Paulson Nominated as Treasury Secretary
Discussion: The Left Coaster
New York Times:
Iraq Becomes Deadliest of Modern Wars for Journalists  —  By some reckonings, the death of two journalists working for CBS News on Monday firmly secured the Iraq war as the deadliest conflict for reporters in modern times.  —  Since the start of the war in 2003, 71 journalists have been killed in Iraq …
John F. Burns / New York Times:
2 at CBS News Die in Baghdad on Bloody Day
Discussion: Back to Iraq 3.0
John Solo / Associated Press:
Reid Accepted Free Boxing Tickets While a Related Bill Was Pending  —  Senate Democratic Leader Harry M. Reid (Nev.) accepted free ringside tickets from the Nevada Athletic Commission to three professional boxing matches while that state agency was trying to influence him on federal regulation of boxing.
Paul Kiel / TPMmuckraker:
AP: Reid Arguably Not Beyond Reproach  —  If at first you don't succeed...  Back in February, the AP's John Solomon ran a lengthy piece detailing alleged contacts between Jack Abramoff's team at Greenberg Traurig and Sen. Harry Reid (D-NV).  As Josh pointed out, although the article concentrated …
Associated Press:
"We Are Determined"  —  SPIEGEL: Mr. President, you are a soccer fan and you like to play soccer.  Will you be sitting in the stadium in Nuremberg on June 11, when the Iranian national team plays against Mexico in Germany?  —  Ahmadinejad: It depends.  Naturally, I'll be watching the game in any case.
Associated Press:
"We Are Determined" (2)  —  SPIEGEL: Mr. President …
Discussion: Andrew Sullivan
Ellen Knickmeyer / Washington Post:
U.S. Will Reinforce Troops in West Iraq  —  BAGHDAD, May 29 — The U.S. military said Monday it was deploying the main reserve fighting force for Iraq, a full 3,500-member armored brigade, as emergency reinforcements for the embattled western province of Anbar, where a surge of violence linked …
Dan Balz / Washington Post:
Clinton Is A Politician Not Easily Defined  —  Hillary Rodham Clinton has fashioned a political persona that generates intense passions but defies easy characterization.  She is viewed as a hawk on Iraq and national security, stamped as a big-government Democrat for her work on health care in the 1990s …
Eric / Is That Legal?:
The Pope's Disastrous Speech at Auschwitz  —  hen the white smoke told the world that Josef Ratzinger had been elected pope, it took some of us a moment or two to get our minds around the idea that the College of Cardinals had elevated a childhood member of the Hitler Youth to one of the world's leading positions of moral leadership.
Oliver Kamm / Times of London:
Did Benedict XVI need to apologise at Auschwitz?  Is the Pope Catholic?
Nedra Pickler / Associated Press:
Bush Says U.S. Must Honor War Dead  —  ARLINGTON, Va. (AP) - President Bush, delivering a Memorial Day message surrounded by the graves of thousands of military dead, said Monday that the United States must continue fighting the war on terror in the name of those have already given their life in the cause.
Eugene Robinson / Washington Post:
The Catastrophe Wasn't Katrina  —  The evidence, by now, is overwhelming: Beautiful, decadent New Orleans wasn't doomed by Hurricane Katrina but by decades of human incompetence and neglect.  As far as the drowned city is concerned, the greatest natural disaster in the nation's history …
Harriet Brown / New York Times:
Well-Intentioned Food Police May Create Havoc With Children's Diets  —  Earlier this year, our small Midwestern school district joined the food wars, proposing a new policy that would discourage all food in classrooms, ban nuts and sugary foods and do away with vending machines.
Margaret Talbot / New Yorker:
THE AGITATOR  —  "Yesterday, I was hysterical," the Italian journalist and novelist Oriana Fallaci said.  She was telling me a story about a local dog owner and the liberties he'd allowed his animal to take in front of Fallaci's town house, on the Upper East Side.  Big mistake.
Discussion: Atlas Shrugs
Brendan Murray / Bloomberg:
Rove May Find `It's the Economy, Stupid' Won't Work (Update1)  —  May 30 (Bloomberg) — Karl Rove, President George W. Bush's top political adviser, laid out a plan to win the 2002 congressional elections by stressing national security.  For 2006, Rove is framing a strategy for Republicans to sell the U.S. economy.
Zachary A. Goldfarb / Washington Post:
New Policy Adviser Admits Altering Text  —  Karl Zinsmeister, President Bush's new domestic policy adviser, acknowledged he did something wrong when he took a newspaper profile of himself, altered quotes and text, and then posted it on a Web site without noting the changes.
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 More Items: 
Georgie Anne Geyer / San Diego Union-Tribune:
Is the tide finally turning in Mexico?
Anne D'Innocenzio / Associated Press:
Consumer confidence falls in May
Thomas E. Ricks / Washington Post:
Drone's Video May Aid Marine Inquiry
John McIntyre / Real Clear Politics:
The Republican Crossroads on Immigration
Opinion Journal:
Raiding Congress  —  The Justice Department went overboard …
Discussion: Michelle Malkin
Zachary A. Goldfarb / Washington Post:
Debating the Bugs of High-Tech Voting
Washington Post:
Lead figure in phone jam to advise GOP contenders
Discussion: The All Spin Zone
IDF kills at least 7 gunmen in Gaza, West Bank raids
 Earlier Items: 
Matt Volz / Associated Press:
Knowles to run for governor
Gore in Hay climate change plea
Joel Waldfogel / Slate:
Roach College, U.S.A.
Discussion: Economist's View
Washington Post:
Baghdad Numb to Reports of Massacre
Discussion: Time and Thus Blogged Anderson
David S. Hilzenrath / Washington Post:
From public life to private business
Discussion: David Sirota
Washington Post:
Accident Sparks Riot in Afghan Capital
French youths clash with police in Paris suburbs
Gateway Pundit:
Regime Commandos & Hezbollah Thugs Pound Iranian Protesters

From Mediagazer:

Washington Post:
Will Lewis criticizes reports that he tried to suppress stories on his ties to a phone hacking case and calls David Folkenflik an activist, not a journalist

Mickey Djuric / The Canadian Press:
Google signs a deal with The Canadian Journalism Collective to distribute the CA$100M the company has promised to Canadian news companies in 2023

Max Tani / Semafor:
Some unionized journalists at the NYT, Reuters, and others criticize the NewsGuild over organizing costs and union leaders' left-leaning criticism of journalism

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