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12:30 PM ET, July 15, 2007


 Top Items: 
William Kristol / Washington Post:
Why Bush Will Be A Winner  —  I suppose I'll merely expose myself to harmless ridicule if I make the following assertion: George W. Bush's presidency will probably be a successful one.  —  Let's step back from the unnecessary mistakes and the self-inflicted wounds that have characterized the Bush administration.
Satyam / Think Progress:
Kristol: 'We're Not In A Civil War' In Iraq, 'This Is Just Not True'  —  Approximately one year ago — in an August 2006 appearance on the Charlie Rose show — Bill Kristol acknowledged that Iraq was teetering on the edge of civil war, stating: "It is true that we are at risk of a sectarian civil war there …
James Gordon Meek / NY Daily News:
U.S. may be numb to terror threats as real evil lurks  —  To Americans who have grown skeptical of terrorism warnings, the professionals in the intelligence community say they understand.  They also say this time, it could be for real.  —  That's because the level of worldwide jihadist activity …
Discussion: Talking Points Memo
John Follain / Times of London:
Carlos the Jackal sneers at Al-Qaeda's 'amateur' killers
Discussion: Connecting.the.Dots
Omar Sinan / Associated Press:
Bin Laden praises martyrdom in new video
Joe Gandelman / The Moderate Voice:
Famous Terrorist Carlos The Jackal Calls Al Qaeda Terrorists "Amateurs"
Johann Hari / The Independent:
Ship of fools: Johann Hari sets sail with America's swashbuckling neocons  —  The Iraq war has been an amazing success, global warming is just a myth - and as for Guantanamo Bay, it's practically a holiday camp... The annual cruise organised by the 'National Review', mouthpiece of right-wing America …
Richard A. Oppel Jr / New York Times:
Maliki Says His Forces Are Able to Secure Iraq  —  Prime Minister Nuri Kamal al-Maliki declared Saturday that Iraqi forces could secure the country on their own "any time" American troops decided to withdraw, his first response to the White House report this week that found his government falling …
Warren Fiske /
Gilmore drops longshot bid for presidential nomination  —  Gilmore raised only about $380,000 during the first half of 2007.  —  THE VIRGINIAN-PILOT FILE PHOTO  —  RICHMOND  —  Former Virginia Gov. Jim Gilmore ended his long-shot campaign for the presidency on Saturday …
Laurie Goodstein / New York Times:
Deal Reported in Los Angeles Abuse Cases  —  Lawyers for more than 500 people who say they were abused by Roman Catholic clergy members said last night that they had settled their lawsuits against the Archdiocese of Los Angeles for $660 million.  —  If approved, it will be by far …
Gillian Flaccus / Associated Press:
L.A. archdiocese to pay $660M for abuse
Discussion: Pam's House Blend
Michael Moore:
An Open Letter to CNN from Michael Moore  —  Well, the week is over — and still no apology, no retraction, no correction of your glaring mistakes.  —  I bet you thought my dust-up with Wolf Blitzer was just a cool ratings coup, that you really wouldn't have to correct the false statements you made about "Sicko."
Rod Liddle / Times of London:
Having a torrid time at the BBC - Busy Blurting Confessions  —  The BBC has been forced to apologise for a trailer clip that seemed to show the Queen snarling "stitch this, love" at the American photographer Annie Leibovitz and then nutting her between the eyes.  A palace spokesman angrily denied the Queen had done any such thing.
N. Gregory Mankiw / New York Times:
Fair Taxes?  Depends What You Mean by 'Fair'  —  DO the rich pay their fair share in taxes?  This is likely to become a defining question during the presidential campaign.  —  At a recent fund-raiser for Hillary Clinton, the billionaire investor Warren E. Buffett said that rich guys like him weren't paying enough.
Robert Pear / New York Times:
Bush Is Prepared to Veto Bill to Expand Child Insurance  —  The White House said on Saturday that President Bush would veto a bipartisan plan to expand the Children's Health Insurance Program, drafted over the last six months by senior members of the Senate Finance Committee.
Edward Cody / Washington Post:
N. Korea Shutters Nuclear Facility  —  Move Follows Delivery of Oil; U.N. Team to Verify Shutdown  —  After four years of off-and-on negotiations, North Korea said it began closing down its main nuclear reactor Saturday, shortly after receiving a first boatload of fuel oil aid.
Times of London:
Galloway to be suspended from Commons over Iraq  —  GEORGE GALLOWAY, the MP who campaigned against the Iraq war, is to be suspended from parliament over his links to the United Nations oil-for-food programme in Iraq.  —  The parliamentary standards watchdog will rule this week …
Discussion: Harry's Place
Steve Bloomfield / The Independent:
Arabs pile into Darfur to take land 'cleansed' by janjaweed  —  Arabs from Chad and Niger are crossing into Darfur in "unprecedented" numbers, prompting claims that the Sudanese government is trying systematically to repopulate the war- ravaged region.  —  An internal UN report …
Discussion: Atlas Shrugs
Mike Allen / The Politico:
Thompson delays filing as campaign ramps up  —  He has collected millions of dollars.  Aides go to work every day in a secret suite of offices in McLean, Va. He has policy briefings.  He is preparing for nationally televised Republican debates.  He just named a communications director and a political director.
Bill Moyers talks with Bruce Fein and John Nichols  —  BILL MOYERS: One of the fellows you're about to meet wrote the first article of impeachment against President Clinton.  Bruce Fein did so because perjury is a legal crime.  And Fein believed no one is above the law.
Discussion: TalkLeft and The Sideshow
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 More Items: 
Stephen F. Hayes / Weekly Standard:
Cheney Speaks  —  On Clinton's pardons, 9/11 as seen …
Michael M. Rosen / The Politico:
Insufficient funds?  —  If you read the papers in recent days …
Ian Urbina / New York Times:
Even as Loved Ones Fight On, War Doubts Arise
Associated Press:
Iran continues nuke activities, hoping to avoid UN scrutiny
Louis Uchitelle / New York Times:
The Richest of the Rich, Proud of a New Gilded Age
Robert Pear / New York Times:
Little-Known Group Claims a Win on Immigration
Seattle Post-Intelligencer:
Police looking at Zina Linnik suspect for similar crimes
David Lightman / Hartford Courant:
Shays Picks A Date On Iraq
Discussion: Daily Kos and My Left Nutmeg
 Earlier Items: 
William Kristol / Weekly Standard:
Keep on Surgin'
Thomas E. Ricks / Washington Post:
Bush Leans On Petraeus as War Dissent Deepens
John Solomon / Washington Post:
In Intelligence World, A Mute Watchdog
Rick Perlstein / Campaign for America's Future:
SIRIUS doesn't think you're patriotic
Generals' warning on Afghanistan
Michael Hawthorne / Chicago Tribune:
BP gets break on dumping in lake
The Corner:
No Fatah, no fems  —  Jonah, that Arafat-died-of-Aids story is …
Discussion: Power Line

From Mediagazer:

Mark Stenberg / Adweek:
Subscription platform Zuora is acquiring AI company Sub(x) to use AI to enhance paywall offerings for the news industry; Sub(x)'s 10 employees will join Zuora

David Gilbert / Wired:
ISIS created two YouTube channels falsely branded as CNN and Al Jazeera channels in March; their videos stayed on YouTube for a month and a half before removal

Tony Plohetski / Austin American-Statesman:
Gannett's Austin American-Statesman names Courtney Sebesta executive editor; she began her career at the Statesman 22 years ago as an editorial assistant

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