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12:15 PM ET, March 3, 2019


 Top Items: 
ABC News:
Over 60 document requests being sent Monday: House Judiciary Chairman Jerrold Nadler  —  Rep. Jerrold Nadler, D-N.Y., is interviewed on “This Week.”  —  27m ago  —  ‘This Week’ Transcript 3-3-19: Rep. Nadler, Rep. McCarthy and Gov. Inslee  —  This is a rush transcript for “This Week” airing Sunday, March 3.
Discussion: CNBC, Political Wire and Breitbart
Marisa Fernandez / Axios:
House Judiciary chair: “It's very clear” Trump obstructed justice  —  House Judiciary Chairman Rep. Jerry Nadler (D-N.Y.), whose committee would be responsible for starting impeachment proceedings, told ABC's George Stephanopoulos on Sunday that “it's very clear” that President Trump obstructed justice.
Christian Vasquez / Politico:
Nadler: Dozens of document requests to be sent in Trump probe
Discussion: Breitbart
Mark Murray / NBC News:
NBC News/WSJ poll: 2020 race will be uphill for Trump, but he has strong party loyalty  —  NBC News/WSJ poll finds President Trump facing headwinds on Russia investigation and border wall but bolstered by strong GOP support and a good economy.  —  WASHINGTON — A year and a half …
Reid J. Epstein / Wall Street Journal:
Trump's Job-Approval Rating Ticks Up, Along With Warning Signs  —  President Trump's job-approval rating has ticked up, but many of his party's policy positions are viewed as out of the mainstream, the latest Wall Street Journal/NBC News poll finds.
Isaac Chotiner / New Yorker:
A BuzzFeed Reporter Explains His Controversial Reporting on Michael Cohen and Donald Trump  —  In January, BuzzFeed published perhaps the clearest accusation against President Trump in all of the reporting about the Russia investigation.  Under the headline “President Trump Instructed …
Discussion: The Gateway Pundit
Washington Post:
Lawmakers exploring possible pardon talks involving Michael Cohen  —  Lawmakers are investigating whether President Trump's former personal lawyer Michael Cohen was involved in any discussions about possible pardons — which they view as a potentially ripe area of inquiry into whether anyone sought …
Washington Post:
Trump can give anyone he wants a security clearance — but Congress can ask why
Discussion: Politico, CNN and The Guardian
New York Times:
How the Trump-Kim Summit Failed: Big Threats, Big Egos, Bad Bets  —  HANOI, Vietnam — As President Trump settled into the dining room of a French-colonial hotel in Hanoi on Thursday morning, the conversation with Kim Jong-un, the North Korean leader with whom he had struck up the oddest of friendships, was already turning tense.
Discussion: Outside the Beltway
Isabel Dobrin / Politico:
Trump's 10 wildest CPAC quotes
Discussion: Lawyers, Guns & Money
Lauren Egan / NBC News:
Trump lets loose at CPAC in longest speech of his presidency
Discussion: AOL
David Nakamura / Washington Post:   Trump whipped up public emotion over Otto Warmbier's death. Now it's boomeranging back on him.
David D. Kirkpatrick / New York Times:
Saudi Arabia Is Said to Have Tortured an American Citizen  —  A dual citizen of Saudi Arabia and the United States had been imprisoned in the Ritz Carlton in Riyadh for about a week when he heard a knock on his door.  —  Guards dragged Walid Fitaihi, a Harvard-trained physician, to another room …
Discussion: Human Rights Watch and Al Jazeera
Nicholas Kristof / New York Times:   Jared and the Saudi Crown Prince Go Nuclear?
Howie Carr / Boston Herald:
Smirking media bias against GOP couldn't be clearer  —  Have you ever noticed how differently Republicans are treated in the media than Democrats?  —  Every newsroom in the country used to have what was called the “AP Stylebook” to use in writing news stories.
Robert Costa / Washington Post:
'We're not going to turn on our own': Republicans rally around Trump as threats mount
Renuka Rayasam / Politico:
Texas GOP races to shore up the suburbs for 2020  —  AUSTIN, Texas — Texas Republicans barely escaped a colossal defeat last year.  Now the party is scrambling to avoid a repeat in 2020.  —  Facing a rapidly changing voter base, anti-Trump fervor and a more motivated Democratic Party …
Discussion: POLITICUSUSA and Raw Story
Edward-Isaac Dovere / The Atlantic:
Andrew Cuomo's Case for 2020—No, Really  —  NEW YORK—Here's how Andrew Cuomo ends our first interview at the beginning of January, sitting in a chair in his office, after eating cookie No. 4 from the tray his staff prepared.  I put a simple question to him: “Would you like to be president?”
Vegas Tenold / The Guardian:
The neo-Nazi plot against America is much bigger than we realize  —  Lt Christopher Hasson is the product of traditions in white supremacist circles, and experts say there are ‘thousands like him’  —  In the early summer of 2017, US coast guard lieutenant Christopher Hasson had an idea.
Devon Ivie / Vulture:
Steven Spielberg Is Reportedly Continuing His Quest to Ban Netflix at the Oscars  —  The success of Alfonso Cuarón's Roma at this year's Oscars has royally pissed off Steven Spielberg, so much so he's reportedly doubling down on banning streaming films from awards contention once and for all.
Emily Heil / Washington Post:
At Gridiron dinner, Ivanka tries laughs: 'As if being Donald Trump's daughter isn't the hardest job in the world'  —  There were several crucial questions surrounding Saturday night's Gridiron dinner, that exclusive, annual white-tie gathering hosted by a club made up of Washington's most elite journalists …
Discussion: Associated Press and Axios
Elena Schneider / Politico:
Nevada 2020 caucus ‘free-for-all’ heats up  —  The Democratic 2020 fight for Nevada — the oft-forgotten but critically important early presidential nominating state — is rapidly ramping up.  —  While the lion's share of media attention is focused on Iowa, New Hampshire and South Carolina …
Amie Parnes / The Hill:
Biden seeks donors as he eyes presidential bid
Discussion: POLITICUSUSA and Political Wire
David Von Drehle / Washington Post:
Where does America find such sad excuses for elected leaders?  —  Like so many figures from the world of President Trump, his former lawyer Michael Cohen appears to have been recruited from a dinner theater production of “ Guys and Dolls .”  He looks like maybe his nose stood a little too close to the wrong person's fist.
Rene Chun / The Daily Beast:
How David Pecker Built His Tabloid Empire on Fear  —  A previously unpublished profile captures the Enquirer boss at start of his reign as gossip king.  ‘He likes people walking around in fear,’ says one worker.  ‘He gets off on it.’ … Talk to employees who have passed through the grist mill …
Sacramento Bee:
Stephon Clark's life mattered.  His death must change rules for police deadly force  —  Change the law.  —  If there's one thing we can do to channel the pain and anguish of Stephon Clark's unnecessary death into meaningful action, it's this: Use every ounce of energy and outrage to push for the passage of Assembly Bill 392.
Discussion: ThinkProgress, New York Times and CNN
Ross Douthat / New York Times:
The State of Russiagate  —  How the Steele dossier's scenarios look after Michael Cohen's testimony.  —  In the window of calm between Michael Cohen's testimony and the allegedly almost-at-hand delivery of Robert Mueller's report, it's worth returning for a moment to the document that established …
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 More Items: 
Trip Gabriel / New York Times:
Pennsylvania Democrats Wonder How Far Is Too Far Left in 2020
Melanie Mason / Los Angeles Times:
How California's early primary illustrates the state's political inferiority complex
Discussion: Politico
Matt Lewis / The Daily Beast:
Never-Trump Republicans Start to Show Some Spine
Tom Boggioni / Raw Story:
The Republican Party is dead: GOP strategist stunned by reception to Trump's ‘unhinged’ CPAC speech
Discussion: The Mahablog
Megan McArdle / Washington Post:
If #NeverTrumpers don't have an endgame, maybe it's because to them politics isn't a game
Discussion: American Thinker and RedState
New York Post:
Gas-guzzling car rides expose AOC's hypocrisy amid Green New Deal pledge
Discussion: Pirate's Cove
Washington Post:
29 parents separated from their children and deported last year cross U.S. border to request asylum
Discussion: The Week and Common Dreams
Sydney Ember / New York Times:
Bernie Sanders Begins 2020 Race With Some Familiar Themes and a New One: Himself
Discussion: CNN
 Earlier Items: 
Mary Papenfuss / HuffPost:
11 Million Taxpayers Losing $323 Billion In Deductions In Trump Tax Hit
Discussion: POLITICUSUSA and Raw Story
Jon Gabriel / Arizona Republic:
Why politicians will talk about anything but our ballooning national debt
John McCormack / Politico:
Is Dan Crenshaw the Future of the GOP?
Gregory Krieg / CNN:
Elizabeth Warren on whether she regrets not running in 2016: 'You can't go back'
Janet Hook / Los Angeles Times:
Democrats, facing a big candidate field, ask: Who is most electable over Trump?
Jennifer Barrios / Washington Post:
Commission picks new map for Maryland's gerrymandered 6th District
Andrew E. Kramer / New York Times:
Russian General Pitches ‘Information’ Operations as a Form of War
Discussion: Sputnik International