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8:25 PM ET, February 6, 2020


 Top Items: 
Jonathan Chait / New York Magazine:
If You Think It's Bad for Mainstream Democrats Now, Just Wait  —  It is always darkest, John McCain used to say, before it gets totally black.  So it is for the American center-left right now.  Bernie Sanders is currently favored to win the nomination, a prospect that would make Donald Trump …
Dan Balz / Washington Post:
Joe Biden's campaign has a problem, and it begins with the candidate  —  Joe Biden has a problem, and it's not just that no Democrat has finished a weak fourth in the Iowa caucuses and gone on to become the party's presidential nominee.  The problem is Joe Biden the candidate.
David Wildstein / New Jersey Globe:   Mikie Sherrill endorses Bloomberg for president
Edward-Isaac Dovere / The Atlantic:
How Biden Blew It  —  WEST DES MOINES, Iowa—The Friday night …
New York Times:
Iowa Caucus Results Riddled With Errors and Inconsistencies  —  The mistakes do not appear intentional, but they raise questions about whether there will ever be a completely precise accounting.  —  Results from the Iowa Democratic caucuses were delayed by “quality control checks” on Monday night.
Associated Press:
Amid irregularities, AP unable to declare winner in Iowa  —  DES MOINES, Iowa (AP) — The Associated Press said Thursday that it is unable to declare a winner of Iowa's Democratic caucuses.  —  With 97% of precincts reporting from Monday's caucuses, former South Bend, Indiana …
Discussion: The Hill
NBC News:
‘Clog the lines’: Internet trolls deliberately disrupted the Iowa caucuses hotline for reporting results  —  Several officials at caucuses attended by NBC News reporters struggled with lengthy hold times that made it impossible for them to report results over the phone.
The Daily Beast:
Fox News Internal Document Bashes Pro-Trump Fox Regulars for Spreading ‘Disinformation’  —  In a dossier obtained by The Daily Beast, Fox's research unit advises colleagues to be wary of “disinformation” from several Trump-boosting on-air regulars, including Giuliani.
Luppe B. Luppen / Yahoo News:
Treasury Department sent information on Hunter Biden to expanding GOP Senate inquiry  —  The Treasury Department has complied with Republican senators' requests for highly sensitive and closely held financial records about Hunter Biden and his associates and has turned over " …
Alice Su / Los Angeles Times:
A doctor was arrested for warning China about the coronavirus.  Then he died from it  —  He appeared on social media warning of a deadly virus.  The Chinese government moved to downplay the emergency, but Dr. Li Wenliang's insistence that an epidemic was coming turned him into a folk hero …
Discussion: New York Times
Wall Street Journal:
Chinese Doctor Who Issued Early Warning on Virus Dies
Discussion: New York Post, NPR and National Review
Nihar Kabinittal / Associated Press:
Republican governor says Trump 'shouldn't be in office'  —  Vermont's Republican governor says he thinks President Donald Trump abused his power and shouldn't be in office  —  MONTPELIER, Vt. — President Donald Trump abused his power and shouldn't be in office, Vermont Gov. Phil Scott …
Discussion: The Hill
Financial Times:
Donald Trump ‘apoplectic’ in call with Boris Johnson over Huawei  —  Donald Trump vented “apoplectic” fury at Boris Johnson in a tense phone call over the UK's decision to allow Huawei a role in its 5G mobile phone networks, according to officials in London and Washington.
Christopher Miller / BuzzFeed News:
Ukraine Says The US Is Holding Up $30m Worth Of Guns And Ammo — And It Wants Its Money Back  —  KYIV — At the heart of the impeachment saga that ended on Wednesday in Donald Trump's acquittal was $391 million in US military assistance for Ukraine that the president ordered be withheld.
Justine Coleman / The Hill:   Trump administration delaying arms transfers worth $30M to Ukraine: report
Chuck Schumer / New York Times:
Mitt Romney's Lonely Vote … Listen and subscribe to our podcast from your mobile device:  —  President Trump was acquitted by the Senate on Wednesday of both articles of impeachment.  While the vote largely fell along party lines, one senator crossed the aisle to vote to convict him.
Discussion: The Hill
Brandy Zadrozny / NBC News:
On Facebook, anti-vaxxers urged a mom not to give her son tamiflu.  He later died.  —  Online groups that routinely traffic in anti-vaccination propaganda have become a resource for people seeking out a wide variety of medical information.  —  Facebook groups that routinely traffic …
Discussion: Raw Story
Sarah Kaplan / Washington Post:
These southern Utah sites were once off limits to development.  Now, Trump will auction the right to drill and mine there.  —  The Interior Department finalized plans Thursday that will expand drilling, mining and grazing in southern Utah that had once been protected as two separate national monuments …
Discussion: UPI, Common Dreams, The Daily Caller and CNN
Brady Mccombs / Associated Press:   Trump administration moves ahead on shrinking Utah monuments
Akela Lacy / The Intercept:
Bloomberg Plagiarized Parts of At Least Eight of His Plans  —  Mike Bloomberg's presidential campaign plagiarized portions of its plans for maternal health, LGBTQ equality, the economy, tax policy, infrastructure, and mental health from research publications, media outlets, and a number of nonprofit, educational, and policy groups.
Marie L. Yovanovitch / Washington Post:
These are turbulent times.  But we will persist and prevail.  —  Marie L. Yovanovitch served most recently as the U.S. ambassador to Ukraine.  —  After nearly 34 years working for the State Department, I said goodbye to a career that I loved.  It is a strange feeling to transition …
Alex Thompson / Politico:
Women of color bolt Warren's Nevada campaign in frustration  —  A half-dozen women of color have departed Elizabeth Warren's Nevada campaign in the run-up to the state's caucuses with complaints of a toxic work environment in which minorities felt tokenized and senior leadership was at loggerheads.
John Hinderaker / Power Line:
Why Trump Will Be Re-Elected, In One Data Point  —  Gallup has some fascinating poll data on Americans' views of their own financial well-being.  The headline sums it up: “Record-High Optimism on Personal Finances in U.S.”  —  Gallup finds that 59% say they are better off than they were a year ago …
Eugene Daniels / Politico:
Yang fires dozens of staffers after Iowa debacle  —  Andrew Yang's campaign fired dozens of staffers this week after an abysmal finish in the Iowa caucuses, according to four former staffers who were let go.  —  Among those dismissed were the national political and policy directors of the campaign …
McKay Coppins / The Atlantic:
The Billion-Dollar Disinformation Campaign to Reelect the President  —  One day last fall, I sat down to create a new Facebook account.  I picked a forgettable name, snapped a profile pic with my face obscured, and clicked “Like” on the official pages of Donald Trump and his reelection campaign.
Monmouth University Polling Institute:
Sanders Takes Lead, Buttigieg and Biden Vie For Second  —  Beating Trump is most important factor; uncertain impact from Iowa results  —  West Long Branch, NJ - Bernie Sanders has taken the lead in New Hampshire's presidential primary, while Pete Buttigieg and Joe Biden currently jockey for second place.
Discussion: Associated Press, Politico and Fox News
Robbie Gramer / Foreign Policy:
At Embassies Abroad, Trump Envoys Are Quietly Pushing Out Career Diplomats  —  “There's zero support or pushback from the department for the career people,” said one former U.S. official.  —  Lana Marks is a successful fashion designer and member of U.S. President Donald Trump's private Mar-a-Lago club in Florida.
Discussion: The Daily Caller
Dan Cobb / Atlanta Journal-Constitution:
Trump hints at Republican compromise in messy Georgia Senate race  —  President Donald Trump suggested Thursday that he's working on a compromise between U.S. Sen. Kelly Loeffler and U.S. Rep. Doug Collins, two Georgia Republicans who are clashing over the same seat in a November election.
Greg Sargent / Washington Post:
Trump's latest viral attack on Romney exposes Trumpism's ugly core  —  The retribution has been swift and severe.  Sen. Mitt Romney (R-Utah), who heretically placed his oath of office before his higher duty to defend President Trump, is now taking brutal incoming from all corners …
Discussion: POLITICUSUSA, Raw Story and The Week
Ryan Devereaux / The Intercept:
Trump Is Blowing Up a National Monument in Arizona to Make Way for the Border Wall  —  Contractors working for the Trump administration are blowing apart a mountain on protected lands in southern Arizona to make way for the president's border wall.  The blasting is happening …
Craig Silverman / BuzzFeed News:
These Fake Local News Sites Have Confused People For Years.  We Found Out Who Created Them.  —  As they stole stories from real newspapers, these sites baffled scientists, activists, and journalists.  Until now.  —  Jay Pinho and his wife, Victoria, rely on Google Alerts to track …
Peter Baker / New York Times:
Trump Hails Acquittal and Lashes Out at His ‘Evil’ and ‘Corrupt’ Opponents  —  We've been going through this now for over three years.  It was evil.  It was corrupt, it was dirty cops.  It was leakers and liars, and this should never, ever happen to another president, ever.
Peter Baker / New York Times:
Trump Lashes Out at Impeachment Foes and Pelosi Hits Back
Discussion: COURIER and Associated Press
David Wildstein / New Jersey Globe:
Andy Kim to endorse Buttigieg  —  New Jersey congressman worked in Obama/Biden White House  —  Rep. Andy Kim (D-Marlton) plans to endorse Pete Buttigieg for the Democratic presidential nomination, the New Jersey Globe has learned.  —  An announcement is expected on Friday.
Discussion: The Hill
David Freedlander / Politico:
An Unsettling New Theory: There Is No Swing Voter  —  What if everything you think you know about politics is wrong?  What if there aren't really American swing voters—or not enough, anyway, to pick the next president?  What if it doesn't matter much who the Democratic nominee is?
United States Department of State:
Declaration of Principles for the International Religious Freedom Alliance  —  The Alliance is a network of likeminded countries fully committed to advancing freedom of religion or belief around the world.  —  The Alliance is predicated on the idea more must be done to protect members …
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 More Items: 
Leo Shane III / Military Times:
Signs of white supremacy, extremism up again in poll of active-duty troops
Kate Irby / Fresno Bee:
Twitter demands legal fees from Devin Nunes' attorney in new filing over fake cow's identity
Associated Press:
Trump blurs line between campaign and governing
Discussion: Fox News
John Leland / New York Times:
Who Really Killed Malcolm X?
Jennifer Jacobs / Bloomberg:
Trump 2020 Manager Brad Parscale Moves to Washington After Criticism
Discussion: The Hill
Ally Mutnick / Politico:
House Democrats drowning GOP in money chase
Beto O'Rourke:
Is this the end of the last best hope?
Discussion: Daily Kos
Eric Albeen / FOX News Radio:
Sen. Lindsey Graham on Sen. Romney Voting to Convict the President: “I used the common sense God gave …
Discussion: The Hill and Raw Story
 Earlier Items: 
Media Matters for America:
Hugh Hewitt: “Slanderous” to call Rush Limbaugh a racist
Eric Levitz / New York Magazine:
Trump Isn't a Moderate, But He Plays One on TV
Discussion: The Week, Vox and Common Dreams
Rob Picheta / CNN:
Evangelist preacher Franklin Graham planned a seven-city UK tour. All seven venues have dropped him
Khaleda Rahman / Newsweek:
Air Force colonel set to take command of Air Force One base jailed for five years on child pornography charges
Josh Marshall / Talking Points Memo:
Elizabeth Warren Before She Was a Pol
Erin Donaghue / CBS News:
Racially-motivated violent extremists elevated to “national threat priority,” FBI director says
Discussion: VICE