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1:25 PM ET, August 4, 2017


 Top Items: 
Veronica Stracqualursi / ABC News:
The Note: Reality closing in on Trump with grand jury investigation  —  WHAT YOU NEED TO KNOW TODAY  — A new development, and maybe a new phase: Special counsel Robert Mueller impaneled a grand jury in Washington, D.C., a few weeks ago, allowing Mueller's team to issue subpoenas in its Russia probe.
Discussion: Politico, The Week and The Hill
New York Times:
Leak Investigations Triple Under Trump, Sessions Says  —  Washington — Attorney General Jeff Sessions announced on Friday that the Justice Department was now pursuing three times as many leak investigations as the previous administration, a significant devotion of law enforcement resources …
Madeline Conway / Politico:
Sessions: DOJ reviewing policies on media subpoenas  —  The Justice Department is considering making changes to its policies on subpoenaing news organizations as part of its crackdown on government leaks, Attorney General Jeff Sessions said Friday.  —  At a news conference …
David Smith / The Guardian:
Trump blasts Russia investigation as Mueller convenes grand jury
James Hohmann / Washington Post:
The Daily 202: Mueller impaneling a grand jury makes it more politically difficult for Trump to fire him
Geneva Sands / ABC News:
Sessions vows review of ‘media subpoenas’ amid ramped-up leak investigations
Wall Street Journal:
Special Counsel Mueller Impanels Washington Grand Jury in Russia Probe
Associated Press:
Sessions vows crackdown on leaks of classified information
Discussion: Axios
Michael Warren / Weekly Standard:
The Real Reason McMaster Let Susan Rice Keep Her Security Clearance  —  White House Watch: It wasn't the Deep State.  Plus, Mueller starts a grand jury and Kelly reassures Sessions.  —  One story going around among conservatives online Thursday was the production of a letter …
The Daily Caller:
National Security Advisor H.R. McMaster is thwarting President Donald Trump's foreign policy prescriptions, two former senior NSC officials told The Daily Caller News Foundation.  —  “Everything the president wants to do, McMaster opposes,” a former senior official said in a wide-ranging interview.
Brian Beutler / New Republic:
Keep the Trump Leaks Coming  —  The president is too incompetent to serve, and Congress must be pressured into removing him.  —  Both in content and in context, the official transcripts of Donald Trump's January phone calls with Australian Prime Minister Malcom Turnbull …
Anthony Man / Sun-Sentinel:
Exclusive: Wasserman Schultz talks about arrested aide Imran Awan  —  “I believe that I did the right thing, and I would do it again,” Wasserman Schultz said in an interview with the Sun Sentinel about her decision to keep Imran Awan employed as information technology aide for six months …
Luke Rosiak / The Daily Caller:
Wasserman Schultz Says Laptop She Sought To Keep From Police Was Awan's, Not Hers
Discussion: IJR
Kimberley A. Strassel / Wall Street Journal:   The Scandal That Matters  —  Democratic IT staff who had access …
David Herzig / Washington Post:
This Trump real estate deal looks awfully like criminal tax fraud  —  Two tax lawyers break down the president's sale of two condos to his son. … President Trump clearly doesn't want to release his income tax returns to the public.  Members of the public and commentators …
Discussion: Mediaite
Heidi M. Przybyla / USA Today:
Poll: Americans in battleground districts would strongly oppose Trump firing special counsel Robert Mueller  —  WASHINGTON - Americans in 99 congressional battleground districts - primarily represented by Republicans - would disapprove by a two-to-one margin if President Trump fires Russia special counsel Robert Mueller.
Discussion: Vox and Politico
Alexander Nazaryan / Newsweek:
TRUMP, AMERICA'S BOY KING: GOLF AND TELEVISION WON'T MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN  —  Now that he's president, Trump frequently departs the White House and spends the weekend golfing at either his South Florida resort, Mar-a-Lago, or his country club in the New Jersey suburb of Bedminster.
Robin Eberhardt / The Hill:
Newsweek: Trump is a ‘Lazy Boy’
Discussion: RedState and Infowars
Nelson D. Schwartz / New York Times:
U.S. Added 209,000 Jobs in July, Beating Expectations  —  The Labor Department released new hiring and unemployment figures on Friday morning.  This is the latest official snapshot of the state of the American economy.  —  The Numbers  —  • 209,000 jobs were added in July, somewhat above Wall Street economists' expectations.
Jeff Cox / CNBC:
US created 209,000 jobs in July, vs 183,000 jobs expected
Paul Krugman / New York Times:
Obamacare Rage in Retrospect  —  I guess it ain't over until the portly golfer sings, but it does look as if Obamacare will survive.  In the end, Mitch McConnell couldn't find the votes he needed; many thanks are due to Senators Susan Collins, Lisa Murkowski and John McCain …
Collins, Murkowski take CNN behind the scenes of the health care battle
Discussion: Washington Times
Ali Watkins / Politico:
Hunt for Trump dossier author inflames Russia probe  —  Two Republican House Intelligence Committee staffers traveled to London earlier this summer to track down the former British intelligence operative who compiled a controversial dossier on President Donald Trump and Russia, according to three people familiar with the matter.
Discussion: CANNONFIRE
Franco Ordoñez / McClatchy Washington Bureau:
Diplomats laughing at Trump over leaked Mexico transcript  —  When Jorge Guajardo, one of Mexico's most senior and seasoned foreign policy hands, got out of bed Thursday morning, a couple of interesting messages were waiting on his cell phone.  —  One was a link shared by a U.S. diplomat …
Associated Press:
APNewsBreak: Flynn details tie to data firm, transition pay  — 8b55275dc97de608  —  Link copied!  —  WASHINGTON (AP) — President Donald Trump's former national security adviser, Michael Flynn, is revealing a brief advisory role with a firm related …
Discussion: Raw Story and Political Wire
Eddie Scarry / Washington Examiner:
CNN insiders rip Jim Acosta's antics as ‘auditions’ for his own show  —  Jim Acosta is suddenly one of CNN's most controversial figures even among some of his CNN colleagues, who say his public battles with the Trump administration are going too far.  —  One of Acosta's colleagues …
How to avoid nuclear war with North Korea  —  There are no good options to curb Kim Jong Un.  But blundering into war would be the worst  —  IT IS odd that North Korea causes so much trouble.  It is not exactly a superpower.  Its economy is only a fiftieth as big as that of its democratic capitalist cousin, South Korea.
Discussion: The Week
Julie Bykowicz / Associated Press:
COMPLAINT: TRUMP STRATEGIST MAY HAVE IMPROPER PR ARRANGEMENT  —  WASHINGTON (AP) — The Campaign Legal Center is complaining in a letter to the White House that a top adviser to President Donald Trump may be illegally accepting outside professional services.
Jordain Carney / The Hill:
Senate blocks Trump from making recess appointments over break  —  The Senate blocked President Trump from being able to make recess appointments on Thursday as lawmakers leave Washington for their summer break.  —  Sen. Lisa Murkowski  —  (R-Alaska), doing wrap up for the entire Senate …
Jing Cao / Bloomberg:
Blue Apron Plans to Cut 24% of Staff Barely a Month After IPO  —  Blue Apron Holdings Inc. is cutting almost a quarter of its staff barely a month after its initial public offering as the meal kit delivery company struggles to become a profitable business.  —  The company is cutting 1,270 jobs …
Discussion: Mashable
EXCLUSIVE: Boynton girl, 8, dead after dare to drink boiling water  —  A Boynton Beach girl has died months after she was injured drinking boiling water out of a straw on a dare, state authorities said.  —  The 8-year-old told her mother's “paramour” late Sunday she couldn't breathe …
Discussion: The Root, IJR and
Dan Nowicki / Arizona Republic:
Sen. John McCain aims to revive immigration reform when he returns to Congress  —  A week after his dramatic call for bipartisanship on Capitol Hill, Sen. John McCain says he wants to revive a long-standing attempt to reform the nation's immigration system when he returns to Washington.
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 More Items: 
Neil Connor / Telegraph:
Legal robots deployed in China to help decide thousands of cases
Discussion: The Daily Caller
Stephen F. Hayes / Weekly Standard:
Playing Defense
Ben Domenech / The Federalist:
It's Time For Millennials To Rise And Claim Their Inheritance
Bernie Sanders was the only vote against the FDA bill
Discussion: The Hill and The Daily Caller
Devin Henry / The Hill:
Interior watchdog launches ‘preliminary investigation’ into Zinke calls
Discussion: ThinkProgress and Washington Post
 Earlier Items: 
Tony Cook / Indianapolis Star:
After six months, Pence has now turned over all state-related AOL emails, his attorney says
Discussion: New York Times and Shakesville
Page Six:
Sean Spicer signs with top TV lawyer after meetings with networks
Discussion: The Daily Caller and TheBlaze
Robert Salonga / Mercury News:
Disturbing texts on San Jose-bound plane leads to child-sex arrests
Discussion: Raw Story and
Mike Adams /
My Resignation from UNC-Wilmington
Joe Scarborough / Washington Post:
Ivanka and Jared, move back to New York
John Herrman / New York Times:
For the New Far Right, YouTube Has Become the New Talk Radio
Amber Phillips / Washington Post:
West Virginia's governor is switching parties. And Democrats just hit a new low.
Washington Post:
Secret Service vacates Trump Tower command post in lease dispute with president's company

From Mediagazer:

Alexandra Alter / New York Times:
How TikTok influencers helped a self-published author sell 1M+ copies of her book, including ~700K on the TikTok shop, showing how TikTok changed book marketing

Philip Bump / Washington Post:
YouGov: the news sources Americans say they trust the most aren't always used most heavily; YouTube and Facebook are often sources for news but not trusted much

Laura Wagner / Washington Post:
The Times Guild leaders say NYT, while rolling out expanded bio pages for staff, made “petty” cuts to the language in which staffers extolled their Guild work

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