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1:20 PM ET, June 2, 2017


 Top Items: 
Michael Grunwald / Politico:
Why Trump Actually Pulled Out Of Paris  —  Donald Trump's decision to withdraw from the Paris climate agreement was not really about the climate.  And despite his overheated rhetoric about the “tremendous” and “draconian” burdens the deal would impose on the U.S. economy, Trump's decision wasn't really about that, either.
New York Times:
Bucking Trump, These Cities, States and Companies Commit to Paris Accord  —  Representatives of American cities, states and companies are preparing to submit a plan to the United Nations pledging to meet the United States' greenhouse gas emissions targets under the Paris climate accord …
Amy Harder / Axios:
To Trump, Paris deal isn't about climate  —  The most revealing moment of President Trump's announcement that he is withdrawing from the Paris climate deal came in an off-hand response of a White House official after Trump's speech.  Asked whether Trump thinks climate change is real, the official said: “Can we stay on topic?”
Discussion: Washington Post and Politico
Foreign Policy:
Why Abandoning Paris Is a Disaster for America … Ever the showman, President Donald Trump tweeted Wednesday about his soon-to-be-announced decision on whether or not to pull out of the Paris Climate Agreement with the air of a 1950s Las Vegas emcee building up his audience's anticipation for an upcoming act.
Hannah Parry / Daily Mail:
Fox news host Kimberly Guilfoyle - once tipped to be taking Spicer's job - reveals Trump called her for her opinion on Paris Accord before announcing his decision  — Guilfoyle, the co-host of The Five, revealed Trump called her Thursday before making the public announcement to withdraw from the Paris climate agreement
Discussion: Political Wire and Reuters
Lauretta Brown /
Rand Paul Blasts Climate Alarmism in Debate with Jake Tapper: ‘Mass Extinction, Really?’  —  Senator Rand Paul (R-KY) spoke Thursday with CNN's Jake Tapper about the U.S. leaving the Paris Climate Agreement and ended up debating the extent of the threat of climate change as well as arguing that the agreement was bad for jobs.
Discussion: The Resurgent
Emily Flitter / Reuters:
Trump misunderstood MIT climate research, university officials say  —  Massachusetts Institute of Technology officials said U.S. President Donald Trump badly misunderstood their research when he cited it on Thursday to justify withdrawing the United States from the Paris Climate Agreement.
Jennifer Bendery / HuffPost:
White House Protesters Shame Donald Trump Over Paris Climate Deal
Discussion: TheBlaze, Raw Story and Politicus USA
Washington Post:
Inside Trump's climate decision: After fiery debate, he 'stayed where he's always been'
Steven Mufson / Washington Post:
These titans of industry just broke with Trump's decision to exit the Paris accords
Washington Post:
Fact-checking President Trump's claims on the Paris climate change deal
Josh Dawsey / Politico:
White House orders agencies to ignore Democrats' oversight requests  —  The White House is telling federal agencies to blow off Democratic lawmakers' oversight requests, as Republicans fear the information could be weaponized against President Donald Trump.  —  At meetings with top officials …
Brian Ross / ABC News:
Lawmakers: Did looming debt leave Jared Kushner vulnerable to Russian influence?  —  Congressional investigators are seeking to determine whether President Trump's son-in-law was vulnerable to Russian influence during and after the campaign because of financial stress facing …
Brad Reed / Raw Story:
Scarborough fingers Bannon as leaker: He's been ‘bragging’ he would sideline Kushner on Russia
Discussion: The Root
Exclusive: Special counsel Mueller to probe ex-Trump aide Flynn's Turkey ties  —  Robert Mueller, the special counsel investigating possible ties between the Trump election campaign and Russia, is expanding his probe to include a grand jury investigation into former national security adviser Michael Flynn, three sources told Reuters.
Ken Dilanian / NBC News:
Former Diplomats: Trump Team Sought to Lift Sanctions on Russia  —  The Trump administration was gearing up to lift sanctions on Russia when the president took office, but career diplomats ginned up pressure in Congress to block the move, two senior former State Department officials told NBC News Thursday.
Discussion: CNBC and Talking Points Memo
Mnuchin and Mulvaney Are at Odds on Debt Ceiling Strategy  —  Mulvaney, Cohn counter Mnuchin's request for clean bill  —  Budget director has downplayed risks of U.S. default  —  President Donald Trump's chief economic adviser said Friday that Congress has no choice but to vote to raise …
Joseph Lawler / Washington Examiner:
Mulvaney favors attaching spending reforms to increase in debt ceiling
Discussion: CNBC and Washington Post
Jeff Cox / CNBC:
May nonfarm payrolls total 138,000 vs 185,000 expected  —  Job creation fell sharply in May with just 138,000 new positions created, while the unemployment rate declined to 4.3 percent, according to Labor Department data released Friday.  —  Economists surveyed by Reuters expected nonfarm payrolls …
Discussion: Forbes and New York Times
Ed Morrissey / Hot Air:
Rip roaring or rip snoring? Only 138,000 jobs added in May
Patricia Cohen / New York Times:   Jobs Report Leaves Fed Room to Raise Rates
New York Times:
C.I.A. Names New Iran Chief in a Sign of Trump's Hard Line  —  WASHINGTON — He is known as the Dark Prince or Ayatollah Mike, nicknames he earned as the Central Intelligence Agency officer who oversaw the hunt for Osama bin Laden and the American drone strike campaign that killed thousands …
Burgess Everett / Politico:
Franken backtracks, cancels event with comedian Griffin after Trump photo controversy  —  Sen. Al Franken has reversed himself and decided “it would be best” for Kathy Griffin not to attend an event that the Minnesota senator had scheduled with the comedian for July.
Andrew Bahl / Yahoo:
Franken: Clinton should ‘move on’ from election loss
Discussion: Washington Times
Jonathan Goldsmith / Politico:
How the World's Most Interesting Man Befriended the World's Most Powerful Man  —  “Damn,” he said in a half-hushed whisper.  “This guy's good.”  —  I could hear President Obama as he walked up the path behind me and spied the multiple arrows I had placed, undetected, in the bull's-eye.
Discussion: Raw Story
Mike Allen / Axios:
Behind the scenes of Trump's Paris decision  —  The “debate” was mostly a charade.  A source who spends a lot of time with President Trump has never heard him say a positive thing about the Paris climate accord.  —  Ivanka Trump was optimistic to the end that she could change her father's mind.
Discussion: The Daily Caller and Mediaite
Siobhan Hughes / Wall Street Journal:
Republican Senator Says Deal on Health Care Unlikely This Year  —  Talking Taxes: What's Your Fair Share?  —  Opinion Journal: Did Obama's Team Illegally Spy on Trump?
Wall Street Journal:
GOP Senators Weigh Taxing Employer-Health Plans  —  Senate Republicans set on reworking the Affordable Care Act are considering taxing employer-sponsored health insurance plans, a move that would meet stiff resistance from companies and potentially raise taxes on millions of people who get coverage on the job.
Discussion: ThinkProgress and Daily Kos
Kimberley A. Strassel / Wall Street Journal:
The News You Didn't Hear  —  Reporters only want to talk about Russia, instead of what Team Trump is getting done.
Discussion: Instapundit
Liz Spayd / New York Times:
The Public Editor Signs Off  —  There probably hasn't been a time in recent American history when the role of the media was more important than now.  The Trump administration is drowning in scandal, the country is calcified into two partisan halves.  And large newsrooms are faced with a choice …
New York Times:
How to Raise a Feminist Son  —  We raise our girls to fight stereotypes and pursue their dreams, but we don't do the same for our boys.  —  We're now more likely to tell our daughters they can be anything they want to be — an astronaut and a mother, a tomboy and a girlie girl.
Discussion: Althouse
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 More Items: 
Alexander Smith / NBC News:
Vladimir Putin to Megyn Kelly: Even Children Could Hack an Election
Gov. Matt Bevin's solution to violence: West End prayer patrols
Rachel Roubein / The Hill:
Majority of public wants to keep Medicaid expansion funds
Discussion: Politico
Carla Marinucci / Politico:
Warren urges resistance, sidesteps 2020 talk at California event
Discussion: Common Dreams and The Daily Caller
Louis Nelson / Politico:
Conway won't rule out Trump trying to block Comey's testimony
Discussion: National Review, Hot Air and The Hill
Jocelyn McClurg / USA Today:
Hillary Clinton: Writing new memoir has been ‘painful’
Discussion: Daily Wire and Shakesville
New York Post:
Dad overdoses on heroin to teach his addict son a lesson
Discussion: AOL
Fox Business:
Wall Street hits record highs as economy seen accelerating
Discussion: Washington Post
 Earlier Items: 
Ralph Barrera / Austin American-Statesman:
Abbott signs voter ID, end of straight-party voting into law
Melissa Versak / WPMT FOX43:
West York woman charged after elderly woman and dog was found in feces and trash filled house
Discussion: WKBN-TV and IJR
Wayne Allyn Root Review-Journal / Las Vegas Review …:
COMMENTARY: Conspiracy theories and the death of a Democratic National Committee staffer
‘Until we found the treatment that worked for (our sons,) the voice of worry was very loud and it was very scary.’
Discussion: IJR
The Daily Beast:
McMaster Is ‘Being Used’ for His General's Stars, His Old Military Comrades Say
Discussion: New York Times and Raw Story

From Techmeme:

Mark Gurman / Bloomberg:
A look at Apple's slow AI features rollout, impressive visionOS 2 beta, and plans for the thinnest, lightest devices in tech in time for the iPhone 17 in 2025

Thomas Germain / BBC:
Copywriters detail how AI is changing their jobs, with some seeing a new line of work to make AI-generated text sound more human, a job that pays a lot less

Brian Krebs / Krebs on Security:
Report: the alleged ringleader of the Scattered Spider hacking group was arrested in Spain; sources say the accused is 22-year-old Scottish man Tyler Buchanan

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