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10:30 AM ET, June 7, 2006


 Top Items: 
Robert Tanner / Associated Press:
Republican wins bellwether House race  —  A former Republican congressman narrowly beat his Democratic rival early Wednesday for the right to fill the House seat once held by jailed Randy "Duke" Cunningham, a race closely watched as a possible early barometer of next fall's vote.
San Diego Union-Tribune:
Bilbray edges out Busby  —  Rep. Filner beats Democratic rival in latest rematch  —  Republican Brian Bilbray beat Democrat Francine Busby early Wednesday in a close race to replace imprisoned former Rep. Randy "Duke" Cunningham in the 50th Congressional District, a contest seen as a gauge …
Chris Bowers / MyDD:
Post Election Thoughts  —  In 2004, Busby lost the CA-50 by 22.0%.  Today, it looks like she will lose by around 4.5%.  And that was with the NRCC spending $4.5M on the race.  If Republicans want to spin losing 18 points after spending $4.5M of committee money as a good thing, go for it.
Michael Finnegan / Los Angeles Times:
Preschool Funding Measure Trails  —  Brown Wins Attorney General Primary; Race for Governor Close  —  After months of vitriolic campaigning, the Democratic primary for governor was too close to call in the hours after polls closed in Tuesday's election, while Oakland Mayor Jerry Brown won …
Washington Post:
Republican Wins Bellwether California Election  —  The California Congressional seat vacated by jailed former representative Randy "Duke" Cunningham will remain in Republican hands after a special election Tuesday in which a lobbyist narrowly defeated a Democratic school board member.
Los Angeles Times:
California Election Is Up in the Air  —  Voters this evening will end the fiercely contested battle to choose the Democrat to run for governor after a race that ignited much fury between the candidates but limited interest from the electorate.  —  With just hours remaining before the voting booths …
Jonathan Weisman / Washington Post:   States' Primaries Are a Midterm Bellwether
Allison Hoffman / Associated Press:
Ex-GOP congressman ahead in Calif. race
Discussion: Outside The Beltway
R. Jeffrey Smith / Washington Post:
Retirement Account of DeLay's Wife Traced  —  With Disclosure, Family's Known Benefits From Ties With Lobbyist Exceed $490,000  —  A registered lobbyist opened a retirement account in the late 1990s for the wife of then-House Whip Tom DeLay (R-Tex.) and contributed thousands of dollars …
Discussion: TPMmuckraker
USA Today:
DeLay: GOP's 'panic, depression' risk losing elections  —  WASHINGTON — Former House majority leader Tom DeLay said he's "disappointed" in three ex-associates who pleaded guilty in a federal probe of political corruption, but he said their admissions "doesn't mean I knew" of their efforts to bribe Congress.
Washington Post:
Proposal Would Let Iran Enrich Uranium  —  TEHRAN, June 6 — The confidential diplomatic package backed by Washington and formally presented to Iran on Tuesday leaves open the possibility that Tehran will be able to enrich uranium on its own soil, U.S. and European officials said.
Carl Hulse / New York Times:
Senate Emphasis on Ideology Has Some in G.O.P. Anxious  —  WASHINGTON, June 6 — Though some Republican candidates may relish the Senate's current concentration on same-sex marriage and other ideologically charged topics, Senator Lincoln Chafee of Rhode Island is not among them.
Dana Milbank / Washington Post:
For Foes of Same-Sex Marriage, It's the Thought That Counts
Discussion: Shakespeare's Sister
Bob Kemper / Atlanta Journal-Constitution:
McKinney deal may be in works  —  Lawyer rejects talk of any negotiations  —  WASHINGTON — Federal prosecutors investigating the confrontation between Rep. Cynthia McKinney of Georgia and a Capitol police officer have been talking privately with McKinney's office in hopes of resolving …
Captain Ed / Captain's Quarters:
Ann Coulter, Meet Ted Rall  —  One of the topics that flew under my radar yesterday came from an interview Ann Coulter did with Matt Lauer on the Today show, promoting her new book, Godless.  Other bloggers have picked up this story before I did, where I saw it at Rick Moran's Right Wing Nuthouse.
The northern border and the Maple Leaf jihad  —  Regular readers know that I am a bit "soft" on illegal immigration, at least insofar as I do not subscribe to every argument offered by those who believe that illegal immigration from Mexico is an enormous problem requiring an immediate solution.
Washington Post:
Technology Sharpens the Incumbents' Edge  —  Redistricting Also Complicates Democrats' Effort to Take Control of House  —  In Ohio's 1st Congressional District, Republican incumbent Steve Chabot is running up against his toughest reelection challenge in years.  But his Democratic opponent is running up against Chabot's computer.
David Ignatius / Washington Post:
Salvaging Iraq  —  The images from Iraq are of hell on earth: On Sunday 12 Iraqi students traveling to Baqubah to take their final exams were dragged from a bus and killed because they practiced the wrong religion.  The next day gunmen dressed in police uniforms kidnapped 56 people near …
Discussion: Rantingprofs and Needlenose
Sheryl Gay Stolberg / New York Times:
Bush Turns to House in Immigration Debate  —  ARTESIA, N.M., June 6 — President Bush tried on Tuesday to win back the trust of conservatives who have distanced themselves from him on immigration, promising to "get this border enforced" and warning those who enter the country illegally that "if you get caught, you get sent home."
Toronto Star:
Plan to storm Parliament alleged  —  Terror suspects remanded for bail hearings  —  Jun. 6, 2006.  —  SURYA BHATTACHARYA AND JESSICA LEEDER  —  Bombings, an armed assault on Parliament and even the beheading of Prime Minister Stephen Harper were among a chilling miscellany …
Rocky Mountain News:
Campos: Rose-colored view of history  —  This column was originally going to be about a couple of law professor-pundits, Hugh Hewitt and Glenn Reynolds, who specialize in defending the Bush administration.  My learned colleagues are now busy claiming that the supposed "media frenzy" …
New York Times:
Block the Vote, Ohio Remix  —  If there was ever a sign of a ruling party in trouble, it is a game plan that calls for trying to win by discouraging voting.  —  The latest sign that Republicans have an election-year strategy to shut down voter registration drives comes from Ohio.
Discussion: Philly Future
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 More Items: 
Monica Davey / New York Times:
Alabama Governor Defeats Former Justice in Primary
Jerry Markon / Washington Post:
Final Defendant Guilty in 'Va. Jihad'
Discussion: PrairiePundit
David Sirota:
Populist Jon Tester Scores Huge Win Against D.C. Dems & For the Rest of Us
Walter Pincus / Washington Post:
Silence Angers Judiciary Panel
Discussion: Poynter Online
Philip Shenon / New York Times:
Documents Point to Bribes of Nigerian by Congressman
Austin Bay / StrategyPage:
From Cold War Containment to "A Forward Strategy
Sisyphus / Nihilist In Golf Pants:
Top 11 Things That Anti-War Protesters Would Have Said At the …
Discussion: Argghhh! and Gay Patriot
Patrick Healy / New York Times:
Weld Drops Out of N.Y. Governor's Race
 Earlier Items: 
Mark Leibovich / New York Times:
Senate Contender in Florida Presses On
James Pinkerton / TCS Daily:
Exit Stage Left... or Right?
Lisa De Pasquale / Human Events:
Exclusive Interview: Coulter Says Book Examines 'Mental Disorder' of Liberalism
Discussion: WTF Is It Now?? and Pandagon
Jeff Quinton / Backcountry Conservative:
George F. Will / Washington Post:
25 Years of Deadly Lessons
Discussion: Hullabaloo
Popular Mechanics:
Hydrogen on the Cheap  —  Last month, we took an in-depth look at alternative fuels.
Discussion: XDA, SEIXON and Blue Crab Boulevard
Michael Yon / Online Magazine:
Hijacking Haditha  —  I had hired car and driver in Al Ain …
Gateway Pundit:
Clashes Break Out in NW Iran, Qom Protesters Drive Out Rafsanjani