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5:00 PM ET, August 4, 2017


 Top Items: 
New York Times:
Martin Shkreli Is Found Guilty of Fraud  —  Martin Shkreli, accused of defrauding his hedge fund investors and a pharmaceutical company, was convicted on three of eight counts on Friday, after a five-week trial in the Federal District Court in Brooklyn.  —  He faces as much as 20 years in prison.
Discussion: Mother Jones, Gizmodo and Gothamist
Dan Mangan / CNBC:
‘Pharma bro’ Martin Shkreli found guilty of 3 of 8 charges, including securities fraud  —  A federal jury found notorious “Pharma bro” Martin Shkreli guilty of multiple criminal charges Friday.  —  Shkreli, 34, was convicted of some of the eight criminal counts that he had faced …
Discussion: IJR, The Verge and Raw Story
Martin Shkreli convicted of securities fraud, conspiracy
Renae Merle / Washington Post:
Martin Shkreli is found guilty of three of eight securities fraud charges
New York Times:
Leak Investigations Triple Under Trump, Sessions Says  —  Washington — Attorney General Jeff Sessions announced on Friday that the Justice Department was now pursuing three times as many leak investigations as the previous administration, a significant devotion of law enforcement resources …
Discussion: New York Magazine
Madeline Conway / Politico:
Sessions: DOJ reviewing policies on media subpoenas
Discussion: ABC News and Daily Kos
Veronica Stracqualursi / ABC News:
The Note: Reality closing in on Trump with grand jury investigation
Discussion: Vox, Politico and The Week
Greg Jaffe / Washington Post:
National security adviser attempts to reconcile Trump's competing impulses on Afghanistan  —  In meeting after meeting with his national security adviser, H.R. McMaster, this spring and summer, President Trump angrily hammered home two questions:  —  He wanted to know why the U.S. military …
The Daily Caller:
National Security Advisor H.R. McMaster is thwarting President Donald Trump's foreign policy prescriptions, two former senior NSC officials told The Daily Caller News Foundation.  —  “Everything the president wants to do, McMaster opposes,” a former senior official said in a wide-ranging interview.
Wall Street Journal:
Kelly's Rules for Trump's West Wing: Stop Bickering, Get in Early, Make an Appointment  —  New Chief of Staff John Kelly moves quickly to bring order and discipline to a West Wing riven by conflict  —  White House Chief of Staff John Kelly with Donald Trump's son-in-law and Senior Advisor Jared Kushner at the White House on Thursday.
Discussion: Raw Story and The Week
New York Times:
John Kelly Quickly Moves to Impose Military Discipline on White House
Joe Scarborough / Washington Post:
Ivanka and Jared, move back to New York
David Herzig / Washington Post:
This Trump real estate deal looks awfully like criminal tax fraud  —  Two tax lawyers break down the president's sale of two condos to his son. … President Trump clearly doesn't want to release his income tax returns to the public.  Members of the public and commentators …
Discussion: Mediaite
Joe Concha / The Hill:
Fox's Jarrett calls grand juries ‘undemocratic farce’ one day after calling for one for Clinton  —  Former defense attorney and Fox News anchor Gregg Jarrett called grand juries an “undemocratic farce” on Thursday, just one day after writing an op-ed asking why a grand jury had not been impaneled …
Heidi M. Przybyla / USA Today:
Poll: Americans in battleground districts would strongly oppose Trump firing special counsel Robert Mueller
Discussion: Vox and Politico
Exclusive: FBI tracked ‘fake news’ believed to be from Russia on Election Day  —  STORY HIGHLIGHTS  —  Washington (CNN)The FBI monitored social media on Election Day last year in an effort to track a suspected Russian disinformation campaign utilizing “fake news,” CNN has learned.
Discussion: Raw Story
Mike Vilensky / Wall Street Journal:
Cuomo May Face a Primary Hurdle in 2018  —  An actress, an upstate mayor and a former state senator are three potential democratic contenders  —  New York Governor Andrew Cuomo speaks during a rally in support of the Affordable Care Act and against the Senate replacement bill in July.
Discussion: AOL and Washington Free Beacon
John Bowden / The Hill:
‘Sex and the City’ star considers primary challenge to NY Gov. Cuomo: report
Discussion: The Daily Caller
Luke Rosiak / The Daily Caller:
Wasserman Schultz Says Laptop She Sought To Keep From Police Was Awan's, Not Hers  —  Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz never actually saw the computer she fought to block the Capitol Police from examining as evidence in a criminal case against her IT aide by saying it was hers, she told the South Florida Sun-Sentinel Thursday.
Spencer S. Hsu / Washington Post:
Murder conviction in Blackwater case thrown out, other sentences overturned  —  A U.S. appeals court on Friday threw out the first-degree murder conviction of a former Blackwater Worldwide security guard sentenced to life in prison in the killings of 14 unarmed Iraqi civilians in a Baghdad traffic circle in 2007.
Discussion: Axios
Matt Apuzzo / New York Times:
Court Rejects a Murder Conviction and Voids 3 Sentences in Blackwater Case
Discussion: The Daily Caller
Alexander Nazaryan / Newsweek:
TRUMP, AMERICA'S BOY KING: GOLF AND TELEVISION WON'T MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN  —  Now that he's president, Trump frequently departs the White House and spends the weekend golfing at either his South Florida resort, Mar-a-Lago, or his country club in the New Jersey suburb of Bedminster.
Brian Beutler / New Republic:
Keep the Trump Leaks Coming  —  The president is too incompetent to serve, and Congress must be pressured into removing him.  —  Both in content and in context, the official transcripts of Donald Trump's January phone calls with Australian Prime Minister Malcom Turnbull …
Natalya Veselnitskaya / The Moscow Times:
Russian Lawyer Tells State TV She Met Trump Jr. to Ask for ‘Help’  —  The Russian lawyer who reportedly met with Donald Trump Jr. to offer him compromising material on Hillary Clinton, told state television she wanted to “ask him for help.”  —  “It was a private meeting,” …
Julie Bykowicz / Associated Press:
COMPLAINT: TRUMP STRATEGIST MAY HAVE IMPROPER PR ARRANGEMENT  —  WASHINGTON (AP) — The Campaign Legal Center is complaining in a letter to the White House that a top adviser to President Donald Trump may be illegally accepting outside professional services.
Justin Baragona / Mediaite:
Maxine Waters Endorses White House Leaks: 'I'm So Glad They're Telling Us What's Going On'
Discussion: TheBlaze and
John Harwood / CNBC:
Amid Washington dysfunction, lack of accomplishments, Trumps clings to his shrinking support  — As political and legal troubles mount, President Donald Trump holds ever tighter onto a base of support that grows ever smaller.  — Trump has placed cultivation of intensity within his base …
Eddie Scarry / Washington Examiner:
CNN insiders rip Jim Acosta's antics as ‘auditions’ for his own show  —  Jim Acosta is suddenly one of CNN's most controversial figures even among some of his CNN colleagues, who say his public battles with the Trump administration are going too far.  —  One of Acosta's colleagues …
Ali Watkins / Politico:
Hunt for Trump dossier author inflames Russia probe  —  Two Republican House Intelligence Committee staffers traveled to London earlier this summer to track down the former British intelligence operative who compiled a controversial dossier on President Donald Trump and Russia, according to three people familiar with the matter.
Discussion: CANNONFIRE
Jeff Guo / Vox:
In the key 2018 battlegrounds, Trump's support is as high as ever  —  Why Democrats can't really crow about the president's declining approval numbers.  —  Ever since Inauguration Day, the public's faith in the president has been eroding.  According to the latest Gallup surveys …
Discussion: Mother Jones
Forget scenic traditions — Trump vacations in the land of spray tans  —  WASHINGTON — There's been an unspoken norm among presidents that their vacations are glamorous, or at the very least, scenic.  —  In election years, they tend to bow more to the masses.  But most other years are set aside for mixing with elites.
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 More Items: 
Manhunt underway for ‘armed and dangerous’ escaped inmate
Discussion: WKBN-TV
Ta-Nehisi Coates / The Atlantic:
The Lost Cause Rides Again
Brian Stelter / CNNMoney:
Other presidents paused to meet the press before going on vacation — not Trump
Robin Eberhardt / The Hill:
Amazon selling toilet paper printed with Trump tweets
Discussion: TheBlaze
Damon Linker / The Week:
The left's immigration problem
Zerlina Maxwell / Shareblue:
Kamala Harris is one of the most progressive (and attacked) leaders in America
Discussion: Mediaite
Shamlet / RRH Elections:
RRH Elections AL-Sen R Primary Poll: Moore Leads Strange 31-29
Discussion: Political Wire
Republican donor from Virginia Beach sues GOP, accusing the party of fraud over failed Obamacare repeal
Discussion: Washington Monthly and Axios
 Earlier Items: 
Amanda Knox / Los Angeles Times:
Op-Ed Amanda Knox: Michelle Carter deserves sympathy and help, not prison
Discussion: CBS Boston and AOL
Ben Domenech / The Federalist:
It's Time For Millennials To Rise And Claim Their Inheritance
Jeff Cox / CNBC:
US created 209,000 jobs in July, vs 183,000 jobs expected
How to avoid nuclear war with North Korea
Discussion: The Week
Paul Krugman / New York Times:
Obamacare Rage in Retrospect

From Techmeme:

Sergiu Gatlan / BleepingComputer:
Researchers say a threat actor claims to have hacked Ticketmaster and Santander using stolen credentials of a Snowflake employee; Snowflake disputes the claims

Emilia David / The Verge:
AI search engine Perplexity launches Pages, which will research and create a customizable webpage based on user prompts, aimed at educators, researchers, others

Sarah Wynn / The Block:
President Biden vetoes a bill overturning SAB 121, a controversial SEC bulletin that establishes accounting standards for companies that custody crypto

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