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8:45 PM ET, December 26, 2019


 Top Items: 
Ursula Perano / Axios:
Survey: Germans say Trump is more dangerous than Putin, Kim or Xi  —  41% of Germans believe President Trump is more of a threat to world peace than North Korean dictator Kim Jong-un, Russian President Vladimir Putin, Chinese President Xi Jinping or Iran's Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei …
Patrick J. Buchanan / WND:
Is ‘Little Rocket Man’ winning?  —  As of Dec. 26, Kim Jong-un's “Christmas gift” to President Donald Trump had not arrived.  Most foreign policy analysts predict it will be a missile test more impressive than any Pyongyang has yet carried off.  —  What is Kim's game?  What does Kim want?
Germans think Trump is more dangerous than Kim Jong Un and Putin
Sarah K. Burris / Raw Story:
Republicans won't be able to override Chief Justice Roberts during impeachment trial — here's why  —  Republican Senators have already bragged that they have no intention of listening to the evidence against President Donald Trump during what should be a fair trial.
Kent Greenfield / Courier-Journal:
Donald Trump has violated his oath.  Mitch McConnell is about to violate 2  —  We Kentuckians know that our word is our bond.  Oaths are the most solemn of promises, and their breach results in serious reputational — and sometimes legal — consequences.  —  President Donald Trump will soon …
David Siders / Politico:
Democratic insiders: Bernie could win the nomination  —  Suddenly, Bernie Sanders' presidential campaign is being taken seriously.  —  For months, the Vermont senator was written off by Democratic Party insiders as a candidate with a committed but narrow base who was too far left to win the primary.
Sydney Ember / New York Times:
Why Bernie Sanders Is Tough to Beat  —  His supporters are loyal, and in Iowa they don't really have eyes for anyone else.  —  GARNER, Iowa — Dawn Smallfoot put up a Bernie Sanders sign in her yard after hearing him speak in spring 2015.  It's been there ever since.
‘Home Alone 2’ TV version was edited years before Trump's election, CBC says after right-wing outrage  — A Trump-free version of the 1992 film “Home Alone 2: Lost in New York,” which the Canadian Broadcasting Corp. aired this month, stoked outrage among conservative and pro-Trump media sources.
JK Schmidt / Comic Book:
Donald Trump's Cameo in Home Alone 2 Cut From Canadian Television Broadcast
Vivek Saxena / BizPac Review:
‘Pathetic’: CBC under fire when Trump's cameo in ‘Home Alone 2’ disappears from Christmas broadcast
Erik Wemple / Washington Post:
Rachel Maddow rooted for the Steele dossier to be true.  Then it fell apart.  —  Fifth in a series on the media's handling of the Steele dossier.  See Parts 1, 2, 3 and 4.  —  In March 2017, MSNBC host Rachel Maddow invited Rep. Adam B. Schiff (D-Calif.) onto her show to talk Russia.
Zoe Tidman / Yahoo News:
Public support for Trump conviction at all-time high, poll finds  —  Donald Trump's removal from office is the highest it has ever been, according to a new poll.  —  Fifty-five per cent of those asked said they were in favour of the US president's conviction by the Senate, a figure which has shot up from 48 per cent the week before.
Josh Rogin / Washington Post:
Trump is already searching for his next secretary of state  —  Secretary of State Mike Pompeo says he isn't running for Senate next year.  Those close to him say he hasn't made a final decision yet.  But that hasn't prevented a barely concealed competition from breaking out within …
Jay Rosen / PressThink:
The Christmas Eve Confessions of Chuck Todd  —  That disinformation was going to overtake Republican politics was discoverable years before he says he discovered it.  —  'Round midnight on Christmas eve, Rolling Stone posted a short interview with Chuck Todd, host of “the longest running show on television,” NBC's Meet the Press.
Annie Gowen / Washington Post:
In Trump Country, a season of need on family farms  —  BERKSHIRE, N.Y. — The grocery list took Anne Lee hours to make, an exercise in her increasingly desperate effort to feed her family of seven.  —  “Chicken noodle soup?” she wondered as she sat at her kitchen table with a pen and notepad.
Discussion: Raw Story
Brian Schwartz / CNBC:
Mike Bloomberg is trying to convince big-money Democratic donors that he can win in 2020, even though he isn't taking their money  — Billionaire candidate Mike Bloomberg's presidential campaign may not be taking money from some of the most influential Democratic donors on Wall Street …
Steve Benen / MSNBC:
‘Civil war’ among evangelicals is the last thing Trump needs  —  Christianity Today, one of the nation's leading evangelical publications, published a striking editorial last week, condemning Donald Trump's actions in the Ukraine scandal as “profoundly immoral” and the president himself as “morally lost and confused.”
Christine Stapleton / Palm Beach Post:
Why did Trump ditch his church in Palm Beach on Christmas Eve for evangelical service?
Discussion: Talking Points Memo and Raw Story
John Podhoretz / New York Post:
Why I quit Twitter — and you should, too  —  Over the previous 10 years, I had written 180,000 tweets.  Yes, I said 180,000.  —  So I haven't posted a tweet in nine months.  How am I doing?  I'm still in recovery.  Over the previous 10 years, I had written 180,000 tweets.  Yes, I said 180,000.
Discussion: Althouse
John Sides / Washington Post:
Why Trump isn't getting credit from voters for good economic news  —  It's not just about impeachment and the surrounding controversies  —  In the past two weeks, good economic news has buoyed the Trump administration, providing a welcome distraction from his impeachment.
Discussion: Raw Story
Becket Adams / Washington Examiner:
In supposed apology to Richard Jewell, Tom Brokaw revises history  —  Like his deeply flawed coverage of the 1996 Olympic bombing, Tom Brokaw's so-called apology this week to the late Richard Jewell leaves much to be desired.  —  The NBC News special correspondent this week …
Discussion: Twitchy, Townhall and Redstate
Daniel Kruger / Wall Street Journal:
U.S. Government Sets Record for Debt Auctions  —  Total sum to hit $2.55 trillion; share of debt purchased by investors was largest since auction data was made public  —  The Treasury Department auctioned seven-year notes Thursday, closing the door on a record year for sales of longer-term debt in 2019.
Katie Dowd / SFGATE:
One eccentric socialite is to blame for California's wild pig problem  —  California's wild pigs are massive and ubiquitous.  They can grow into 200-pound ripping machines.  They tear up lawns and destroy hillsides.  Their gruesome teeth can even threaten humans and pets.
Deanna Paul /
Is revenge porn protected speech?  Supreme Court may soon weigh in  —  When Bethany Austin learned that her fiance had been unfaithful in late May 2016, she ended the seven-year relationship and called off their upcoming wedding.  —  He told the couple's friends that Austin was “crazy.”
Discussion: The Daily Caller
Jordain Carney / The Hill:
GOP predicts bipartisan acquittal at Trump impeachment trial  —  Republicans are becoming increasingly confident they'll be able to hand President Trump a bipartisan acquittal in his Senate impeachment trial.  —  With 67 votes needed to convict the president and remove him from office …
Elliot Resnick / Townhall:
The Gripes of a Trump Supporter  —  I consider Donald Trump one of the greatest presidents this country has ever known.  He exudes love of America, boldly pursues excellence, and governs based on incisive common sense rather than nauseating political correctness.  —  That said:
Discussion: Raw Story
Derek M. Norman / New York Times:
Why Is New York City's Skyline Always Lit Up?  —  The lights are dazzling.  But there are several other practical reasons that they stay on all night long.  —  Manhattan's glittering skyline makes Aja Corliss feel proud to live in New York City, and its soaring buildings represent her ambition to move upward in life.
Discussion: The Outline
The Wrap:
10 Most Epic Fails in Hollywood This Decade, From Qwikster to the ‘Dark Universe’  —  If you're in the entertainment industry, failure is a constant.  For every “Avengers: Endgame” there is a “Howard the Duck.”  It's just the nature of the business.  —  As Yoda put it to Luke Skywalker in …
John Hinderaker / Power Line:
Why Trump Will Cruise to Victory Next Year  —  Britain's Sun newspaper comments on a new report by the Centre for Economics and Business Research.  The Sun's focus is Britain, but the report is highly relevant to the U.S. as well: … Brexit was supposed to devastate Britain's economy, remember?
The Philadelphia Inquirer:
Pa. Board of Pardons missed a chance to show mercy to inmates who deserve to be released  —  John Fetterman, For the Inquirer  —  Friday, December 20, was one of the most dismaying days of my life.  —  As chair of the Pennsylvania Board of Pardons, I sat in a session where we contemplated …
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 More Items: 
Jane Wakefield / BBC:
Russia ‘successfully tests’ its unplugged internet
Discussion: TechCrunch and Engadget
Stefanie Dazio / Associated Press:
Los Angeles prosecutors reviewing 8 cases against Weinstein
Lewis Krauskopf / Reuters:
Nasdaq tops 9,000 on boosts from Amazon, trade optimism
Aaron Klein / Breitbart:
IG Report Reveals Steele Funneled Claims Through John McCain After FBI Dropped Him
Discussion: The Gateway Pundit
Emel Akan /
2019 in Review: US Economy Strong, Entering the Longest Expansion in History
Emily Birnbaum / The Hill:
FAA proposes tracking most drones in US airspace
Los Angeles Times:
With so much promise, why is Cory Booker's campaign falling flat?
 Earlier Items: 
Los Angeles Times:
Q&A: Bernie Sanders says Trump will be hard to beat, but he knows how to do it
Discussion: HuffPost
Steve Benen / MSNBC:
Trump struggles when asked about Ukraine messages from Putin
John Frank / The Colorado Sun:
Colorado hits a new milestone with unaffiliated voters and busts the myth about its even partisan split
George F. Will / Washington Post:
Democrats' denial on health care may produce Trump's reelection
Discussion: IJR
Justin Baragona / The Daily Beast:
The Year of Batshit Crazy at One America News, Trump's New Favorite Cable-News Channel
Discussion: Raw Story
Tamar Lapin / Page Six:
Ari Behn, Norwegian princess' ex and Kevin Spacey accuser, dead at 47
Maggie Fitzgerald / CNBC:
Trump stock market rally is far outpacing past US presidents

From Techmeme:

Tom Warren / The Verge:
Microsoft will make Recall an opt-in feature, encrypt its search index database, and require Windows Hello authentication and proof of presence to view timeline

Mark Gurman / Bloomberg:
Sources: Apple plans to integrate AI into its apps with an opt-in service called Apple Intelligence, which will require an iPhone 15 Pro or M1 device or newer

Ben Lovejoy / 9to5Mac:
Adobe clarifies its terms, saying it does not train Firefly Gen AI models on customer content and will never assume ownership of a customer's work

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