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10:55 AM ET, October 31, 2018


 Top Items: 
Washington Post:
Trump's proposal to end birthright citizenship is unconstitutional  —  George T. Conway III is of counsel at Wachtell, Lipton, Rosen & Katz.  Neal Katyal is a partner at Hogan Lovells and former acting U.S. solicitor general in the Obama administration.  —  Sometimes the Constitution's text …
Wall Street Journal:
Rewriting the Fourteenth Amendment  —  Trump's order on birthright citizenship violates the Constitution.  —  By The Editorial Board  —  President Trump really, really wants to make the midterm election about immigration, and for a while it looked like he had an edge due to Democratic excess.
Alex Daugherty / Tampa Bay Times:
Rick Scott walks away when asked if he supports Trump ending birthright citizenship
Discussion: National Journal
Nina Totenberg / NPR:
A Supreme Marriage Proposal  —  Some personal secrets are so well-kept that even family and friends are oblivious.  So it is with the story of the late Chief Justice William Rehnquist's marriage proposal to a Stanford Law School classmate in the early 1950s.
Discussion: Talking Points Memo
Bim Adewunmi / BuzzFeed News:
Oprah Is Going To Georgia To Campaign With Stacey Abrams  —  Oprah Winfrey, the Oscar-nominated, self-made billionaire and media icon, is heading to Georgia to campaign for Stacey Abrams.  —  The star will join Abrams, the Democratic candidate for governor, on Thursday.
Laura Bassett / HuffPost:
Georgia Domestic Workers Mobilize For Stacey Abrams In The Birthplace Of Their Movement  —  Long erased from the popular narrative of the civil rights and labor movements, household workers are at the heart of a historic bid for governor.  —  ATLANTA Gwinnett County, Georgia …
Discussion: BuzzFeed News
Nelson W. Cunningham / Politico:
Has Mueller Subpoenaed the President?  —  Nelson W. Cunningham has served as a federal prosecutor in the Southern District of New York under Rudolph Giuliani, general counsel of the Senate Judiciary Committee under then-chair Joseph R. Biden, and general counsel of the White House Office of Administration under Bill Clinton.
Marc A. Thiessen / Washington Post:
Our descent into vitriol began long before Trump — and Democrats are culpable too  —  After a deranged Democrat living in his van nearly assassinated Rep. Steve Scalise (R-La.) firing more than 70 rounds at House Republicans practicing for the Congressional Baseball Game …
Caitlin Oprysko / Politico:
Pelosi declares victory before Election Day
Discussion: Breitbart
Mike Allen / Axios:   The midterms' split decision
Reuters:   U.S. House within Democrats' grasp, Senate a long shot
David Hudnall / Kansas City Pitch:
Steve Bannon draws crowd of tens to rally for Steve Watkins in Topeka  —  “Any honeybuns left over from the continental this morning?”  —  Sherman Smith Twitter  —  I highly recommend that you take a look at Topeka Capital-Journal managing editor Sherman Smith's Twitter thread about attending …
Discussion: The Big Lead
NBC News:
Mueller refers sex assault scheme targeting him to FBI for investigation  —  “We immediately referred the matter to the FBI for investigation,” said Peter Carr, spokesperson for the special counsel.  —  Special counsel Robert Mueller last week asked the FBI to investigate a possible scam …
The Daily Beast:
Inside the Crazy Cabal Trying to Smear Robert Mueller
Larry J. Sabato's Crystal Ball:
New polls: Democrats lead marquee Florida races; Arizona Senate, Kansas governor effectively tied  —  The final pre-election Reuters/Ipsos/University of Virginia Center for Politics state-level polls of this election cycle shows Democratic candidates leading for the Sunshine State's high-profile gubernatorial …
KMBC:   Orman campaign treasurer resigns, endorses Kelly
Kevin Cullen /
Freddy Geas, suspected killer of Whitey Bulger, didn't like informants  —  When private investigator Ted McDonough heard that Freddy Geas was suspected by authorities of taking part in the murder of James “Whitey” Bulger, he knew immediately why Geas might have done it.
Dominique Jackson / Raw Story:
WATCH: Trump's motorcade forced to turn around after thousands of protesters flood Pittsburgh streets  —  On Tuesday, despite many people's wishes, President Donald Trump traveled to Pittsburgh to pay his respects to the lives lost in the synagogue massacre.
John Cassidy / New Yorker:
Donald Trump Launches Operation Midterms Diversion  —  By early afternoon on Tuesday, Donald Trump's latest piece of political chicanery, Operation Midterms Diversion, could be considered a partial success.  After a week in which the media narrative was focussed on pipe bombs …
New York Times:
Senior Saudi Prince Returns to Kingdom as Royals Confront Khashoggi Crisis  —  LONDON — A senior member of the Saudi royal family, who had feared returning to the kingdom, flew back to Riyadh from London on Tuesday in the most significant move in the royal family since the killing of the dissident Jamal Khashoggi.
Discussion: ABC News
Washington Post:
Jamal Khashoggi was brutally murdered four weeks ago. We're still waiting for answers.
Michael R. Sisak / Associated Press:
Authorities probing immigrant Saudi sisters' mystery deaths  —  NEW YORK (AP) — Police are investigating the mysterious deaths of two sisters from Saudi Arabia whose bodies, bound together with tape, washed up on New York City's waterfront last week.  —  The sisters, Tala Farea, 16 …
Josh Rogin / Washington Post:
Trump is alienating Muslim voters.  Can Democrats take advantage?  —  When Michael Avenatti got up to speak Sunday night at a fundraiser for a Muslim American activist group in Northern Virginia, he knew the crowd might be surprised to see him.  He also knew his anti-Trump, anti-racism …
Discussion: New York Times
Diana Stancy Correll / Washington Examiner:
Kellyanne Conway removes White House title from Twitter bio  —  Counselor to the president Kellyanne Conway has removed her White House title from her Twitter bio, leaving her profile blank.  —  It's uncertain why the title was removed from Conway's account, and the White House declined …
Stephanie Perry / NBC News:
Record turnout?  Not for millennials — just a third say they'll vote.  —  That number has remained steady since August, according the results of a new NBC News/GenForward survey.  —  About a third of millennials say they will definitely vote in November, according to results …
Discussion: Political Wire
Catie Edmondson / New York Times:
Standing ‘Against White Supremacy,’ G.O.P. Campaign Chief Rebukes Steve King  —  WASHINGTON — As Pittsburgh began burying the victims of Saturday's synagogue massacre, the head of the House Republican campaign arm all but jettisoned Representative Steve King of Iowa from the House Republican Conference …
Discussion: Vanity Fair, Vox, HuffPost and Roll Call
Colby Itkowitz / Washington Post:
Sen. Joe Donnelly says he has black and Indian American staffers, ‘but’ they're terrific  —  Sen. Joe Donnelly (Ind.), a conservative Democrat in one of the tightest reelection battles in the country, made a cringeworthy and puzzling statement about some minorities on his staff during a debate Tuesday night.
Jill Palermo / Fauquier Times:
Former Sen. John Warner, longtime dean of Virginia's GOP, says he supports Cockburn  —  Former Sen. John Warner, who spent 30 years representing Virginia as a Republican, is lending his support to Leslie Cockburn, a Democrat and former investigative journalist vying to represent the 5th District in the U.S. House.
New York Times:
Ivanka Trump and Jared Kushner Shape Trump's Pittsburgh Response … The guns used in the synagogue attack were purchased legally by the suspect, an investigation found.  —  WHITEY BULGER  —  Whitey Bulger, Boston Mobster and Informant, Is Dead at 89 … A Mobster of Many Enemies, Bulger May Have Been Killed in a Hit
Ben Schreckinger / Politico:
How an internet meme became a Trump campaign slogan  —  It used to take a fancy degree and political connections to become a presidential speechwriter.  In the era of President Donald Trump, all you need is a tweet.  —  On a Thursday morning earlier this month, a Twitter user in Georgia …
The radicalization of an alleged domestic terrorist  —  Woman warned Twitter about bomb suspect  —  New York (CNN)Cesar Sayoc's social media accounts read like a blueprint for the radicalization of an alleged domestic terrorist.  —  A CNN KFile analysis of thousands of tweets sent …
Discussion: New York Times and The Week
Kevin Poulsen / The Daily Beast:
Americans Are Easy Marks for Russian Trolls, According to New Data  —  A Daily Beast analysis of Twitter data shows the Kremlin troll farm's English-language propaganda is nine times more effective than its disinformation in Russian.  —  You don't need to read the federal indictments to spot …
Discussion: Raw Story
David Edwards / Raw Story:
GOP Senate candidate Martha McSally: 'I'm getting my ass kicked' because of vote to repeal Obamacare  —  Republican Senate candidate Martha McSally (R-AZ) complained in a recent interview that she is getting her “ass kicked” because she voted to repeal President Barack Obama's health care reform law.
Kanye West Breaks From Politics and Says 'I've Been Used'  —  Breaks From Politics  —  4:15 PM PT — Kanye contacted us to make it clear he did not mention Donald Trump in his tweets, and he's getting out of politics altogether.  —  As for being “used” ... he says he was specifically referencing Blexit, and that's it.
Discussion: Townhall and Raw Story
New York Times:
The Business of Internet Outrage  —  A look at the rise and fall of a right-wing website and the imprint it left on our politics.
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 More Items: 
Robert Pear / New York Times:
Trump Administration to Revise Birth Control Exemptions in Hopes of Saving Them
Discussion: CNN
Des Moines Register:
Letters: We can no longer be silent about King's white supremacist views
Discussion: The Intercept
Julia Jacobs / New York Times:
A Mandarin Duck Mysteriously Appears in Central Park, to Birders' Delight
Raghu Rau / RealClearMarkets:
We Too Easily Ignore Intellectual Property Theft In the U.S.
Discussion: Real Clear Politics
Molly Ball / TIME:
Inside Scott Walker's Wisconsin Survival Plan
Alex Isenstadt / Politico:
‘Moving day’: White House staffers set to split for 2020 campaign
Defense One:
Mattis Sets 30-Day Deadline for Yemen Ceasefire
 Earlier Items: 
Jessica Schulberg / HuffPost:
Gab's CEO Says Pittsburgh Suspect Doesn't Represent The Site.  But He Spent Years Recruiting Racists Like Him.
Discussion: KTVQ-TV
Frank Bruni / New York Times:
The Internet Will Be the Death of Us
Discussion: Mother Jones
John Solomon / The Hill:
Silence of ‘the lambs’: The deafening quietude of the FISA court and John Roberts
Discussion: The Gateway Pundit
Joey Garrison / The Tennessean:
2 new polls show Blackburn leading Tennessee's US Senate race a week from Election Day
Discussion: Townhall and Daily Wire
Daniel Strauss / Politico:
Democrats make late bid for governorships in deep-red Great Plains
Stephanie K. Baer / BuzzFeed News:
Three Men Convicted Of Plotting To Bomb Somali Refugees Say They Were Encouraged By Trump's Rhetoric
Discussion: Hill Reporter
John Foley / Reuters:
Breakingviews - Exclusive: FedEx drops NRA deal by snail-mail
Maggie Astor / New York Times:
In North Dakota, Native Americans Try to Turn an ID Law to Their Advantage
Discussion: HuffPost

From Techmeme:

Mark Gurman / Bloomberg:
A look at Apple's slow rollout of AI features, impressive visionOS 2 beta, plans for thinnest, lightest devices in tech, including a phone in the iPhone 17 line

Brian Krebs / Krebs on Security:
Report: alleged ringleader of the Scattered Spider hacking group was arrested in Spain; sources: the accused is a 22-year-old Scottish man named Tyler Buchanan

Caroline Mimbs Nyce / The Atlantic:
Kids are interacting with AI in school and online, serving as testers for a new generation of tech, making them the ones to experience some of its worst effects

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