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2:35 PM ET, June 2, 2019


 Top Items: 
Sadiq Khan / The Guardian:
It's un-British to roll out the red carpet for Donald Trump  —  The US president gives comfort to the far right.  The prime minister should speak truth to power  —  Praising the “very fine people on both sides” when torch-wielding white supremacists and antisemites marched through the streets clashing with anti-racist campaigners.
Katie Gibbons / The Times & The Sunday Times:
Trump visit: Mayor gives inflatable baby clearance to fly  —  The mayor of London has granted permission for a Donald Trump baby blimp to fly over the capital during the state visit.  —  Sadiq Khan's Greater London Authority gave the green light for protesters to fly the balloon of Mr Trump wearing …
Discussion: HuffPost
Tim Shipman / The Times & The Sunday Times:
Donald Trump interview: 'Jeremy Corbyn is making a mistake if he's not America's friend'
Discussion: Politico and Breitbart
Justin Baragona / The Daily Beast:
Mick Mulvaney: Not ‘Unreasonable’ for White House to Ask Navy to Move USS John S. McCain  —  With the U.S. Navy confirming that a “request was made” to “minimize the visibility” of the USS John S. McCain ahead of President Trump's visit to Japan last month, Acting White House Chief …
Lolita C. Baldor / Associated Press:
Pentagon tells White House to stop politicizing military  —  SEOUL, South Korea (AP) — The Pentagon has told the White House to stop politicizing the military, amid a furor over a Trump administration order to have the Navy ship named for the late U.S. Sen. John McCain hidden …
Kelsey Tamborrino / Politico:   Trump ‘deadly serious’ about Mexico tariffs, Mulvaney says
Orion Rummler / Axios:
Mulvaney on Virginia Beach shooting: “Let's not get too deep into politics too soon”
Discussion: Breitbart
Hugh Hewitt / Washington Post:
America's enemies are on notice about this president  —  America's enemies are on notice: The president is no longer an eloquent pushover professor-president but a ruthless real estate developer and television network brawler-president whose principle weapons are blunt candor and walking away from the table.
Anita Kumar / Politico:
Pompeo offers to talk to Iran with ‘no pre-conditions’
Discussion: ABC News
Reuters:   U.S. prepared to engage with Iran without pre-conditions: Pompeo
Luis Martinez / ABC News:
Iran's top diplomat warns of ‘consequences’ if US keeps up economic sanctions
Discussion: Political Wire
Kevin Poulsen / The Daily Beast:
We Found The Guy Behind the Viral ‘Drunk Pelosi’ Video  —  The video that racked up millions of views and sparked a national conversation was uploaded by a sports blogger from the Bronx, currently on probation for domestic battery.  —  On May 22, a Donald Trump superfan and occasional sports blogger …
Elizabeth Vaughn / RedState:
Sleuth At The Daily Beast ‘Found The Guy Behind The Viral Drunk Pelosi Video’...And Doxxed Him; Then Got Doxxed  —  Editor-in-chief of The Daily Beast, Noah Shachtman, breathlessly tweeted about an “exclusive” story which was about to go up on their site.  One of his cracker-jack reporters …
ABC News:
‘This Week’ Transcript 6-1-19: Sen. Michael Bennet, Rep. Adam Schiff, Rep. Jim Jordan  —  A rush transcript of “This Week with George Stephanopoulos” airing on Sunday, March 24, 2019 on ABC News is below.  This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.
Cristina Cabrera / Talking Points Memo:   Schiff To Push For Subpoenaing Mueller To Testify If He Won't Do So Voluntarily
Kelsey Walsh / ABC News:
Reps. Schiff, Jordan agree that Robert Mueller should testify before Congress
Discussion: IJR and Breitbart
Christen Hill / ABC News:
NextGen America supporters rally in Washington amid growing political interest to impeach Trump
CNN Poll: Democratic support for impeachment rises, Trump approval steady  —  Washington (CNN)Democrats are increasingly in support of impeaching President Donald Trump and removing him from office but the majority of Americans remain opposed to the prospect, a new CNN Poll conducted by SSRS shows.
John Hickenlooper booed for saying ‘socialism is not the answer’  —  Hickenlooper booed for saying socialism isn't the answer  —  San Francisco (CNN)The welcoming cheers 2020 presidential hopeful John Hickenlooper received when he first graced the stage at California's Democratic Convention quickly crumbled …
Discussion: Townhall, The Hill, Common Dreams and IJR
David Weigel / Washington Post:
A Democratic 2020 contender denounces socialism — and gets booed
Discussion: Althouse
David D. Kirkpatrick / New York Times:
The Most Powerful Arab Ruler Isn't M.B.S. It's M.B.Z.  —  Prince Mohammed bin Zayed grew the U.A.E.'s power by following America's lead.  He now has an increasingly bellicose agenda of his own.  And President Trump seems to be following him.  —  ABU DHABI, United Arab Emirates …
New York Times:
California Is Now an ‘Early Primary State.’ Democrats Are Grappling With How to Compete.  —  OAKLAND, Calif. — Senator Elizabeth Warren bounded onto stage before a crowd of more than 6,000 here — “the biggest one so far,” she announced excitedly — and stayed for nearly two extra hours …
Scott Detrow / NPR:
Democratic Candidates Descend On California And Offer A Preview Of Fights To Come
Discussion: Vox, Sacramento Bee and BuzzFeed News
Sean Sullivan / Washington Post:
Democrats, in California, confront deep divisions over how to handle increasing calls for President Trump's impeachment
Discussion: Fox News and The Hill
Josh Kraushaar / National Journal:
Trump's Tariffs Will Threaten GOP's Senate Majority  —  The president's protectionism is putting several vulnerable Republican senators on the defensive.  —  President Trump's abrupt threat to impose tariffs on Mexico doesn't just threaten to stagnate the country's economy and raise the price of goods for consumers back home.
Zachary Basu / Axios:
Democratic whip: Trump will be impeached “at some point”  —  Majority Whip Rep. Jim Clyburn (D-S.C), the third-highest ranking Democrat in the House, told CNN's Jake Tapper Sunday that he believes President Trump will be impeached “at some point,” but that Congress must first …
Discussion: Politico
Moulton on Iraqi boy: 'I'll remember his face until the day that I die'  —  Washington (CNN)Democratic presidential candidate Seth Moulton on Sunday opened up about his experience with post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) in an emotional interview about his service in Iraq …
Discussion: Axios
Lloyd Green / The Guardian:
Siege review: Michael Wolff's Trump tale is Fire and Fury II - fire harder  —  The follow-up to the first tell-all is a wild ride, stretching credulity, indebted to Steve Bannon.  But so is the president  —  Michael Wolff is back and not with a whimper.  The latest installment …
Aris Folley / The Hill:
Protester takes mic from Kamala Harris while on stage at event  —  A protester took Sen. Kamala Harris' (D-Calif.) microphone as she spoke to attendees at an event in San Francisco Saturday.  —  In footage of the incident at the Big Ideas Forum hosted by MoveOn, the male protester …
New York Times:
Trump Is Said to Have Overruled Kushner and Other Aides in Threatening Mexico With Tariffs  —  WASHINGTON — President Trump pushed ahead with plans to impose tariffs on Mexico over the objections of several top advisers, including his son-in-law, Jared Kushner, opting to side with hard-line officials …
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 More Items: 
Jonathan Turley / The Hill:
Mueller must testify publicly to answer three critical questions
Wang Dan / New York Times:
What I Learned Leading the Tiananmen Protests
Toluse Olorunnipa / Washington Post:
Shutdowns, emergencies and tariffs: Trump's frenetic immigration approach has become central to his 2020 bid
Rym Momtaz / Politico:
Italy to evict Steve Bannon's academy from monastery
 Earlier Items: 
Mihir Zaveri / New York Times:
El Paso Immigration Center Is Dangerously Overcrowded, Inspector General Warns
Discussion: ImmigrationProf Blog
Mark Landler / New York Times:
Trump's Middle East Peace Plan Faces a Crossroads After Coalition Talks in Israel Crumble
Robert McCartney / Washington Post:
In January, Virginia GOP killed bill to ban sales of large-capacity magazines
Discussion: Axios

From Techmeme:

Mark Gurman / Bloomberg:
Sources: Apple plans a dedicated Passwords app in iOS 18 and macOS 15, powered by the iCloud Keychain; Apple will let users import passwords from rival services

Zac Bowden / Windows Central:
After Microsoft eroded Windows users' trust with bad practices for years, Recall is a PR disaster, as users remain skeptical despite the company's assurances

Carl Franzen / VentureBeat:
Adobe faces a backlash over its terms of service that say Adobe may access user content via “automated and manual methods” to improve its services and software

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