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4:15 PM ET, June 12, 2017


 Top Items: 
Caitlin Owens / Axios:
Senate GOP won't release draft health care bill  —  Senate Republicans are on track to finish writing their draft health care bill this evening, but have no plans to publicly release the bill, according to two senior Senate GOP aides.  —  “We aren't stupid,” said one of the aides.
Sarah Kliff / Vox:
Obamacare is in real danger  —  The Affordable Care Act is in deep trouble — in Washington and large swaths of the country.  —  Senate Republicans began to coalesce around the framework of a plan to repeal and replace the law last week.  Their plan would, like the bill the House passed in May …
Ryan Cooper / The Week:   Republicans are closer to killing ObamaCare than you think
Max Greenwood / The Hill:
Gingrich: Congress ‘should abolish’ special counsel after Comey testimony  —  Former House Speaker Newt Gingrich (R-Ga.) slammed former FBI Director James Comey on Sunday, accusing him of manipulating the investigation into Russian election meddling and calling for Congress to dismiss the special counsel entirely.
Manu Raju / CNN:
Source: Sessions' plans to testify surprised Senate intelligence panel members  —  (CNN)Attorney General Jeff Sessions' letter on Saturday offering to testify before the Senate intelligence committee on Tuesday caught members of the panel by surprise, and senators are concerned he's trying …
Cody Derespina / Fox News:
Ivanka Trump surprised by ‘viciousness,’ ‘ferocity’ of father's critics
Discussion: Daily Mail, New York Times and Mediaite
Kyle Cheney / Politico:
Sessions to testify in open hearing before Senate Intelligence Committee
Allegra Kirkland / Talking Points Memo:
Sessions To Testify Before Senate Intel Panel In Public
Discussion: The Hill, Daily Kos and WPRI-TV
John Harwood / CNBC:
Trump makes bizarre claims at press event as Cabinet members take turns praising him  — Trump said that few presidents have passed more legislation than he has, though Congress has passed no major legislation since he has been president  —  Since taking office in January …
Discussion: Vox
Chris Cillizza / CNN:
Donald Trump just held the weirdest Cabinet meeting ever  —  (CNN)Leave it to Donald Trump to reinvent the Cabinet meeting.  —  The public portion of these gatherings of all of the president's top advisers are usually staid affairs.  Photographers are let in to take pictures.
Louise Radnofsky / Wall Street Journal:
Secret Service Has No Audio or Transcripts of Any Tapes Made in Trump White House  —  The U.S. Secret Service has no audio copies or transcripts of any tapes recorded within President Donald Trump's White House, the agency said Monday.
Congressman Mike Quigley:
Quigley Introduces the COVFEFE Act  —  Legislation Expands Presidential Records Act Preservation to Include Social Media  —  WASHINGTON — Today, U.S. Representative Mike Quigley (IL-05), co-founder and co-chair of the Congressional Transparency Caucus, introduced the Communications …
Joe Uchill / The Hill:
COVFEFE Act would make social media a presidential record
Aaron C. Davis / Washington Post:
D.C. and Maryland to sue President Trump, alleging breach of constitutional oath  —  Attorneys general for the District of Columbia and the state of Maryland say they will sue President Trump on Monday, alleging that he has violated anti-corruption clauses in the Constitution by accepting millions …
Liam Stack / New York Times:
Delta Air Lines and Bank of America Won't Back Trump-Like ‘Julius Caesar’  —  New York's Public Theater lost support from two high-profile corporate donors, Delta Air Lines and Bank of America, on Sunday amid intense criticism of its production of Shakespeare's “Julius Caesar,” …
Piers Morgan / Daily Mail:   Hate-filled liberals seem to think Trump is such a joke that anything goes. …
Cabinet members give Trump unusual tribute  —  Washington (CNN)The first meeting of President Donald Trump's full Cabinet evolved into an unusual tribute session Monday as heads of his executive branch agencies hailed the opening five months of Trump's administration while the President himself listened on closely.
Discussion: Talking Points Memo and Mediaite
The Guardian:
Greg Gianforte sentenced to community service for assaulting Guardian reporter  —  Montana Republican fined $385 and spared jail after pleading guilty to assaulting Guardian reporter Ben Jacobs on the eve of Gianforte's election  —  Congressman-elect Greg Gianforte was sentenced to community service …
Ben Jacobs / The Guardian:
‘This needs to stop’: Guardian reporter Ben Jacobs' statement to court
Discussion: NPR
Marc Fisher / Washington Post:
When a liberal power lawyer represents the Trump family, things can get ugly  —  Four decades ago, soon after a president of the United States interfered in an investigation of his actions, a young lawyer named Jamie Gorelick was assigned her first big case.
Stuart Rothenberg / Inside Elections:
Almost a Must-Win for Democrats in Georgia 6  —  Democratic strategists may hate the idea that they must win the June 20 special election in Georgia's 6th District, but that doesn't make it any less true.  —  Jon Ossoff's defeat would not tell us what will happen seventeen months …
Harry Enten / FiveThirtyEight:   Democrats Have A Slight Edge In The Georgia 6 Runoff
Fredreka Schouten / USA Today:
Exclusive: In latest job, Jim DeMint wants to give Tea Party ‘ a new mission’  —  WASHINGTON - Former South Carolina senator Jim DeMint, ousted last month as head of the Heritage Foundation think tank, is joining a fast-growing, conservative movement that is pushing states to seek …
Timothy L. O'Brien / Bloomberg:
My Lawyers Got Trump to Admit 30 Lies Under Oath  —  Trump sued me, then had to acknowledge 30 times during a deposition that he had lied over the years about a wide range of issues.  —  Donald Trump closed out last week by rumbling back into his battle against James Comey, who was FBI director until POTUS fired him.
Mike Allen / Axios:
Trump “on an island, all alone”  —  The spotlight has been on President Trump's legal jeopardy.  But inside the small circle of top Republicans who advise this White House, there's increasing concern that future political problems are stacking up.  —  One of the oldest (and most trusted) …
Discussion: Raw Story
Associated Press:
Gorsuch has unanimous first opinion for Supreme Court  —  A measure of melodic phrasing.  A rigorous reading of the law at issue.  A nod to the proper role of the courts.  —  Justice Neil Gorsuch's first Supreme Court opinion Monday stayed true to what Gorsuch promised in his nomination hearing …
Discussion: Washington Post and Politico
JTA / Jewish Telegraphic Agency:
San Antonio elects progressive mayor who celebrates Jewish heritage  —  WASHINGTON — San Antonio elected Ron Nirenberg, an insurgent progressive and the son of a Jewish father, as mayor.  —  Nirenberg, a councilman, defeated Ivy Taylor, the incumbent mayor, 55-45 percent in voting in the south-central Texas city on Saturday.
New York Times:
U.S. Cyberweapons, Used Against Iran and North Korea, Are a Disappointment Against ISIS  —  WASHINGTON — America's fast-growing ranks of secret cyberwarriors have in recent years blown up nuclear centrifuges in Iran and turned to computer code and electronic warfare to sabotage North Korea's missile launches, with mixed results.
Discussion: Mashable and Business Insider
Adam Liptak / New York Times:
Trump Loses Travel Ban Ruling in Appeals Court  —  WASHINGTON — A second federal appeals court on Monday ruled against President Trump's revised travel ban.  The decision, from the United States Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit, in San Francisco, was the latest in a string …
Discussion: Fast Company
Dan Riehl / Breitbart:
Peter Schweizer: Jeff Sessions Ending DOJ Handouts to Activist Groups ‘a Tremendous Victory’  —  President of the Government Accountability Institute, Peter Schweizer, spoke with Breitbart News Daily SiriusXX host Raheem Kassam on Monday regarding Attorney General Jeff Sessions' decision …
Tara Palmeri / Politico:
Trump gives Priebus until July 4th to clean up White House  —  President Donald Trump has set a deadline of July 4 for a shakeup of the White House that could include removing Reince Priebus as his chief of staff, according to two administration officials and three outside advisers familiar with the matter.
Mike Isaac / New York Times:
Emil Michael Leaves Uber  —  SAN FRANCISCO — Emil Michael, Uber's senior vice president for business and second in command at the ride-hailing company, left the company on Monday morning, according to an email sent to employees.  —  Mr. Michael's departure comes after a series of scandals …
Kwegyirba Croffie / CNN:
New Jersey high school under fire for erasing Trump slogans from yearbook  — New Jersey parents are complaining their kids' support for Donald Trump was erased from a high school yearbook  — School superintendent: “There is nothing in our student dress code that would prevent a student from expressing his or her political views”
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 More Items: 
Wall Street Journal:
Uber's Leadership Crisis Intensifies
Jeannette Reyes /
Defense rests, Bill Cosby does not testify at sex assault trial
Discussion: The Daily Caller
Brandon Darby / Breitbart:
EXCLUSIVE: Ted Cruz Suggests U.S. Military Response to Mexican Cartels
Mollie Hemingway / The Federalist:
James Comey Has A Long History Of Questionable Obstruction Cases
Discussion: Politico, Vox, American Thinker and Feeds
Associated Press:
Justices side with Microsoft in Xbox 360 class action case
Discussion: Washington Post
Matthew Shaer / New York Times:
The Long, Lonely Road of Chelsea Manning
Kelefa Sanneh / New Yorker:
The Persistence of Prog Rock
Discussion: Power Line
 Earlier Items: 
Jim Geraghty / National Review:
Wait, All of a Sudden, Partisan Redistricting Is Unconstitutional? Now?
Discussion: Washington Post and Instapundit
Jake Sherman / Politico:
GOP growing worried they'll lose House …
Discussion: The Week
Michael Tomasky / New York Times:
Finally, Something Isn't the Matter with Kansas
Ellen Nakashima / Washington Post:
Russia has developed a cyberweapon that can disrupt power grids, according to new research
Washington Post:
The Confederate flag largely disappeared after the Civil War.  The fight against civil rights brought it back.
Discussion: Lawyers, Guns & Money
Mike Allen / Axios:
Trump landmine: Vast majority of Hill GOP prefers Pence
Paul Waldman / American Prospect:
Everybody Needs to Stop Telling Hillary Clinton to Shut Up

From Mediagazer:

Thomas Buckley / Bloomberg:
Pixar's Inside Out 2 grosses $155M in the US and Canada, 2024's biggest opening weekend, and $295M globally, the biggest in history for an animated film

Adam Ganucheau / New York Times:
The defamation suit from former Mississippi Governor Phil Bryant against Mississippi Today could become a political playbook to dismantle US press freedoms

Jack Herrera / Columbia Journalism Review:
A profile of Lorena López, the founder and editor of La Prensa de Iowa, an improbably successful Spanish-language paper serving rural farm towns in western Iowa

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