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7:25 AM ET, August 12, 2006


 Top Items: 
Jerusalem Post:
US, France agree on cease-fire draft; UNSC vote at 1 am  —  France and the United States reached a deal Friday on a final draft resolution that would authorize the deployment of 15,000 UN peacekeepers in south Lebanon to support a Lebanese force as it takes control of the region and Israel withdraws.
Captain Ed / Captain's Quarters:
The Mixed Bag Cease Fire  —  It appears that Ehud Olmert has accepted in principle the cease-fire proposal offered by the US and France, who apparently recovered somewhat from the swoon it experienced over Arab criticism of the original proposal.  The UN Security Council meets shortly to debate …
Warren Hoge / New York Times:
Resolution to Halt Fighting in Lebanon Is Unanimously Approved  —  The Security Council passed a resolution Friday calling for a halt in the fighting in Lebanon, the deployment of Lebanese and United Nations forces in southern Lebanon, and the withdrawal "in parallel" by Israel.
Deacon / Power Line:
THE AMATEUR HOUR CONTINUES  —  The Jerusalem Post reports that the U.S. and our partner the French have agreed upon a cease fire resolution.  From what I can tell, the resolution is a bad joke.  Apparently, the same U.N. clown force that has been doing nothing in south Lebanon will be deployed.
Allahpundit / Hot Air:
Breaking: Olmert accepts UN ceasefire deal (UNSC passes ceasefire resolution)  —  And is urging the Israeli government to approve it.  The ground invasion is still on, but perhaps only until the UN votes on a resolution tonight or tomorrow.  —  No word yet on the terms, but I think I speak for all of us when I say: super.
Rick Moran / Right Wing Nut House:
HUMBLED OLMERT ACCEPTS CEASE FIRE  —  Facing increasing opposition at home as well as harsh criticism from the army, Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert will accept a US-French cease fire proposal that includes precious little of what he was demanding just a short week ago.
Washington Post:
Peace Resolution for Lebanon Unanimously Approved at U.N.  —  Council Calls for Israeli Withdrawal, International Force  —  The U.N. Security Council unanimously approved a resolution Friday that calls for a halt to the fighting between Israel and Hezbollah and authorizes the deployment …
Brij Khindaria / The Moderate Voice:   The Lebanon resolution provides a breathing space
Kathy Gannon / Associated Press:
'Green Helmet' helps rescue the wounded  —  TYRE, Lebanon - After hours of digging in the blistering heat, Salam Daher emerged from the wreckage with the body of a 9-month-old baby, a blue pacifier still pinned to its nightshirt.  —  He held the infant up and, click, an Associated Press …
Discussion: Say Anything
Little Green Footballs:
AP Stands Behind Green Helmet Guy  —  The Associated Press identifies "Green Helmet Guy:" 'Green Helmet' helps rescue the wounded.  (Hat tip: Bubbaman.)  —  They want us to know that Salam Daher would never be involved in such a thing as propaganda for Hizballah. … And an interesting admission here.
Discussion: EU Referendum and Hot Air
Sarah Kapis / WBOY-TV 12 News Featured Content:
Local Links to Terrorist Arrests  —  The Washington County Sheriffs Department in Ohio has arrested two men for their involvement in what police say could be aiding terrorists, and one man linked to them could have been doing the same in Taylor County.  —  This is a story you'll read about Only on 12 News.
Sam Licavoli II / WNEM-TV:
Three Middle Eastern Men Found With 1000 Cell Phones  —  (TV5) — Around 1:00am August 11th three men purchased cell phones from the Wal-Mart store on M-81 near the corner of M-24 in Caro.  Wal-Mart places a limit on the number of cell phones that can be purchased at once, that number is three.
Peter Wilson / The Australian:
British police find martyrdom video … BRITISH police claim to have found a "martyrdom video" in which one of the 24 British Muslims arrested over an alleged plot to destroy up to a dozen passenger aircraft sets out his reasons for joining the planned suicide attack.
Los Angeles Times:
The West 100  —  Our list of the most powerful people in Southern California  —  1. Donald Bren  —  Chairman, Irvine Co.; 74, Newport Beach  —  Simply put, Orange County looks like Orange County—much of it uniformly manicured and catering to the high life and high tech—because of the influence of one man.
Discussion: Captain's Quarters and LA Observed
Andrew Gimson / Telegraph:
Americans will die for liberty  —  As we took off from London for New York a few days ago, our three over-excited children asked if there was any chance of the plane being blown up.  I explained that the likelihood of that happening was virtually zero, and wondered how we were going to maintain …
Discussion: Althouse
Associated Press:
Lamont aide to apologize for comment  —  WATERBURY, Conn. - Democrat Ned Lamont's campaign manager said he would apologize to the mayor of Waterbury for describing the city that backed his opponent, Sen. Joe Lieberman, as a place "where the forces of slime meet the forces of evil."
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 More Items: 
Little Green Footballs:
CAIR's Fauxtography Scandal
Kevin Drum / Political Animal:
THE DEMOCRATIC PLAN....Andrew Sullivan, in an apparent attempt …
Ari Shavit / Haaretz:
It's time for truth, not spin
Discussion: Whiskey Bar and Needlenose
David Sirota / The Huffington Post:
VIDEO: Going Up Against Ann Coulter on CNBC
Newt Gingrich / Washington Post:
The Only Option Is to Win
Discussion: Hullabaloo and Viking Pundit
Jim Lewis / Slate:
Don't Believe What You See in the Papers  —  THE UNTRUSTWORTHINESS OF NEWS PHOTOGRAPHY.
Discussion: KnoxViews and CBS News
Neil Vigdor / Greenwich Time:
Lamont fires back at Cheney
Tyler Cowen / Marginal Revolution:
The Libertarian Vice
 Earlier Items: 
The Poor Man Institute:
Getting serious about terror
Vital Perspective:
Vital Perspective Exclusive: Leaked Copy of the Security Council Resolution
Jeremy Wallace /
Harris won't face opponents in forum
Discussion: Miami Herald and Wonkette
Associated Press:
Appeals court upholds random NYC subway searches
Hartford Courant:
State Still Checking Lieberman's Petitions
Washington Post:
Homeland Security Department Praised for Its Response
Discussion: Hot Air and Secular Blasphemy
Rasmussen Reports:
Montana Senate: Burns Bouncing Back

From Techmeme:

Sergiu Gatlan / BleepingComputer:
Researchers say a threat actor claims to have hacked Ticketmaster and Santander using stolen credentials of a Snowflake employee; Snowflake disputes the claims

Emilia David / The Verge:
AI search engine Perplexity launches Pages, which will research and create a customizable webpage based on user prompts, aimed at educators, researchers, others

Sarah Wynn / The Block:
President Biden vetoes a bill overturning SAB 121, a controversial SEC bulletin that establishes accounting standards for companies that custody crypto

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