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4:20 AM ET, February 26, 2019


 Top Items: 
Marianne LeVine / Politico:
Trump on brink of defeat on border emergency  —  President Donald Trump is on the verge of a bipartisan rejection of his emergency declaration at the border in what would be an embarrassing rebuke by a Congress opposed to his immigration agenda.  —  Sen. Thom Tillis (R-N.C.) …
Discussion: Raw Story
Alice Miranda Ollstein / Politico:
Senate defeats anti-abortion bill, as GOP tries to jam Dems  —  The Senate on Monday rejected a bill making it a felony for a doctor to harm or neglect an infant who survives an “attempted abortion,” part of a Republican effort to squeeze Democrats ahead of the 2020 campaign.
Discussion: Townhall
Jordain Carney / The Hill:
Murkowski ‘likely’ to support resolution to block Trump's emergency declaration  —  GOP Sen. Lisa Murkowski (Alaska) said over the weekend that she is “likely” to support a resolution blocking President Trump's emergency declaration, which is expected to be sent to the Senate later this week.
Jordain Carney / The Hill:
GOP Sen. Tillis to vote for resolution blocking Trump's emergency declaration
Wall Street Journal:
House Investigators Probe Trump Contact With Matthew Whitaker  —  A House panel believes it has evidence that President Trump asked Matthew Whitaker, at the time the acting attorney general, whether Manhattan U.S. attorney Geoffrey Berman could regain control of his office's investigation …
Discussion: Raw Story
Chris Geidner / BuzzFeed News:
Trump's Memo Appointing Matthew Whitaker Raises Questions About When He Actually Took Over DOJ  —  WASHINGTON — A newly released document regarding former acting attorney general Matthew Whitaker's appointment shows that, at the earliest, President Donald Trump authorized Whitaker to lead …
Shane Goldmacher / New York Times:
Bernie Sanders Raises $10 Million in Less Than a Week  —  A clutch of advisers to Senator Bernie Sanders began arriving at the Capitol Hill townhouse that served as his makeshift headquarters before dawn last Tuesday, where they readied themselves to track, among other things …
Discussion: Axios
Hanna Trudo / National Journal:
Sanders Prepares to Release Tax Returns
WZVN-TV:   Harry Reid weighs in on the 2020 Democratic field: They don't need to talk about Trump
On August 2, 2016, Paul Manafort Gave Konstantin Kilimnik 75 Pages of Recent, Detailed Polling Data  —  I want to return again to the question of what Paul Manafort ordered Rick Gates to print out on August 2, 2016, so he could share it with Konstantin Kilimnik at a clandestine meeting that night.
Discussion: Political Wire
Brett Samuels / The Hill:
Russia says US asked for advice on dealing with North Korea  —  Russian foreign minister Sergey Lavrov on Monday said that the U.S. asked for Moscow's advice in approaching this week's summit between President Trump and North Korean leader Kim Jong Un.  —  The Associated Press reported …
Discussion: Just Security
Washington Post:
In Hanoi, Kim Jong Un and a culture clash with the White House press corps
Associated Press:
Russia: US asks for advice on North Korea talks
Discussion: Washington Press
Dennis Overbye / New York Times:
Have Dark Forces Been Messing With the Cosmos?  —  Axions?  Phantom energy?  Astrophysicists scramble to patch a hole in the universe, rewriting cosmic history in the process.  —  There was, you might say, a disturbance in the Force.  —  Long, long ago, when the universe …
New York Times:
It's Mueller's Investigation.  But Right Behind Him Is Andrew Goldstein.  —  WASHINGTON — The routine was always the same.  President Trump's lawyers would drive to heavily secured offices near the National Mall, surrender their cellphones, head into a windowless conference room …
Discussion: Law & Crime and Hullabaloo
Paul Manafort Seeks Mercy From D.C. Judge Who'll Punish Him  — Manafort cites age, health concerns in bid for leniency  — Significant jail time would amount to life sentence, he says  —  Paul Manafort's lawyers say President Donald Trump's onetime campaign chairman has been punished enough …
Discussion: Axios
Josh Gerstein / Politico:   Manafort lawyers ask judge for leniency in sentencing
Ari Natter / Bloomberg:
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez's Green New Deal Could Cost $93 Trillion, Group Says  —  Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez's ambitious plan to fight climate change won't be cheap, according to a think tank led by a former Congressional Budget Office director.
Andrew Osborn / Reuters:
After Putin's warning, Russian TV lists nuclear targets in U.S.  —  MOSCOW (Reuters) - Russian state television has listed U.S. military facilities that Moscow would target in the event of a nuclear strike, and said that a hypersonic missile Russia is developing would be able to hit them in less than five minutes.
Nicole Darrah / Fox News:
Univision anchor Jorge Ramos, team detained, released in Venezuela, network says  —  Univision anchor Jorge Ramos and five members of his team were detained and later released in Caracas, Venezuela by President Nicolas Maduro on Monday during an interview in which the embattled president …
Chuck Ross / The Daily Caller:
What The Steele Dossier Got Wrong About Michael Cohen  — A previously redacted section of the Steele dossier that was recently unsealed in a legal case makes several false claims about Michael Cohen's wife and father-in-law.  — The inaccuracies raise further questions about the veracity …
Shane Dixon Kavanaugh / Oregonian:
State Department says it won't intervene after manslaughter suspect returns to Saudi Arabia  —  The State Department has indicated little hope of bringing back a Saudi citizen to the United States after he fled before his manslaughter trial in Portland.  —  The department confirmed …
Donie O'Sullivan / CNN:
Facebook restores Russia-linked pages, but is still figuring out what to do about state-backed media  —  New York (CNN Business)Facebook said Monday that it would allow a network of millennial-focused pages tied to the Russian state-backed media outlet RT back on its platform …
Stephen Castle / New York Times:
Labour Party Leader, Under Pressure, Backs a New Brexit Referendum  —  LONDON — Britain's opposition Labour Party said on Monday that it was prepared to support a second referendum on withdrawal from the European Union, a shift that could have significant ramifications for the fate of Brexit and for the country's future.
Discussion: Lawyers, Guns & Money
Michael M. Phillips / Wall Street Journal:
Marine Recruits Learn an Important Lesson: What Happened on 9/11  —  The U.S. war in Afghanistan has been going on for so long that the newest recruits weren't alive when it started.  In boot camp, they're taught about the terrorist attacks that set off the war they may soon fight.
Todd Richmond / Associated Press:
Wisconsin governor orders troops to leave southern border  —  MADISON, Wis. (AP) — Wisconsin Gov. Tony Evers on Monday ordered the state's National Guard troops to withdraw from the border with Mexico, drawing the ire of a Republican congressman from Illinois who serves as a pilot in the Wisconsin detachment.
Discussion: National Review
Joint Statement from ICE and CBP on stillbirth in custody  —  On Feb. 22, while being processed for release from DHS custody, a 24-year-old Honduran woman went into premature labor and delivered a stillborn baby at the Port Isabel Detention Center (PIDC).  —  The woman, whose name …
Discussion: The Daily Beast and Splinter
John Williams / New York Times:
New York Review Names 2 Top Editors 5 Months After Ian Buruma's Departure  —  The New York Review of Books has installed two editors to lead the magazine after being without a top editor since the sudden departure of Ian Buruma in September.  Rea Hederman, the publisher of the intellectual journal …
Stephanie Ruhle / MSNBC:
Former Cambridge Analytica employee was questioned by Mueller  —  One of Cambridge Analytica's former employees is now said to have been questioned by Special Counsel Robert Mueller.  Watch Ayman Mohyeldin speak with that former employee's lawyer about what she knew and why Mueller wanted to speak with her.
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 More Items: 
Ridhima Shukla /
Live Updates: Preemptive Action Targeted At Jaish Camp, Says Centre
Discussion: RT and Balloon Juice
Sharm El-Sheikh summit declaration
Discussion: Politico
Maggie Severns / Politico:
Warren creates purity test unseen in modern presidential politics
Discussion: Washington Post
New York Times:
Arrest Record Leaks for a Top Candidate in Tuesday's Public Advocate Election
Dave Levinthal / Center for Public Integrity:
Jill Stein is finally paying her numerous federal fines
Sarah Boseley / The Guardian:
Vaccine scepticism grows in line with rise of populism - study
Ben Lefebvre / Politico:
Exclusive: Interior hands out hundreds of offshore drilling safety rule waivers
 Earlier Items: 
Bryan Lowry / Kansas City Star:
Activist whose group infiltrated McCaskill campaign will take stage after Josh Hawley
Alex Griswold / Washington Free Beacon:
Diamond and Silk Documentary Snubbed by Anti-Conservative Oscars
Justin McCarthy / Gallup:
Americans' Perceptions of U.S. World Image Best Since 2003
John Wagner / Washington Post:
Trump Organization asks House committee to cease investigations, citing an alleged conflict of interest
Francis X. Donnelly / Detroit News:
Jackson gay rights leader accused of burning down own home
Washington Post:
Former campaign staffer alleges in lawsuit that Trump kissed her without her consent.

From Techmeme:

Mark Gurman / Bloomberg:
A look at Apple's slow rollout of AI features, impressive visionOS 2 beta, plans for thinnest, lightest devices in tech, including a phone in the iPhone 17 line

Brian Krebs / Krebs on Security:
Report: alleged ringleader of the Scattered Spider hacking group was arrested in Spain; sources: the accused is a 22-year-old Scottish man named Tyler Buchanan

Caroline Mimbs Nyce / The Atlantic:
Kids are interacting with AI in school and online, serving as testers for a new generation of tech, making them the ones to experience some of its worst effects

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