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2:20 PM ET, September 19, 2006


 Top Items: 
Thomas Sowell / Real Clear Politics:
Suicidal Hand-Wringing  —  When you enter a boxing ring, you agree to abide by the rules of boxing.  But when you are attacked from behind in a dark alley, you would be a fool to abide by the Marquis of Queensbury rules.  If you do, you can end up being a dead fool.
Los Angeles Times:
McCain Stand Comes at a Price  —  Battling Bush over rules for detainee treatment, senator jeopardizes his courtship of the right.  —  WASHINGTON — Conservative activists are heaping criticism on Sen. John McCain for fighting President Bush over proposed rules for the interrogation of terrorism suspects …
Eugene Robinson / Washington Post:
Torture Is Torture  —  Bush's 'Program' Disgraces All Americans  —  I wish I could turn to cheerier matters, but I just can't get past this torture issue — the fact that George W. Bush, the president of the United States of America, persists in demanding that Congress give him the right …
Washington Post:
McCain's Stand On Detainees May Pose Risk For 2008 Bid
Brendan Miniter / Opinion Journal:
When Miranda Met Osama
USA Today:
Poll finds rebound in Bush approval  —  WASHINGTON — Amid falling gas prices and a two-week drive to highlight his administration's efforts to fight terrorism, President Bush's approval rating has risen to 44% in a new USA TODAY/Gallup Poll.  That's his highest rating in a year.
Joseph Carroll / Gallup Poll:
Bush Job Approval Up to 44%  —  Highest approval rating so far this year  —  PRINCETON, NJ — A new USA Today/Gallup poll finds George W. Bush's job approval rating is now at 44%, which is an improvement compared with the public's assessment of his performance in recent months.
Bush approval rating rebounds in new poll  —Text+WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President George W. Bush's approval rating has rebounded to 44 percent, the highest level in a year, in the latest USA TODAY/Gallup Poll, the newspaper reported on Tuesday.  —  Bush's approval rating jumped five points …
Doug Struck / Washington Post:
Canadian Was Falsely Accused, Panel Says  —  After Tip From Ally, U.S. Sent Muslim to Syria for Questioning  —  Canadian intelligence officials passed false warnings and bad information to American agents about a Muslim Canadian citizen, after which U.S. authorities secretly whisked him to Syria …
Dana Milbank / Washington Post:
The Senator's Gentile Rebuke  —  First came Sen. George Allen's Macaca Moment.  Then we learned of challenger Jim Webb's thoughts on the "horny" women of the Naval Academy.  —  Now, just when you thought Virginia's U.S. Senate race couldn't get any weirder, the Jews of Tunis are making a cameo.
Jon Henke / The Allen Blog:
Nobody Expects the Religious Inquisition
Discussion: Taylor Marsh and Townhall
Paul Taylor / Reuters:
Bush, Iran president to face off  —  UNITED NATIONS (Reuters) - President Bush and Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad will face off at a distance over Middle East democracy and nuclear weapons when both address the United Nations on Tuesday.  —  Bush faces growing international skepticism …
Discussion: Townhall
John Lichfield / Independent:
Chirac calls for threat of Iran sanctions to be lifted  —  President Jacques Chirac has broken ranks with the US and Britain by calling for the suspension of UN Security Council action against Iran during negotiations over its nuclear programme.  —  In a radio interview yesterday before flying …
Discussion: Tammy Bruce and The Corner
Bryan / Hot Air:
Le Worm does it again
'Coup' sparks Thailand emergency  —  Thai Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra has declared a state of emergency in Bangkok amid reports of a coup attempt.  —  Soldiers have entered Government House and tanks have moved into position around the building.  —  Mr Thaksin, who is at the UN in New York …
Pope asked to convert to Islam  —  Tripoli - The elder son of Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi has called on Pope Benedict XVI to convert to Islam immediately, dismissing last week's apology from the pontiff for offending Muslims.  —  "If this person were really someone reasonable …
Lee Keath / Associated Press:
Iranian leader urges more papal protests
Des Moines Register:
Warner: Kerry wrong on tax cuts  —  The ex-Virginia governor claims Democrats could appeal to more voters if they'd stop alienating the wealthy.  —  Former Virginia Gov. Mark Warner said in Iowa on Monday that Democrats have taken the wrong approach in arguing against tax cuts enacted under President Bush …
Anne Applebaum / Washington Post:
Enough Apologies  —  Already, angry Palestinian militants have assaulted seven West Bank and Gaza churches, destroying two of them.  In Somalia, gunmen shot dead an elderly Italian nun.  Radical clerics from Qatar to Qom have called, variously, for a "day of anger" or for worshipers to "hunt down" the pope and his followers.
Bush owes us an apology  —  Sept. 11: A special comment about 9/11 five years after the terrorist attacks.  —  MSNBC TV  —  • Have you no sense of decency, sir?  —  Sept. 5: Keith Olbermann says Bush will regret following in the footsteps of Donald Rumsfeld in comparing war critics to Nazis.
Senator Joseph Lieberman / Rasmussen Reports:
Connecticut Senate: Lieberman (I) 45% Lamont (D) 43%  —  In one of the country's most closely watched races, incumbent Senator Joseph Lieberman (I) continues to sustain a bare lead, now 45% to 43%, over Democrat Ned Lamont (see crosstabs).  —  Lieberman is running as an Independent against the wishes of the Democratic establishment.
James Glanz / New York Times:
Truckers Testify That Halliburton Put Lives at Risk  —  Two truckers who worked in Iraq told a Senate Democratic policy committee on Monday that their employer, a Halliburton subsidiary, knowingly sent a lightly armed convoy of fuel tankers into a combat zone in April 2004 …
Discussion: Washington Post and Firedoglake
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 More Items: 
Rahm Emanuel, Pitbull politician
Discussion: Sirotablog and Booman Tribune
John Dunbar / Associated Press:
Senator says media study suppressed
Mike McIntire / New York Times:
Campaign Gifts From Big Insurer Elude the Limit
Matthew Yglesias:
War Clouds, Plus — Worst Idea Ever
James R. Healey / USA Today:
Prices at the pump keep tumbling
Discussion: Say Anything and Media Blog
Charles Hurt / Washington Times:
Senate set to consider fence bill
Michael Powell / Washington Post:
Gore Unveils Global-Warming Plan
Discussion: TalkLeft and Redstate
 Earlier Items: 
Bob Willis / Bloomberg:
U.S. August Housing Starts Fall to a Three-Year Low (Update2)
Discussion: The Left Coaster
Rick Klein / Boston Globe:
Kerry urges cooperation to reduce abortions
Conor Clarke / American Prospect:
School's Out  —  The latest fight over homework only underscores …
Mary Clare Jalonick / Associated Press:
Burns on Vonage Plane After Pushing Bill
Discussion: Daily Kos and Wonkette
Claus Christian Malzahn / Spiegel Online:
Rushdie, Hirsi Ali, the Pope — Who's Next?
Discussion: Slate and Peaktalk
Mark Leibovich / New York Times:
Democrat, Republican and a Bond of Addiction
Discussion: Townhall and Donklephant
Budapest clashes as protest grows

From Mediagazer:

Jack Herrera / Columbia Journalism Review:
A profile of Lorena López, the founder and editor of La Prensa de Iowa, an improbably successful Spanish-language paper serving rural farm towns in western Iowa

Jason Parham / Wired:
Q&A with HuffPost editor Phil Lewis on aggregating news on X, being a “newsfluencer”, Black media and Black newsrooms, the future of news, and more

Stephen Battaglio / Los Angeles Times:
A look at the growing popularity of Tubi as streaming prices rise; Nielsen: May was Tubi's most-watched month ever, with an average of 1M viewers, up 46% YoY

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