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11:15 PM ET, October 28, 2006


 Top Items: 
Richard Bell / blog:
HOW DO YOU SPELL DESPERATION?  G.O.P.  —  Want to know what desperation looks like?  —  Here's what Bill Frist and Ken Mehlman sent out yesterday in a desperation email fundraiser.  They're scared to death that John Kerry and Ted Kennedy ponied up to elect Democrats.  —  Let's see their $2 million, and raise them.
Discussion: The Democratic Daily
Jane Hamsher / Firedoglake:
Thanks, Howie  —  Howie Klein has worked tirelessly on the Blue America project this year.  He has interviewed countless candidates, hosted interviews of those with progressive values in his weekly Blue America column, produced radio and internet ads on their behalf and now working …
Howie Klein / Firedoglake:   Go Blue: Tony Trupiano
Bob Lewis / Associated Press:
Webb: Democrats will provide Iraq remedy  —  RICHMOND, Va. - The only remedy to a series of Iraq policy failures by President Bush is a Democratic takeover of Congress in the Nov. 7 election, Virginia Senate candidate Jim Webb said Saturday.  —  The former Republican, who was President …
Andrew Ferguson / Weekly Standard:
Tangled Webb  —  Cognitive dissonance in Virginia. … Yowie.  We don't often hear rude talk like that up here in Arlington, Virginia, straight across the river from Washington, D.C. Here the leafy, winding streets are lined with Priuses and Volvos and the bumper stickers say "Visualize World Peace" and "Goddess Power."
Don Michak / Journal Inquirer:
Biden, calling Iraq 'rathole' backs Courtney and Lamont, but says he won't campaign against Lieberman  —  U.S. Sen. Joseph R. Biden Jr., the Delaware Democrat and a leading critic of President Bush and the war in Iraq, on Friday backed Vernon Democrat Joseph D. Courtney in his rematch with U.S. Rep. Robert R. Simmons, R-2nd District.
Discussion: Blue Crab Boulevard
Jane Hamsher / Firedoglake:
Kicking Ass and Taking Names
Discussion: Hullabaloo
Matt Browner Hamlin / My Left Nutmeg:
Why did Joe use all this cash?
Discussion: MyDD and Ned Lamont for Senate
Marcus Mabry / Newsweek:
Too Little, Too Late?  —  President Bush made a big show this week of reevaluating his Iraq policy.  It made a difference-but only with his base and only at the margins.  The new NEWSWEEK poll finds likely voters still favoring the Democrats.  —  Marl Wilson / Getty Images  —  Change in the Air?
Discussion: Eschaton and Daily Kos
Ezra Klein:
Power  —  I can't recommend Jon Chait's new article on the failure of pro-growth economics highly enough.  It's not merely the best, but possibly the only, primer on why the current economic moment seems so unsettled, the once-discredited labor-liberals so ascendant, and the Clinton crowd so quiet.
Discussion: TAPPED, Matthew Yglesias and Pandagon
Pittsburgh Post-Gazette:
Congressman facing ethics flap  —  Staffers accuse Rep. Tim Murphy of wrongly mixing official duties, campaign work  —  By Gary Rotstein, Pittsburgh Post-Gazette  —  U.S. Rep. Tim Murphy, who is seeking his third term in Congress, has mixed campaign activities and official government work …
Jonathan Weisman / Washington Post:   Ethics Report on Foley Not Expected Before Elections
Kristin Jensen / Bloomberg:
Safavian Gets 18-Month Prison Term in Abramoff Case (Update2)  —  Oct. 27 (Bloomberg) — Former White House official David Safavian was sentenced to 18 months in prison for lying and obstructing justice in the investigation of disgraced Republican lobbyist Jack Abramoff.
Discussion: TalkLeft and Left in the West
Matt Apuzzo / Associated Press:
Safavian Seeks Leniency in Abramoff Case
Discussion: TPMmuckraker
SilentPatriot / Crooks and Liars:
Letterman vs. O'Reilly...Round Two...Fight!  —  David Letterman didn't try to hide the fact last night that he just plain doesn't like Bill O'Reilly.  He wasted no time bashing FOX News and doing what few people can do — ridiculing O'Reillys ratings (Letterman's audience is more than 2x as large .)
Lefty / A la Gauche:
David Letterman v. Bill O'Reilly Part II
Discussion: PSoTD
Muslim cleric linked with terror groups  —  ASIO warned authorities 20 years ago that Sheik Taj al-Din Al-hilaly could inflame communal violence in Australia.  —  Court judgments show ASIO initially believed the controversial mufti posed a risk to the community because of his alleged propensity to cause or promote violence.
Little Green Footballs:
Rape-Supporting Sheikh: No One Can Sack Me
Discussion: Wizbang
Neil A. Lewis / New York Times:
Furor Over Cheney Remark on Tactics for Terror Suspects  —  The White House found itself fending off questions on Friday about what Vice President Dick Cheney meant when he agreed with a talk-radio host that there was nothing wrong with dunking a terrorism suspect in water if it saved lives.
Talking Points Memo:   We're darn near six years into this nonsense, but still …
David Espo / Associated Press:
Dems spring surprise TV ad on Ryun  —  Washington — House Democrats launched a surprise television attack against Rep. Jim Ryun of Kansas on Friday night, hoping to increase the number of competitive races in the battle for control of Congress.  —  Ryun "voted against a $1,500 combat bonus for our troops …
Discussion: MyDD and Swing State Project
Ongoing 'intifada' in France has injured 2,500 police in 2006  —  This might have dropped below the radar, but Al Qaida and its allies are literally battling the Crusaders every day in Europe.  And so far, Europe isn't doing so well.  —  "We are in a state of civil war, orchestrated by radical Islamists …
Digby / Hullabaloo:
He Said/She Said Woodshed  —  A number of commenters have objected to my characterization of Katie Couric's interview with Michael J. Fox. yesterday.  Obviously I need to explain why I think it was wrong.  —  First of all, this is not actually a "controversy" in any legitimate sense.
Discussion: CBS News, The Mahablog and NO QUARTER
Captain Ed / Captain's Quarters:
Michael Steele Corrects The Record
Discussion: The American Street
Kevin Drum / Political Animal:
Debra Dickerson: The GOP's failure to pitch its big tent  —  EXPLAINING INCOME INEQUALITY....It's worth reading Jon Chait's entire article about rising income inequality in the New Republic this week, but for my money here's the most important factoid to lodge firmly in your brain:
Stewart Bell / National Post:
Al-Qaeda warns Canada  —  Quit Afghan mission or endure attack like 9/11, threat says  —  OTTAWA - An al-Qaeda strategist has warned Canada to withdraw its troops from Afghanistan or face terrorist attacks similar to 9/11, Madrid and the London transit bombings.
Discussion: Hot Air
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 More Items: 
Deacon / Power Line:
A VANGUARD STYMIED  —  So far, 2006 has not been my favorite election cycle.
Little Green Footballs:
We Got Mail From the Muslim Brotherhood
Tim O'Brien / Albany Times Union:
Political foes pull out stops
Discussion: Angry Bear
SilentPatriot / Crooks and Liars:
R.I.P. "Stay the Course" 1885-2006
Discussion: Firedoglake
Kevin Drum / Political Animal:
SINGLE-SEX EDUCATION....So: is single-sex education a good thing or a bad thing?
Discussion: Ezra Klein
Don Walton / Lincoln Journal Star:
GOP eye on 3rd District House race
Digby / Hullabaloo:
Attack Of The Killer Morons
Discussion: The Next Hurrah
 Earlier Items: 
Matthew Yglesias:
Should Blair Stay or Should He Go  —  At 3AM, at least …
Garry Wills / New York Review of Books:
A Country Ruled by Faith
Discussion: Chicago Boyz
Brad DeLong / Brad DeLong's Semi-Daily Journal:
Greg Mankiw: For Higher Gas Taxes
Discussion: Political Animal and MaxSpeak
Robert Fisk: Mystery of Israel's secret uranium bomb
Discussion: Israel Matzav and CorrenteWire
Erica Werner / Associated Press:
Rep. Porter releases phone records, denies wrongdoing
Mark Leibovich / New York Times:
In Clean Politics, Flesh Is Pressed, Then Sanitized
Discussion: Althouse and ScrappleFace
Media Matters for America:
Hussein Verdict: News at 11

From Techmeme:

Joe Rossignol / MacRumors:
Sources: iOS 18 will let users lock built-in iPhone apps behind Face ID, and it is likely that the feature will also work with Touch ID or an iPhone's passcode

Lawrence Abrams / BleepingComputer:
The New York Times confirms its internal source code and data leaked on 4chan after being stolen using an exposed GitHub token in January 2024

Mark Gurman / Bloomberg:
Apple's AI push isn't so much about its current devices, but enabling its next wave of AI-intensive devices that may eventually supplant a smartphone

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