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4:15 AM ET, April 26, 2015


 Top Items: 
New York Times:
Russian Hackers Read Obama's Unclassified Emails, Officials Say  —  WASHINGTON — Some of President Obama's email correspondence was swept up by Russian hackers last year in a breach of the White House's unclassified computer system that was far more intrusive and worrisome …
Adam B. Lerner / Politico:
President Obama's Top 10 jokes  —  During an interview with Variety before headlining the White House Correspondents' Dinner, “Saturday Night Live'"s Cecily Strong made a bold proclamation about President Barack Obama: “He's known as an amazingly funny guy,” she said.  “He's maybe our funniest president.”
Discussion: ABC News
Valerie Richardson / Washington Times:
Gay-rights advocates torpedo GoFundMe campaign for Christian-owned bakery … A crowdfunding campaign that had raised more than $109,000 for the Christian-owned bakery Sweet Cakes by Melissa in Oregon was removed Saturday after complaints from gay-rights advocates.
Discussion: The Daily Caller and The PJ Tatler
Kathryn Schroeder /
Judge: Oregon Bakery Should Pay Lesbian Couple $135K  —  Sweet Cakes By Melissa, the Oregon bakery that refused to bake a cake for a lesbian wedding — citing religious reasons — may have to pay the couple $135,000 in damages for their emotional suffering.  —  An administrative law judge …
Oliver Darcy /
Bruce Jenner Blasted Online After Coming Out As a Republican: ‘Personally, I Am Disgusted’  —  Bruce Jenner was blasted online Friday evening after revealing during a two-hour interview that he identifies as a Christian Republican.  —  When asked by ABC's Diane Sawyer if he considers himself …
Kate Stanhope / Hollywood Reporter:
It's Official: Bruce Jenner to Chronicle Gender Transition on E! Docuseries
Discussion: Advocate and FOX News Radio
ABC News:
Bruce Jenner: 'I'm a Woman'
Washington Post:
More than 1,500 killed by 7.8-magnitude quake in Nepal … ITANAGAR, India — At nightfall, Nepal's capital became a tent city, as thousands of residents displaced by Saturday's devastating earthquake stayed in their dark gardens and out on the cracked streets and lanes, afraid to go back inside because of waves of aftershocks.
Discussion: Guardian and The Week
Susie Madrak / Latest from Crooks and Liars:
Shocker: Turns Out Clinton Scandal Author Isn't Publishing A Jeb Bush Book!  —  See what chumps the New York Times editors are?  “This guy's the real thing, he's going after both sides!”  How's that working out for you, guys?  As the nuns used to say: Lie down with dogs, rise up with fleas:
Ed Rogers / Washington Post:
The Insiders: How do the Clinton scandals end?
Discussion: The PJ Tatler
New York Times:
Scenes of Chaos in Baltimore as Thousands Protest Freddie Gray's Death  —  BALTIMORE — A largely peaceful protest over the death of Freddie Gray, a 25-year-old black man who suffered a spinal cord injury in police custody, gave way to scattered scenes of chaos here on Saturday night …
Discussion: Hit & Run and The Agonist
Eric Holthaus / Slate:
Obama's Piecemeal Climate Policy Is Gradually Paying Off  —  While Obama's Earth Day speech in the Everglades turned out to be a big nothingburger—except if you're the parent of a fourth-grader who'll now receive a free annual National Park pass—there are renewed signs this week that his nickel …
Discussion: Associated Press
Ali Gharib / The Nation:
AIPAC vs. the Neocons on Iran  —  There's a fascinating divide emerging over the Corker-Cardin compromise bill that would give Congress a vote on an Iran deal and which unanimously emerged from the Senate Foreign Relations Committee last week.  The compromise, engineered by committee chair Bob Corker …
Discussion: Washington Monthly
Michael Muskal / Los Angeles Times:
Gallup poll finds more gay marriages, domestic partnerships than thought  —  As the Supreme Court prepares to hear arguments on same-sex marriage, a new poll shows that more American adults are believed to be in gay marriages or domestic partnerships than had been previously thought.
Discussion: FOX News Radio
Corinne Gaston /
Danish Man Commits Suicide After Dog Is Forcibly Euthanized  —  5.6 K  —  A man in Denmark was so devastated when authorities seized and euthanized his dog that he took his own life.  —  Dan, whose last name has not been disclosed, was 27 years old.  —  Dan was given just eight days …
Discussion: FOX News Radio
Ben Jacobs / Guardian:
Michigan governor Rick Snyder set to enter Republican 2016 presidential race  —  Michigan governor Rick Snyder may be the newest GOP candidate for the White House.  —  Snyder mingled with donors at a meeting of the Republican Jewish Coalition (RJC) in Las Vegas on Friday and told at least one attendee that he was a candidate.
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 More Items: 
Brian Stelter / CNNMoney:
NBC finds at least 10 Brian Williams embellishments
 Earlier Items: 
Charlie Savage / New York Times:
Declassified Report Shows Doubts About Value of N.S.A.'s Warrantless Spying
Discussion: emptywheel and The Hill

From Techmeme:

Mark Gurman / Bloomberg:
Sources: Apple plans a dedicated Passwords app in iOS 18 and macOS 15, powered by the iCloud Keychain; Apple will let users import passwords from rival services

Zac Bowden / Windows Central:
After Microsoft eroded Windows users' trust with bad practices for years, Recall is a PR disaster, as users remain skeptical despite the company's assurances

Carl Franzen / VentureBeat:
Adobe faces a backlash over its terms of service that say Adobe may access user content via “automated and manual methods” to improve its services and software

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