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12:30 AM ET, October 1, 2018


 Top Items: 
James Comey / New York Times:
The F.B.I. Can Do This  —  Despite limitations and partisan attacks, the bureau can find out a lot about the Kavanaugh accusations in a week.  —  Mr. Comey is the former F.B.I. director.  —  The F.B.I. is back in the middle of it.  When we were handed the Hillary Clinton email investigation in 2015 …
New York Times:
Democrats Denounce Limits on F.B.I.'s Kavanaugh Inquiry as a ‘Farce’  —  WASHINGTON — The F.B.I. moved on Sunday to quickly complete an abbreviated investigation into allegations of sexual misconduct against Judge Brett M. Kavanaugh, even as Democrats demanded more information about the inquiry's scope …
New York Times:
Chad Ludington's Statement on Kavanaugh's Drinking and Senate Testimony  —  Chad Ludington, a Yale classmate of Judge Brett M. Kavanaugh's who said he often drank with him, issued a statement on Sunday saying the Supreme Court nominee was not truthful about his drinking in his testimony before the Senate Judiciary Committee last week.
Jonathan Swan / Axios:
Brett Kavanaugh is “too big to fail”  —  For the White House, it's Brett Kavanaugh or bust.  They have no Plan B and there's not even discussion of one, according to five sources with direct knowledge of the sensitive internal White House talks.  —  What they're saying: “He's too big to fail now …
Discussion: Raw Story and
New Yorker:
The Confusion Surrounding the F.B.I.'s Renewed Investigation of Brett Kavanaugh  —  As the F.B.I. began its investigation this weekend into allegations of sexual misconduct by Brett Kavanaugh, President Trump's Supreme Court nominee, several people who hope to contribute information …
Annie Karni / Politico:
‘This is march or die’: Kavanaugh urged to hit back hard  —  Allies push for an aggressive offense even as some concede that confirmation to the Supreme Court is an uphill battle.  —  Judge Brett Kavanaugh is being advised by allies to mount an aggressive and proactive campaign to win …
Discussion: ABC News and Breitbart
Jonathan Swan / Axios:
A 4-4 court?  —  This scenario seemed unthinkable a month ago, but it's now being privately discussed by sources involved in Brett Kavanaugh's confirmation: If Kavanaugh falls after the FBI investigation this week and Democrats flip the Senate in November, will Trump nominate …
Discussion: Townhall and Breitbart
Mike DeBonis / Washington Post:
Fight over Kavanaugh intensifies amid confusion over limits of FBI sexual assault investigation  —  The White House has not placed any limits on the FBI investigation into claims of sexual assault leveled against Supreme Court nominee Brett M. Kavanaugh but is also opposed an open-ended …
FBI spoke with Deborah Ramirez, second Kavanaugh accuser  —  (CNN)The FBI spoke with Deborah Ramirez on Sunday in its investigation into Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh, a source familiar with the matter has told CNN.  —  Ramirez accused Kavanaugh of exposing himself to her at a party …
Nicole Gaudiano / delawareonline:   Sens. Coons and Flake discuss drama that led to call for FBI probe: ‘It was quite a moment’
Ryan Lizza / Esquire:
Devin Nunes's Family Farm Is Hiding a Politically Explosive Secret  —  Rep. Devin Nunes is head of the House Intelligence Committee and one of President Trump's biggest defenders.  For years, he's spun himself as a straight talker whose no-BS values are rooted in his family's California dairy farm.
Discussion: Raw Story
David J. Lynch / Washington Post:
Canada agrees to join trade accord with U.S. and Mexico, sending new NAFTA deal to Congress  —  BREAKING: Canada has agreed to join the trade deal that the U.S. and Mexico announced last month, according to two people familiar with the matter.  The move preserves the three-country format …
Discussion: Toronto Star and
Doug Palmer / Politico:
U.S. reaches trade deal with Canada and Mexico, providing Trump a crucial win  —  Trade ministers from the U.S., Mexico and Canada have reached a deal to revamp the North American Free Trade Agreement, the Trump administration announced late Sunday night.  —  The new pact, which is being called …
Sarahm / Popula:
The Movie Assassin  —  The Movie Girl  —  In October 1996, I was 27, a freelance film reviewer at Philadelphia's second best (of two) alt-weeklies and excited to see and review Anthony Minghella's The English Patient.  My excitement was not about the movie itself, which I was pretty sure would be mediocre …
Reid Wilson / The Hill:
House GOP cancels Yoder ad buys  —  The National Republican Congressional Committee (NRCC) has canceled more than $1 million in planned advertising aimed at helping Rep. Kevin Yoder (R-Kan.) in the coming weeks.  —  The decision to cut advertising, described to The Hill by a source familiar …
Discussion: Kansas City Star and Townhall
Mollie Hemingway / The Federalist:
MEDIA SINK TO NEW LOWS IN THEIR ANTI-KAVANAUGH SMEAR CAMPAIGN  —  The media are working overtime not just to prevent the eminently qualified Brett Kavanaugh from being confirmed to the Supreme Court, but to destroy his life as well.  One of their avenues is to make it impossible for him to coach girls' basketball in the future.
Discussion: Big League Politics
Washington Post:
The Trump administration is suing California to quash its new net neutrality law  —  The Trump administration said Sunday it will sue California in an effort to block what some experts have described as the toughest net neutrality law ever enacted in the United States, setting …
Thomas Brewster / Forbes:
Feds Force Suspect To Unlock An Apple iPhone X With Their Face  —  Privacy concerns around iPhone X facial recognition  —  It finally happened.  The feds forced an Apple iPhone X owner to unlock their device with their face.  —  A child abuse investigation unearthed by Forbes includes …
Eliot A. Cohen / The Atlantic:
The Republican Party Abandons Conservatism  —  Ignoring the dictum that if one is not of the left as a young person, one has no heart, and not of the right in middle age, one has no head, I have always been a conservative.  I voted Republican most of the time, affiliated with the GOP …
Matt Thompson / The Atlantic:
This Was Never About Finding Out the Truth
Discussion: Mother Jones
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 More Items: 
Andrew Ferguson / Weekly Standard:
The Groaning Shelves  —  We read the Trump-era bestsellers so you don't have to.
Missy Ryan / Washington Post:
In Syria, Trump administration takes on new goal: Iranian retreat
Washington Post:
Motivation or abuse? Maryland confronts football's fine line as new allegations emerge
Paul Farhi / Washington Post:
The White House press room is overwhelmingly white. Does that matter?
NBC News:
Predictions of a ‘Kavanaugh wave’ in November. But for Democrats or GOP?
Discussion: IJR
Cristina Alesci / CNN:
US yogurt billionaire's solution to immigration: ‘Humanity first’
Discussion: Breitbart and ImmigrationProf Blog
Lolita C. Baldor / Associated Press:
APNewsBreak: Pentagon's immigrant recruit program stymied
Associated Press:
California is 1st state to require women on corporate boards
 Earlier Items: 
Taylor Utzig / WREX-TV:
Winnebago County GOP headquarters vandalized overnight
Discussion: Breitbart, Townhall and John Cabello
Coral Davenport / New York Times:
Trump Administration Prepares a Major Weakening of Mercury Emissions Rules
Carol Morello / Washington Post:
Iran plans to use other currencies to get around U.S. sanctions
Washington Post:
Death toll soars past 800 in Indonesia earthquake, tsunami
Elena Schneider / Politico:
Democrats find their answer to the Koch brothers
Michael Goodwin / New York Post:
Kavanaugh's hearings are a national disaster — and the worst is yet to come

From Techmeme:

Mark Gurman / Bloomberg:
A look at Apple's slow rollout of AI features, impressive visionOS 2 beta, plans for thinnest, lightest devices in tech, including a phone in the iPhone 17 line

Brian Krebs / Krebs on Security:
Report: alleged ringleader of the Scattered Spider hacking group was arrested in Spain; sources: the accused is a 22-year-old Scottish man named Tyler Buchanan

Caroline Mimbs Nyce / The Atlantic:
Kids are interacting with AI in school and online, serving as testers for a new generation of tech, making them the ones to experience some of its worst effects

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