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9:30 PM ET, November 23, 2019


 Top Items: 
New York Times:
Navy Is Said to Proceed With Disciplinary Plans Against Edward Gallagher  —  Top military officials threatened to resign or be fired if their plans to remove Chief Gallagher from the SEALs were halted by President Trump, administration officials said.  —  The secretary of the Navy and the admiral …
NBC News:
Navy secretary strongly considering resigning over Trump's meddling in SEAL case  —  Navy Secretary Spencer considered quitting over Trump's demand the Navy stop a probe of SEAL Eddie Gallagher.  Military leaders lobbied Trump to reconsider.  —  WASHINGTON — Military leaders hoping to keep …
Discussion: Defense News, Redstate, Vox and Raw Story
Official says Defense chief and Joint Chiefs Chairman raised concerns with White House on Gallagher case
Discussion: Political Wire and KFOR-TV
Steve Scherer / Reuters:
Exclusive: U.S. Navy secretary backs SEAL's expulsion review, despite Trump objection
Discussion: Navy Times
Evan Semones / Politico:
Top Dem says ethics investigation into Devin Nunes likely  —  The top Democrat on the House armed services committee said Saturday that Republican Rep. Devin Nunes is likely to face an ethics investigation over allegations he met with an ex-Ukrainian prosecutor at the center of the impeachment inquiry into President Donald Trump.
Washington Post:
Top House Democrat says ethics probe of Nunes is likely over alleged meeting with Ukrainian about Bidens  —  A high-ranking House Democrat said Saturday it's “quite likely” Rep. Devin Nunes (R-Calif.) will face an ethics investigation over allegations that he met with an ex-Ukrainian official …
Ros Krasny / Bloomberg:
Giuliani Says Biden Documents to Be Released ‘If I Disappear’  — In Fox interview downplays suggestion Trump will dump him  — Actions in Ukraine have been a focus of impeachment inquiry  —  Rudy Giuliani, a focus of the impeachment inquiry into President Donald Trump's foreign policy dealings …
Michael Wilner / McClatchy Washington Bureau:
Records show contact between Pompeo and Giuliani ahead of Ukraine ambassador's ouster
Deepa Seetharaman / Wall Street Journal:
How Facebook's Embed in the Trump Campaign Helped the President Win  —  James Barnes is now focused on using digital-ad strategies to try to get Trump out of office in 2020  —  After the 2016 presidential election, Republican Party officials credited Facebook Inc. with helping Donald Trump win the White House.
Discussion: Raw Story
Trevor Nace / Forbes:
Koalas ‘Functionally Extinct’ After Australia Bushfires Destroy 80% Of Their Habitat  —  As Australia experiences record-breaking drought and bushfires, koala populations have dwindled along with their habitat, leaving them “functionally extinct.”  —  The chairman of the Australian Koala Foundation …
Philip Rucker / Washington Post:
Trump's GOP support hardens despite damning impeachment testimony  —  After two weeks of extraordinary open hearings that Democrats envisioned as their best opportunity to shape public opinion on impeachment, President Trump claims to be impervious to the cascade of damaging revelations …
Todd Frankel / Washington Post:
Dozens of infant deaths have been tied to a popular baby product.  But regulators are too paralyzed to act.  —  A paralyzing conflict inside the nation's product safety regulator has prevented the agency from taking action against a popular baby product that studies have linked …
NewsHound Ellen / Latest from Crooks and Liars:
Press Sec Grisham Smears Bolton: Too Old To Understand Twitter  —  Press Secretary Stephanie Grisham did not deny John Bolton's accusation that the White House blocked his Twitter account.  Instead she dodged the question by attacking him as too old to know how Twitter works.  —  Views:
Wall Street Journal:   Bolton Claims White House Blocked His Access to Twitter Account
William J. Broad / New York Times:
Historians Find Another Spy in the U.S. Atomic Bomb Project  —  His Soviet code name was Godsend, and he came to Los Alamos from a family of secret agents.  —  The world's first atomic bomb was detonated on July 16, 1945, in the New Mexican desert — a result of a highly secretive effort code-named …
Asawin Suebsaeng / The Daily Beast:
Trump Privately Frets 'What's Going on With Drudge?'  During Impeachment, Asks Jared Kushner to ‘Look Into It’  —  One of the most powerful media organs in the conservative movement hasn't been kind to the president during impeachment.  He's noticed.  —  As House lawmakers move quickly toward …
Discussion: Joe.My.God. and Raw Story
Andrew Sullivan / New York Magazine:
Fiona Hill: The Antidote to Trump  —  I've been in Britain, so it was tough to give this week's impeachment hearings the attention they deserve.  But one obvious theme has emerged: the imperturbability, professionalism, and courage of the women who have testified.
Bernie Sanders / ABC News:
New Hampshire may test durability of Sanders' popularity  —  Bernie Sanders has remained among the front-runners in the Democratic primary despite his campaign-trail heart attack and the rise of Elizabeth Warren and Pete Buttigieg, but perhaps no state will test that more than New Hampshire
Discussion: Associated Press
Matt Flegenheimer / New York Times:   Elizabeth Warren Has Done the Hard Part. Now Comes the Harder Part.
Tara Law / TIME:
It's Not Just Flooding in Venice.  Here's How Climate Change Threatens World Heritage Sites Everywhere  —  Venice is reeling from the worst flooding the city has experienced in 50 years, the city is “on its knees,” Venetian Mayor Luigi Brugnaro tweeted as water submerged much of the the famous historical city.
Ken Thomas / Wall Street Journal:
Joe Biden Tells Democrats, 'We've Got to Stop This Circular Firing Squad'  —  Former vice president campaigns in Iowa as recent polls in the state have shown him losing ground to South Bend, Ind., Mayor Pete Buttigieg  —  DES MOINES, Iowa—Former Vice President Joe Biden is warning Democrats to halt a …
Ryan Grim / The Intercept:
In Three Touchstone Speeches, Elizabeth Warren Grounds Her Campaign in a History of American Protest and Movement Building  —  To launch her campaign, back in January, Sen. Elizabeth Warren had a number of locations to choose from.  She could have started in Norman, Oklahoma …
Discussion: Bad News, Raw Story and The Federalist
YouTube:   Elizabeth Warren: Bolivia “Sure Looks Like” A Coup
Zeke Miller / Associated Press:
Pence on surprise Iraq trip to reassure Kurds, greet troops  —  1 of 4  —  ERBIL, Iraq (AP) — Vice President Mike Pence made an unannounced visit to Iraq on Saturday in the highest-level American trip since President Donald Trump ordered a pullback of U.S. forces in Syria two months ago.
Jeff Mason / Reuters:   Pence visits U.S. troops in Iraq, holds call with prime minister
Tom Vilsack / USA Today:
Joe Biden has stood the test of time.  He should be the next president  —  A former Iowa governor says Joe Biden can help heal our nation and return a sense of normalcy and decency to the White House.  —  In one of the early episodes of “Wolf Hall,” a PBS Masterpiece Theatre presentation …
Maura Barrett / NBC News:
Kamala Harris tells Iowa voters she's ‘not a socialist’
Sam Stein / The Daily Beast:
Trump's Gatekeeper Put Rudy in Touch With Pompeo: Emails  —  Newly released documents tie the president even further to the disinformation campaign his personal lawyer was spearheading.  —  President Donald Trump's White House gatekeeper helped facilitate a phone conversation between Rudy Giuliani …
Discussion: NBC News
Amanda Teuscher / American Oversight:
State Department Releases Ukraine Documents to American Oversight
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 More Items: 
Adam Liptak / New York Times:
Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg Hospitalized
Discussion: Fox News, Townhall and Redstate
Caitlin Emma / Politico:
Agreement reached on spending bill allocations
Discussion: Associated Press
Steven Erlanger / New York Times:
Merkel and Macron Publicly Clash Over NATO
Laura Vozzella / Washington Post:
McAuliffe hire suggests he is interested in a second bid for Virginia governor
Discussion: Political Wire
Trump's Lawyers Argue Like They're Defending King Donald I
Rebecca Ellis / OPB:
Oregon Supreme Court Bans Police Officers From Asking Random Questions During Traffic Stops
Discussion: The Stranger
 Earlier Items: 
Greg Jaffe / Washington Post:
In Trump's Washington, the rogue actors are the real players — and the experts are increasingly irrelevant
Discussion: Raw Story
Ta-Nehisi Coates / New York Times:
The Cancellation of Colin Kaepernick
Discussion: Lawyers, Guns & Money
Mariam Khan / ABC News:
Path for Senate impeachment proceedings unclear as Trump says ‘I want a trial’
Discussion: The Hill
The Age:
The moment a Chinese spy decided to defect to Australia
Bret Stephens / New York Times:
The United States Is Starting to Look Like Ukraine
Discussion: Crooked Timber