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7:55 PM ET, April 30, 2018


 Top Items: 
NBC News:
Kelly thinks he's saving U.S. from disaster, calls Trump ‘idiot,’ say White House staffers  —  WASHINGTON — White House chief of staff John Kelly has eroded morale in the West Wing in recent months with comments to aides that include insulting the president's intelligence and casting himself …
Gabby Morrongiello / Washington Examiner:
John Kelly on ‘solid footing’ with Trump despite leaks saying he's on thin ice  —  President Trump's chief of staff John Kelly is on “solid footing” inside the West Wing and has no plans to leave unless he's asked to, a senior White House official said Monday after NBC reported that Kelly …
Jill Colvin / Associated Press:
In Trump era, the death of the White House press conference  —  WASHINGTON (AP) — The presidential news conference, a time-honored tradition going back generations, appears to be no longer.  —  More than a year has passed since President Donald Trump held the only solo news conference …
Brian Stelter / CNNMoney:
White House correspondents think about changing dinner for Trump era  —  WHCA president discusses her ‘regret’ about dinner  —  The White House Correspondents Association is belatedly accepting the fact that its annual dinner changes dramatically when the president isn't there.
You Can't Bully These Motherfuckers  —  When I write that CNN politics writer Chris Cillizza is the rankest assbrain in the Western Hemisphere, I am not being nice to him.  When I write that God clowned Chris Cillizza before he was born by making him Chris Cillizza instead of a shit-eating maggot, I am being unkind.
Discussion: CNN, The Root, Althouse and The Stream
Benny Johnson / The Daily Caller:
I Watched How Sarah Sanders Privately Reacted After Being Attacked - This Is Her Real Character  —  I was in the room Saturday night when comedian Michelle Wolf began attacking White House press secretary Sarah Sanders.  —  Sanders was sitting just feet away from Wolf as she began to hurl insults and bully her.
Erik Wemple / Washington Post:
The president is seeking to destroy journalism.  Now let's debate dinner entertainment! … On Dec. 12, 2017, CNN's Jim Acosta appeared on-air to detail another disturbing episode in the media's struggles with the Trump White House.  At issue was a “pool spray” — essentially an opportunity …
Stella Morabito / The Federalist:   Michelle Wolf's Performance Provokes Exactly The Kind Of America She Hates
Dan Evon /
Was Comedian Michelle Wolf Once Arrested for Bestiality?
Katherine Faulders / ABC News:
Trump campaign has paid portions of Michael Cohen's legal fees: Sources  —  The Trump campaign has spent nearly $228,000 to cover some of the legal expenses for President Donald Trump's personal attorney Michael Cohen, sources familiar with the payments tell ABC News, raising questions …
NBC News:
Stormy Daniels sues Trump for defamation over ‘con job’ tweet  —  She says she was harmed by a Trump tweet that accused her of ‘a con job’  —  Adult film star Stormy Daniels has filed a defamation suit against President Donald Trump for a tweet that said a forensic sketch of a man …
Noa Landau / Haaretz:
Netanyahu: Iran Nuclear Deal Is Based on Lies - Here's the Proof  —  ‘Iran did not come clean on its nuclear program,’ Netanyahu says, saying more than 100,000 Iranian documents Israel obtained prove nuclear ‘deal is based on lies’ Speech comes on heels of strike against two bases in Syria and ahead of Trump's decision on nuclear deal
Philip Klein / Washington Examiner:
Insane Israeli operation smuggled 110,000 secret nuclear files out of Iran
Discussion: Townhall and Instapundit
Eli Lake / Bloomberg:
Israel Exposes Iran's Nuclear Lies, and the Limits of U.S. Intelligence
Discussion: Wall Street Journal
New York Times:   Israel Says Secret Files Prove Iran Lied About Nuclear Program
Fred Kaplan / Slate:
Bibi's Iran Speech Was a Bust
Adam Kredo / Washington Free Beacon:   U.S. Confirms Authenticity of Secret Iran Nuclear Docs, Officials See Game Over for Deal
Manu Raju / CNN:
Exclusive: Pence's doctor alerted WH aides about Ronny Jackson concerns last fall  —  Ronny Jackson is no longer Trump's doctor  —  Washington (CNN)Vice President Mike Pence's physician privately raised alarms within the White House last fall that President Donald Trump's doctor …
Wall Street Journal:
Acting Director of ICE Plans to Retire From Agency  —  Under Thomas Homan, Immigration and Customs Enforcement arrests rose  —  WASHINGTON— Thomas Homan, the controversial acting director of the Immigration and Customs Enforcement agency, plans to retire and leave his post, three people familiar with his plans said.
Nick Miroff / Washington Post:
Trump's pick to lead ICE, who touted surge in immigration arrests, steps down
Discussion: Daily Kos
McClatchy Washington Bureau:   Acting ICE Director departs amid frustrations over immigration deal
Matthew Barakat / Associated Press:
Documents show ties between university, conservative donors  —  FAIRFAX, Va. (AP) — Newly released documents show Virginia's largest public university granted the conservative Charles Koch Foundation a say in the hiring and firing of professors in exchange for millions of dollars in donations.
Discussion: ThinkProgress
Chris Kahn / Reuters:
Exclusive: Democrats lose ground with millennials - Reuters/Ipsos poll  —  MANCHESTER, N.H. (Reuters) - Enthusiasm for the Democratic Party is waning among young voters - so-called millennials - as its candidates head into the crucial midterm congressional elections, according to the Reuters/Ipsos national opinion poll.
Jason Barker / New York Times:
Happy Birthday, Karl Marx.  You Were Right!  —  SEOUL, South Korea — On May 5, 1818, in the southern German town of Trier, in the picturesque wine-growing region of the Moselle Valley, Karl Marx was born.  At the time Trier was one-tenth the size it is today, with a population of around 12,000.
Jonathan Chait / New York Magazine:
Trump Handed the Agenda to Conservatives and They Blew It
Discussion: Axios
Wall Street Journal:
Trump Postpones Steel Tariff Decision for EU, Other U.S. Allies  —  Decision postponed until June 1; countries were granted temporary exemptions  —  President Donald Trump decided to postpone decisions about imposing steel and aluminum tariffs on the European Union and other U.S. allies until June 1 …
Washington Post:
Trump-allied House conservatives draft articles of impeachment against Rosenstein as ‘last resort’  —  Conservative House allies of President Trump have drafted articles of impeachment against Deputy Attorney General Rod J. Rosenstein, who oversees the ongoing special-counsel probe …
Discussion: Political Wire
Hyonhee Shin / Reuters:
Trump should win the Nobel Peace Prize, says South Korea's Moon  —  SEOUL (Reuters) - South Korean President Moon Jae-in said U.S. President Donald Trump deserves a Nobel Peace Prize for his efforts to end the standoff with North Korea over its nuclear weapons program, a South Korean official said on Monday.
Discussion: Contemptor
Kyra Phillips / ABC News:
EXCLUSIVE: EPA whistleblower says Pruitt ‘bald faced lied’ to Congress  —  A whistleblower from the Environmental Protection Agency says that Administrator Scott Pruitt was “bald-faced lying” when he told members of Congress that no EPA employees were retaliated against for raising concerns about his spending decisions.
Discussion: Talking Points Memo
Resistance Setback: Robert Mueller Has Abandoned The Russia Investigation After Determining That The Real Crime Is How Low The Prices Are On Kinja Deals  —  Members of the resistance, our best shot at impeaching Donald Trump pretty much died on the table today: Special counsel Robert Mueller …
David A. Lieb / Columbia Daily Tribune:
Report: Woman says Greitens ‘coaxed’ her as ‘wounded animal’  —  JEFFERSON CITY — A woman with whom Missouri Gov. Eric Greitens acknowledged having a consensual affair told prosecutors that Greitens coaxed her into unwanted sexual activity as she was crying “like a wounded little animal on the ground …
Associated Press:
Trump to attend the NRA convention in Dallas  —  President Donald Trump will be at the National Rifle Association convention in Dallas on Friday.  —  A White House official said Monday that Trump will attend the group's annual meeting.  Trump has been a strong supporter of the NRA and enjoyed their backing in his 2016 campaign.
Alex Isenstadt / Politico:
Blankenship slams ‘Cocaine Mitch’ in anti-McConnell ad  —  West Virginia Senate hopeful Don Blankenship is intensifying his offensive against Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, calling him “Cocaine Mitch” in a new TV ad released just over a week until the Republican primary.
Elizabeth Dwoskin / Washington Post:
WhatsApp founder plans to leave after broad clashes with parent Facebook  —  SAN FRANCISCO — The billionaire chief executive of WhatsApp, Jan Koum, is planning to leave the company after clashing with its parent, Facebook, over the popular messaging service's strategy and Facebook's attempts …
Emma Loop / BuzzFeed:
Jill Stein Has Turned Over Hundreds Of Documents To Congress As Part Of The Russia Probe  —  Stein says the many of the documents her campaign turned over were communications with RT, a media outlet that US authorities have dubbed a Russian propaganda network.  —  Reporting From Washington, DC
Discussion: CNN and Law & Crime
New York Times:
Investment Boom From Trump's Tax Cut Has Yet to Appear  —  After years of costly layoffs and plant closings, things are looking up for the heavy-machinery giant Caterpillar, which forecasts solid global sales growth and increased demand this year.  Yet despite the corporate investment incentives …
Exclusive: U.S. EPA grants biofuels waiver to billionaire Icahn's oil refinery - sources  —  NEW YORK (Reuters) - The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency has granted a financial hardship waiver to an oil refinery owned by billionaire Carl Icahn, a former adviser to President Donald Trump …
Ben Taub / New Yorker:
The Spy Who Came Home  —  Why an expert in counterterrorism became a beat cop.  —  Shortly after an evening nap, Patrick Skinner drove to the police station in the Third Precinct in Savannah, Georgia, wearing ill-fitting body armor.  It was late December, and bitterly cold …
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 More Items: 
Knoxville News-Sentinel:
U.S. Secretary of the Interior gets hands dirty, helps jump-start Kodak woman's car
Discussion: The Daily Caller
Paul Gattis /
Roy Moore files complaints claiming ‘political conspiracy’ targeted his Senate run
Discussion: Joe.My.God.
Jordan Yadoo / Bloomberg:
Trump's Approval Rating Rises to 42%, Highest Gallup Reading in 11 Months
Justin Glawe / The Daily Beast:
Fake Green Party Candidate Exposed as Having Ties to Republican Congressman
Michael Simkovic / Brian Leiter's Law School Reports:
A well-organized campaign to bait, discredit, and take over universities is exploiting students …
Discussion: Instapundit and Reason
Eugene Scott / Washington Post:
Trump went to Michigan and didn't talk about Flint
Discussion: Salon and The Week
Steve Usdin / Tablet Magazine:
Franklin Roosevelt's ‘M Project,’ America's Answer to the ‘Jewish Question’
Discussion: Instapundit
 Earlier Items: 
Bob Bryan / Business Insider:
MARCO RUBIO: There's ‘no evidence whatsoever’ that Trump's tax bill has helped American workers
Monica Davey / New York Times:
Detroit Was Crumbling. Here's How It's Reviving.
Justin Elliott / ProPublica:
Bank of Internet, Which Had Been Under Federal Investigation, Appears In Multiple Kushner Deals
Adam Liptak / New York Times:
GorsuchStyle Garners a Gusher of Groans. But Is His Writing Really That Bad?
Discussion: How Appealing
David M. Drucker / Washington Examiner:
Josh Hawley is trying to reassure Republicans he can still beat Claire McCaskill
Arthur Allen / Politico:
‘Who the hell is this person?’ Trump's Mar-a-Lago pal stymies VA project
Discussion: Daily Kos

From Mediagazer:

Nic Newman / Reuters Institute:
RISJ's 2024 Digital News Report with a survey of 90K+: six platforms, like TikTok, reach 10%+ of respondents for news use, compared to just two a decade ago

Harry Lambert / The Daily Beast:
A profile of The Washington Post CEO Will Lewis, once one of the UK's most feted journalists, and a look at the many compromises he's made in pursuit of power

Ann Cooper / Nieman Reports:
A look at AP Corporate Archives, launched in 2003 to preserve the organization's history and since then expanded with initiatives like an oral history program

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