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3:05 AM ET, January 2, 2019


 Top Items: 
Mitt Romney / Washington Post:
The president shapes the public character of the nation.  Trump's character falls short.  —  Mitt Romney, a Republican from Utah and the party's 2012 nominee for president, will be sworn into the U.S. Senate on Thursday.  —  The Trump presidency made a deep descent in December.
Joe Heim / Washington Post:
Jerry Falwell Jr. can't imagine Trump 'doing anything that's not good for the country'  —  He lives with his wife, Becki, in Bedford County, Va.  —  You said recently that conservatives and Christians should stop electing nice guys.  Aren't Christians supposed to be nice guys?  —  Of course, of course.
Associated Press:
US fires tear gas across Mexico border to stop migrants  —  TIJUANA, Mexico (AP) — U.S. authorities fired tear gas into Mexico during the first hours of the new year to repel about 150 migrants who tried to breach the border fence in Tijuana.  —  U.S. Customs and Border Protection …
Nick Visser / HuffPost:
Border Patrol Agents Fire Tear Gas Into Mexico As Migrants Attempt To Cross Into U.S.  —  The agency accused migrants of throwing rocks at Border Patrol officers.  —  U.S. Customs and Border Protection agents fired tear gas and pepper spray into Mexico on Tuesday after 150 migrants attempted …
Stef W. Kight / Axios:   Border agents again use tear gas vs. migrants at Mexican border
Katherine Faulders / ABC News:
Trump goes after retired Army Gen. Stanley McChrystal for ‘big, dumb mouth’  —  President Donald Trump took on retired four-star Army Gen. Stanley McChrystal today, saying he “got fired like a dog” and is known for his “big, dumb mouth” — comments that come on the heels of the general criticizing the president.
Michael Bachner / The Times of Israel:
Ohio hospital condemns ex-resident who said she would give Jews ‘the wrong meds’  —  Lara Kollab, 27, stopped working at Cleveland Clinic in September; website publishes dozens of her anti-Semitic, Holocaust-minimizing tweets  —  A hospital in Cleveland, Ohio, said it has fired a doctor …
New York Times:
How Biden Has Paved the Way for a Possible Presidential Run  — A series of careful financial decisions and the creation of nonprofits and academic centers staffed by close advisers would help a campaign-in-waiting for Joseph R. Biden Jr.  — He is expected to reveal his plans early this year.
Discussion: Raw Story
Trump invites congressional leaders to White House for wall briefing  —  The meeting would be the first time the president has sat down with Democrats since the shutdown started.  —  President Donald Trump has invited congressional leaders to a Wednesday afternoon briefing on the border wall …
Paul Krugman / New York Times:
The Trump Tax Cut: Even Worse Than You've Heard  —  Skeptical reporting has still been too favorable.  —  The 2017 tax cut has received pretty bad press, and rightly so.  Its proponents made big promises about soaring investment and wages, and also assured everyone that it would pay for itself; none of that has happened.
Discussion: Common Dreams and Raw Story
Sally Jenkins / Washington Post:
Gifting Daniel Snyder any money or land for a new Redskins stadium would be absolute madness  —  You've got to be either a drunk, a gambler or Daniel Snyder to tank your business in the NFL.  The Washington Redskins owner has firmly established just what a bad investment risk he is.
Daily Mail:
'I'm embarrassed for America': Puzzled viewers slam NBC for its ‘train-wreck’ New Year's Eve coverage after it failed to show the ball drop and aired Chrissy Teigen talking about ‘vaginal steaming’  — Angry viewers described it as a ‘train-wreck’ after the network failed to show …
Ian Stewart / NPR:
Netflix Drops Hasan Minhaj Episode In Saudi Arabia At Government's Request  —  Last fall, the world watched as Saudi Arabia's official story about the death of Washington Post columnist Jamal Khashoggi changed, and changed again.  A series of contradictory claims and denials came …
Christopher Buskirk / Spectator USA:
The shutdown proves how redundant a lot of the government is … The DC media complex is not happy with the partial shutdown of the federal government.  The government shutdown drags into the New Year, they tell us!  It could go on for the rest of January, they cry!
Glenn Thrush / New York Times:
As China Talks Begin, Trump's Trade Negotiator Tries to Keep President From Wavering  —  WASHINGTON — In the middle of his crowded dinner in Buenos Aires with President Xi Jinping of China, President Trump leaned across the table, pointed to Robert Lighthizer, the United States trade …
Travis Waldron / HuffPost:
Brazil Is About To Show The World How A Modern Democracy Collapses  —  Far-right president Jair Bolsonaro is a threat to Brazilian democracy — and a model for authoritarianism that leaders around the world will follow.  —  RIO DE JANEIRO — The tanks began to roll into Rio de Janeiro …
Discussion: CNN and New York Times
Sabarimala temple: Indian women form ‘620km human chain’ for equality  —  Women in the southern Indian state of Kerala have formed a 620km (385-mile) human chain “in support of gender equality”, amid a row over access to a prominent Hindu temple.  —  The Sabarimala shrine was historically closed …
Erik Wemple / Washington Post:
MSNBC is surging  —  MSNBC host Rachel Maddow can speak at length on many topics.  The whims and demographics of her cable-news audience, however, are not among them.  “I think I may just be lucky that we're at a time in the news cycle where there is an appetite for that kind of explanatory work …
Discussion: Instapundit
Brian Stelter / CNN:   Donald Trump ends 2018 with a Fox News interview — his 41st since inauguration
Richard Pérez-Peña / New York Times:
American Accused of Spying in Russia Is a Marine Veteran, Family Says  —  LONDON — The American man who was arrested last week in Russia on a spying charge is a Marine Corps veteran who was in Moscow to attend a wedding, his family said on Tuesday.  —  Russia's Federal Security Service …
Amie Ferris-Rotman / Washington Post:
Family of American arrested in Russia on spy charges fears for his safety
Discussion: Wall Street Journal and NPR
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 More Items: 
Martin Wolf / Financial Times:
The future might not belong to China
Discussion: Marginal REVOLUTION
Thomas Adamson / Associated Press:
US, Israel exit UN cultural agency, claiming bias
Robert D. Kaplan / New York Times:
Time to Get Out of Afghanistan
Betsy Woodruff / The Daily Beast:
Team Trump's Blueprint for Fighting Back Against the Mueller Report
Discussion: Law & Crime
Katherine Stewart / New York Times:
Why Trump Reigns as King Cyrus
Ashley Iasimone / Billboard:
Kanye West Reaffirms His Support of Trump in His First Tweets of 2019
Soo Youn / ABC News:
Child injured during ‘Rhino Encounter’ at Brevard Zoo in Florida
Discussion: The Daily Caller
Paul Greenberg / New York Times:
In Search of Lost Screen Time
 Earlier Items: 
Eric W. Dolan / Raw Story:
Alan Dershowitz: Anyone who compares Trump to Hitler is a Holocaust denier
Emma G. Fitzsimmons / New York Times:
Why the West Coast Is Suddenly Beating the East Coast on Transportation
Bernie Becker / Politico:
How the shutdown is reaching a breaking point
Discussion: The Guardian
Brianne Pfannenstiel / Des Moines Register:
Elizabeth Warren, who just announced plans to explore presidential bid, will visit Iowa
Discussion: Daily Mail, NPR and Wall Street Journal
Joanna Weiss / Politico:
How Trump Got Bad at Twitter
Discussion: Raw Story
Ariel Edwards-Levy / HuffPost:
These 16 Polls Show How American Thinking Has (And Hasn't) Changed In 80 Years
Paul Farhi / Washington Post:
Beyond ‘no comment’: The White House has no response — at all — to many media questions
Discussion: Mediaite and Raw Story

From Mediagazer:

Jack Herrera / Columbia Journalism Review:
A profile of Lorena López, the founder and editor of La Prensa de Iowa, an improbably successful Spanish-language paper serving rural farm towns in western Iowa

Jason Parham / Wired:
Q&A with HuffPost editor Phil Lewis on aggregating news on X, being a “newsfluencer”, Black media and Black newsrooms, the future of news, and more

Stephen Battaglio / Los Angeles Times:
A look at the growing popularity of Tubi as streaming prices rise; Nielsen: May was Tubi's most-watched month ever, with an average of 1M viewers, up 46% YoY

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