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3:50 PM ET, June 5, 2006


 Top Items: 
Laurie Kellman / Associated Press:
Senate to tackle gay marriage ban  —  WASHINGTON - President Bush and congressional Republicans are aiming the political spotlight this week on efforts to ban gay marriage, with events at both ends of Pennsylvania Avenue — all for a constitutional amendment with scant chance of passage but wide appeal among social conservatives.
John / AMERICAblog:
ACTION ALERT: Call Congress, ask if THEY'RE defending THEIR marriages  —  Today I'd like you to call the offices of the members of Congress who support the gay-bashing "Marriage Protection Amendment" and demand to know if THEY and THEIR STAFF are protecting marriage in their own lives.
Ronald Brownstein / Los Angeles Times:
Gay Marriage Vote Serves Only to Divide Nation  —  'That's vanity ... not politics," President John F. Kennedy once snapped at an aide who wanted him to provoke a confrontation with Congress on an issue Kennedy knew he didn't have the votes to pass.  —  Times change, don't they?
PageOneQ /
Bush press conference on Federal Marriage Amendment
Discussion: The All Spin Zone
Debra Rosenberg / Newsweek:
Politics of the Altar  —  GOP leaders are putting gay marriage back on the agenda.
Julian E. Barnes / Los Angeles Times:
Army Manual to Skip Geneva Detainee Rule  —  The Pentagon's move to omit a ban on prisoner humiliation from the basic guide to soldier conduct faces strong State Dept. opposition.  —  WASHINGTON — The Pentagon has decided to omit from new detainee policies a key tenet of the Geneva Convention …
Jeff Goldstein / protein wisdom:
Conservative Stalwart Andrew Sullivan is MORE MORAL THAN THOU (UPDATED)  —  At the risk of prompting unstable people to issue anonymous threats against his beagle, I reprint this latest from The Daily Dish: … Sullivan pronounces on the debased status of a once great nation in response …
We Torture  —  And so the Cheney-Rumsfeld combo strikes again.  The McCain Amendment, we find out, as if we didn't already know, was irrelevant.  We thought we still lived in a constitutional democracy where the Congress regulates the rules of war, as specified in the Constitution itself.  No longer.
Beth Duff-Brown / Associated Press:
Paper: Canadian police supplied explosives  —  MISSISSAUGA, Ontario - Several members of a suspected terrorist ring prayed daily at a storefront mosque in a middle-class city west of Toronto but never spoke of hurting others, one of their prayer leaders said.  —  "I will say that they were steadfast, religious people.
Ian Austen / New York Times:
In Bomb Plot News Coverage, a Toronto Newspaper Shines  —  TORONTO, June 4 — The competition between Toronto's four major daily newspapers is often intense, particularly over crime news.  But its results are rarely as one-sided as the coverage that followed the arrests of 17 Ontario residents …
Colin Freeze / Globe and Mail:   A gathering of familiar faces at Brampton courthouse
National Post:
More terror arrests expected, top lawmakers say
Toronto Star:
Plot began in chat room
Marc Lacey / New York Times:
Islamic Militants Declare Victory in Mogadishu  —  NAIROBI, Kenya, June 5 — Islamic militias declared victory today over Somalia's traditional warlords in the battle for control of Mogadishu, quelling months of fierce fighting in the lawless capital but raising new questions about whether this regime …
Mohamed Ali Bile / Reuters:   Somali Islamic militia takes Mogadishu
Sebastian Mallaby / Washington Post:
Reward for the Hereditary Elite . . .  It doesn't matter if you are liberal or conservative, Democrat or Republican.  There is no possible excuse for doing what Congress is poised to do this week: Abolish the estate tax.  —  The federal government faces a future of expanding deficits.
John F. Burns / New York Times:
Uncovering Iraq's Horrors in Desert Graves  —  ON THE EDGE OF THE ASH SHAM DESERT, Iraq, June 3 — Among experts on the American-led team investigating Iraq's mass graves, the skeletal remains lying face-up at the rear of the tangled grave here have been given a name — the Blue Man …
The Raw Story:
Bush press secretary says gay marriage amendment civil rights measure; Stumbles when asked to define civil rights  —  At the White House press briefing today, Bush press secretary Tony Snow signaled that Bush considers an amendment barring same-sex marriage a "civil rights" matter …
Alan Feuer / New York Times:
500 Conspiracy Buffs Meet to Seek the Truth of 9/11  —  CHICAGO, June 4 — In the ballroom foyer of the Embassy Suites Hotel, the two-day International Education and Strategy Conference for 9/11 Truth was off to a rollicking start.  —  In Salon Four, there was a presentation under …
Peter Wehner / Washington Post:
And Now For Some Good News  —  By now Americans know the litany: The nation is engaged in a difficult and costly war in Iraq; Iran is trying to build a nuclear weapon; gas prices are high; the costs of reconstructing the Gulf Coast region are huge; illegal immigration is a major problem — and more.
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 More Items: 
Sarah Liebowitz / Concord Monitor:
Feingold and Warner have their day with the Dems
Jim Puzzanghera / Los Angeles Times:
Taking Sides on 'Net Neutrality'
Discussion: Daily Kos and The Plank
USA Today:
Harris' Senate run worries many in her party
Discussion: TPMmuckraker
William Neikirk / Chicago Tribune:
Hastert in surprise visit to Baghdad
Jackson Diehl / Washington Post:
Iran's China Syndrome
Arnold Kling / TCS Daily:
Libertarianism and Poverty  —  "My son was in the best public …
Farhad Manjoo / Salon:
Was the 2004 election stolen? No.
 Earlier Items: 
Theodore Dalrymple / City Journal:
All or Nothing  —  The quest for a moderate Islam may be futile.
Maggie /
SMOKING GUN or MISFIRED ARGUMENT?  /Eskeridge and Spedale Respond to Kurtz
CBS News:
Florida: 'A Paradise Of Scandals'
Michael Barone / Real Clear Politics:
Bush Knows His History
Bob Kemper / Atlanta Journal-Constitution:
McKinney probe enters 3rd month
John Fund / Opinion Journal:
Pluribus Sine Unum
Scott Shane / New York Times:
Canadian Border Proves Difficult to Secure
Discussion: Wonkette and Hugh Hewitt
Rob Stein / Washington Post:
Medical Privacy Law Nets No Fines