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1:40 PM ET, June 4, 2018


 Top Items: 
Robert Barnes / Washington Post:
Supreme Court rules in favor of baker who would not make wedding cake for gay couple  —  The Supreme Court on Monday ruled narrowly for a Colorado baker who refused to create a wedding cake for a gay couple.  —  In an opinion by Justice Anthony M. Kennedy, the court held …
Mark Joseph Stern / Slate:
Gay Americans Have Little to Fear From the Supreme Court's Compromise in Masterpiece Cakeshop  —  Like a good wedding cake, the Supreme Court's 7-2 decision on Monday in Masterpiece Cakeshop v. Colorado Civil Rights Commission has a little something for everyone.
Discussion: Talking Points Memo
Leah Litman / Take Care Blog:
Masterpiece Cakeshop And The Entry Ban  —  This morning, the Supreme Court handed down Masterpiece Cakeshop v. Colorado Civil Rights Commission.  Justice Kennedy's majority opinion held that the particular application of the Colorado Anti-Discrimination Act to the baker in that case violated …
Robert Barnes / Washington Post:
Supreme Court throws out lower court decision that allowed immigrant teenager to obtain abortion
Discussion: Axios, Politico and Breitbart
Mark Sherman / Yahoo:
Justices side with Colorado baker on same-sex wedding cake
Discussion: The Daily Caller and NewsBusters
Supreme Court rules narrowly for Colorado baker who wouldn't make same-sex wedding cake
Michael D. Shear / New York Times:
Trump Says Appointment of Special Counsel is ‘Totally Unconstitutional’  —  WASHINGTON — President Trump declared Monday that the appointment of the special counsel in the Russia investigation is “totally UNCONSTITUTIONAL!” and asserted that he has the power to pardon himself …
S.V. Date / HuffPost:
Giuliani: Trump Could Have Shot Comey And Still Couldn't Be Indicted For It  —  Congress would have to impeach Trump first before any criminal prosecution could move forward, the president's lawyer says.  —  WASHINGTON Candidate Donald Trump bragged that he could shoot someone …
James Hohmann / Washington Post:
The Daily 202: Cops are called when a senator tries to see kids taken from their immigrant parents  —  THE BIG IDEA: As the sun set Sunday night, Sen. Jeff Merkley (D-Ore.) went to a shuttered Walmart in Brownsville, Texas, that has been converted into a detention center for immigrant children who have been separated from their parents.
Discussion: CNN, Talking Points Memo, Oregonian and IJR
Ruth Marcus / Washington Post:
Mueller has waited long enough. It's subpoena time.
Discussion: CNBC, ABC News and ThinkProgress
Timothy L. O'Brien / Bloomberg:
Trump's Lawyers Say He Is the Law
Washington Post:
The many holes in the memo from the president's legal team.
Discussion: The Guardian, New York Times and MSNBC
Greg Sargent / Washington Post:
Secret memo to Mueller actually reveals weakness of Trump's position
Washington Post:
Pruitt had aide do numerous personal tasks, including a hunt for a used Trump hotel mattress  —  In mid-September, the Environmental Protection Agency administrator's director of scheduling and advance, Millan Hupp, reached out to the Trump International Hotel in Washington, D.C., with an unusual request.
New York Times:
Aide Sought a New Apartment for Scott Pruitt, as Well as an ‘Old Mattress’ From Trump Hotel  —  WASHINGTON — A senior Environmental Protection Agency official acted essentially as the personal assistant to the administrator, Scott Pruitt, helping him hunt for an apartment …
Discussion: Politico and The Daily Caller
Associated Press:   Aide: EPA's Pruitt sought used Trump-hotel mattress
Adam Edelman / NBC News:
Bill Clinton: I wouldn't have done anything differently in Lewinsky scandal even in #MeToo era  —  Clinton stuck by his decision to fight his impeachment rather than resign.  “I think I did the right thing.  I defended the Constitution,” he said.  —  Former President Bill Clinton says that …
Trump's phone call with Macron described as ‘terrible’  —  Washington (CNN)A call about trade and migration between US President Donald Trump and French President Emmanuel Macron soured last week after Macron candidly criticized Trump's policies, two sources familiar with the call told CNN.
Brian Schwartz / CNBC:
Billionaire Koch brothers' political network will spend millions to oppose Trump's tariffs - the group's biggest split with the president so far  — The Koch political network unveils a multi-year, multimillion dollar campaign opposing the tariffs implemented by President Donald Trump's administration.
Koch network to launch multi-million free trade campaign
Philip Oltermann / The Guardian:
New US ambassador to Germany under fire for rightwing support  —  Politicians accuse Richard Grenell of breach of protocol after interview in Breitbart  —  German politicians have criticised Donald Trump's new ambassador to Germany after he said he wanted to “empower” anti-establishment rightwing forces throughout Europe.
Yahoo! News:   Germany asks Trump envoy to clarify ‘empowering’ right call
Crowd cheers when valedictorian quotes Trump.  Then reveals it was Obama  —  Ben Bowling graduation speech Courtesy of Ben Bowling  —  Bell County high school student and valedictorian Ben Bowling wanted to share some words of wisdom with his graduating class, but there was a twist that no one saw coming.
Eriq Gardner / Hollywood Reporter:
BuzzFeed Allowed Key Defense in Russian's Defamation Suit Over Trump Dossier  —  A Florida judge rejects a Russian entrepreneur who argued that the Trump dossier publication wasn't protected as a fair report of official government action.  —  In its continuing fight against a Russian tech entrepreneur …
Monmouth University Polling Institute:
CD01 Incumbent Popular, But Race is Close  —  Democratic enthusiasm makes race competitive  —  West Long Branch, NJ - The race for House of Representatives in Pennsylvania's newly drawn 1st congressional district is shaping up to be a close contest, according to the Monmouth University Poll.
Discussion: Political Wire
Bryan Bender / Politico:
The ‘weirdness’ of dealing with North Korean officials  —  Expect lies.  Do your homework — because they will have.  Choose your words very carefully.  And have Job-like patience.  Oh, and remember that North Korean leader Kim Jong Un considers himself a supreme being.
Jonathan Allen / NBC News:
Why Melania Trump's vanishing act matters
Discussion: USA Today, Fox News and The Hill
Ben White / Politico:
Cohn kept the jobs numbers for Trump  —  COHN KEPT THE JOBS NUMBERS FROM TRUMP — MM hears that before he left the White House, former National Economic Council Director Gary Cohn would withhold jobs report data from President Trump until shortly before their release because he was worried …
Michael Mcgough / Sacramento Bee:
Nearly half of Bay Area residents want out, poll shows.  The reason why is no surprise  —  The idea of a Bay Area “exodus” is no joke, and appears to be growing more vivid and real with each year.  —  A poll released Sunday by a local advocacy group showed that 46 percent of Bay Area residents surveyed …
Patti Davis / Washington Post:
Mourning America: What my father, Ronald Reagan, would say today  —  Patti Davis is an author and the daughter of Ronald and Nancy Reagan.  —  My father used to talk about a recurring dream he had in which he was walking into a beautiful white building with grand columns, knowing that it was his new home.
Golnaz Esfandiari / Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty:
Shah-Era Iranian Diplomat Warns Against Creating ‘Another Iraq’  —  The tough U.S. line on Iran and speculation that Washington is pursuing regime change in Tehran have prompted a shah-era foreign minister to warn from Swiss exile against “turning [Iran] into a mess,” citing the example of neighboring Iraq.
Washington Post:
A historic exodus is leaving Venezuela without teachers, doctors and electricians  —  An unruly 9-year-old bolted from his classroom, prompting a volunteer teacher to chase him down the hall.  He would normally be hauled straight to Romina Sciaca's office.  But the guidance counselor was gone …
Discussion: Instapundit
New York Times:
Facebook Gave Device Makers Deep Access to Data on Users and Friends  —  The company formed data-sharing partnerships with Apple, Samsung and dozens of other device makers, raising new concerns about its privacy protections.  —  As Facebook sought to become the world's dominant social media service …
Charlie Warzel / BuzzFeed:
How The Alt-Right Manipulates The Internet's Biggest Commenting Platform  —  The commenting giant Disqus has said repeatedly that it doesn't allow hate speech.  But its platform is overrun with trolls, white nationalists, and neo-Nazis.  —  The alt-right and white nationalist trolls …
Discussion: Raw Story
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 More Items: 
John Wagner / Washington Post:
George H.W. Bush discharged from Maine hospital, spokesman says
Discussion: Politico
Kyle Olson / The American Mirror:
WOKE? Maxine Waters plays to empty seats as only 10 millennials show up to campaign event
Discussion: Daily Wire
Peter Hasson / The Daily Caller:
The Question MSNBC Won't Answer: Did Joy Reid Lie? [VIDEO]
Jared Keller / Task & Purpose:
The Civil War's Latest Casualty: This Reenactor Who Shot Himself With A Minie Ball
Jacques Klopp / Yahoo:
France's fake news law leaves media experts uneasy
Beatrice Verhoeven / The Wrap:
Woody Allen Says He Should Be ‘Poster Boy for the #MeToo Movement’
Discussion: IndieWire, and Mediaite
Bruce Nelan / Washington Post:
Frank Carlucci, defense secretary and tamer of federal bureaucracies, dies at 87
Discussion: Axios
Sarah Jones / Columbia Journalism Review:
The great remove  —  How journalism got so out of touch with the people it covers
 Earlier Items: 
Rory Carroll / The Guardian:
Elon Musk: as business fortunes dip, he starts a war with the media
Ronald Radosh / The Daily Beast:
Pro-Trump Author Says CIA Has Plan to Kill the President
Discussion: National Review
Victor Davis Hanson / American Greatness:
The Scandal on the Other Foot  —  Consider the following alternate reality.
Discussion: RealClearPolitics
Jim VandeHei / Axios:
Trump's mind-control superpowers
Discussion: Daily Kos
Philip Rucker / Washington Post:
The president as the persecuted: Donald Trump's strategy of self-victimization
Martin Crutsinger / Associated Press:
Business economists worry about possible recession in 2020
Discussion: Axios
Jane Ross / Reuters:
California city fights poverty with guaranteed income
Discussion: The Daily Caller

From Techmeme:

Mark Gurman / Bloomberg:
A look at Apple's slow rollout of AI features, impressive visionOS 2 beta, plans for thinnest, lightest devices in tech, including a phone in the iPhone 17 line

Brian Krebs / Krebs on Security:
Report: alleged ringleader of the Scattered Spider hacking group was arrested in Spain; sources: the accused is a 22-year-old Scottish man named Tyler Buchanan

Caroline O'Donovan / Washington Post:
Leaked documents reveal life-threatening issues at Amazon's primary-care service One Medical, raising concerns about Amazon's frugal approach to health care

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