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10:30 AM ET, May 5, 2019


 Top Items: 
Mark Murray / NBC News:
‘Hung jury’: Public remains divided over Mueller probe in new NBC/WSJ poll  —  Sixty percent of Americans say President Donald Trump has been dishonest in the Russia investigation, but it's a mixed bag on impeachment hearings.  —  WASHINGTON — Sixty percent of Americans say President Donald Trump …
Discussion: Political Wire and POLITICUSUSA
Jamie Lovegrove / Post and Courier:
Joe Biden targets Trump, vows to 'restore America's soul' in first SC 2020 campaign stop … Former Vice President Joe Biden speaks at the first South Carolina rally of his 2020 presidential campaign in Columbia on Saturday, May 4, 2019.  Daniel Hare/Special to The Post and Courier
Natasha Korecki / Politico:
Biden gives Trump a nickname: ‘Clown’  —  COLUMBIA, S.C. — Joe Biden on Saturday referred to President Donald Trump as a “clown” after a supporter asked the former vice president whether he would return Trump's insults.  —  Biden, who is on the first swing of his 2020 campaign …
Discussion: Fox News and Axios
Washington Post:   Joe Biden's strong debut puts pressure on other candidates vying to challenge Trump
Michael Conway / NBC News:
If William Barr continues to defy subpoenas, Watergate offers House Democrats several options  —  In this fight, not acting to preserve its powers as a co-equal branch of government could relegate Congress to subservience in perpetuity.  —  The House Judiciary Committee grappled 45 years ago …
Maggie Severns / Politico:
Liberal mega-donors plan $100 million swing-state blitz to beat Trump  —  The country's most powerful liberal donor club is reshaping its spending for the 2020 election, playing down longtime relationships with groups in Washington and instead preparing to pour $100 million into key states to help defeat President Donald Trump.
Discussion: Political Wire
Ruth Graham / Slate:
Rachel Held Evans, the Hugely Popular Christian Writer Who Challenged the Evangelical Establishment, Is Dead at 37  —  Rachel Held Evans, an influential progressive Christian writer and speaker who cheerfully challenged American evangelical culture, died on Saturday at a hospital in Nashville.
Sarah Pulliam Bailey / Washington Post:
Rachel Held Evans, progressive Christian author who challenged evangelicals, dies at 37
Discussion: New York Times, CNN and The Daily Beast
Emily McFarlan Miller / Religion News Service:
Rachel Held Evans, Christian writer of honesty and humor, dies at age 37
Discussion: Daily Kos
Associated Press:
Let's make a Brexit deal, UK PM May tells Labour opposition  —  British Prime Minister Theresa May says her Conservative government and the opposition Labour Party have a duty to strike a compromise Brexit agreement to end months of political deadlock over Britain's exit from the European Union.
Katie Jennings / Politico:
May to Corbyn: 'Let's do a deal' on Brexit
Jack Goldsmith / Lawfare:
Thoughts on Barr and the Mueller Report  —  I've been in a cave for several weeks crashing to complete my new book, and am only now emerging to read Special Counsel Robert Mueller's report and the commentary on it.  I'll hopefully have more to say on the report, especially on its legal analysis …
Discussion: Outside the Beltway and Breitbart
Jennifer Schuessler / New York Times:
Medieval Scholars Joust With White Nationalists.  And One Another.  —  Each May, some 3,000 people descend on Kalamazoo, Mich., for the International Congress on Medieval Studies, which brings together academics and enthusiasts for four days of scholarly panels, performances and after-hours mead drinking.
Discussion: Raw Story
Ross Douthat / New York Times:
A Spy by Any Name  —  A few questions about the F.B.I.'s don't-call-it-spying on the Trump campaign.  —  Back in the golden age of presidential conduct, before Donald Trump wrecked every norm and smashed every guardrail, someone — either in Lyndon Johnson's White House or in Langley …
Discussion: CNN
Bonchie / RedState:
The New York Times Goes to Hilarious Lengths to Not Use the Word “Spy”
Toluse Olorunnipa / Washington Post:
‘Investigate the investigators’ is new Trump rallying cry to counter Mueller report
Discussion: New York Post and PoliticalShort
Salt Lake Tribune:
Tribune Editorial: Ambition must be made to counteract ambition  —  By The Salt Lake Tribune Editorial Board … — James Madison, Federalist No. 51  —  Mr. Madison's plan for the survival of popular government was nowhere to be seen last week, as Republican members of Congress put …
Discussion: Raw Story
Charles P. Pierce / Esquire:
Please Explain How This Entire Presidency* Isn't a National-Security Crisis  —  President Trump and President Putin are on the same page.  Why aren't the rest of us? … They have to be kidding now.  From the  —  Washington Post … All “checking in with the home office” japery aside …
Bob Brigham / Raw Story:
Omarosa claims White House destroyed 5 boxes of documents — that should have been turned over to Mueller  —  President Donald Trump's White House likely destroyed five boxes of emails, a top former advisor explained on MSNBC.  —  Omarosa Manigault Newman worked for the White House …
Discussion: Washington Press
Sung-Yoon Lee / New York Times:
Kim Jong-un Shot a Rocket?  He Wants to Talk  —  President Trump should deny him the privilege.  —  Mr. Lee is a professor of Korean Studies.  —  The North Korean government wants to talk.  On Saturday morning, displaying its signature defiance and smokescreen strategy …
Discussion: Gizmodo, Mother Jones and Slate
Mary Kay Linge / New York Post:
Ticket prices plunge for Bill and Hillary Clinton's speaking tour  —  SEE ALSO  —  Tickets to the latest stop on Bill and Hillary Clinton's speaking tour were going for as little as $20 on the secondary market as their 13-city adventure continued to struggle to find an audience.
Washington Post:
Trump wants ‘toughness’ to deter migration, but physical measures keep failing  —  Frustrated that his administration's border control measures are not working, President Trump has been musing lately about the kinds of tactics he thinks would really get results.
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 More Items: 
Todd J. Gillman / Dallas Morning News:
Beto O'Rourke now calls for impeaching Trump: ‘No man ... is above the law’
Discussion: Washington Times and Rolling Stone
Maureen Dowd / New York Times:
Fair Play Is No Match for Foul
Discussion: Hullabaloo
Rowaida Abdelaziz / HuffPost:
Muslim Man Was Fired When He Spoke Up About Mistreatment By His Boss
Caroline Kelly / CNN:
California Senate approves bill requiring presidential candidates to submit tax returns
Anthony Faiola / Washington Post:
‘Need more soldiers’: Venezuela's Guaidó says opposition overestimated military support before failed uprising
Dareh Gregorian / NBC News:
Meet the pets: The dogs of the presidential contenders. And Beto's turtle.
 Earlier Items: 
Ellie Hall / BuzzFeed News:
An Alabama “ISIS Bride” Wants To Come Home. Can We Forgive Her Horrifying Social Media Posts?
New York Times:
In Push for Trade Deal, Trump Administration Shelves Sanctions Over China's Crackdown on Uighurs
Wall Street Journal:
In News Industry, a Stark Divide Between Haves and Have-Nots
Ruby Cramer / BuzzFeed News:
Want The Voter File? Campaigns Will Have To Pay, Record Videos, And Fundraise For The DNC To Get It
Discussion: Townhall
Kevin Poulsen / The Daily Beast:
Trump's New Favorite Network Embraces Russian Propaganda
Discussion: Raw Story
Paul Farhi / Washington Post:
Mark Halperin is seeking a comeback. His accusers have a problem with that.

From Mediagazer:

Nic Newman / Reuters Institute:
RISJ's 2024 Digital News Report with a survey of 90K+: six platforms, like TikTok, reach 10%+ of respondents for news use, compared to just two a decade ago

Harry Lambert / The Daily Beast:
A profile of The Washington Post CEO Will Lewis, once one of the UK's most feted journalists, and a look at the many compromises he's made in pursuit of power

Lisa Du / Bloomberg:
Blackstone plans to buy Japanese digital comic provider Infocom in a ~$1.7B deal, in its biggest private equity transaction in Japan to date

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