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8:40 AM ET, September 19, 2006


 Top Items: 
Washington Post:
McCain's Stand On Detainees May Pose Risk For 2008 Bid  —  Opposition to Bush Could Alienate Republican Base  —  Sen. John McCain's bid to position himself as the natural heir to President Bush as a wartime commander in chief and to court conservative leaders in advance …
Allahpundit / Hot Air:
Leak: CIA interrogation techniques revealed  —  They're seeking Congressional authorization for seven discrete procedures, each more brutal than the last.  The Guardian has a complete list.  Click here if you want to see, but be forewarned — they're extremely graphic.
Washington Post:
Bush Detainee Plan Adds to World Doubts Of U.S., Powell Says  —  Ex-Secretary of State Defends Conventions  —  Former secretary of state Colin L. Powell said yesterday that he decided to publicly oppose the Bush administration's proposed rules for the treatment of terrorism suspects in part …
Anne Plummer Flaherty / Associated Press:
White House to revise terror proposal  —  WASHINGTON - The White House said Monday it was revising its proposal for dealing with terrorism suspects as indications grew that President Bush's plan was meeting increased resistance among Republicans in both chambers of Congress.
Discussion: The Democratic Daily
Washington Post:
White House Offers New Proposal on Interrogations
Jay / Stop The ACLU:   Secret CIA Torture Techniques Leaked
Gaius / Blue Crab Boulevard:
The REAL Secret Interrogation Techniques
Joe Gandelman / The Moderate Voice:
Will McCain's Stance On Torture Derail Him Politically?
Discussion: Weekly Standard
Lee Keath / Associated Press:
Iranian leader urges more papal protests  —  CAIRO, Egypt - Al-Qaida in Iraq warned Pope Benedict XVI on Monday that its war against Christianity and the West will go on until Islam takes over the world, and Iran's supreme leader called for more protests over the pontiff's remarks on Islam.
Donald Sensing / Winds of Change.NET:
Muslims bomb, burn, shoot and threaten for being called "violent"  —  Work with me here.  Am I understanding this correctly?  —  Pope Benedict gives a speech in his native Germany in which he states that "Violence is incompatible with the nature of God and the nature of the soul," …
Christopher Hitchens / Slate:
Papal Bull  —  JOSEPH RATZINGER'S LATEST OFFENSE.  —  There are many popes within Christianity—the Coptic Church has one, and the Eastern Orthodox Church also boasts a patriarch or holy father—but we have acquired the habit of using the term to describe only the bishop of Rome …
Robert T. Miller / FIRST THINGS:
The Pope's New Approach to Christian-Muslim Relations
Discussion: Dinocrat
Richard John Neuhaus / FIRST THINGS:
RJN: Benedict XVI and Islam
Doug Struck / Washington Post:
Canadian Was Falsely Accused, Panel Says  —  After Tip From Ally, U.S. Sent Muslim to Syria for Questioning  —  Canadian intelligence officials passed false warnings and bad information to American agents about a Muslim Canadian citizen, after which U.S. authorities secretly whisked him to Syria …
Ian Austen / New York Times:
Canadians Fault U.S. for Its Role in Torture Case  —  A government commission on Monday exonerated a Canadian computer engineer of any ties to terrorism and issued a scathing report that faulted Canada and the United States for his deportation four years ago to Syria, where he was imprisoned and tortured.
Discussion: State of the Day
Jamie Holly / Crooks and Liars:
Olbermann: "The President of the United States owes this country an apology"  —  Keith Olbermann delivered another stunning special comment tonight, this time attacking Bush's Rose Garden press conference from last Friday.  —  Olbermann: Finally tonight, a Special Comment about the Rose Garden news conference last Friday.
Budapest clashes as protest grows  —  Police in the Hungarian capital, Budapest, have used tear gas and water cannon against protesters who threw bottles and stones and set cars alight.  —  Thousands of demonstrators had gathered in the city, demanding the resignation of Prime Minister Ferenc Gyurcsany.
Senator Bill Frist:
Americans Deserve Secure Borders  —  Bringing the "Secure Fence Act of 2006" to the Floor  —  A nation that can't secure its borders can't secure its destiny or administer its laws.  And the reality is that America's borders today are inexcusably porous.  —  One of the most important …
Captain Ed / Captain's Quarters:
Border Fence Vote Upcoming
Discussion: Coyote Blog
Michelle Boorstein / Washington Post:
Surge in Anti-Muslim Incidents Reported  —  Md., Va. and D.C. Among Top 10 Locations for Harassment  —  A national Muslim advocacy organization yesterday blamed a "negative and politically charged" environment on the Internet and talk radio for the 30 percent jump in anti-Muslim incidents reported to the group last year.
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 More Items: 
TRex / Firedoglake:
Late Nite FDL: Welcome to Sonny's Georgia, Ignorance Capital of the USA!!
Discussion: Associated Press
Grist Magazine:
How Do You Solve a Problem Like Malaria?
Editor and Publisher:
Writer of 'Path to 9/11' Movie Hits Back at Media Coverage
Justin Rood / TPMmuckraker:
Bob Ney, Not Getting the Hint
Associated Press:
Republican Bloomberg to help Lieberman
Running Against The Senate's #1 Spender
Associated Press:
Capitol cops: Armed intruder had crack cocaine
Politics Central:
 Earlier Items: 
Rajiv Chandrasekaran / Washington Post:
Imperial Life in the Emerald City: Inside Iraq's Green Zone
John Amato / Crooks and Liars:
Retired Col. Sam Gardiner says we're in Iran right now
Dean / Dean's World:
Unbelievabily Pretentious And Tedious Nonsense
The Raw Story:
GOP Senator says with better intelligence South would have won US Civil War.
Four Canadians killed in Afghan suicide bombing
Discussion: The Belmont Club
Jane Hamsher / Firedoglake:
What Did You Get For It, Joe?  —  It seems every time No-Show Joe opens …
Business Week:
What's Really Propping Up The Economy
Debbie Schlussel:
BREAKING/Exclusive: Why FBI Raided Largest U.S. Islamic Charity Today
Discussion: Daily Pundit

From Techmeme:

Emma Roth / The Verge:
The US DOJ sues Adobe for allegedly harming “consumers by enrolling them in its default, most lucrative subscription plan without clearly disclosing” plan terms

Chance Miller / 9to5Mac:
Apple says it will no longer offer Apple Pay Later, the BNPL service launched in the US in 2023, and will focus on installment loan features coming in 2024

María Paula Mijares Torres / Bloomberg:
Stablecoin provider Tether says it made a synthetic dollar that is backed by gold and will trade as aUSDT via smart contracts on the Ethereum Mainnet blockchain

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