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10:45 PM ET, August 2, 2016


 Top Items: 
Philip Rucker / Washington Post:
Trump refuses to endorse Paul Ryan in GOP primary: 'I'm just not quite there yet'  —  Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump escalated his war with his own party's leadership Tuesday by refusing to endorse House Speaker Paul D. Ryan or Sen. John McCain, two of the GOP's highest-ranking elected officials …
David Weigel / Washington Post:
For Trump, a new ‘rigged’ system: The election itself  —  Donald Trump, trailing narrowly in presidential polls, has issued a warning to worried Republican voters: The election will be “rigged” against him — and he could lose as a result.  —  Trump pointed to several court cases nationwide …
Sahil Kapur / Bloomberg:
Trump Says He'll Spend More Than $500 Billion on Infrastructure  —  The proposal would amount to a massive new government program.  —  Donald Trump on Tuesday proposed a plan to rebuild U.S. infrastructure that costs “at least double” the amount that Hillary Clinton has floated …
Ian Schwartz / RealClearPolitics:
Obama: Trump “Unfit,” “Woefully Unprepared” For Presidency, Has To Be A Point Where Republicans Say “Enough”
Discussion: Power Line and WND
Jeremy Diamond / CNN:
Trump gifted Purple Heart, says he ‘always wanted’ one
Nick Gass / Politico:
Trump at rally: ‘Get the baby out of here’  —  Donald Trump asked a woman with a crying baby to leave his rally in Ashburn, Virginia, on Tuesday.  —  The GOP nominee initially suggested that he did not mind the disruption.  —  “Don't worry about that baby.
Andrea Waguespack / Houston Chronicle:
New York Times uncovers Donald Trump's draft deferments
Betsy Woodruff / The Daily Beast:   Donald Trump to Baby at Rally: Crying Is for Losers
Katherine Krueger / Talking Points Memo:
Trump Beefs With Crying Babe At Rally: ‘Get The Baby Out Of Here!’ (VIDEO)
Josh Feldman / Mediaite:
Katrina Pierson Implies Obama, Clinton Are to Blame for Humayan Khan's Death in 2004  —  Donald Trump spokeswoman Katrina Pierson went off the deep end on CNN tonight, implying that something President Obama and Hillary Clinton did led to the death of Captain Humayan Khan.  —  Khan died in 2004.
Jonathan Martin / New York Times:
Meg Whitman, Calling Donald Trump a ‘Demagogue,’ Will Support Hillary Clinton for President  —  Meg Whitman, a Hewlett Packard executive and Republican fund-raiser, said Tuesday that she would support Hillary Clinton for president and give a “substantial” contribution to her campaign in order …
Discussion: Political Wire
Noah Bierman / Los Angeles Times:
Child yells profanity directed at Hillary Clinton during Donald Trump rally
Trump loses bid to end Trump University lawsuit before trial  —  A U.S. judge on Tuesday rejected Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump's pretrial bid to throw out a lawsuit brought by Trump University students who said they were defrauded by its real-estate seminars.
Discussion: The Week
Josh Gerstein / Politico:
Judge won't release Trump U. deposition videos
Discussion: Washington Post
Gabriel Debenedetti / Politico:
Heads roll at the DNC  —  With just three months until Election Day and the Democrats' official party apparatus struggling to right itself from months of dysfunction and the scandal caused by the WikiLeaks email hack, interim Democratic National Committee chair Donna Brazile cleaned house Tuesday with the ouster of three top officials.
Eric Bradner / CNN:
First on CNN: Ex-top Christie aide backs Clinton over Trump  —  (CNN)Longtime Chris Christie aide Maria Comella says she plans to vote for Hillary Clinton — saying that after Donald Trump's nomination, Republicans are “at a moment where silence isn't an option.”
Wall Street Journal:
U.S. Sent Cash to Iran as Americans Were Freed  —  Obama administration insists there was no quid pro quo, but critics charge payment amounted to ransom  —  WASHINGTON—The Obama administration secretly organized an airlift of $400 million worth of cash to Iran that coincided with the January release …
Scott Wong / The Hill:
Trump memo calls for ‘urgent pivot’ from Khan controversy  —  's campaign sent out an email to surrogates this week titled “URGENT PIVOT” as the campaign seeks to control the damage from Trump's war of words with the parents of a Muslim U.S. Army captain killed in Iraq.
Discussion: RedState and
Ramin Setoodeh / Variety:
How Jeff Zucker Made CNN Great Again … It's the second day of the Democratic National Convention, and Jeff Zucker is huddled with his CNN staff on the ground in Philadelphia.  Unlike most cable news network chiefs, he is painstakingly involved with the minutiae of hourly coverage …
Tara Bahrampour / Washington Post:
'There isn't really anything magical about it': Why more millennials are avoiding sex  —  Sam Wei, a 26-year-old financial analyst in Chicago, has not had sex since her last relationship ended eighteen months ago.  She makes out with guys sometimes, and she likes to cuddle.
Olivia Nuzzi / The Daily Beast:
15 Hours of Donald Trump's Lies  —  From his attacks on the Khan family to calling Hillary Clinton the devil and his claims of ‘yuge’ crowds, Monday was an incredible day of falsehoods for the GOP nominee.  —  The lying started at 7:27 a.m. and did not stop until after dark.
Reid J. Epstein / Wall Street Journal:
From Silence to Reproach: How 22 GOP Senators Reacted to Trump's Fight With Khans  —  The last thing Republican senators want to talk about this summer is Donald Trump's latest dust-up.  —  There are 22 GOP senators who are facing re-election this fall, and only one - Wisconsin Sen. Ron Johnson …
Nate Thayer / Politico:
Documents Show Trump Officials Agreed to Limit Rally Size, Contradicting the Candidate  —  Oh, and that Colorado fire marshal Trump accused of being a Democrat?  He's a Republican.  —  When Donald Trump puts his foot into something, he just can't seem to get it out.
Discussion: Political Wire
Kurt Eichenwald / Newsweek:
DONALD TRUMP'S MANY BUSINESS FAILURES, EXPLAINED  —  And while Trump is quick to boast that his purported billions prove his business acumen, his net worth is almost unknowable given the loose standards and numerous outright misrepresentations he has made over the years.
Discussion: Mediaite
Jeff Donn / Associated Press:
Medical benefits of dental floss unproven  —  HOLMDEL, N.J. (AP) — It's one of the most universal recommendations in all of public health: Floss daily to prevent gum disease and cavities.  —  Except there's little proof that flossing works.  —  Still, the federal government …
Washington Post:
Donald Trump transcript: The Republican nominee in his own words  —  Republican nominee Donald Trump sat down with The Post's Philip Rucker for an interview at Trump National Golf Club on Aug. 2 following a rally at a nearby high school.  This is a lightly edited transcript of the 50-minute interview.
Richard Hanna.JPG / Syracuse Post-Standard:
Rep. Richard Hanna letter: We should all be done with Donald Trump (commentary)  —  U.S. Rep. Richard Hanna, a three-term Republican from Oneida County, represents the 22nd Congressional District.  Hanna is shown speaking last month to firefighters in Binghamton.  (Provided photo)
Brian Barrett / Wired:
AMERICA'S ELECTRONIC VOTING MACHINES ARE SCARILY EASY TARGETS  —  This week, GOP presidential candidate Donald Trump openly speculated that this election would be “rigged.”  Last month, Russia decided to take an active role in our election.  There's no basis for questioning the results of a vote that's still months away.
Discussion: LawNewz, NPR and CANNONFIRE
Jessica Masulli Reyes / delawareonline:
Supreme Court: Delaware's death penalty law unconstitutional  —  In a landmark decision, the Delaware Supreme Court has ruled that the state's death penalty statute is unconstitutional.  —  A 148-page opinion released Tuesday afternoon said that the current law is a violation of the Sixth Amendment role of the jury.
Ben Kamisar / The Hill:
Trump: There's something ‘phony’ about these polls  —  cast doubt on general election polls that show him trailing Hillary Clinton  —  , calling those polls “phony.”  —  “I see some great polls — I see one from the Los Angeles Times, just came out, where were ahead by 4 or 5 points.
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 More Items: 
Gravis Marketing and Breitbart News Network Partner for 2016 General Election Polling
Discussion: Power Line
Andrew Kaczynski / BuzzFeed:
Trump Defends His “Rigged” Election Claim: “I Just Hear Things, And I Just Feel It”
Discussion: Balloon Juice
Patrick Lion / Daily Mail:
‘My friend Donald Trump’: Zimbabwe President Robert Mugabe tells visiting US politicians …
Discussion: RedState
Elizabeth Harrington / Washington Free Beacon:
NBC Scrubs Andrea Mitchell Calling Bill Clinton's Rape Accuser ‘Discredited’
Discussion: Breitbart and The Daily Caller
 Earlier Items: 
Neelesh Moorthy / @politifact:
Wrong: Fox News anchor says networks covered Khizr Khan but skipped Patricia Smith
Michele Manelis /
Will Smith really can't stand Donald Trump
McKay Coppins / BuzzFeed:
The Religious Right's Dangerous Bet On Trump
NBC News:
Woman, 23, Shot Dead by Maryland Cops; Son, 5, Wounded

From Mediagazer:

Sheila Dang / Reuters:
Survey: 52% of US and 63% of UK respondents say they would be uneasy with news produced mostly using AI; 59% worry about false news content online, up 3% YoY

Thomas Buckley / Bloomberg:
Pixar's Inside Out 2 grosses $155M in the US and Canada, 2024's biggest opening weekend, and $295M globally, the biggest in history for an animated film

Jack Herrera / Columbia Journalism Review:
A profile of Lorena López, the founder and editor of La Prensa de Iowa, an improbably successful Spanish-language paper serving rural farm towns in western Iowa

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