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8:50 AM ET, February 25, 2019


 Top Items: 
Ellen Nakashima / Washington Post:
Former senior national security officials to issue declaration on national emergency  —  A bipartisan group of 58 former senior national security officials will issue a statement Monday saying that “there is no factual basis” for President Trump's proclamation of a national emergency to build a wall on the U.S.-Mexico border.
MJ Lee / CNN:
Elizabeth Warren's new promise: No fundraisers, phone calls with wealthy donors  —  (CNN)Sen. Elizabeth Warren is laying down a new rule for her presidential campaign: No fundraisers, dinners, receptions or phone calls with wealthy donors.  —  Warren's bid for the White House has been defined since …
Natasha Korecki / Politico:
Warren shuts down donor dinners, insider access  —  Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.) announced Monday her campaign will shun fundraising through some of the old-fashioned means: dinners, donor calls and cocktail parties.  —  In an email to supporters Monday, Warren also said she won't sell access …
Discussion: Axios
Wall Street Journal:   Elizabeth Warren Passes on Big-Ticket Fundraisers in Primary Campaign
Jonathan Swan / Axios:
Concerns rise over Neomi Rao, Trump's D.C. Circuit nominee  —  A new obstacle has emerged in the path to Neomi Rao replacing Brett Kavanaugh on the powerful D.C. Circuit Court.  —  The state of play: A source close to the White House confirmation process told me that Republican Sen. Josh Hawley has …
Discussion: CNN, and RedState
Mark Leibovich / New York Times:   How Lindsey Graham Went From Trump Skeptic to Trump Sidekick
The Bulwark:   Time For the GOP to Take a Stand
Maggie Severns / Politico:
GOP donors: Trump campaign lacks a strategy to win in 2020  —  Late last month, more than 100 major Republican donors gathered at the Trump International Hotel for a presentation from the president's campaign manager Brad Parscale and other top political hands on their plans to keep the White House …
Discussion: Talking Points Memo and Raw Story
New York Times:   Rust Belt, Sun Belt or Both? Democrats Seek the Best Route to the White House
Jonathan Swan / Axios:
How Trump's hawkish approach to Venezuela was spurred by a chance Oval Office encounter  —  Many observers see Trump's hawkish approach to Venezuela as a foreign policy aberration.  In reality, though, it's pure Trump.  Over a week of interviews, people with intimate knowledge …
Jonathan Swan / Axios:
How Mike Pence wields foreign policy power
Discussion: The Week and Raw Story
Katie Rogers / New York Times:
On Foreign Trips, Pence Steps Out of Trump's Shadow but Always Stays on Message
Discussion: The Week
Stephen Collinson / CNN:
The stakes could not be higher for Trump in extraordinary split screen week  —  (CNN)Even by the combustible standards of Donald Trump, the spectacle set to unfold around his presidency in time zones 12 hours apart in the next few days could defy description.
Alexander Nazaryan / Yahoo News:
Kamala Harris attracts crowds in Iowa, but leaves questions about what she believes  —  DES MOINES, Iowa — Kamala is here.  The news spread quickly on Friday evening through the lobby of a downtown Des Moines hotel, where out-of-town progressives attending a political training and Iowans …
Discussion: NB Blog
New York Post:   Bill de Blasio stranded in Iowa motel after blizzard hits
Julia Marsh / New York Post:
Mayor de Blasio trash talks Clinton, praises Trump in Iowa
Discussion: Breitbart
Daniel Lippman / Politico:
Ex-Clinton staffers slam Sanders over private jet flights  —  In his campaign launch video last week, Bernie Sanders singled out the fossil fuel industry for criticism, listing it among the special interests he planned to take on.  But in the final months of the 2016 campaign …
Daniel Marans / HuffPost:
Sanders Asks Campaign Surrogates To ‘Engage Respectfully’ With Democratic Rivals
Discussion: CNN
Justin Chang / Los Angeles Times:
Oscars 2019: ‘Green Book’ is the worst best picture winner since ‘Crash’ … “Green Book” is the worst best picture Oscar winner since “Crash,” and I don't make the comparison lightly.  —  Like that 2005 movie, Peter Farrelly's interracial buddy dramedy is insultingly glib and hucksterish …
David Leonhardt / New York Times:
How the Upper Middle Class Is Really Doing  —  Since 1980, the incomes of the very rich have grown  —  faster than the economy.  The upper middle class  —  has kept pace with the economy, while the middle class and poor have fallen behind.  —  CHANGE IN  —  INCOME:  —  Top 0.01%
Will Bunch /
Robert Kraft, Jeffrey Epstein, Donald Trump and a day of reckoning for America's billionaires  —  He could have gone anywhere, but Robert Kraft — one of the 100 richest men in America, owner of the Super Bowl champion (sigh) New England Patriots — went to the Orchids of Asia Day Spa …
Discussion: The Daily Beast
Zachary Warmbrodt / Politico:
House Democrats target Trump's personal finances  —  House Democrats are planning to cross one of President Donald Trump's red lines: investigating his personal finances.  —  With special counsel Robert Mueller expected to wind up his work soon, Democrats are launching an investigation …
Discussion: Raw Story
New York Post:
Where in the world does Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez live? … She may be America's most famous freshman congresswoman, but in New York, Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is a virtual ghost.  —  She has no district office and no local phone number, unlike the state's three other freshman members.
Aris Folley / The Hill:
Ocasio-Cortez stars as a ‘butt-kicking’ political superhero in new comic book
The Daily Beast:
Trump Tells His Lawyers: Stay for the Coming Legal Hellscape  —  The president has made private admissions that federal investigations bedeviling his first term in office will be haunting him for possibly years to come.  —  Late last year, over the course of three separate conversations …
Caitlin Flanagan / The Atlantic:
Dianne Feinstein Doesn't Need a Do-Over  —  On Friday morning in San Francisco, the Sunrise Movement faced off against the Sunset Movement—and the Sunset Movement won.  It won big.  —  A group of jackbooted tots and aggrieved teenagers showed up at the local office of Dianne Feinstein …
Zoe Tillman / BuzzFeed News:
Roger Stone's Proud Boys “Volunteers” Have Been Defending Him Online After The Judge Entered A Gag Order  —  WASHINGTON - Questioned in court last week about his recent Instagram post featuring a photo of the judge presiding over his case with what resembled a crosshairs symbol …
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 More Items: 
John Wagner / Washington Post:
Trump accuses Spike Lee of delivering a ‘racist hit’ on him at Oscars
Dana Bash / CNN:
Harry Reid wishes for George W. Bush again ‘every day’
Discussion: Political Wire
Victor Davis Hanson / American Greatness:
Yes, ‘This Is America, 2019’
Discussion: The College Fix
Byron York / Washington Examiner:
Is Trump especially vulnerable to primary challenge?
Aaron Rodriguez / CREW:
New Report: Trump Appears to Have Committed Multiple Crimes
Discussion: Raw Story
Fred Hiatt / Washington Post:
China has put 1 million Muslims in concentration camps. MBS had nothing to say.
Michael Wilner / Jerusalem Post:
‘Not getting involved’ in Otzma controversy, Pompeo says
 Earlier Items: 
Washington Post:
Want a Green New Deal? Here's a better one.
Discussion: Talking Points Memo
John Sipher / New York Times:
Putin's One Weapon: The ‘Intelligence State’
Former Colorado House Speaker Crisanta Duran announces primary challenge to Rep. Diana DeGette
Discussion: The Colorado Sun
David S. Bernstein / Politico:
Trump's Secret to Victory in 2020: Hispanic Voters
Discussion: Instapundit
Derek Thompson / The Atlantic:
Workism Is Making Americans Miserable

From Mediagazer:

Adam Ganucheau / New York Times:
The defamation suit from former Mississippi Governor Phil Bryant against Mississippi Today could become a political playbook to dismantle US press freedoms

Jack Herrera / Columbia Journalism Review:
A profile of Lorena López, the founder and editor of La Prensa de Iowa, an improbably successful Spanish-language paper serving rural farm towns in western Iowa

Jason Parham / Wired:
Q&A with HuffPost editor Phil Lewis on aggregating news on X, being a “newsfluencer”, Black media and Black newsrooms, the future of news, and more

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