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1:30 PM ET, March 30, 2007


 Top Items: 
Larry McShane / Associated Press:
Giuliani faces questions about Sept. 11  —  NEW YORK - Rudy Giuliani's White House aspirations are inescapably tied to Sept. 11, 2001 — for better and for worse.  —  While the former mayor of the nation's largest city was widely lionized for his post-9/11 leadership — "Churchillian" …
William K. Rashbaum / New York Times:
Testimony by Giuliani Indicates He Was Briefed on Kerik in '00  —  Rudolph W. Giuliani told a grand jury that his former chief investigator remembered having briefed him on some aspects of Bernard B. Kerik's relationship with a company suspected of ties to organized crime before Mr. Kerik's appointment …
Washington Post:
Giuliani Sees Policy Role for Wife  —  Former New York mayor Rudolph W. Giuliani told ABC News's Barbara Walters that he would welcome his wife, Judith, at White House Cabinet meetings and other policy discussions if he were elected president next year.  —  "If she wanted to," Giuliani said in the …
Alan Cooperman / Washington Post:
Bush Loyalist Rose Quickly at Justice  —  When a college intern in the Justice Department whined that all he was doing was filing and answering phones, Monica M. Goodling took him aside.  If he wanted to do "substantive work," she told him, he was going to have to prove himself first.
New York Times:
Ex-Aide Rejects Gonzales Stand Over Dismissals  —  The former chief of staff to Alberto R. Gonzales testified on Thursday that he had consulted regularly with the attorney general about dismissing United States attorneys, disputing Mr. Gonzales's public account of his role as very limited.
Nico / Think Progress:
Rush Limbaugh:  —  Don't fire Gonzales even though he's incompetent because winning elections is much more important: … More Rush: "USA Today's got a poll: 'Do you think something's wrong about the firing of eight US attorneys?'  72% said yes. 72% of the American people …
Warming: Do Not Give Democrats the Head of Alberto Gonzales  —  BEGIN TRANSCRIPT  —  RUSH: Let's move on to Kyle Sampson, who was testifying today before the Leaky Leahy Judiciary Committee in the United States Senate.  There was a lot of hubbub about Kyle Sampson.
Richard / EU Referendum:
Thanks for nothing  —  Left in the humiliating position of having nothing in the locker with which to take on the Iranians after their abduction of our service personnel, our esteemed government has been running, cap in hand, to the United Nations Security Council for a resolution condemning Iran's action.
Simon Heffer / Telegraph:
Online comment: Heading for war with Iran?
Discussion: Hot Air and Verum Serum
Peter Baker / Washington Post:
Policy Aide's Departure Continues Transformation of Bush's Staff  —  Over the past several years, Peter H. Wehner has sent a blizzard of e-mails around the White House and the rest of Washington, offering strategy and policy ideas to President Bush and making the case for those policies to outsiders.
Discussion: David Corn
Felicity Barringer / New York Times:
Report Says Interior Official Overrode Work of Scientists  —  A top-ranking official overseeing the Fish and Wildlife Service at the Interior Department rode roughshod over agency scientists, and decisions made on her watch may not survive court challenges, investigators within the Interior Department have found.
Juliet Eilperin / Washington Post:
Report Faults Interior Appointee
Discussion: The Gavel
Charles Krauthammer / Washington Post:
Which Is 'The Real War'?  —  "Our bill calls for the redeployment of U.S. troops out of Iraq so that we can focus more fully on the real war on terror, which is in Afghanistan."  —  The Senate and the House have both passed bills for ending the Iraq war, or at least liquidating the American involvement in it.
Associated Press:
FOX NEWS, BLACK CAUCUS TEAM FOR DEBATES  —  WASHINGTON — Fox News, rebounding from a presidential debate squabble with Democrats, has a new deal with an old debate partner.  The cable news network will co-sponsor primary debates for each party's presidential field this fall in association …
Discussion: The Caucus and Facing South
Karen Tumulty / Time:
It's Universal  —  For Democrats, health care has long been a merciless minefield.  Hillary Clinton's disastrous effort to transform the system in her husband's first term nearly cost him the presidency.  After that, politicians pretty much stopped talking about the subject except …
Richard Miniter / Washington Times:
Turkey, Iraq and the PKK  —  ANKARA, TURKEY.  —  When Iraq's vice president came to Turkey's capital on Tuesday to plead with the Turks not to invade northern Iraq to kill Kurdish terrorists, he spoke to the press in code.  —  The PKK is a Kurdish terrorist group that has killed some 30,000 Turks …
David Ignatius / Washington Post:
15 Britons In a Sea Of Intrigue  —  BERLIN — We are in a season of skulduggery in the Middle East, with a strange series of events that all involve the Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps.  The murky saga is a reminder that the real power in Iran may lie with this secretive organization …
Glenn Greenwald / Salon:
Observations about John Harris' replies  —  The Politico's Editor-in-Chief, John Harris, has responded via e-mail to the posts I wrote earlier this week, as well as to questions I sent to Poliico reporter Mike Allen about the Politico/Drudge relationship (posted in the first link).
Ann Althouse / Althouse:
Those prissy, puritanical lefty bloggers.  —  There's been a lot of talk about me lately in the left-o-sphere.  And, sorry, but I'm not going to link to it.  You know how to find things.  Anyway, for the most part, I don't answer back.  As my mother used to say: You'll only encourage them.
New York Times:
Presidential Candidates Focus on Fund-Raising  —  Forget campaigning.  Last week, Rudolph W. Giuliani held a presidential fund-raiser every day of the week.  Senator John McCain raised money at three events on Wednesday and another Thursday, racking up 27 this month alone.
Discussion: On Politics and First Read
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 More Items: 
Atrios / Eschaton:
But What About Margaret Carlson's Sex Life?
Claus Christian Malzahn / Spiegel Online:
Evil Americans, Poor Mullahs
Brian Briggs / BBspot:
RIAA Lawsuit Decision Matrix
Bruno Waterfield / Telegraph:
Don't confuse terrorism with Islam, says EU
Discussion: The Jawa Report and Hot Air
A peculiar outrage  —  The treatment of Faye Turney is wrong …
Bill / INDCJournal:
"The USMC/Iraqi team was sluggin' it out side by side." …
Pete Abel / The Moderate Voice:
Cruel Conservatives: Part I
Hassan M. Fattah / New York Times:
Heads of Arab States Prod Israel to Embrace Peace Offer
Discussion: normblog and DownWithTyranny!
 Earlier Items: 
Joshua Partlow / Washington Post:
More Than 100 Killed in Baghdad, Nearby Town
Noam N. Levey / Los Angeles Times:
Iraq: It may be a rough road to a Senate-House compromise
Craig Murray:
Both Sides Must Stop This Mad Confrontation, Now
'Quite a miracle'  —  Five-year-old falls nine storeys and survives …
Discussion: Scared Monkeys
Washington Post:
Senate Sets Stage For Iraq Face-Off
Linda Greenhouse / New York Times:
Justices Weigh Opening New Phase on Guantánamo
Discussion: SCOTUSblog
Jose Antonio Vargas / Washington Post:
Grass Roots Planted In Cyberspace
Dr. Helen:
Women, Anger and the Web
Discussion: Vox Popoli and Polimom Says

From Mediagazer:

New York Times:
WaPo CEO Will Lewis and top editor Matt Murray send memos trying to reassure staff, and former CEO Patty Stonesifer visits the newsroom, after a week of tumult

Mickey Djuric / The Canadian Press:
Google signs a deal with The Canadian Journalism Collective to distribute the CA$100M the company has promised to Canadian news companies in 2023

Lawrence Abrams / BleepingComputer:
The New York Times confirms its internal source code and data leaked on 4chan after being stolen using an exposed GitHub token in January 2024

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