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5:05 PM ET, June 2, 2017


 Top Items: 
New York Times:
Bucking Trump, These Cities, States and Companies Commit to Paris Accord  —  Representatives of American cities, states and companies are preparing to submit a plan to the United Nations pledging to meet the United States' greenhouse gas emissions targets under the Paris climate accord …
Nick Juliano / Politico:
Trump campaign plans ‘Pittsburgh, not Paris’ rally to cheer climate deal exit  —  President Donald Trump's campaign announced a “Pittsburgh, not Paris” rally across from the White House on Saturday to celebrate the United States' withdrawal from a global climate agreement.
Michael Grunwald / Politico:
Why Trump Actually Pulled Out Of Paris  —  Donald Trump's decision to withdraw from the Paris climate agreement was not really about the climate.  And despite his overheated rhetoric about the “tremendous” and “draconian” burdens the deal would impose on the U.S. economy, Trump's decision wasn't really about that, either.
Jennifer Bendery / HuffPost:
White House Protesters Shame Donald Trump Over Paris Climate Deal
Discussion: Raw Story, TheBlaze and Politicus USA
Max Boot / Los Angeles Times:
Op-Ed Why did Trump withdraw from Paris? To appease his base
Discussion: Mother Jones and CNBC
Emily Flitter / Reuters:
Trump misunderstood MIT climate research, university officials say
Hannah Parry / Daily Mail:
Fox news host Kimberly Guilfoyle …
Discussion: Political Wire and Reuters
Lauretta Brown /
Rand Paul Blasts Climate Alarmism in Debate with Jake Tapper: ‘Mass Extinction, Really?’
Discussion: The Resurgent
Timothy Cama / The Hill:
Tillerson's first post-Paris remarks: US will reduce emissions
Discussion: Axios
Amy Harder / Axios:
To Trump, Paris deal isn't about climate
Discussion: Washington Post and Politico
Jon Schwarz / The Intercept:
Jared Kushner Still Has a Job Because Washington Only Fears Republicans  —  Photo: Olivier Douliery/Press Pool via Bloomberg News/Getty Images  —  We don't know the reality underlying recent reporting about Jared Kushner's meetings this past December with the Russian ambassador to the U.S …
Discussion: NBC News and Daily Kos
Brad Reed / Raw Story:
Scarborough fingers Bannon as leaker: He's been ‘bragging’ he would sideline Kushner on Russia  —  DON'T MISS STORIES.  FOLLOW RAW STORY!  —  Morning Joe co-host Joe Scarborough on Friday revealed that some of his sources within the White House have hinted that White House chief political …
Discussion: The Root
Brian Ross / ABC News:   Lawmakers: Did looming debt leave Jared Kushner vulnerable to Russian influence?
Daily Mail:   President Steve Bannon? …
New York Times:
C.I.A. Names New Iran Chief in a Sign of Trump's Hard Line  —  WASHINGTON — He is known as the Dark Prince or Ayatollah Mike, nicknames he earned as the Central Intelligence Agency officer who oversaw the hunt for Osama bin Laden and the American drone strike campaign that killed thousands …
Josh Dawsey / Politico:
White House orders agencies to ignore Democrats' oversight requests  —  The White House is telling federal agencies to blow off Democratic lawmakers' oversight requests, as Republicans fear the information could be weaponized against President Donald Trump.  —  At meetings with top officials …
James Hohmann / Washington Post:
The Daily 202: Lawmakers baffled that immigration getting short shrift in Washington
Discussion: Mother Jones, Recode and Balloon Juice
Will Trump block Comey testimony?  White House does not know yet  —  White House officials said on Friday they did not know yet whether President Donald Trump will seek to block former FBI Director James Comey from testifying to Congress next week, a move that could spark a political backlash.
Discussion: RedState
Bill O'Neil / WXII-TV:
Sen. Burr on Russia investigation: 'There's no truth to Vladimir Putin's words'
Discussion: CNBC and Talking Points Memo
Louis Nelson / Politico:
Conway won't rule out Trump trying to block Comey's testimony
Alex Dobuzinskis / Reuters:
Comedian Kathy Griffin says her career is over after gory Trump photo  —  Comedian Kathy Griffin tearfully apologized in a Friday press conference for posing with a fake bloodied and severed head depicting U.S. President Donald Trump, saying that she felt her career was now over and that Trump “broke” her.
Discussion: Joe.My.God.
Daily Mail:
Kathy Griffin claims Trump family ruined her life
Discussion: Daily Wire
Burgess Everett / Politico:
Franken backtracks, cancels event with comedian Griffin after Trump photo controversy
David Lat / Above the Law:
Wachtell Lipton Partner George Conway Withdraws From Justice Department Consideration  —  Conway cited family reasons as the basis for his decision, but other considerations might have played a role.  —  On Wednesday evening, George T. Conway III — leading litigator, longtime partner at Wachtell Lipton …
MJ Lee / CNN:
God and the Don  —  Presidents often turn to faith in times of crisis.  That seems unlikely for Trump.  —  Two days before his presidential inauguration, Donald Trump greeted a pair of visitors at his office in Trump Tower.  —  As a swarm of reporters waited in the gilded lobby …
Discussion: Lawyers, Guns & Money
Melanie Mason / Los Angeles Times:
Q&A What would California's proposed single-payer healthcare system mean for me?  —  The prospect of a universal single-payer healthcare system in California — in which the state covers all residents' healthcare costs — has enthralled liberal activists, exasperated business interests …
Discussion: Hot Air and Instapundit
Katy Murphy / Mercury News:
California Senate passes single-payer health care plan
Patrick McGreevy / Los Angeles Times:
Single-payer healthcare plan advances in California Senate — without a way to pay its $400-billion tab
Discussion: Forbes and National Review
Siobhan Hughes / Wall Street Journal:
Republican Senator Says Deal on Health Care Unlikely This Year  —  Talking Taxes: What's Your Fair Share?  —  Opinion Journal: Did Obama's Team Illegally Spy on Trump?
Jessie Hellmann / The Hill:
GOP senator: Healthcare deal unlikely this year
Discussion: Vox
Alexander Smith / NBC News:
Vladimir Putin to Megyn Kelly: Even Children Could Hack an Election  —  LONDON — Vladimir Putin again denied that Russia interfered in last year's U.S. election, joking to NBC News' Megyn Kelly on Friday that even her “underage daughter” could have been behind the hacking.
Exclusive: Special counsel Mueller to probe ex-Trump aide Flynn's Turkey ties  —  Robert Mueller, the special counsel investigating possible ties between the Trump election campaign and Russia, is expanding his probe to include a grand jury investigation into former national security adviser Michael Flynn, three sources told Reuters.
Ken Dilanian / NBC News:
Former Diplomats: Trump Team Sought to Lift Sanctions on Russia  —  The Trump administration was gearing up to lift sanctions on Russia when the president took office, but career diplomats ginned up pressure in Congress to block the move, two senior former State Department officials told NBC News Thursday.
Jeff Poor / Breitbart:
CNN Misspells ‘Chief’ on Chyron During Segment Ripping Trump for ‘Covfefe’  —  Wednesday on “Anderson Cooper 360” on CNN during a discussion about President Donald Trump's apparent errant tweet that had “covfefe” instead of the word coverage.  —  However, during that segment …
New York Times:
Trump Said to Pick Nominees for 2 Positions on Fed Board  —  WASHINGTON — The Trump administration has selected candidates for at least two of the three open positions on the Federal Reserve's Board of Governors, according to people with direct knowledge of the decision.
Discussion: Business Insider
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 More Items: 
Erin Gloria Ryan / The Daily Beast:
Don Trump Jr. Is a Sucker for a Good Conspiracy Theory—Or Any Theory, Really
Discussion: Raw Story
David Crow / Financial Times:
Pfizer raises US prices of 91 drugs by 20% in 2017
Discussion: The Daily Caller
Marcin Goettig / Reuters:
Poland finds other body parts in coffin of president killed in 2010 crash: prosecutors
Discussion: The Gateway Pundit
Kaila White / USA Today:
Arizona man wears colander in driver's license photo in name of religious freedom
Spencer Ackerman / The Daily Beast:
White House ‘Muslim Ban’ Man Pushes for Even More Power
Derek Hawkins / Washington Post:
How a short letter in a prestigious journal contributed to the opioid crisis
Jeff Cox / CNBC:
May nonfarm payrolls total 138,000 vs 185,000 expected
Discussion: New York Times and Forbes
 Earlier Items: 
Liz Spayd / New York Times:
The Public Editor Signs Off
Kimberley A. Strassel / Wall Street Journal:
The News You Didn't Hear  —  Reporters only want to talk about Russia …
Discussion: Instapundit
Mnuchin and Mulvaney Are at Odds on Debt Ceiling Strategy
Jonathan Goldsmith / Politico:
How the World's Most Interesting Man Befriended the World's Most Powerful Man
Discussion: Raw Story
Wall Street Journal:
GOP Senators Weigh Taxing Employer-Health Plans
Discussion: ThinkProgress and Daily Kos
Jocelyn McClurg / USA Today:
Hillary Clinton: Writing new memoir has been ‘painful’
Discussion: Daily Wire, Shakesville and IJR
New York Post:
Dad overdoses on heroin to teach his addict son a lesson
Discussion: The Daily Caller and AOL
New York Times:
How to Raise a Feminist Son
Discussion: The Daily Caller and Althouse

From Mediagazer:

Adam Ganucheau / New York Times:
The defamation suit from former Mississippi Governor Phil Bryant against Mississippi Today could become a political playbook to dismantle US press freedoms

Jack Herrera / Columbia Journalism Review:
A profile of Lorena López, the founder and editor of La Prensa de Iowa, an improbably successful Spanish-language paper serving rural farm towns in western Iowa

Jason Parham / Wired:
Q&A with HuffPost editor Phil Lewis on aggregating news on X, being a “newsfluencer”, Black media and Black newsrooms, the future of news, and more

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