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1:15 PM ET, November 12, 2006


 Top Items: 
New York Times:
Democrats and Iraq  —  The Democrats will not be able to savor their victory for long.  Americans are waiting to hear if they have any good ideas for how to get out of Iraq without creating even wider chaos and terrorism.  —  Criticizing President Bush's gross mismanagement of the war was a winning electoral strategy.
Karl / protein wisdom:
Giving the Old, Old Grey Lady Some Oversight  —  The New York Times opines: … A cursory look the schedules for a few Congressional committees and sub-committees shows that in the past 18 months to 2 years there were only these three days of hearings.  And this one.  And this one.  And this one.
Discussion: Sister Toldjah and Don Surber
Washington Post:
Panel May Have Few Good Options to Offer  —  Bipartisan Group's Plan Expected in Dec.  —  After meeting with President Bush tomorrow, a panel of prestigious Americans will begin deliberations to chart a new course on Iraq, with the goal of stabilizing the country with a different U.S. strategy and possibly the withdrawal of troops.
Discussion: The Heretik and Redstate
New York Times:
In Gates Selection, White House Hopes to Close Rift Between State and Defense  —  President Bush selected Robert M. Gates as his new defense secretary in part to close a long-running rift between the Defense Department and the State Department that has hobbled progress on Iraq …
Discussion: Hot Air and AMERICAblog
Craig Gilbert / JSOnline:
Feingold rules out 2008 run for president  —  —  Washington - Sen. Russ Feingold will not seek his party's presidential nomination in 2008, the Wisconsin Democrat told the Journal Sentinel on Saturday.  —  "I never got to that point where I'd rather …
Mark Steyn / Chicago Sun Times:
U.S. must prove it's a staying power  —  On the radio a couple of weeks ago, Hugh Hewitt suggested to me the terrorists might try to pull a Spain on the U.S. elections.  You'll recall (though evidently many Americans don't) that in 2004 hundreds of commuters were slaughtered in multiple train bombings in Madrid.
Richard A. Oppel Jr / New York Times:
Sectarian Rifts Foretell Pitfalls of Iraqi Troops' Taking Control  —  BAQUBA, Iraq — It did not take long for Col. Brian D. Jones to begin to have doubts about the new Iraqi commander.  —  The commander, Brig. Gen. Shakir Hulail Hussein al-Kaabi, was chosen this summer by the Shiite-led government …
Discussion: Firedoglake and The Moderate Voice
Justin Bergman / Associated Press:
U.S. vetoes condemnation of Gaza strikes  —  UNITED NATIONS - The United States vetoed a U.N. Security Council draft resolution Saturday that sought to condemn an Israeli military offensive in the Gaza Strip and demand Israeli troops pull out of the territory.
Neil A. Lewis / New York Times:
New Democratic Majority Throws Bush's Judicial Nominations Into Uncertainty  —  The impending Democratic takeover of the Senate, lawmakers and administration officials agree, will produce a vast change in an area that has produced some of the sharpest partisan battles in recent years …
Washington Post:
Webb May Be Senate Maverick  —  Newest Member Expected to Take Antiwar Lead  —  James Webb walked into the Fish Market restaurant in Alexandria in December and wanted longtime Democratic strategist Steve Jarding to answer just one question: What were his chances of defeating Sen. George Allen …
The American Thinker:
Baker: A face-saving disaster?  —  The Baker commission seems to be doing a lot more than just re-thinking Iraq.  It appears to be copiously leaking a Vietnam-type cut-and-run plan that will leave the Gulf far more dangerous than it is now.  The Vietnam model looks like a "face-saving" …
Democratic Lobbyists Relish Return to Washington's Power Elite  —  Nov. 10 (Bloomberg) — Thomas Boggs, dean of the Democratic lobbyists in Washington, boasts of a tie to incoming House Speaker Nancy Pelosi that no one in his profession can match: He has known her since they were both 4 years old.
Discussion: The Sundries Shack and PSoTD
Christy Hardin Smith / Firedoglake:
Sunday Talking Head Thread  —  (Geese in an enclosure in Germany.  AFP/DDP/Michael Urban.)  —  Here's the Sunday Talking Head line-up.  Read it and weep:  —  C-Span's Washington Journal: 8:30am - Naftali Bendavid, Chicago Tribune, Deputy Washington Bureau Chief; 9am - Phoner From Baghdad …
Brent Budowsky / The Huffington Post:
Veteran's Day Message To Karl Rove: Take Your Terror Scares and Shove Them Up Your Ass!  —  I was honored to spend most of Veteran's Day at the Vietnam Memorial with a rally and ceremony honoring heroes of America from every branch of the service, and their families, immediate and extended.
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 More Items: 
Judd / Think Progress:
Lieberman: 'This Was Not a Major Realignment Election'
Steve / The News Blog:
The American dead in Iraq, 2006
Captain Ed / Captain's Quarters:
Return To First Principles
Discussion: Democracy Project
Greg Mankiw / Greg Mankiw's Blog:
What happened to the surplus?
The Anchoress:
OK, Anchoress, why so optimistic?
Discussion: Wizbang
Erica Werner / Associated Press:
Waxman set to probe areas of Bush gov't
What's working? Offense or defense?
Discussion: The Belmont Club
Alan Cowell / New York Times:
Blair Says Terrorist Threat to Last 'a Generation'
 Earlier Items: 
Los Angeles Times:
LAPD, FBI probe arrest on videotape
Discussion: The Moderate Voice
Wordsmith / Flopping Aces:
Veterans Day Post
Discussion: Iowa Voice and bRight & Early
Major John / Miserable Donuts:
Yea Me Day!  —  That is how I jokingly refer to Veteran's Day.
Faiza Saleh Ambah / Washington Post:
New Clicks in the Arab World
Pachacutec / Firedoglake:
12 Reasons Not to Trust Chuck Schumer
Discussion: Scared Monkeys and TalkLeft
New Jersey Online:
More subpoenas in Menendez probe
Dr. Rusty Shackleford / The Jawa Report:
Claim: Cat Stevens Financed Terrorists, Tied to Radical Clerics

From Techmeme:

Sergiu Gatlan / BleepingComputer:
Researchers say a threat actor claims to have hacked Ticketmaster and Santander using stolen credentials of a Snowflake employee; Snowflake disputes the claims

Emilia David / The Verge:
AI search engine Perplexity launches Pages, which will research and create a customizable webpage based on user prompts, aimed at educators, researchers, others

Sarah Wynn / The Block:
President Biden vetoes a bill overturning SAB 121, a controversial SEC bulletin that establishes accounting standards for companies that custody crypto

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