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8:55 AM ET, December 8, 2006


 Top Items: 
Thomas E. Ricks / Washington Post:
Senators Challenge Feasibility of Iraq Plans  —  Study Group Concedes Some Risks But Calls Its Proposal 'Worth a Try'  —  Members of Congress yesterday questioned the practicability of recommendations from the Iraq Study Group about how to reverse the chaos in Iraq, but they praised the panel's stark assessment of conditions there.
New York Times:
Bush Expresses Caution on Key Points in Iraq Panel's Report  —  President Bush moved quickly on Thursday to distance himself from the central recommendations of the bipartisan Iraq Study Group: pulling back all combat brigades over the next 15 months and direct talks with Iran and Syria.
Nancy Benac / Associated Press:
AP Poll: Few expect victory in Iraq  —  WASHINGTON - Americans are overwhelmingly resigned to something less than clear-cut victory in Iraq and growing numbers doubt the country will achieve a stable, democratic government no matter how the U.S. gets out, according to an AP poll.
Discussion: Daily Kos and AMERICAblog
Greg Miller / Los Angeles Times:
Return fire from the right  —  The idea of talks with Iran and Syria riles many conservatives.  Some say the focus was on an exit, not a victory.  —  WASHINGTON — Right-wing radio host Rush Limbaugh called it "The Iraq Surrender Group."  —  The conservative New York Post tabloid doctored …
Ralph Peters / New York Post:
Fox News:
NEW MEXICO GOV. BILL RICHARDSON: 'I AM RUNNING' IN 2008  —  New Mexico Gov. Bill Richardson is expected to formally file papers to form a presidential exploratory committee in January.  But today he told FOX News "I am running," as he described the professional and personal experiences that he believes have prepared him for the job.
Jennifer Talhelm / Associated Press:
Richardson Speaks Against Border Fence
Jennifer Talhelm / Associated Press:
New Mexico governor decries border fence
Allahpundit / Hot Air:
Video: Steyn slams the AP and Iraq Study Group on O'Reilly  —  Our subject is bias: anti-Bush in the case of the American press and anti-American in the case of too many Iraqi stringers.  No mention of Jamilgate specifically, alas, but he does refer to Bilal Hussein, whose scandal is sexier anyway.
Jim Rutenberg / New York Times:
Cheney Pregnancy Stirs Debate on Gay Rights  —  Mary Cheney, a daughter of Vice President Dick Cheney, is expecting a baby with her partner of 15 years, Heather Poe, Mr. Cheney's office said Wednesday.  —  Lea Anne McBride, a spokeswoman for Mr. Cheney, said the vice president and his wife …
Discussion: TigerHawk and The Corner
European Socialists eager to work with U.S. Democrats  —  OPORTO, Portugal (Reuters) - European Socialists promised on Thursday to work to rebuild Europe's strategic alliance with the United States now that the Democrats control Congress after last month's elections.
Discussion: Tammy Bruce and Flopping Aces
Chris Bowers / MyDD:
On Impeachment  —  I'm not really sure why I am writing this piece, because I haven't seen much talk about it on MyDD.  Also, I can't imagine people on either side of this issue changing their minds even a little bit based upon what I write.  However, I would like to say a few things …
Discussion: The Agonist and Decision '08
New York Times:
Long a Laggard, Wages Start to Outpace Prices  —  After four years in which pay failed to keep pace with price increases, wages for most American workers have begun rising significantly faster than inflation.  —  With energy prices now sharply lower than a few months ago …
St. Petersburg Times:
Dean: Dems should keep out Buchanan  —  WASHINGTON - Republican Vern Buchanan might be the official winner in a messy Sarasota-area congressional race, but Democratic National Committee chairman Howard Dean says the Democratic-controlled Congress should not seat Buchanan without another election.
Interview with David Card  —  David Card seems like a pretty mild-mannered guy.  True, he speaks with conviction, but it is confidence backed by meticulous research and tempered with open acknowledgment of the limits of that research.  Card, an economist  —  at the University of California, Berkeley, is the antithesis of a zealot.
Discussion: Ezra Klein and Matthew Yglesias
Peta Thornycroft / Telegraph:
Mugabe joins massive diamond rush  —  A British-listed mining company, the first to invest in bankrupt Zimbabwe since the political crisis began, was ordered off its valuable diamond claim yesterday.  —  While President Robert Mugabe has seized thousands of white-owned farms since 2000 he has, up until now, left mining property alone.
New York Times:
Changes Are Expected in Voting by 2008 Election  —  By the 2008 presidential election, voters around the country are likely to see sweeping changes in how they cast their ballots and how those ballots are counted, including an end to the use of most electronic voting machines without a paper trail …
Discussion: Blue Jersey
Washington Post:
For Now, an Unofficial Rivalry  —  Possible Clinton-Obama Presidential Clash Has Senate Abuzz  —  On Wednesday night, Sen. Edward M. Kennedy hosted the nine Democratic members of his health and education committee at an intimate dinner in his home in Washington's Kalorama neighborhood.
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 More Items: 
Jeralyn / TalkLeft:
26 Years Ago Today...."An Unspeakable Tragedy in New York City"
Janet Levy / Front Page Magazine:
The Gym Jihad  —  A Muslim woman in Dearborn, Mich. …
Discussion: Pajamas Media
Radley Balko / The Agitator:
Richard Paey's Appeal Denied
Associated Press:
U.S. Prosecutors Move to Block Padilla's Questioning of Pentagon
Discussion: TalkLeft and
David Lat /
Political Hackery at Yale Law School: Justice Alito Gets (Green)housed
Amanda Bronstad /
More Judges Packing Pistols in Courtrooms
Discussion: Redstate
The 2006 Weblog Awards:
Best Conservative Blog
More on Funniness  —  The discussion Christopher Hitchens's "Women Ain't Funny.
 Earlier Items: 
Grits for Breakfast:
Slippery slopes: Warrantless tactics used for child molesters …
Allahpundit / Hot Air:
Spymania: Everything you think you know is might be wrong
Discussion: Times of London and BBC
Internet fuels rise in number of jailed journalists
George F. Will / Washington Post:
A Report Overtaken by Reality
Ambrose Evans-Pritchard / Telegraph:
Economic storm brewing in America
Discussion: QandO and The Corner
Ann Althouse / Althouse:
Camille Paglia on... it's not my word.... "crotchgate."
Associated Press:
US Congress struggles to break final logjam before adjourning
Salah Nasrawi / Associated Press:
Saudis reportedly funding Iraqi Sunnis

From Mediagazer:

Washington Post:
Will Lewis criticizes reports that he tried to suppress stories on his ties to a phone hacking case and calls David Folkenflik an activist, not a journalist

Mickey Djuric / The Canadian Press:
Google signs a deal with The Canadian Journalism Collective to distribute the CA$100M the company has promised to Canadian news companies in 2023

Max Tani / Semafor:
Some unionized journalists at the NYT, Reuters, and others criticize the NewsGuild over organizing costs and union leaders' left-leaning criticism of journalism

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