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9:25 AM ET, September 29, 2018


 Top Items: 
Adam Liptak / New York Times:
A Bitter Nominee, Questions of Neutrality, and a Damaged Supreme Court  —  WASHINGTON — In the first round of his Supreme Court confirmation hearings early this month, Judge Brett M. Kavanaugh kept his cool under hostile questioning, stressed his independence, and exhibited the calm judicial demeanor …
New York Times:
At Times, Kavanaugh's Defense Misleads or Veers Off Point  —  On Thursday, the adolescent jottings of Brett M. Kavanaugh in his high school yearbook were being scrutinized under the searing lights of a Supreme Court confirmation hearing, where he sat accused of committing a drunken sexual assault when he was 17.
New York Times:
'I Don't Think People in the U.S. Know How Closely We're Watching This'  —  International readers tell us how the testimony of Christine Blasey Ford and Judge Brett M. Kavanaugh before the Senate Judiciary Committee affected their perceptions of the United States.
New York Times:
A Tumultuous 24 Hours: How Jeff Flake Delayed a Vote on Kavanaugh  —  WASHINGTON — Surrounded by his colleagues in a cramped corridor behind the Senate Judiciary Committee, Senator Jeff Flake was in agony, getting pounded on all sides.  —  He had already released a statement that he would vote …
Del Quentin Wilber / Los Angeles Times:
Former FBI agents say there are clues to follow from dramatic Kavanaugh hearing … Former FBI officials expressed confidence Friday that agents could quickly interview key witnesses and track down potential leads into Christine Blasey Ford's allegations that Supreme Court nominee Brett …
Discussion: Politico
Charles P. Pierce / Esquire:
In Plain Terms, Judge Brett Kavanaugh Lies About Everything  —  He lied about his days as a Republican operative, about the drinking age in Maryland, about the “Devil's Triangle.”  All of it.  —  WASHINGTON—  Stars and Stripes  —  had a damn fine Friday morning, one of which any newspaper would have been proud.
Ashley Feinberg / HuffPost:
Harvard Law School Dean Won't Say If Brett Kavanaugh Still Has A Job  —  The dean assured students that the school would be conducting “necessary inquiries.”  —  In response to student protests over the sexual assault allegations against Supreme Court nominee and Harvard Law School visiting …
Erik Brady / USA Today:
Is Brett Kavanaugh right that he can no longer coach girls basketball?  —  Brett Kavanaugh testified the other day that he might never coach girls' basketball again.  —  He shouldn't - at least not until further investigation has concluded.  —  The U.S. Senate may yet confirm Kavanaugh …
Ana María Archila / USA Today:
I confronted Jeff Flake over Brett Kavanaugh.  Survivors like me won't stand for injustice.  —  Jeff Flake finally called for an FBI investigation, showing the power survivors of sexual assault have when we stand together in the fight for change.  —  CONNECT
Discussion: Washington Post, CBS Philly and Vox
Scenes from Jeff Flake's Supreme Court rebellion  —  The Arizona Republican's head-snapping moves Friday left Washington in shock and Brett Kavanaugh in renewed jeopardy.  —  Four senators undecided on Brett Kavanaugh's nomination gathered Thursday night for a quiet chat with earth-shaking consequences.
Sam Baker / Axios:
How to impeach a Supreme Court justice  —  Some Democrats are already rumbling about trying to remove Brett Kavanaugh from the Supreme Court, if he's confirmed.  That is not at all realistic.  —  The big picture: Supreme Court justices can be impeached.  But if there aren't 50 votes …
Discussion: Raw Story and Politico
Robin Abcarian / Los Angeles Times:
Was I the only one who shuddered at Brett Kavanaugh's belligerent comments about beer?  —  Can we talk about beer for a sec?  —  Specifically, Brett Kavanaugh's professed affection for it?  —  Like a lot of people who have lived with or been friends with people who love beer a little too much …
Discussion: Raw Story
Peter Beinart / The Atlantic:
America Is Finally Listening to Women.  It's Sparking a National Crisis.  —  Women are now powerful enough to disrupt the male-dominated consensus that in previous eras silenced them.  But they are not yet powerful enough to get justice.  —  “The only consensus,” declared the Washington Post …
Discussion: Vox, Weekly Standard and The Root
Carlos Garcia / TheBlaze:
Journalists made a damaging Kavanaugh story go viral - but it was too good to be true  —  Mainstream media reporters and commentators appeared to be much too zealous in spreading a false story on social media Friday that was very damaging to Brett Kavanaugh, the president's nominee to the Supreme Court.
Discussion: BuzzFeed News
Ellie Hall / BuzzFeed News:
Trump Calls Christine Blasey Ford “Credible” And Says He's Not Sure Kavanaugh's Nomination Will “Continue Onward”
Michael Kranish / Washington Post:
Details in Kavanaugh's 1982 calendar entry could be scrutinized in FBI investigation
Discussion: Townhall
Alexandra Petri / Washington Post:
The train will continue, and you will be crushed
Discussion: Raw Story
Kavanaugh friend Mark Judge: ‘I will cooperate’ with FBI probe of sex assault claims
Newt Gingrich / Gingrich Productions:   Next for Judge Kavanaugh: Are There Any Honorable Senate Democrats?
David Mack / BuzzFeed News:
Here's Exactly What Happened As Jeff Flake Chose To Delay The Kavanaugh Vote
Discussion: The Guardian, Power Line and Townhall
Marian Bull / GQ:
How to Talk to the Women in Your Life Right Now
Discussion: Althouse and WINK NEWS
Marina Pitofsky / USA Today:
‘Your life and family are not ruined’: Parkland father slams Kavanaugh
Discussion: IJR, ThinkProgress and FOX40
David Bauder / Associated Press:   More than 20 million people watched Kavanaugh hearing
Tucker Higgins / CNBC:
Senate GOP agrees to one-week delay on Kavanaugh Supreme Court confirmation to allow for FBI probe
Julia Jacobo / ABC News:
Ford welcomes reopening of FBI investigation into Kavanaugh, attorney says
Adam Serwer / The Atlantic:
The Confirmation of Trumpism
Discussion: New Yorker and BuzzFeed News
Jordain Carney / The Hill:   Lawyer for Kavanaugh accuser: FBI probe should not have ‘artificial’ limits
Becket Adams / Washington Examiner:   Katy Tur's false tweet goes viral
New York Times:
How the F.B.I. Will Investigate the Kavanaugh Accusations  —  Can the bureau finish investigating in a week?  What about the allegations of other women?  Here's what to expect from the inquiry.  —  Here are three inconsistencies the F.B.I. investigation could address.
Discussion: Lawyers, Guns & Money
Melissa Healy / Los Angeles Times:
Here's what experts who study sexual violence say about the credibility of Christine Blasey Ford's testimony  —  What Christine Blasey Ford remembers best about that night 30-plus years ago is the laughter.  —  It came, she said, from Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh and his friend Mark Judge …
Discussion: New York Times
Emma Dumain / The State:
Graham's defense of Kavanaugh has conservatives applauding.  How long will that last?  —  WASHINGTON  —  Sen. Lindsey Graham is ready to run for reelection in 2020.  —  He's championed a pet cause of the conservative base this week that's crucial to winning in South Carolina like rarely before.
Roberta Rampton / Reuters:
Trump heads on five-state rally blitz amid Supreme Court chaos  —  WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump on Saturday kicks off a week of rallies in five friendly places around the country, seeking to shore up support ahead of congressional elections even as the fate of his pick …
Discussion: Political Wire
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 More Items: 
Sofia Miselem / Yahoo:
Mexico says US, Canada could reach new NAFTA deal in 48 hours
George F. Will / Washington Post:
Abolish the death penalty
The Daily Beast:
Border Patrol Agent Ordered to Pay $220K After Starting 47,000 Acre Wildfire at Gender Reveal Party
Asbury Park Press:
Wanda Sykes heckled after Trump jokes at Count Basie; angry fans walk out
Discussion: LifeZette and The Daily Caller
Joel Gehrke / Washington Examiner:
Pompeo accuses Iran of firing at U.S. embassy in Iraq
Hannah Rodriguez / The Seattle Times:
Since the Kavanaugh hearing, calls to King County sexual-assault hotline have tripled
Discussion: The Week and ThinkProgress
Reno Gazette-Journal:
Records show Adam Laxalt was arrested for allegedly assaulting a police officer as a teen
Kate Briquelet / The Daily Beast:
The FBI is Now Investigating the Shady Vice Squad That Cuffed Stormy Daniels
 Earlier Items: 
Patricia Mazzei / New York Times:
Text Messages to Jewish Voters Inflame Tense Florida Governor's Race
Discussion: Politico
Rams vs. Vikings Fan Brawl, Man Flung Over Bleachers!
Discussion: Breitbart and The Daily Caller
Alex Isenstadt / Politico:
House GOP super PAC cuts off support for Bishop, Coffman
Discussion: Axios
Julia Carrie Wong / The Guardian:
Facebook says nearly 50m users compromised in huge security breach