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9:30 PM ET, September 27, 2015


 Top Items: 
Mark Murray / NBC News:
NBC/WSJ Poll: Trump and Carson Lead GOP; Clinton Loses Ground  —  Donald Trump and Ben Carson are running neck and neck in the national Republican presidential horserace, while Carly Fiorina is now tied for third place with Marco Rubio, according to the latest NBC News/Wall Street Journal poll.
Joe Trippi / Los Angeles Times:
Op-Ed No, pundits, Hillary Clinton isn't collapsing  —  Has the political punditry class lost its collective mind?  —  In a year in which every other supposed front-runner and establishment candidate has collapsed to single digits or has already withdrawn from the race — yes …
Ed O'Keefe / Washington Post:
It's make or break time for Jeb Bush  —  Jeb Bush is entering a critical phase of his Republican presidential campaign, with top donors warning that the former Florida governor needs to demonstrate growth in the polls over the next month or face serious defections among supporters.
Kyle Cheney / Politico:
Jeb Bush: Early polls 'really don't matter'
Adam C. Smith / New York Times:
Inside Jeb Bush's campaign headquarters, where push is on for long haul
Discussion: Politico
Patrick O'Connor / Wall Street Journal:
Carson, Fiorina, Sanders Gain Ground in Their Parties' Primary Races, Poll Shows
ABC News:
‘This Week’ Transcript: Dr. Ben Carson and Samantha Power
Discussion: Politico
CBS News:
John Boehner warns of GOP's “false prophets” in D.C.  —  Days after abruptly announcing that he would resign from the House at the end of October, Speaker John Boehner reflected on some of the “unrealistic” promises made by his colleagues.  —  “Absolutely they're unrealistic,” …
Mike DeBonis / Washington Post:
Republican hard-liners are ‘false prophets,’ Boehner says  —  Outgoing House Speaker John A. Boehner, in his first one-on-one interview since announcing his resignation last week, compared conservative hard-liners in his party to biblical “false prophets” who promise more than they can deliver.
Meghashyam Mali / The Hill:
Graham fears post-Boehner ‘meltdown’  —  Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) is warning Republicans to act wisely following the impending departure of Speaker John Boehner (R-Ohio), which he fears could lead to a party “meltdown” in 2016.  —  “It's a fresh start, and what's the goal here?
S.E. Cupp / CNN:
4 rising stars who could replace Boehner
Discussion: Hot Air and BuzzFeed
Josh Feldman / Mediaite:
Chuck Todd to Fiorina: Haven't You ‘Exaggerated’ Planned Parenthood Video?  —  After grilling Hillary Clinton on her email scandal this morning, Chuck Todd spoke with Carly Fiorina and grilled her on her criticisms of Planned Parenthood.  —  At issue here was Fiorina's description …
Discussion: Hullabaloo
Washington Post:
Fiorina's falsehoods
Sara Jerde / Talking Points Memo:
WATCH: CNN Grills Carson On Muslim Comments Until Manager Ends Interview  —  CNN “State of the Union” host Jake Tapper grilled Republican presidential candidate Ben Carson on his comments about Muslims in an interview that aired Sunday until his campaign manager off-screen ended the interview.
Discussion: Balloon Juice
Maureen Dowd / New York Times:
Francis, the Perfect 19th-Century Pope  —  Washington — AFTER attending a canonization Mass at Catholic University with the pope who rails against the excesses of capitalism, I walked off campus to a festival of capitalism.  —  Vendors were hawking pope bracelets, buttons and T-shirts.
Discussion: VICE
Jonathan Easley / The Hill:
Trump: 'I'm a pretty good Republican'  —  Donald Trump in an interview broadcast late Sunday described himself as a “pretty good Republican,” while acknowledging that there are issues on which he differs with the GOP.  —  “I'm a pretty good Republican,” Trump told Scott Pelley on CBS's “60 Minutes.”
Jonathan Easley / The Hill:   Trump to release tax reform proposal on Monday
New Hillary Clinton email chain discovered  —  Washington (CNN)An email chain between former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and then-commander of U.S. Central Command David Petraeus from January and February 2009 is raising questions about whether some of the emails on Clinton's private email server …
Kyle Cheney / Politico:
Hillary Clinton: ‘Another conspiracy theory’
Jennifer Epstein / Bloomberg Business:
Hillary Clinton Blames GOP for ‘Drip, Drip, Drip’ of E-Mail Controversy
Discussion: RedState
Tom Boggioni / Raw Story:
George Zimmerman retweets photo of Trayvon Martin's body posted by admirer  —  Fox host corners Bush for giving tax cuts to the 1%: ‘Does Jeb Bush need a $3 million tax cut?’
The Salinas Californian:
Last Slide  —  Vandals defaced statues and gravesites overnight at the Carmel Mission, police said this morning.  —  On the eve of a ceremony to commemorate this week's canonization of missionary Junipero Serra by Pope Francis during his trip to the United States, vandals struck in the darkness of night …
Discussion: Guardian
Daniel Victor / New York Times:
Super Blood Moon to Make Last Appearance Until 2033  —  A rare astronomical phenomenon Sunday night will produce a moon that will appear slightly bigger than usual and have a reddish hue, an event known as a super blood moon.  —  It's a combination of curiosities that hasn't happened since 1982, and won't happen again until 2033.
One man injured after carjacking, shooting at gas station
Discussion: Raw Story and
Sherry Turkle / New York Times:
Stop Googling.  Let's Talk.  —  COLLEGE students tell me they know how to look someone in the eye and type on their phones at the same time, their split attention undetected.  They say it's a skill they mastered in middle school when they wanted to text in class without getting caught.
Discussion: Hullabaloo
Matt Vespa /
Not Good: The Doomsday Seed Vault Was Tapped Due To The Syrian Civil War  —  In the arctic, there is a vault 500 feet into a mountain that house hundreds of thousands of seeds in case of a catastrophic human event, or natural disaster, which threatens the biodiversity of the planet.
Michael Grunwald / Politico:
Why the Pope is wrong about climate  —  A close look at Francis's major encyclical finds some awfully strange views, even for people who care about the environment.  —  Pope Francis is now the world's most influential climate activist, but he didn't utter the word “climate” in his recent speech to Congress.
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 More Items: 
Oliver Darcy /
Officials Confirm ‘Very Concerning’ Action U.S.-Trained Forces Took Upon Entering Syria
Tony Perry / Los Angeles Times:
Tiger from Greece dies at sanctuary east of San Diego
Discussion: Guardian
Barbara Hollingsworth / CNSNews:
Gen. Dees: Social Experimentation is Degrading Our Military Readiness
 Earlier Items: 
Rick Perlstein / VICE:
What Ronald Reagan Teaches Us About Donald Trump
Discussion: Hullabaloo
Hadas Gold / Politico:
Third GOP debate sets off wave of anxiety
Niall Stanage / The Hill:
Media thumps Trump, but polls show he's winning big
Steven Rattner / New York Times:
Carly Fiorina Really Was That Bad
Discussion: Mediaite, Daily Kos and Liberaland

From Techmeme:

Sergiu Gatlan / BleepingComputer:
Researchers say a threat actor claims to have hacked Ticketmaster and Santander using stolen credentials of a Snowflake employee; Snowflake disputes the claims

Emilia David / The Verge:
AI search engine Perplexity launches Pages, which will research and create a customizable webpage based on user prompts, aimed at educators, researchers, others

Sarah Wynn / The Block:
President Biden vetoes a bill overturning SAB 121, a controversial SEC bulletin that establishes accounting standards for companies that custody crypto

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