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11:30 PM ET, September 28, 2017


 Top Items: 
Jake Tapper / CNN:
Exclusive: Kushner didn't disclose personal email account to Senate intel committee  —  Washington (CNN)In his closed interview with the staff of the Senate intelligence committee, White House senior adviser and presidential son-in-law Jared Kushner did not share the existence of his personal email account …
Andrea Peterson / Politico:
White House launches probe of private email accounts  —  The White House has launched an internal probe of private email use, pulling batches of emails on the White House server to and from private accounts of senior aides, according to four officials familiar with the matter.
Eliana Johnson / Politico:
White House ‘back to square one’ in search for DHS secretary
Discussion: Daily Kos and Outside the Beltway
Dan Diamond / Politico:
Price took military jets to Europe, Asia for over $500K  —  The White House approved the use of military aircraft for multi-national trips by Health and Human Services Secretary Tom Price to Africa and Europe this spring, and to Asia in the summer, at a cost of more than $500,000 to taxpayers.
New York Times:
Chastened, Tom Price Tries to Deflect Anger Over Chartered Flights  —  WASHINGTON — After being rebuked by President Trump for racking up at least $400,000 in travel on chartered flights, Health and Human Services Secretary Tom Price said on Thursday that he would pay back taxpayers for his part …
Russian Interference in 2016 US Election, Bots, & Misinformation  —  Earlier this summer we outlined some of our work to combat bots and networks of manipulation on Twitter.  Since then, we have received a number of questions about how malicious bots and misinformation networks on Twitter …
CBS News:
Mark Warner calls Twitter presentation to Intel panel “deeply disappointing”
Discussion: Mediaite and IJR, more at Mediagazer »
Washington Post:
Twitter finds hundreds of accounts tied to Russian operatives
Discussion: The Week and Political Wire
Washington Post:
Zinke took $12,000 charter flight home in oil executive's plane, documents show  —  Interior Secretary Ryan Zinke chartered a flight from Las Vegas to near his home in Montana this summer aboard a plane owned by oil-and-gas executives, internal documents show.
Ben Lefebvre / Politico:
Interior Secretary Zinke traveled on charter, military planes
Discussion: Raw Story
Lachlan Markay / The Daily Beast:
Roy Moore Failed to Disclose Massive Amount of Income on His Senate Ethics Form … Roy Moore, the controversial Republican nominee for U.S. Senate in Alabama, neglected to disclose as much as $150,000 in income to federal ethics officials, according to a Daily Beast review of public records.
Andrew Kaczynski / CNN:
Roy Moore opposed the appointment of an ‘admitted homosexual’ to an ambassadorship in 2006  —  STORY HIGHLIGHTS  —  (CNN)Roy Moore, the Republican nominee for US Senate in Alabama, wrote two columns in 2006 criticizing the Bush administration for appointing openly gay men to government positions.
Tomi Kilgore / MarketWatch:
Mark Cuban, Pitbull step up, but Trump administration making Puerto Rico evacuees pay  —  Evacuees on U.S.-government-coordinated transport must sign IOUs for the cost — and give up their passports as collateral  —  A billionaire business shark and a “worldwide” pop star have donated the use …
Puerto Rico's aid is trapped in thousands of shipping containers
Jennifer Gould Keil / New York Post:
Puerto Rico's stray dog packs all killed by hurricane
Discussion: The Daily Caller
John Bowden / The Hill:
Trump administration requiring Puerto Rico evacuees to pay transportation costs
Discussion: ABC News and
Morgan Winsor / ABC News:
Trump adviser 'can't guarantee' taxes won't go up for middle class  —  President Donald Trump's top economic adviser, Gary Cohn, said today that he can't guarantee that taxes won't go up for some middle-class families under the administration's sweeping tax overhaul.
Ryan Lizza / New Yorker:   How Republicans Ditched Tax Reform for Tax Cuts
Bruce Bartlett / Washington Post:
I helped create the GOP tax myth. Trump is wrong: Tax cuts don't equal growth.
Discussion: CNN
Ronald J. Hansen / Arizona Republic:
Rep. Kyrsten Sinema enters Senate race, hoping to unseat Jeff Flake  —  U.S. Rep. Kyrsten Sinema is running for the Senate seat held by Jeff Flake, ending months of speculation about her political future and giving Democrats a top-tier fundraiser with experience on Capitol Hill.
Discussion: Politico, Shareblue and YouTube
New York Times:
Trump Could Save More Than $1 Billion Under His New Tax Plan  —  Highlighted areas show what parts of President Trump's 2005 tax return could have been affected by the new tax plan.  —  President Trump could cut his tax bills by more than $1.1 billion, including saving tens of millions …
CBS Boston:
Librarian Rejects Books Donated By Melania Trump, Rips Dr. Seuss  —  CAMBRIDGE - The librarian at the Cambridgeport Elementary School is saying no thanks to a shipment of books from First Lady Melania Trump.  —  One school from each state was chosen by the White House to receive ten Dr. Seuss books as part of National Read a Book Day.
Josh Gerstein / Politico:
Trump-Russia pundit may run for Illinois AG post  —  A former federal prosecutor who's become a prominent media pundit about special counsel Robert Mueller's investigation into the Trump campaign and White House is considering a run for office.  —  Renato Mariotti, who spent nearly 10 years …
Matthew Nussbaum / Politico:
Pence sent lawyer to meet with Mueller over the summer
Discussion: Business Insider
Josh Meyer / Politico:
Trump skips ceremony for FBI director amid Russia investigation
Discussion: IJR
Richard Rubin / Wall Street Journal:
Treasury Removes Paper at Odds With Mnuchin's Take on Corporate-Tax Cut's Winners  —  WASHINGTON—The Treasury Department has taken down a 2012 economic analysis that contradicts Secretary Steven Mnuchin's argument that workers would benefit the most from a corporate income tax cut.
Discussion: Axios
Dana Blanton / Fox News:
Fox News Poll: World going to hell in a handbasket as nation comes apart at seams  —  A large majority of American voters feels the bonds that hold the country together are weakening, while over half think the world is going to hell in a handbasket.  —  A Fox News poll released Thursday …
Discussion: Opinion Today
Victoria Balara / Fox News:   Fox News Poll: 83 percent support pathway to citizenship for illegal immigrants
Heather Long / Washington Post:
9 ways Trump's tax plan is a gift to the rich, including himself  —  President Trump and congressional Republicans keep saying their tax plan doesn't help the rich.  But that's not true.  —  The nine-page outline released Wednesday is full of goodies that will make millionaires and billionaires happy.
Josh Marshall / Talking Points Memo:
There Is No GOP Establishment or Base.  Just Massive Resistance.  —  In a new story at NBC News, Steve Kornacki says there is a new GOP uprising underway leading into the 2018 election.  It is a replay or the next stage of similar eruptions in 2010 and 2012 and to a lesser extent in 2014.
Discussion: NBC News and Washington Monthly
Adam Jentleson / Politico:
The Myth of Mitch McConnell, Political Super-Genius  —  The past eight months of massive and avoidable failures have delivered such a devastating blow to Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell's reputation for political savvy, it's a wonder it ever existed at all.
Discussion: Washington Post
Jessica Schneider / CNN:
DOJ demands Facebook information from ‘anti-administration activists’  —  Washington (CNN)Trump administration lawyers are demanding the private account information of potentially thousands of Facebook users in three separate search warrants served on the social media giant, according to court documents obtained by CNN.
Discussion: Engadget and Joe.My.God.
Marlow Stern / The Daily Beast:
The Time Donald Trump Turned Away in Disgust While a Man Was Bleeding to Death in Front of Him … Howard Stern is the greatest celebrity interviewer alive, bar none.  He is possessed of an uncanny ability to induce self-revelation, stroking and feeding the ego until it swells up and bursts.
Discussion: Raw Story
Paul Bedard / Washington Examiner:
NFL ticket sales plummet 17.9%  —  The National Football League is feeling the impact of the “Trump Effect.”  —  Ticket sales since he called on team owners to fire players who take a knee to protest the National Anthem have cratered.  —  The online ticket reseller TickPick told Secrets …
Stephen Losey / Air Force Times:
Racial slurs written on dorm room boards of black Air Force Academy cadet candidates  —  Racial slurs were written on the dormitory message boards of five black cadet candidates at the Air Force Academy Preparatory School earlier this week.  —  Lt. Col. Allen Herritage …
Discussion: Washington Post and Raw Story
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 More Items: 
John Podhoretz / New York Post:
Democrats' best hope for 2020: Oprah
Jake Gibson / Fox News:
DOJ files suit against company for allegedly not hiring Americans
Scott Malone / Reuters:
Education Secretary DeVos faces largely silent protest at Harvard speech
Discussion: ThinkProgress and The Daily Caller
Jihad on our faith  —  Judge Roy Moore is the chairman …
Discussion: Raw Story
Darcy Costello / USA Today:
Judge blocks ultrasound mandate of Kentucky abortion law
Natasha Korecki / Politico:
Illinois governor signs bill expanding public funding for abortion
Josh Rogin / Washington Post:
In private remarks, Trump opines on North Korea, Afghanistan and catapults
Discussion: Business Insider
 Earlier Items: 
Jia Tolentino / New Yorker:
The Repressive, Authoritarian Soul of “Thomas the Tank Engine & Friends”
Mark K. Matthews / Denver Post:
Steve Bannon met with Tom Tancredo about a possible run for Colorado governor, Tancredo says
Alastair Gee / The Guardian:
Facing poverty, academics turn to sex work and sleeping in cars
CBS News:
Rep. Steve Scalise breaks his silence on shooting
Thomas Kaplan / New York Times:
With Tax Cuts on the Table, Once-Mighty Deficit Hawks Hardly Chirp

From Techmeme:

Mark Gurman / Bloomberg:
What to expect at WWDC 2024: plans to integrate AI into its apps with a new opt-in service called Apple Intelligence, iOS 18, macOS 15, visionOS 2, and more

Carl Franzen / VentureBeat:
Adobe faces a backlash over its terms of service that say Adobe may access user content via “automated and manual methods” to improve its services and software

Zack Whittaker / TechCrunch:
A website for cybercriminals lists 500+ allegedly stolen Snowflake customer credentials, including for environments belonging to Santander and Ticketmaster

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